Slike stranica

Anglo-Saxon and early English Psalter: now first printed from MSS. in the British Museum. Lond. 1843. 2 vol. 8°. B. Η.

Libri Psalmorum versio antiqua Latina; cum Paraphrasi Anglo-Saxonica, partim soluta oratione, partim metrice composita. Nunc prim. e cod. MS. in biblioth. Regia Parisiensi adservato descripsit et edidit BENJ. THORPE. Oxon. 1835. 8°.

Tha halgan godspel on Englisc. The Anglo-Saxon version of the holy gospels. Edited from the original manuscripts by BENJ. THORPE. Lond. 1842. 8°.

В. Н.

Die vier Evangelien in Alt-Nordhumbrischer Sprache. Aus der jetzt zum erstenmale vollständig gedruckten Interlinearglosse in St. Cûthbert's Evangelienbuche hergestellt, mit einer ausführl. Einleitung, einem Glossare, und Beilagen versehen und herausgeg. von KARL WILH. BOUTERWEK. Gütersloh 1857. 8°.

The Lindisfarne and Rushworth gospels, now first printed from the original manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library. - The Gospel according to S. Matthew. (From the publications of the Surtees Society). Lond. 1854. 8°. В. Н.

The Gospel according to St. Matthew. (From KEMBLE'S Saxon gospels.) 4°.

В. Н. Present-exempl. van de Syndics of the Cambridge University aan J. H. Halbertsma, 30 Mrt. 1857.

Popular Treatises on Science, written during the middle ages in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. Edited from the original MS. by THOM. WRIGHT. Lond., printed for the Historical Society of Science, 1841. 8°.

В. Н.

The Anglo-Saxon version of the life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Crowland. Originally written in Latin, by FELIX (commonly called) of Crowland. Now first printed from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. With a translation and notes, by CHARL. WYCLIFFE GOODWIN. Lond. 1848. 12°.

B. H.

The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of ST. BASIL, and the Saxon remains of St. Basil's Admonitio ad Filium Spiritualem. Now first printed from MSS. in the Bodleian Library, with a translation, and some account of the (presumed) author (AELFRIC). By HENR. W. NORMAN. Lond. 1848. 8°.

The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of ST. BASIL, etc., by H. W. NORMAN. 2d ed. greatly enlarged. Lond. 1849. 8°. B. Н.

The Anglo-Saxon version of the Story of Apollonius of Tyre, upon which is founded the play of Pericles, attributed to Shakspeare; from a MS. in the Library of C. C. C. Cambridge, with a literal translation, etc. by BENJ. THORPE. Lond. 1834. 12°. В. Н.

An Anglo-Saxon homily on St. Gregory's day, with an English translation by ELIZABETH ELSTOB. A new ed., with a preface, containing some account of Mrs. Elstob. Lond. 1839.8°. В. Н.

An Anglo-Saxon passion of St. George: from a MS. in the Cambridge University Library. Edited, with a translation, by C. HARDWICK. Lond., printed for the Percy Society, 1850. 8°. B. Н.

The departing soal's address to the body: a fragment of a Semi-Saxon poem, discovered among the archives of Worcester Cathedral, by THOM. PHILLIPPS. With an English translation by S. W. SINGER. Lond. 1845. 8°.

В. Н.

The Ormulum. Now first edited from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, with notes and a glossary by ROB. MEADOWS WHITE. Oxf. 1852. 2 vol. 8°.

В. Н.

[blocks in formation]

R. G. LATHAM, The English language. 3d ed. Lond. 1850. 8°.

В. Н.

M. DE HAAN HETTEMA, Hints on the thesis the Old-Friesic above all others the 'fons et origo' of the Old-English." (From the Transactions of the Philol. Society (London) for 1856.)


В. Н.

EDW. RICHARDSON, Anglo-Belgica, d'Engelsche en Nederduytsche Academy in drie deelen. Behelsende de naaukeurighste grammaticale regelen, aller nuttelyckste discoursen en brieven met een bondigh woordenboeck enz. Amst. 1677. 12°.

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ALEX. ALLEN and JAMES CORNWELL, An English Schoolgrammar, with very copious exercises and a systematic view of the formation and derivation of words, comprising Anglo-Saxon, Latin and Greek lists. 11th. ed. 1846. 8°.

В. Н.

Grammar for beginners, being

an introduction to Allen and Cornwell's English Schoolgrammar.

9th. ed. 1847.8°.

В. Н.


S. FARNCOMBE SANDERS, The rudiments of English grammar, and sketch of English literature, with extracts from approved authors, for the use of the cadets of all the branches of the service. Breda 1848. 8°. B. H.

JOHN. HORNE-TOOKE, Ἔπεα πτερόεντα, or the diversions of Purley: a new edition, revised and corrected by RICH. TAYLOR, with numerous additions from the copy prepared by the author for republication: to which is annexed his letter to John Dunning. Lond. 1829. 2 vol. 8°.

J. WALKER, A critical Pronouncing Dictionary and expositor of the
English language. Lond. and Leips. 1826. 8°.
В. Н.

SHERIDAN and WALKER, A critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the English language, comprising above 50,000 additional words, also a key to the Pronunciation of classical and scripture proper names, by JAMES KNOWLES. 7th. ed. Lond. 1850. 8°. В. Н.

B. S. NAYLER, An essay on Pronunciation and Delivery. (From Select scenes from the British drama.) Amst. 1841. 4°. В. Н.

C. REGEL, De Syllabae A ad formanda adverbia substantivis vel adjectivis in lingua Anglica praefixae origine ac natura. Gothae 1855. 4°.

В. Н.

A. M. HARTLEY, The Oratorical Class-book; with the principles of elocution simplified and illustrated by suitable examples. 3d. ed. Glasgow 1832. 12°.

В. Н.

R. T. LINNINGTON, The Rhetorical Speaker; and Poetical Classbook. Comprising preliminary observations on the structure of language, an analysis of poetry, directions for the modulation of the voice, the delineation of the passions etc. together with a selection of pieces from the most esteemed authors. 2d. ed. Lond. 1835. 8°.

В. Н.

First Book of Lessons for the use of schools. Dublin 1849.


В. Н.

A. HELMIG VAN DER VEGT, Proeve eener handleiding, om het Neger-Engelsch, zoo als hetzelve over het algemeen binnen de kolonie Suriname gesproken wordt, gedurende de reis derwaarts te leeren verstaan en spreken. Amst. 1844. 8°.

B. H.

Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps, auctore Fratre GALFRIDO Grammatico dicto e predicatoribus Lenni Episcopi, Northfolciensi, a. d. circa 1440. Olim e prelis Pynsonianis editum, nunc ab integro, commentariolis subjectis, ad fidem cod. recensuit ALB. WAY. Tom. I. (АLute.) Lond., sumpt. Societatis Camdenensis, 1843. 4°. В. Н.

N. BAILEY, An universal etymological English dictionary. The 21st. ed. Lond. 1770. 8°. B. H.

Achteraan staat: In hoc, voces multae, quae in nulla alia editione hujus libri inveniri possunt, locis propriis inseruntur. Multi etiam errores emendantur."

H. WEDGWOOD, A dictionary of English etymology. Lond. 185965. 3 vol. 8°. B. H.

SAM. JOHNSON, Dictionary of the English language; in which the words are deduced from their originals; and illustrated in their different significations, by examples from the best writers. With numerous corrections, and with the addition of several thousand words, as also with additions to the history of the language, and to the grammar, by H. J. TODD. 2d. ed. Lond. 1827. 3 vol. 4°. With the portr. of Johnson.

В. Н.

C. RICHARDSON, A new dictionary of the English language, combining explanation with etymology: and illustrated by quotations from the best authorities. Lond. 1844. 2 vol. 4°.

В. Н.

A new Dictionary of the English language, combining explanations with etymology. 3d. ed. Lond. 1849. 8°. B. Н. EDW. PHILLIPS, The new world of words: or, universal English dictionary. The 6th. ed. revised, corrected, and improved, by J. K., Philo-bibl. Lond. 1706. fol.

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The English expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue; first set forth by J. B., Doctor of Physic, and now carefully revised, corrected and augmented by R. BROWNE. 14th. ed. Dublin 1731. 8°. B. Н.

SAM. MAUNDER, The treasury of knowledge and library of reference. (Part I. being a new and enlarged dictionary of the Enlish language, preceded by a compendious grammar, with verbal distinctions, etc. Part II. comprising a new universal gazetteer; a compendious classical dictonary; a chronogical analysis of general history; a dictionary of law term, etc.) 13th. ed., revised and greatly enlarged. Lond. 1841. 8°. В. Н.

JOHN GARNER, Le nouveau dictionnaire universel, François-Anglois et Anglois-François. (Zie hier vóór D, e.)

J. SERENIUS, An English and Swedish Dictionary, wherein the words and significations are rendered into Swedish and Latin, forms of speech, proverbs and terms of art. etc. 2d. ed. with large additions and amendments. Swed. 1757.4°.

HENRY HEXHAM, A copious English and Netherduytch dictionarie, composed out of our best English Authours. Rotterd. 1647.


B. H.

SAM. HULL WILCOCKE, A new and complete dictionary of the English and Dutch languages; with a vocabulary of proper names, geographical, historical, etc., in two parts. I. English and Dutch, II. Dutch and English; compiled chiefly from the 4o dictionary of Will. Sewel. Lond. 1798. 8°.

B. H.

A new pocket-dictionary of the English and Dutch languages. Stereotype ed. Leips. Tauchnitz, W. y. 16°.

B. H.

RICH. CHENIVIX TRENCH, On some deficiencies in our English dictionaries. 2d. ed., revised and enlarged; to which is added a letter to the author from HERBERT COLERIDGE, on the progress and prospects of the (Philological) Society's new English dictionary. Lond. 1860. 8°.

B. H.

J. O. HALLIWELL, A dictionary of Archaic and Provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the 14th. century. 2d. ed. Lond. 1852. 2 parts, 1 vol. 8°.

B. H.

ROB. NARES, A Glossary; or, collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs etc. Which have been thought to require illustration in the works of English authors, particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. (2d. ed.) Strals. 1825. 8°.

В. Н.

M. A. LOWER, English Surnames. An essay on family nomenclature, historical, etymological, and humorous, with several illustrative appendices. 3d. ed. Lond. 1849. 2 vol. 8°.

ROB. FERGUSON, The Teutonic name-system applied to the familynames of France, England and Germany. Lond. 1864. 8°.

J. RAY, A compleat collection of English Proverbs; also the most celebrated proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish and other languages; the whole methodically digested and illustrated with annott. and proper explications. To which is added, written by the same author, a collection of English words not generally used. With an account of the preparing and refining such

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