Slike stranica

Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. The 3d. ed. augm. Lond. 1737.8°.

B. H.

JOHN BELLENDEN KER, An essay on the Archaeology of our Popular phrases and Nursery rhymes. A new ed. Lond. 1837. 2 vol. 8°.

В. Н.

6. Geschiedenis der Letterkunde.

H. TAINE, Histoire de la littérature Anglaise. Paris 1863-64. 4 vol. 8°.

J. P. AREND, Richard Savage. Amst. 1833. 8°.

В. Н.

WILL. GODWIN, Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, including memoirs of his friend and kinsman John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster; with sketches of the manners, opinions, arts and literature of England in the 14th. century. Lond. 1803. 2 vol. 4°.

В. Н.

J. H. MEIJER, William Shakespeare, eene kritische levensschets ter gelegenheid van der dichters 300ste geboortefeest. (Uitgeg. met het Berigt omtrent het stedel. Gymn. te Deventer. Dev. 1864.) 4°. В. Н.

J. PAYNE COLLIER, Memoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare. Lond., printed for the Shakespeare Society, 1846. В. Н.


The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609. Printed from the original MS., preserved at Dulwich College. Edited by J. PAYNE COLLIER. Lond., printed for the Shakespeare Society, 1845. 8°.

В. Н.

Mémoires de Lord Byron, publiés par TH. MOORE; traduites de l'Anglais par LOUISE SW. BELLEC. Brux. 1830-31.4 vol.


B. B.

T. B. Macaulay geschetst als Geschiedschrijver en Staatsman, benevens eenige bijzonderheden uit zijn leven en letterkundige werken. Uit het Engelsch. Rott. 1860. 8°.

Prospectus and Proof of an historical and illustrated account of the English Language and Literature; to be published by subscription. Amst., Nayler and Co., 8°. В. Н.

[blocks in formation]

Reliquiae antiquae. Scraps from ancient manuscripts, illustra-
ting chiefly early English literature and the English language.
Lond. 1841. 2 vol. in 1. 8°.
В. Н.

Reliques of ancient English poetry: consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets; together with some few of later date. (By T. PERCY.) 2d. ed. Lond. 1767.3 vol. 8°. B. H.

Reliques of ancient English poetry: consisting of old heroic ballads, songs and other pieces of our earlier poets; together with some few of later date. 6th. ed. Lond. 1823. 4 vol. 8°.

Specimens of the early English poets, to which is prefixed an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the English poetry and language, by GEORGE ELLIS. Lond. 1801. 3 vol. 8°. B. Н.

Metrical Romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries: published from ancient MSS., with an introduction, notes and a glossary, by HENR. WEBER. Edinb. 1810. 3 vol. 8°.

Three early English metrical romances; with an introduction and glossary, edited from a MS. in the possession of J. I. Blackburne, by JOHN ROBSON. Lond., printed for the Camden Society, 1842. 4°.

B. H.

Syr Gawayne; a collection of ancient Romance-poems, by Scotish and English authors, relating to that celebrated knight of the round table, with an introduction, notes, and a glossary, by FRED. MADDEN. Lond. (printed for the Bannatyne Club, for the use of the members) 1839. 4°.

B. H.

The Thornton romances. The early English metrical romances of Percival, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degerevant, selected from MSS. at Lincoln and Cambridge. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. Lond., printed for the Camden Society, 1844.


В. Н.

Morte Arthure. The alliterative romance of the death of King Arthur, now first printed from a manuscript in Lincoln Cathedral. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. Brixton Hill, for private circulation only, 1847. 4°.

В. Н.

Van dit werk zijn slechts 75 exempl. gedrukt, en wel 25 op zwaar, en 50 op dunner papier. Het bovenstaande ex. is No. 27 van die op dun papier.

Arthour and Merlin: a metrical romance. Now first edited from the Auchinleck MS. Edinb., printed for the Abbotsford Club, 1838. 4°. B. H.

The Nutbrowne Maid. From the earliest edition of Arnold's Chronicle. (With a preface by THOM. WRIGHT.) Lond. 1836.


В. Н.

The Turnament of Totenham and the Feest. Two early ballads printed from a MS. preserved in the public Library of the University of Cambridge. (With a preface by THOM. WRIGHT.) Lond. 1836. 16°.

В. Н.

The Tale of the Basyn, and the Frere and the Boy. Two early tales of magic, printed from MSS. preserved in the public Library of the University of Cambridge. (With a preface by Тном. WRIGHT.) Lond. 1836. 16°.

B. H.

The Folkestone fiery Serpent; together with the Humours of the Dover Mayor; being an ancient Ballad, full of mystery and pleasant conceit. Now first collected and printed from the various MS. copies in the possession of the inhabitants of the SouthEast coast of Kent; with notes, by a wise man of the East. 2d. ed. Dover 1844. 8°.

В. Н.

Long Lonkin, an ancient ballad, edited by ALFRED O. BELL. York 1846.4°.

Zonder naam van den drukker.

В. Н.

The Owl and the Nightingale: an early English poem attributed to NICHOLAS DE GUILDFORD, with some shorter poems from the same manuscript. Edited by THOM. WRIGTH. Lond., printed for the Percy Society, 1843. 8°.

B. H.

The vision and the creed of Piers Ploughman, newly imprinted. With notes and a glossary by THOM. WRIGHT. Lond., W. Pickering, 1842. 2 vol. 8°.

В. Н.

The Book of Curtasye, an English poem of the 14th century. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. Lond., printed for the Percy Society, 1841. 8°.

В. Н.

THOM. HOCCLEVE, Poems, never before printed: selected from a MS. in the possession of George Mason. With a preface, notes, and glossary. Lond. 1796. 4°.

B. H.

Nugae poeticae. Select pieces of old English popular poetry, illustrating the manners and arts of the fifteenth century. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. Lond. 1844. 8°. B. H.

Songs and Carols, printed from a MS. in the Sloane Collection
in the British Museum. (With a preface by THOM. WRIGHT.)
Lond. 1836. 16°.
B. H.

Songs and Carols, now first printed from a MS. of the 15th. cen-
tury. Edited by THOM. WRIGHT. Lond., printed for the Percy
Society, 1847. 8°.
B. H.

A little book of Songs and Ballads, gathered from ancient musick books, MS. and printed. By E. F. RIMBAULT. Lond. 1851. 8°.

В. Н.

GEOFFR. CHAUCER, The Poetical Works. The miscellaneous pieces. from Urry's edition 1721. The Canterbury tales from Tyrwhitt's edition 1775. Edinb. 1782. 14 vol. 12°.

B. H.

FRID. GUIL. GESENIUS, De lingua Chauceri commentationem grammaticam. Bonnae 1847. 8°.

В. Н.

Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Тном. ROWLEY, and others, in the 15th. century. Cambridge 1794.


В. Н.

EDM. SPENSER, The Shepherd's Calender, containing twelve Æglogues proportionable to the twelve month. Calendrium pastorale, sive Aeglogae duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accommodatae; Anglice olim scriptae, nunc autem eleganti Lat. carmine donatae a THEOD. BATHURST. JOH. BALL, editore. Lond. 1732. 8°.

В. Н.

The Fairy queen. With a glossary explaining the

В. Н.

old and obscure words. Lond. 1758. 2 vol. 8°. HENR. PORTER, The two angry women of Abington. Edited by ALEX. DYCE. Lond., reprinted for the Percy Society, 1841. 8°. B. H.

The King and a poor Northern man: or, to good to be true.
From the ed. of 1640. Attributed to MARTIN PARKER. Lond.,
reprinted for the Percy Society, 1841. 8°.
В. Н.

Cock Lorell's bote: a satirical poem. From an unique copy,
printed by Wynkyn de Worde. Edited by EDW. F. RIMBAULT.
Lond., printed for the Percy Society, 1843. 8°.
В. Н.

MICH. DRAYTON, Poly-Olbion, or a chorographicall description of Tracts, Riuers, Mountaines, Forests, and other parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britaine, with inter mixture of the most remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures and Commodities. Digested in a Poem. Lond. 1613. fol. В. Н.

WILL. DRUMMOND, The Poetical Works. Edited by WILL. B. TURNBULL. Lond. 1856. 8°.

В. Н.

WILL. SHAKESPEARES Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. Lond., printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623. 8°. With the portrait of the poet on the title.

B. H.

Op het schutblad staat van de hand van J. H. Halbertsma: This reprint of the folio of 1623 is a very good one. I have collated nearly the whole of it, and found very few errors. It is a true copy of the original and well worth the attention of those, who have not or are not able to procure the original, which, if a good copy, is worth £ 150. The reprint is worth from £ 2 to £ 4. J. Payne Collier, editor of the Shakespeare, in a letter dated 15 Sept. 1851."

The Plays and Poems. With notes, a glos

sary and preface by (SAM.) JOHNSON. Lond. 1859. 8°.

The Works, edited by WILL. GEORGE CLARK, JOHN GLOVER and WILL. ALDIS WRIGHT. Cambridge and Lond., Macmillan and Co., 1863-66.8 vol. 8°.

Macbeth, aus der Folioausgabe von 1623 abgedruckt, mit den Varianten der Folioausgaben von 1632, 1664 und 1687 und kritischen Anmerkungen zum Text, herausgeg. von N. DELIUS. Bremen 1841. 8°.

В. Н.

Macbeth. Historisch treurspel. Oorspr. uitg. ten gebruike der Gymnasia met ophelderingen voorzien door S. SUSAN. Dev. 1843. 8°. В. Н.

Paris 1842. 8°.

Hamlet, a tragedy. New edition with notes.
B. H.

The Tempest, a comedy. Ten gebruike der Gymnasia, met ophelderingen voorzien door S. SUSAN. Kampen 1854. 8°.

B. H.

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