larly those of JOHNSON and WEBSTER, edited by Jos. HUNTER and Jos. STEVENSON. (A-blade). Lond. 1832-33. 4°. В. Н. Geschenk van J. Bosworth aan J. H. Halbertsma; met een ingelaschten Engelschen brief van W. Randleson over den auteur van het glossarium. FRANCIS GROSE, A Glossary of Provincial and Local words used in England; to which is now first incorporated the supplement by SAM. PEGGE. Lond. 1839. 8°. В. Н. THOM. WRIGHT, Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. Lond. 1857. 2 vol. 8°. В. Н. JOHN TROTTER BROCKETT, Glossary of North Country words, in use. From an original manuscript, in the Library of John George Lambton; with considerable additions. Newcastle upon Tyne 1825. 8°. В. Н. Doorschoten met menigvuldige aanteekeningen van J. H. Halbertsma. J. T. BROCKETT, A Glossary of North Country Words, with their etymology, and affinity to other languages and occasional notices of local customs and popular superstitions. 3d. ed. corrected and enlarged by W. E. BROCKETT. Newcastle 1846. 2 vol. 8°. Met eene aanteekening van de hand van J. H. Halbertsma. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in Saxon-English, from the authorised English version; by GEORGE M. GREEN. (Lond.) 1862. 16°. N°. 112. B. H. Folk-Lore: or, a collection of local rhymes, proverbs, sayings, prophecies, slogans, etc. relating to Northumberland, Newcastleon-Tyne, and Berwick-on-Tweed. Richmond 1858. 8°. B. Н. The Book of Ruth, in the Northumberland dialect, from the authorised English version. By J. P. ROBSON. (Lond.) 1860. 32°. N°. 71. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Northumberland dialect. From the authorised English version. By Jos. PHIL. ROBSON. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. N°. 72. В. Н. The Song of Solomon, versified from the English translation of James of England, into the dialect of the Colliers of the Northumberland, but principally those dwelling on the banks of the Tyne. By J. P. ROBSON. (Lond.) 1860. 4°. N°. 73. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Newcastle dialect. From the authorised English version. By JOHN GEORGE FORSTER. (Lond. 1858.) 16°. N°. 74. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Newcastle dialect. From the authorised English version. By Jos. PHIL. ROBSON. (Lond.) 1859. 16°. N°. 75. В. Н. The Tyneside songster, a choice collection of comic, satirical, and descriptive songs in the Newcastle dialect. Alnwick w. y. 12°. В. Н. A Glossary of Provincial words used in Teesdale, in the county of THOM. WILSON, The pitman's pay, and other poems. (Durham dialect.) Gateshead 1843. 8°. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Durham dialect, as spoken at St. John's Chapel, Weardale. By THOMAS MOORE. (Lond. 1859). 16°. N°. 78. .В. Н. Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects. Dialogues, poems, songs, and ballads, by various Writers, in the Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects, now first collected; with a copious glossary of words peculiar to those counties. Lond. 1839. 8°. В. Н. The Glossary, from the preceding work separate. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Cumberland dialect. From the authorised English version. By JOHN RAYSON. (Lond. 1858.) 16°. N°. 76. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the dialect of Central Cumberland. From the authorised English version. By WILLIAM DICKINSON. (Lond.) 1859. 16°. No. 77. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Westmoreland dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Rev. JOHN RICHARDSON. (Lond. 1858). 16°. No. 79. В. Н. A Glossary of Yorkshire words and phrases, collected in Whitby and the neighbourhood; with examples of their colloquial use and allusions to local customs and traditions. By an Inhabitant. Lond. 1855. 12°. B. H. JOS. HUNTER, The Hallamshire Glossary. Lond. 1829. 8°. В. Н. The Yorkshire dialect, exemplified in various dialogues, tales, and songs, applicable to the county; to which is added, a glossary. Lond. 1839. 8°. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the North Yorkshire dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Author of a Glossary of Yorkshire Words and Phrases collected in Whitby and the neighbourhood. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. No. 80. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the West Riding of Yorkshire dialect. From the authorised English version. By CHARLES ROGERS. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. N°. 83. В. Н. The dialect of Craven, in the West-Riding of the county of York, with a copious glossary, illustrated by authorities from ancient English and Scottish writers, and exemplified by two familiar dialogues; by a native of Craven. The 2d. ed. much enlarged. Lond. 1828. 2 vol. 8°. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the dialect of Craven in the West Riding of Yorkshire. From the authorised English version. By HENR. ANTH. LITTLEDALE. (Lond.) 1859. 16°. N°. 81. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Sheffield dialect. From the authorised English version. By ABEL BYWATER. (Lond.) 1859. 16°. N°. 84. В. Н. TOM TREDDLEHOYLE, Sum thowts abaght Ben Bunt's weddin, an ther jont ta Stainbur' cassel; alsoa Will Weft's discripshan at grand bazzarr, at tha hed tuthar Da' it Nashnal skooil like. Barnsley 1838. 8°. В. Н. Sum thowts abacht Nan Bunt's tea-party; Bairnsla feastin; A owd maid's pockit; an Tom Treddlehoyle's lament! Also characteristic of Barnsley by CRISP. MERRYBRAIN. Barnsley 1839. 8°. В. Н. a TIM BOBBIN (JOHN COLLIER), The Miscellaneous Works, containing his view of the Lancashire dialect, with large additions and improvements; and a Glossary; also his poem of the Flying Dragon and the Man of Heaton. Together with other whimsical amusements, in prose and verse. To which is added a life of the author, by RICH. TOWNLEY. Embellished with 10 copperpl. Lond. 1818. 8°. В. Н. SAM. BAMFORD, The dialect of South Lancashire, or Tім ВовBIN's Tummus and Meary: with his Rhymes and an enlarged glossary of words and phrases, chiefly used by the rural population of the manufacturing districts of South Lancashire. 2d. ed. Lond. 1854. 12°. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Lancashire dialect, as spoken at Bolton. From the authorised English version. By JAMES TAYLOR STATON. (Lond.) 1859. 16°. N°. 85. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the North Lancashire dialect, as spoken North of the Wyre. From the authorised English version. By JAMES PHIZACKERLEY. (Lond.) 1860. 16°. No. 82. B. Н. DAN. MICHEL's Ayenbite of Inwyt, or, Remorse of Conscience, in the Kentish dialect. Edited from the autograph MS. in the British Museum, with an introduction on the peculiarities of the Southern dialect and glossarial index, by RICH. MORRIS. Lond. 1866. 8°. В. Н. JOHN WHITE MASTERS, Dick and Sal at Canterbury fair, a doggerel poem. Canterb. (1844). 8°. B. H. WILL. DURRANT COOPER, A Glossary of the Provincialisms in use in the county of Sussex. 2d. ed. Lond. 1853. 8°. Tom Cladpole's jurney to Lunnun, told by himself and written in pure Sussex doggerel by his uncle Tim. The 5th thousand. Hailsham, w. y. 8°. B. H. B. H. The Song of Solomon in the dialect of Sussex. From the authorised English version. By MARK ANT. LOWER. (Lond.) 1860. 16°. N°. 94. B. H. The Song of Solomon in the Wiltshire dialect, as it is spoken in the Northern division. From the authorised English version. By EDWARD KITE. (Lond. 1861.) 16°. N°. 91. B. H. The Song of Solomon in the Dorset dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Rev. WILLIAM BARNES. (Lond.) 1859. 16°. N°. 90. В. Н. J. Y. AKERMAN, A glossary of provincial words and phrases in use in Wiltshire. Lond. 1842. 8°. В. Н. Wiltshire tales. Lond. 1853. 8°. В. Н. W. BARNES, Hwomely rhymes. A second collection of Poems in the Dorset dialect. Lond. 1859. 12°. В. Н. Poems of rural life, in the Dorset dialect, with a dissertation and glossary. 2d. ed. The dissertation and glossary enlarged and corrected. Lond. 1847. Gr. 12°. В. Н. W. BARNES, The same work, and also the 2d. ed. Lond. 1848. Gr. 12°. В. Н. A Devonshire Dialogue, in four parts. To which is added a glossary, for the most part by JOHN PHILLIPS. Edited by Mrs. GWATKIN. Lond. 1839. 8°. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the East Devonshire dialect. From the authorised English version. By GEORGE P. R. PULMAN. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. N°. 87. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Devonshire dialect. From the authorised English version. By HENRY BAIRD. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. N°. 86. В. Н. The Gospel of St. Matthew, translated into Western English Specimens of Cornish provincial dialect, collected and arranged by Uncle JAN TREENOODLE, with some introductory remarks and a glossary by an antiquarian friend; also a selection of Songs and other pieces connected with Cornwall. Lond. 1846. 8°. With the portrait of Dorothy Pentreath. B. H. Cornish Literature. Reprinted from the "Cambrian Journal" 1861. To the Publisher of the "Cambrian Journal." London, Nov. 30, 1861. L. L. Bonaparte. 8°. N°. 106. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the living Cornish dialect. From the authorised English version (Lond.) 1859. 16°. N°. 93. В. Н. The Song of Solomon in the Norfolk dialect. From the authorised English version. By the Rev. EDWARD GILLETT. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. N°. 95. B. H. ROB. FORBY, The vocabulary of East Anglia; an attempt to record the vulgar tongue of the twin sister counties Norfolk and Suffolk, as it existed in the last twenty years of the 18th century and still exists; with proof of its antiquity from etymology and authority. Lond. 1830. 2 vol. 8°. With the portr. of the author. B. Н. John Noakes and Mary Styles; a poem, exhibiting some of the most striking lingual localisms peculiar to Essex; with a glossary. By CHARLES CLARK. Lond. 1839. 8°. В. Н. ROG. WILBRAHAM, An attempt at a glossary of some words used in Cheshire. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, in a |