Slike stranica

From the Archaeologia, vol. XIX. letter to Sam. Lysons. 2d. ed. with considerable additions. Lond. 1826. 8°. В. Н.

JOHN AUDELAY, The poems. A specimen of the Shropshire dialect in the fifteenth century. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. Lond., printed for the Percy Society, 1844. 8°. B. Н.

JAMES JENNINGS, Observations on some of the dialects in the West of England, particularly Somersetshire: with a glossary, and poems and other pieces exemplifying the dialect. Lond. 1825. 8°.

B. H.

The Song of Solomon in the Somerset dialect. From the authorised English version. By T. SPENCER BAYNES. (Lond. 1860.) 16°. N°. 88.

В. Н.

ARTHUR B. EVANS, Leicestershire words, phrases and proverbs.
Lond. 1848. 8°.
В. Н.

A Dictionary of modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words, used at the present day in the Streets of London; the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; the Houses of Parliament; the Dens of St. Giles; and the Palaces of St. James. Preceded by a History of Cant and vulgar Language from the time of Henry VIII; shewing its connection with the Gipsey tongue; with Glossaries of two Secret languages, spoken by the wandering tribes of London, the costermongers and the patterers. By a London antiquary. Lond. 1859. 8°.

В. Н.

TH. STERNBERG, The dialect and folk-lore of Northamptonshire. Lond. 1851. 8°.

B. H.

ANNE ELIZAB. BAKER, Glossary of Northamptonshire words and phrases, with examples for their colloquial use, and illustrations from various authors: to which are added, the customs of the county. Lond. 1854. 8°.

В. Н.

JOHN JAMIESON, An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language: illustrating the words in their different significations, by examples from ancient and modern writers; shewing their affinity to those of other languages, and especially the Northern; to which is prefixed a dissertation on the origin of the Scottish language. Edinb. 1808. 2 vol. Supplement, Edinb. 1825. 2 vol. ROB. MOTHERBY, Pocket dictionary of the Scottish idiom in which the signification of the words is given in English and German, chiefly calculated to promote the understanding of the works of sir Walter Scott, Rob. Burns, Allan Ramsay etc. with an appendix containing notes explicative of Scottish customs, manners, traditions etc. 2d. edition increased with a supplement by the author. Konigsb. 1828. 8°. В. Н.


В. Н.

JAMES KELLY, A Complete collection of Scotish proverbs, explained and made intelligible to the English reader. Lond. 1721. В. Н.


VIRGIL'S Æneis, translated into Scottish verse, by GUWIN DOUGLAS. A new ed. corrected and supply'd from an excellent MS.; to which is added a large glossary, and to the whole is prefix'd an exact account of the author's life and writings, from the best histories and records. Edinb. 1710. fol.

В. Н.

ROB. BURNS, Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. A new ed., considerably enlarged. Edinb. 1794. 2 vol. 8°. B. H.

An address to the deil, with explanatory notes. Illustrated by eleven first rate engravings on wood, after designs by THOM. LANDSEER. Lond. 1830. 8°.

В. Н.

The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised
English version. By HENRY SCOTT RIDDELL. London. 1857. 8°.
N°. 66.
В. Н.

The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised
English version. By HENRY SCOTT RIDDELL. Lond. 1858. 4°.
N°. 67.
В. Н.

The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised
English version. By Jos. PHIL. ROBSON. (Lond.) 1860. 16°.
N°. 68.
В. Н.

The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the authorised English version. (Lond.) 1860. 16°. N°. 69.

В. Н.

The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch, from the authorised English version. By GEORGE HENDERSON. (Lond.) 1862. 16°. N°. 113.

В. Н.

The Gospel of St. Matthew, translated into Lowland Scotch, by GEORGE HENDERSON. London 1862. 16°. N°, 114. В. Н.

A book of Roxburghe Ballads, edited by JOHN PAYNE COLLIER.
Lond. 1847. 4°. With wood-cuts.
В. Н.

De onder bovenstaande genommerde werken behooren tot de verzameling, gedrukt op kosten van Prins Louis Luc. Bonaparte. Zie deze afd. I. A.

3. Gaelisch.

OSSIAN, The poems in the original Gaelic, with a literal translation into Latin, by ROB. MACFARLAN, together with a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems, by JOHN SINCLAIR, and a transl. from the Italian of CESAROTTE's dissertation on the controversy respecting the authenticity of Ossian, with notes and a supplemental cssay, by JOHN M'ARTHUR. Lond. 1807. 3 vol. 8°.

The Poems, translated by JAMES MACPHERSON; a new edition, containing BLAIR's three critical dissertations, and a preliminary discours or review of the recent controversy relative to the authenticity of the poems. Lond. 1806. 2 vol. 8°. B. H.

The Poems, translated by JAMES MACPHERSON. A new ed., carefully revised and corrected. Paris 1830. 2 vol. 12°. B. Н.

Works (translated). Francf. and Leipzig 1783 and 1777. 4 parts, 2 vol. 8°.

Poems, lately discover'd by EDMOND BARON DE HAROLD. (Translated.) Dusseldorf 1787. 8°.

Fingal, an ancient epic poem, in six books; together with several other Poems. Translated from the Galic language, by JAMES MACPHERSON. Lond. 1762. 4°.

В. Н.

J. P. AREND, Fingal, naar het Gaelisch van OSSIAN. Voorafgegaan door een onderzoek naar de echtheid der gedichten van Ossian. Amst. 1845. 8°.

В. Н.

Celtic Hexapla: being the Song of Solomon in all the living dialects of the Gaelic and Cambrian languages. Lond. 1858. 4°. N°. 29.

B. H.

Apocripha air eadar-theang-achadh air son a' cheud uair o 'n Bheurla Ghnàthaichte chum na Gaelic Albannaich. Leis an Ur

ramach Alasdair Macgriogair, Mineister na h-Eaglais an Iar, a 'n Inbherneis. Lunainn 1860. 8°. N°. 30.

В. Н.

De bovenstaande genommerde werken behooren tot de verzameling, gedrukt op kosten van Prins Louis Luc. Bonaparte. Zie deze afd. I. A.

4. Iersch.

W. NEILSON, An introduction to the Irish language. In three parts. Dublin 1808. 8°.

В. Н.

(EDW.) O'REILLY, An Irish-English Dictionary. To which is annexed a compendious Irish grammar. A new edition. Dublin 1821. 4°.

B. H.

An Tiomna Nuadh ar dTighearna agus Ar Sl'anuightheora 'Josa Criosd: Air na tharruing go pirinnech As an nGr'eigis Ughdarach. Ris an t'atair is on'ornghthe a nD'ia UILLIAM O'DOMHNUILL, aind Carpug Thuim. Dublin 1849. 12°. В. Н.



Antische of Oostelijke tak.


JOH. SEV. VATER, Praktische Grammatik der Russischen Sprache in bequemen und vollständigen Tabellen und Regeln mit Uebungsstücken zur grammatischen Analyse und zum Uebersetzen ins Russische. 2o Aufl. Leipz. 1814. 8°. В. Н.

J. A. E. SCHMIDT, Russisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Russisches Handwörterbuch. Stereotypausg. Leipz., Tauchnitz, ohne J. 8°. B. Н. Pjeçni pjeçny zarja çolomona. Perwüî perewod. na Ruççkiy jaejikj. London 1858. 16°. No. 99.

B. H.

Behoort tot de verzameling, gedrukt op kosten van Prins Louis Luc.
Bonaparte. Zie deze afd. I. A.

b. West-Slavische tak.


Mittellateinisch-Hochdeutsch-Böhmisches Wörterbuch, nach einer Handschrift vom Jahre 1470 zum ersten Male herausgeg.

und mit erläuternden Zusätzen versehen von LORENZ DIEFENBACH. Frankf. a. M. 1846. 8°.

c. Gemengd Slavisch.

Lettisch, Livisch, Laplandsch, Nieuw-Grieksch.

B. H.

AUG. FRID. POTT, De Lithuano-Borussicae in Slavicis Letticisque linguis principatu commentatio. Halis Saxon. 1837. 4°. В. Н. Ter gelegenheid van het eerste eeuwseest der Academie Georgia Augusta te Göttingen. Vooraf gaat eene feestrede van den Prorector Laspeyres.

Das Evangelium Matthäi in den östlichen dialect des Livischen zum ersten Male übersetzt vom dem Liven N. POLLMANN, durchgesehen von F. T. WIEDEMAN. London 1863. 16°. N°. 117. В. Н.

Das Evangelium Matthäi in den westlichen dialect des Livischen übersetzt vom dem Liven I. PRINZ und dessen Söhnen P. PRINZ und I. P. PRINZ, durchgesehen von F. I. WIEDEMANN. London 1863. 16°. N°. 118.

В. Н.

Das Evangelium des Matthäi Wotjakisch, mit Hülfe eines eingeborenen Wotjaken redigirt von F. I. WIEDEMAN. London 1863. 16°. N°. 119.

В. Н.

Das hohe Lied Salomons in Siebenbürgisch-Sächsischer Sprache von I. SEIVERT. Aus dem "Ungrischen Magazin." London 1859. 16°. N°. 64.

B. H.

HENR. GANANDER, Grammatica Laponicae linguae Europearum prope antiquissimae, solidam planamque viam monstrans. Holmiae 1743. 8°.

В. Н.

PETR. FIELLSTRÖM, Dictionarium Sueco-Lapponicum. Stockholm 1738. 8°.

B. H.

Parabola del figliuol prodigo tradotta in Greco di Cargese (Corsica), dall' abate STEFANO STEFANOPOLI. Londra 1860. blad. 4°. N°. 33.

В. Н.

De onder bovenstaande genommerde werken behooren tot de verzameling gedrukt op kosten van Prins Louis Luc. Bonaparte. Zie deze afd. I. A.

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