Slike stranica

Munsey, F. A.
Munson, J. E.
(026) D.
Murdock, H. Reconstruction of Europe.

Murray, Ja. H. Dictionary appendix.



Parnell commission. Russell, Sir C. p. 75c.
Parshall, N. C. Proofs of evolution. (O19) D. (Mod-
ern science essayist, v. 1, no. 12.) p. 10c.
New Ideal Pub. Co
Passenger from Scotland Yard. Wood, H. F. p. 25c.
Rand, McN
Patents, Law of. Fenton, H. T.

shp. $5.

W. J. Campbell See Green, T. H.

Tragedy of errors. (O12) D. $1.50. Paddock lectures. See Jewett. Munsey Panin, I. Lectures on Russian literature. (O19) D. Phrase-book of practical phonography. $1.50. Munson (O19) D. $2. Houghton, M (O12) S. 25c. Routledge - Routledge's illustrated dictionary. (O12) sq. S. 25c. Same, with appendix, S. 50c... Routledge Musical analysis. Goodrich, A. J. $2......... Church Muzzarelli, A. Antonymes de la langue Française. Teachers' ed. (05) D. $1.50; Students' ed., $1. Jenkins My good friend. Belot, A. p. 25c........Worthington — lady's casket of jewels. Talbot, E. W. p. $1.50. Lee & S Myers, P. V. N. General hist. for colleges and high schools. (012) D. $1.65....... ......Ginn Mystery (A) still. Du Boisgobey, F. p. 25c. Rand, McN Nanteuil, Mme. P. de. Captain. (fr. the Fr.) (05) D. $2.. Routledge Napoleon and Marie-Louise. Durand, Mme. p. 25c. Rand, McN Narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. Galton, F. 75C.; $1.50. .Ward, L Nebraska rpts., Index-digest to points decided in. See Brown, G. A.

[blocks in formation]


- Ct. of appeals. Rpts. (Sickels.) V. 114. (05) O. shp.
- Ct. of chancery. Rpts. (Desty.) Bk. 6. (05) O. shp.
...Lawyers' Coop. Pub. Co
-state reporter. (Stover.) V. 22. (05) O. shp. $3.75.
W. C. Little
- Supplement. V. 5. Permanent ed. (05) O. shp. $4.
West Pub. Co
Newcomb, G. B. Teaching school-children to think.
(019) D. p. 10C.....
Nichols, W. F. Topics in geography. (026) D. 50c.
Nicol, D. Political life of our time. 2 v. (O12) O. $6.50.
Nissen, H. Manual of instruction for giving Swedish
movement and massage treatment. (026) D. $1.
F. A. Davis
(Globe lib., no. 84.)
....Rand, McN
Northeastern reporter, v. 21. (O19) O. shp. $3.50.
West Pub. Co
School Supply Co

Norris, W. E. The rogue. (05) D.

P. 25C.....


Notes of lessons for young teachers.
Nursery lesson-book. Hubert, P. G.
-rhymes. (026) Q. p. 20c .
Occult ser. See Collins.
O'Hanlon, Alice. Diamond in the rough. (012) S.
(Lovell's lib., no. 1349.) p. 20c ....
Ohio. Revised statutes, incl. all laws of a general na-
ture in force Jan. 1, 1890. (Giauque.) In 2 v. V. 2.
(012) O. shp. (for complete work) $13.........R. Clarke
Old heroes. Fradenburgh, J. N. 75c.; p. 50c. Hunt & E
Mother Goose's rhymes and tales. (026) O. bds. $1.
On circumstantial evidence. Lean, Mrs. F.
-duty. Selby, A. $1.25.......
-guard. Townsend, C. p. 15c..

F. F. Lovell


[blocks in formation]


Othello. Shakespeare. 6oc.....
Our baby's book. (019) O. bds., tied with ribbons, $1.50.
Lee & S

best society. Curtis, G. W. 75c -cats and all about them. Weir, H. $2..Houghton, M silver coinage. Grier, J. A. p. 25c .......F. F. Lovell -world reader, No. 1. Hall, M. L. 6oc Owens, J. A. Sword and pen. (N. ed.) $2; hf. mor. $3; full mor. $4.

Pathology and morbid anatomy.
Patten, J. See Hunter, T.
Patten, S. N. Malthus and Ricardo. (019) O. (Pub.
of the Amer. Economic Assoc., v. 4, no. 5.) p. 75c.
Patterson, R. Christ's testimony to the Scriptures.
(012) T. p. 5c
.Am. S. S.Union
Paull, M. A. Vermont Hall. (05) D. $1.50.
Am. Tr. Soc
Payn, Ja. Prince of the blood. (05) D. (Globe lib., no.
44.) P. 25C....
.Rand, McN
Payne, F. M. Business manual. (O12) D. $2.
Excelsior Pub. Ho
- Household lawyer. (O12) D. $ı.....Excelsior Pub. Ho
Peale, Margaret. In the time of the cherry viewing.
(026) S. p. 25C.......


Peck, Ellen O. Speaking pieces. (05) S. bds. 50c.

Lee & S Peculiarities of American cities. Glazier, W. subs. $2 $3 $4..... Hubbard Pennsylvania. New revenue act, levying taxes for state purposes. (Shapley.) (019) O. p. $1. T.&J. W. Johnson - Sup. ct. Cases, v. 125. (Crumrine.) V. 10. (05) 0. shp. $3.50.................. Banks

People's commentary on gospel according to St. Luke.
Rice, E. W. net, $1.25...
.....Am. S. S. Union
Perfectoin of man by charity. Buckler, F. H. R. net,
Cath. Pub. Soc

Personally conducted. Stockton, F. R. $2.. Scribner
Perspective. Cone, A. $1..

Peters, C., ed. Girls' own outdoor book. (012) O.
Pfeiffer, C. American mansions and cottages. (026)
F. $10...
..... Ticknor
Phelps, Eliz. S. A lost winter. (O26) obl. Q. $3; full
mor. $8..
- Struggle for immortality. (O26) D. $1.25.Houghton, M
Philbrick, J. D. Life and services. (026) D. $1.
New England Pub. Co
Philips, F. C., and Wills, C. T. Fatal Phryne. (012)
D. (Lovell's inter. ser., no. 20.) p. 30c......F. F. Lovell
Phonography, Phrase-book of. See Munson, J. E.
Physics, Elementary practical. Chute, H. N. $1.25.
Physiology, Animal. See Mills, W.
Piccadilly puzzle. Hume, F. W. P. 30c.. F. F. Lovell
Picture and story ser. 6 v. (O12) S. per set, $1.50.


Am. Tr. Soc

Playfair, W. S. Treatise on the science and practice of
midwifery. 5th Amer. ed. (Harris.) (026) O. $4.Lea
Plucky Smalls. Crowninshield, M. B. $r......Lothrop
Plummer, C., ed. Two of the Saxon chronicles, paral-
lel (787-1001), with supplementary extracts from the
others. (Plummer.) (05) S. bds. 75c.............Macmillan
Poe, E. A. Gold bug. (O19) Tt. (Literary gems, no. 1.)
full mor. 75C.......

Poems, Select. See Wordsworth.
Poetical works. See Coleridge; Havergal.
Political economy. See Andrews, E B.
- life of our time. Nicol, D. 2 v. $6.50.....
Poor, H. V. Manual of the railroads of the
1889. (O12) O. $6....

Port charges and requirements on vessels.


U. S. for


Hunter, T.


Porter, D. D. Arthur Merton. (O26) D. p. 50c.

Porter, Rose. Drifting from mid-ocean. (Ó26) S.

Potter's wheel (The). Harris, W. S. p. 25c.
Burroughs & M
Poulsson, Emilie. Finger-plays for nursery and kin-
dergarten. (05) sq. O. $1.25...
(05) D. subs. | Pratt, Maria L. New calisthenics. (O26) O. bds. $1.25.
Educ. Pub. Co

.......... Ginn

[blocks in formation]

Whittaker Am. Tr. Soc Carette, ...Appleton

Rays of light. Strong, H. P. p. 6oc Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. Mme. P. 50C

Estes & L

Reconstruction of Europe. Murdock, H. $2. Houghton, M Red Mountain of Alaska. Allen, W. B. $2.50. Redeeming the Republic. Coffin, C. C. $3... Harper Redway, J. W. Teacher's manual of geography. (026) D. 50c Heath Reveries of a bachelor. Mitchell, D. G. $1.25.Scribner Revised statutes of the U. S. and the subsequent legislation of Congress. Gould, J. M. shp. $10...Little, B Rice, E. W. People's commentary on the gospel according to St. Luke. (05) D. net, $1.25.Am. Š. S. Union Ripley, Mrs. J. See Paull, M. A.

Riverside aldine ser. See Hawthorne; Thoreau. - p. ser. See Dunning; Holmes.

Robbins, Mrs. S. S. Dave Philbrick, the boy with his foot in the stirrup. (026) S. (Rock Cove ser., no. 4.) 75C....... Carter (O12) D. (Lovell's ..F. F. Lovell

Robins, G. M. Tree of knowledge.
inter. ser., no. 36.) p. 30c...
Robinson, C. S. Studies in St. Luke's Gospel: 1st ser.
(012) D. $1.25.
.Am. Tr. Soc
Robinson, Harriet H. New Pandora. (019) D. $1.
Roe, E. R. Joe. (05) D. (Globe lib., no. 74.) P. 25c.
Rand, McN
Rogue (The). Norris, W. E. p. 25c....... Rand, McN❘
Roland Oliver. McCarthy, J. p. 30c..... F. F. Lovell
Rolf and his friends. Jak, (pseud.) $1.25......Crowell
Romance of Dollard. Catherwood, M. H. $1.25.

--to-day. Jackson, M. C. p. 50c
Romans choisis. See Verne.

Century ..Lovell

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sanborn, Kate, comp. Rainbow calendar, 1889. (O26)
D. $1.25.
..Houghton, M
Sand, G., (pseud.) Consuelo. (fr. the Fr.) (O12) D.
$6; hf. cf. $12; hf. levant, $15; large-p. ed. $13.50.
Dodd, M
Sardou, V. Anselma. (05) D. (Globe lib., no. 47.) p.
..Rand, McN
Saxon chronicles. Plummer, C. bds. 75c.. Macmillan
Schouler, J. Treatise on the law of domestic relations.
4th ed. (05) O. shp. $6
....Little, B

Science text-books. See Chute.
Scientific papers. Gray, A. a v. ea. $3.Houghton, M
Scott, R. P. Cycling art, energy, and locomotion. (026)
D. $2.
Scott, Sir W. Lord of the isles. (O12) Tt. (Routledge's
pocket lib., no. 46.) hf. cl. 40c.; uncut, 50c.; gilt, 60c.
Marmion. (Bayne.) (05) S. 90c..
Scudder, S. H. Butterflies of the eastern United States
and Canada. 3 v. (05) Q. hf. levant, $75..... Scudder
Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey, R. N. p. 30c.
F. F. Lovell
Sears, E. H. Calm on the listening ear of night. (05)
O. p. $1

Seaside alphabet. (026) Q. p. 20c......... Secret inheritance. Farjeon, B. L. p. 20c ......Lovell Seiler, C. Handbook of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the throat, nose, and naso-pharynx. N. ed. (026) O. $2.25.....


[blocks in formation]

Shell-bearing marine mollusks and brachiopods of southeastern coast of U. S. Dall, W. H. p.


Gov. Pr. Office Shepard, F. Suppl. to Shepard's California annotations, contained in v. 77. (05) 1 sheet, 50c ...Shepard Kansas annotations. V. 40. (05) 50c.Shepard ➖➖➖ ➖ New York annotations. V. 113. (05) 50c. Silence of Dean Maitland. Grey, M. P. 20c.... Lovell Silver linings behind earth's clouds. Knight, E. A. L. p. 50c..... Nelson Silver linings behind earth's clouds. Knight, E. A. L. p. 50c... Nelson

Sinless crime. Fleming, G. p. 25c......
Six portraits. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. S. $1.25.


Houghton, M Sketches of rural life. Lucas, F. $1.25... Macmillan Smart, H. Last coup. (O12) S. (Lovell's lib., no. 1423.)

P. 20c...

[ocr errors]

Lovell - Long odds. (012) D. (Lovell's inter. ser., no. 12.) p. F. F. Lovell Smith, Laura A. Through Romany songland. (05) S. $1.50 Macmillan Smith, Mrs. Lucy T. Lady of the forest. (012) D. $1.50... Warne

Smithsonian misc. collections. See Bolton.
Social diplomat. Darling, F. A. p. 50c... F. F. Lovell
- problems. George, H. p. 30c...

Society of Friends, Statement of views. Cornell, J. J.
P. 7c...
Friends' Bk. Assoc
Sophy Carmine. Winter, J. S. p. 30c .....F. F. Lovell
p. 20c.....
South Africa. See Galton, F.
Southwick, A. P. Bijou. (O12) D. p. 25C.

Speaking pieces for scholars. Peck, E. O.

Am. News Co bds. 50c.

Spires and towers of medieval churches
Wickes, C. $15....

Spitzen. Lindau, P. p. 2oc ........

Lee & S of Eng.



[blocks in formation]


Stanley library (The), 4 v. (O19) D. $3.
Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. See Winter, J. S.
Statute of limitations and adverse possession. Buswell,
H. F. shp. $6.
Little, B
Steam-boilers, Treatise on. Wilson, R. $2.50. Wiley
Stella, the star. Gilman, W. p. 25C............Lovell
Step aside (A). Dunning, C. p. 50c......Houghton, M
Stevenson, R. L. Master of Ballantrae. (05) D. $1.25;
P. 50c......

Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted.

Story of a mountain. Uncle Lawrence.

. Scribner (019) O. $2. Scribner

$1.50. Lippincott

(05) obl. T. .Am. Tr. Soc

$1.25. Houghton, M ..Dutton

Strong, Helen P., comp. Rays of light.
р. бос
Struggle for immortality. Phelps, E. S.
Studies on the epistles. Godet, F. $2.
Sturgis, J. Comedy of a country house. (012) D.
(Lovell's inter. ser., no. 29.) p. 30c..........F. F. Lovell
Summer holidays. Child, T. $1.25... ..Harper
Sunday-school man of the South. McCullagh, J. H.
..Am. S. S. Union
Sunlight and gloom. Fleming, G. p. 25c....... Lovell
Sunlit days. (05) O. bds. $1.


obl. Fe. bds. 75c



Sunter, J. R. Hurrah! for the New Year, 1890. (019)
shp. $4.
H. B. Parsons

Supervisors' manual. Morehouse, G. C.

Supreme things in their practical relations. Burr, E. F. $1.75 ....Am. Tr. Soc Swedish movement and massage treatment. Nissen, H. $1....

.F. A. Davis Watson, P. B. $2.50. Little, B 75c........ Putnam subs. $2; $3; $4.

revolution under Gustavus Vasa. Sweetness and light. Arnold, M. Sword and pen. Owens, J. A. Tact in court. Donovan, J. W.


shp. $t. Williamson Law-Book Co Tait, J. Selwin. Who is the man? (O19) D. p. 25c.

[blocks in formation]

Thoreau, H. D. Walden. 2 v. (O12) S. (Riverside aldine ser.) ea. $1... ...Houghton, M Throat, nose, etc., Diseases of. See Seiler, C. Through Romany songland. Smith, Laura A. $1.50. Tilden, W. S. Common school song-reader. (O12) D. bds. 45C...

thorized translation.




To bear witness. St. Clair, C. $..... ..H. H. Carter Toland, Mrs. M. B. M. Legend Laymone. (012) sq. O. $2.50; ivorine, $3; tky. mor. $5. Lippincott Tolstoi, L. N. War and peace. (fr. the Russian.) Au2 v. (05) D. $3. Same, 4 V. $5 Crowell Tomson, G. R., ed. Selections from the Greek anthology. (Ó5) T. (Canterbury poets.) 40c.. .Gage Topics in geography. Nichols, W. F. 50c.. .Heath Torrey, B. Ramblers' lease. (026) D. $1.25.

Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours. 60c......

Townsend, C. Early vows. (O19) D. 25C......

Houghton, M Verne, J. p. .....Jenkins (Alta ser.) p.


On guard. (019) D. (Amateur ser.) p. 15c....Denison Tragedies. Talfourd, T. N. hf. cl. 40c.; 50c.; 6oc. Routledge Tragedy of errors. Munsey, F. A. $1.50...... Munsey Travels and adventures of little Baron Trump. Lockwood, I. $2.... ...Lee & S Tree of knowledge. Robins, G. M. p. 30c.. F. F. Lovell Troublesome girl. Argles, Mrs. M. p. 30c. F. F. Lovell - Same. p. 20c...

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Am News Co

[blocks in formation]

Tangletop. Waterman, Mary B. $1.35.
Am. S. S. Union
Task (The). Cowper, W. 40C.; 50c.; 60c..... Routledge
Tasma, (pseud.) Uncle Piper of l'iper's Hill. (012) D.
(Lovell's household lib., no. 259.) P. 25c....F. F. Lovell
— Same. (012) D. (Lovell's inter. ser., no. 33.) P. 30.
Taylor, J. Notes of lessons for young teachers. (026)
D. (Boston school ser.) net, 50c. Boston School Supply Co
Teaching school-children to think. Newcomb, G. B.
p. 10c........

Temperance first reader. Wright, J. McN. p. 1oc. Nat. Temp. Soc Tennyson, A. Interludes, lyrics, and idyls. (012) S. $1; hf. mor. or hf. levant, $3. Houghton, M — Miller's daughter. (O12) O. $3; ivory or leath. $3.50. Lippincott Tertullian. Apologeticus adversus gentes pro Christianis. (Bindley.) (O12) D. $1.50........... Macmillan Texas. Annotated statutes, civil and criminal, cont. laws of the 20th and 21st legislature. (Sayles.) (05) O. shp. $5.. Gilbert Bk. Co -Ct. of appeals. Rpts. (Jackson.) V. 26. (019) O. shp. $4.50.. Hutchins Pr. Ho (026) O. shp. $3. Hutchins Pr. Ho Loomis, A. L. $6; .... Wood Illustrated lib. ed. 22 V. V. 5-18 (012); V. 19–20 (O26) ea. D. $1.50. Houghton, M Thomas, A. p. 20c.........Lovell

- Sup. ct. Cases. (Terrill.) V. 70.

Text-book of practical medicine. $7..

Thackeray, W. M. Complete works.

That other woman.

Story of a mountain. (O12) O. $1.50....Lippincott — Piper of Piper's Hill. Tasma. p. 25c.; 30c. F. F. Lovell — Remus, (pseud.) See Harris, J. C. United States. Interstate Commerce Commission. First annual report on the statistics of railways. (05) O Gov. Pr. Office -Sup. ct. Rpts.; complete index digest. 3d ed. 2 V. (012) O. shp. $12 ........Lawyers' Coop. Pub. Co – Constitutional hist. of. See Curtis, G. T. - during first administration of Jefferson. Adams, H. 2 V. $4 Scribner

Unto the uttermost. Campbell, J. M. $1.25.

[blocks in formation]

Valerie. Argles, Mrs. M. p. 25C........
Van Buren, Martin. Bancroft, G. $1.50...... Harper
Van Nostrand sci. ser. See Kapp.

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. S. Six portraits. (05) D.
...Houghton, M
Vermont. Sup. ct. Rpts. 2d ed. Book 7. (026) O.
shp. 4 v. in 1, $12
West Pub. Co
Vermont Hall. Paull, M. A. $1.50.... .Am. Tr. Soc
Verne, J. Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours.
(05) D. (Romans choisis, no 13.) p. 6oc.........Jenkins
Vincent, J. H. Church school and the Sunday-school
normal guide. (012) D. $1....
Hunt & E
Wachenhusen, H. Golgotha of the heart. (fr. the
Ger.) (012) D. (Globe lib., no. 107.) p. 25C. Rand, McN
Wait, F. S. Treatise on fraudulent conveyances. 2d
ed. (012) Q. shp. $6.25
......Baker, V
Walden. Thoreau, H. D. 2 v. $1......Houghton, M
Wallack, J. L. Memories of fifty years. (012) D.

[blocks in formation]

Walton, I., and Cotton, C. Complete angler. N. ed.
2 v. (O19) O. with pl. on India p. net, $10; with pl. on
Japan p. net, $15.....
.Little, B
Ward, C. O. Hist. of the ancient working people from
the earliest known period to the adoption of Christiani-
ty. (026) D. $2...

Ward, Mrs. H. D. See Phelps, E. S.
Ward, J. H. Church in modern society. (O19) S. $1.
Houghton, M
Warner, Anna B. Yours and mine. (05) D. $1.50.
Warren, A. Garden painting-book. (026) O. p. 50c.
Water babies. Kingsley, C. p. 25c.......F. F. Lovell
Waterman, Mary B. Tangletop. (O19) D. $1.35.
Amer. S. S. Union
Watson, P. B. Swedish revolution under Gustavus
Vasa. (05) O. $2.50.
.....Little, B
(05) D. $2.
Houghton, M

Weir, H. Our cats and all about them.
Wells, H. P. City boys in the woods.

(O19) Ŏ. $3.


Whitefield, E. Homes of our forefathers in Boston, Old England, and Boston, New England. (026) O. $6. Damrell & U ..... Scribner

Whither? Briggs, C. A. $1.75 Whittlesey, O. C. Spring buds and summer blossoms. (019) D. $1.50.. ...Lippincott Who is the man? Tait, J. S. p. 25c... Amer. News Co Why am I a Friend? Cornell, J. J.

p. 7c.

Friends Bk. Assoc Wickes, C. Illustrations of spires and towers of the mediæval churches of England. (O26) F. $15. Ticknor Wilson, G. Five gateways of knowledge. (05) S. 75c. Macmillan Wilson, R. Treatise on steam-boilers. (O12) D. $2.50. Wiley Winds. Popular treatise on. Ferrel, W. $4....Wiley Winter, J. S., (pseud.) Harvest. (O12) D. (Lovell's inter. ser., no. 21.) p. 30C...... ..F. F. Lovell

[blocks in formation]

NOTES ON CATALOUGES. THE BROOKLYN YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 502 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y., has just issued a useful little catalogue, entitled Good Books, and how to use them," compiled by its librarian, Silas H. Berry. A full list of books classified under practical headings is prefaced with a clear explanation as to the Card Catalogue of the library-how arranged, how it may be used, its advantages, etc., and information as to other aids, viz.: the Classed Finding List, the Case for Attractive Books, the Bulletin, Catalogues of other Libraries, and Poole's "Index to Periodical Literature;" Some Remarks on the Use of the Reference Library, and How We Classify. The handbook will prove useful to all interested in providing good literature for others as well as to patrons of the Brooklyn Y. M. C. A. Library. (96 p., T. pap.)

Catalogues of New and Second-hand Books.H. L. Kilner & Co., Io3 S. rith St., Phila., Standard Prayer-Books, Catholic Works, and Religious Articles. (24 p., D.) David Nutt, 270 Strand, W. C., London, Works on the history of wars, military science, maps, etc., chiefly from the library of the late Duke of Cambridge and that of a retired head-master of a military college. (No. 14, 16 p., D.)


THE Publication Agency of the Johns Hopkins University has just begun the publication of a monthly journal to be known as the Hospital Bulletin. It will contain announcements of courses

[blocks in formation]

- Just sixteen. (O19) S. $1.25.... Wordsworth, W. Select poems.

Roberts Roberts

(Rolfe.) (05) S. ...Harper

(English classics.) 56c.; p. 40c.
-Selections from. (George.) (05) D. $1.35...... Heath
Worthington's inter. lib. See Daudet; Heimburg.
Wright, Elvirton. Curlyhead. (O12) D. $1.
Nat. Temp. Soc
Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories in Eng. litera-
ture. (O12) D. $1.25....

Wright, Julia McN., comp. Temperance first reader.
(012) D. p. 1OC...
Nat. Temp. Soc
Year with the birds. Fowler, W. W. $1.25. Macmillan
Yonge, Charlotte M. Dove in the eagle's nest. (012)
S. (Lovell's lib., no. 1355.) P. 20c.......
You may pick the daisies. Elliott, E. S. p. 35c. Nelson
Young, Ja. K. Synopsis of human anatomy. (026) D.
........F. A. Davis
Young America's painting-book. Haslewood, C. p. 50c.

folks worth knowing. (O19) sq. O. bds. $1...Lothrop Yours and mine. Warner, A. B. $1.50 .......Carter Zigzag journeys in the British Isles. Butterworth, H. $2.25: bds. $1.75.... ...... Estes & L Zola, E. The dream. (05) D. (Globe lib., no 83.) p. 25C. Rand, McN

of lectures, programmes of clinical and pathological study, details of hospital and dispensary practice, abstracts of papers read and other proceedings of the Medical Society of the Hospital, reports of lectures, and all other matters of general interest in connection with the work of the Hospital. Subscription price is $1 per year.

Le Livre at the end of this year will discontinue in its present shape and be published by Octave Uzanne, who will carry it on as a small octavo magazine of contemporary literature and bibliography.


[We shall be pleased to insert under this heading, without charge, advance notices of auction sales to be held anywhere in the United States. Word must reach us before Wednesday evening, to be in time for issue of same week. NOVEMBER 4-5, 3 P.M.-Fine old out-of-the-way books in all departments of literature. (660 lots.)-M. Thomas &Sons, Phila.

NOVEMBER II AND 12.-General literature and illustrated books, first editions, and hosts of other books that have not been sold in this country for many years. (Catalogue preparing).-M. Thomas & Sons, Phila. NOVEMBER 18.-Sale of miscellaneous books. (Catalogue preparing).-M. Thomas & Sons, Phila. NOVEMBER 25.-Sale of the rare medical library of Dr. Addinel Hewson of Phila., consisting almost entirely of rare medical books.-M. Thomas & Sons, Phila. NOVEMBER 26, and following days.-The second part of the theological and philosophical works from the libraries of the late Prof. L. W. E. Ramoenhoff and other eminent theologians.-E. J. Brill, Leyden, Holland. JANUARY 20. 1890, and following days.-S. L. Barlow collection of Rare Books sold by Am. Art Association, N. Y., under the management of J. O. Wright, of 860 Broadway, who is preparing the catalogue.

The Publishers' Weekly.


NOVEMBER 2, 1889,

“Every man is a debtor to his profession, from the which, as men do of course seek to receive countenance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavor themselves by way of amends to be a help thereunto."-LORD BACON.

THE ETHICS OF "COMPROMISE." THERE is a feeling which does credit to humankind—that it is a mean thing "to hit a man when he is down." In creditors' meetings this wholesome sentiment often comes to the front and leads men who have condemned the business methods of the bankrupt to "let him up easy" and "give him another chance." This would be right and proper and wise, when a man who has been a creditable member of society, a reputable business man, prudent, industrious, painstaking, has made mistakes, has been unfortunate, and is likely to do better if that other chance is given. But when bankruptcy is the inevitable or invited result of recklessness, of bad method, of playing fast-andloose with business principles, leniency is wrong and improper and unwise. Why? Because it gives to "the forgotten man," the one who is trying by hard work to pay his honest debts at a hundred cents on the dollar, a slap in the face, and exposes him to a competition which, in these days of close profit and difficult business, no man can stand.

We do not hesitate to name two recent failures as examples of this latter class. We print elsewhere a letter from a country bookseller, who has sent his name to us as voucher for his statement, though not for publication, stating the methods of Messrs. Belford, Clarke & Co., as he has seen them, in competition with his hard and honest work. This firm has from time to time issued jaunty statements as to its bankruptcy, some of which have been at least very misleading; no explanation of its affairs has been made to its creditors in any proper manner, and the result which creditors are now facing is one which has been predicted time and time again through the career of this firm. Many in the trade will recall the failure a year or more ago of Geo. J. Swayne, of Brooklyn. Shortly before his failure he had made a preference, covering practically his entire assets, to a relative, who made in the creditors' meeting an extremely candid statement of facts, and virtually told the business creditors that they might look out for themselves. The trade rejected the absurdly small dividend which was offered, and looked to the assignee, a legal officer who is supposed to represent creditors,

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for such realization as was practicable. Since then the assignee, who in all probability represents the bankrupt, has made no report. The business is carried on apparently in the same way and with the same management, though nominally by the mother of the bankrupt, and the establishment of any independent well-stocked bookstore in Brooklyn, a city of 800,000 inhabitants, which has no considerable bookstore outside the dry-goods bazaars, has been made impossible. In such cases, to permit men to go on, to give them new credit, to pass over the business crime without punishment, to accept the plea that we are now another concern, which has no liability for the old debts," is suicidal on the part of the trade.

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We speak of these affairs by name because it is time for these questions to be handled without gloves by representative trade journals, even at the risk of vexatious suits for libel. We have received letters from several leading houses in the trade, thanking us for the position we have taken in this matter, and assurances from others, who are creditors in the present case, that (contrary to report) they have not compromised and do not mean to. We pass on to the New York and other trade the appeal of these correspondents that they should take a firm stand and definite action in this matter. Honest trade at a hundred cents on the dollar cannot go on in competition with bankruptcies and "compromises " of this sort. They are wrecking the distributing machinery of a trade which depends upon that machinery for its success. Mr. De Vinne, in his address to the Typothetæ, pointed out how ruinous to the printing trade is the result of reckless reprinting which throws the risk and ultimate loss largely on the paper-maker and the printer. The case of Belford, Clarke & Co.. with the large amounts involved with paper-makers and printers illustrates this. It is against the laws of business morals and of business success that after successive failures of this kind men should be put on their feet again. We speak out boldly because we speak in the names of hundreds of honest men who love their calling, who desire to do right, and whose worst foes are not simply the men who fail, but the men who encourage failures of this kind.


the belfoRD, CLARKE & CO. FAILURE. To the Editor of the Publishers' Weekly :

IN your issue of October 12 you copy from the American Bookseller, Belford, Clarke & Co.'s statement, professing to give the causes leading to the failure of that concern. While giving avoid the principal ones, viz.: an attempt to convarious reasons for that event, they carefully duct an immense business without regard to business principles, ignoring trade courtesy and justice

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