Slike stranica

Doctrina chriftiana enla lengua Quasteca cola lengua caftellana, La guasteca correspondiente aca da palabra: de guafteco: Segun a fe pudo tolerar enla frafis; de la lengua guasteca: compuesta porynduftria de vn frayle de la ordendel gloriofo fance Auguftin: Obispo y do ctor de la fancta Iglesia

En mexico Encara de Pedro Ocparte,1571




Doctrina continued.







The linguistic v alue of the Arte is considerable. Only two grammatical notice, of the language seem to have been published, one about 1560 in Mexico, another in 1763, in Guatemala. Both of them are excessively rare, and indeed it is doubtful if any copy of the first is in existence. The Cakchiquel is peculiarly important in the comparative study of this group of languages; and with the rich materials here at hand to illustrate all its constructions, a publication of this short manuscript with notes would be most welcome to American linguists.

Doctrina Christiana en Lengua Totonaca.
Manuscript. 1780. 4°. Title from the Fischer Sale Cat.

Doctrina Christiana Totonaca.

Manuscript. Cent. xviii. 4°. Title from the Fischer Sale Cat.

Doctrina Christiana etc., in the Otomi Language. Manuscript. 57 11. Its contents are: 1. Doctrina Christiana, in Spanish and Otomi, 13 11. 2. Confessionario: 11. 14-29, in Spanish and Otomi. 3. Manual de Administrar los Sacramentos, 11. 30-40, Latin, Spanish, and Otomi. 4. Conversational Phrases in Spanish and Otomi, 11. 41-57.-Ramirez Sale Cat., No, 637. Doctriana Cristiana en la Lengua Guasteca con la Lengua Castellana, la Guasteca correspondiente á cada palabra de Guasteco [sic] segun que se pudo tolerar en la frasis de la lengua guasteca, compuesta por industria de un fraile de la órden del glorioso Sant Augustin, obispo y Doctor del a Santa Yglesia [An engraving of St. Agustin.]

En Mexico, en casa de Pedro Ocharte. 1571.

Colophon (1.50):

Acabose esta Doctrina Cristiana en el mes de Septiembre de 1570 años en el convento de Huexutla, y fúe vista y examinada eu presencia del P. Juan de Mesa, lengua guasteca, y de Cristobal de Frias, y Lope Corzo. . . . . &c., &c. Concluyóse en Huexutla á 30 de Junio de 1571 años.

En Mexico, en casa de Pedro Ocharte, á 15 de Septiembre de 1571 años.

50 11. and 2 11. at end; gothic letter. 4°. Title communicated by Sr. Icazbalceta, with the following note: "I have not seen this work. Of its existence I have no doubt, but I do not vouch for the accuracy of the description taken from No. 1950 of "Ensayo de una Biblioteca de Libros raros y curiosos, formado con los Apuntamientos de D. Bartholomé José Gallardo, coordinados y aumentados por Zareo del Valle y Rayon," and from the original annotation of Gallardo, which, strange to say, does not wholly conform to the printed title. This Doctrina was, according to Beristain, reprinted in 1689, and this statement is confirmed by a pas sage in the Noticia de la lengua huasteca, of Tapia Centeno."

I presume this is by Fr. Juan Cruz, though Sr. Icaz balceta does not put it under his name. See No. 934 of this catalogue.

Doctriana cristiana en lengua Opata.

No title-page. 11 unnumbered 11. 8°. Title from Icazbalceta's Apuntes, No. 101. Doctrina xpiana en legua Mexicana. Per signũ crucis. Icamachiotl Crazyhuicpain toyaohua Xitechmomaquixtili Totecuiyoe diose. Ica inmotocatzin. Tetatzi. . yhua Tep... yhuan spiritis sancti. Amen. Jesu...



Title from Sr. Icazbalceta's Life and Writings of Bishop Zumarraga, where it is described as follows: In 80 Gothic letter. An edition, unknown, communicated to me by Sr. D. José M. de Agreda. The text, wholly in Mexican, commences on the verso of the frontispiece without any other title than "Doctrina." The alphabet follows, and immediately thereafter "Nican ompehua in doctrina xpiana mexico tlatolli tiquitohua i nemach tiliz in xpianome ceca monequi inixquich tlacatl," &c., which continues to fol. ciij, wanting the remaining leaves, most likely one only, since there are 7 of the signature N. Neither the name of the author, nor the date of the edition is given, though it is without doubt a production of the presses of Cromberger or Juan Pablos, corresponding to the first years of our typography. The types and typographic ornaments are the same which were employed in the first impressions of this house. There is likewise, on the frontispiece, the Episcopal scutcheon of Sr. Zumarraga, which shows the edition to have been made at his expense and during his life. I judge it to be of the year 1547.

Concerning the author of this anonymous Doctrina there appears to me to be sufficient reason to attribute it to Fr. Pedro de Gante.

Doctrina Cristiana en lengua española y mexicana, hecha por los religiosos de la órden de Santo Domingo.

Title from Sr. Icazbalceta's Life and writings of Bishop Zumarraga, where it is described as follows:

Signatures A-T of 8 11., and V of 4 ll., 156 numbered 11. of 2 columns, Spanish and Mexican. 4°. Gothic letter.

I have seen but one copy of this most rare work: it belonged to Sr. D. José F. Ramirez, passing afterwards into the possession of Sr. D. Alfredo Chavero, and since into that of Sr. D. Manuel Fernandez del Castillo, who bought it at a sale in London for £59. It is the same as that described in my Apuntes, No. 100. It is incomplete, wanting all of fold A, and the first leaf of B, or the first 9 11., beginning with the tenth, numbered x. It lacks, also, the upper part of the last leaf on which was the colophon; but these faults have been supplied as to certain points by means of a manuscript copy made in 1775, which I have among my books. It bears a frontispiece which pretends to be a fac-simile, and it agrees with that of the edition of 1550, given below. Above it says: "Veritas domini manet in eternum," followed by a scutcheon of S. Domingo, and at the foot: Declaracion y exposicion de la Doctrina Christiana en Lengua Española & Mexicana: echa por los religiosos de la orden de Sancto Domingo. Año de 1548.

On the verso of the last leaf is the colophon, which, completed by means of the manuscript copy, reads thus:

Con Privilegio Imperial. A gloria y alabanza de nuestro Redemptor Jesu Christo y de su bendita Madre, aqui se acaba la declaracion de la Doctrina Christiana en Lengua española y Mexicana, y una columna corresponda á otra: sentencia por sentencia: de grande utilidad y provecho para la salud de las animas, y en especial para los naturales dsta tierra/ | p q sean fundados y roborados en las cosas d nĩa setā fe catolica: y animados pa la guarda d los mandamiētos diuinos: y pa todos sepan los grades dones y reqzas que não clemêtissimo | redemptor so comunicar mediante sus sactos sacramentos con | el exercicio de las obras & mía: assi corporales como spñales: todo lo gl se côtiene è los qrēta sermōcicos a contenidos. Ua saca | da la lègua ē tāta claridad como aq parece: assi porã mejor se d | todo a enteder a estos naturales/ como, tābie porq mejor | lo





tomen & coro los q lo qsiere tomar. Fue impssa e esta muy leal ciudad d mexico è casa & juã pablos por mă | dado il reueredissimo señor dō fray Juã çumarra | ga primer Obpo de Mexico. Y porq en la cō | gregació a los señores obpos tuuiero se or- | deno q se hiziessen dos doctrinas: vna bre | ue y otra larga: y la breue es la q el año | de. M. d. xlvj. se emprimio. Māda | su señoria reueredissima q la otra grande puede ser esta: pa dela | racion de la otra pequeña. | Acabose de imprimir a. | xvij. dias del mes de enero. Año d M. | d. y xlviij. [1548]. Años. | Soli Deo honor & gloria in secula seculorũ. Amē. |

It begins with a prologue, which is followed by the Tabla of the sermons. Fol. lowing is the cartilla 6 silibario, and the Doctrina chiquita, or the text of the doctrina cristiana in Spanish and Mexican, except the Per signum crucis and the four prayers, Credo, Padre nuestro, Ave Maria, and Salve, which are in Latin and Mexican.

The printing was done by order of the Bishop Zumarraga, and at his expense. It belongs, most likely, to the year 1547, since it was finished the 17th of January, 1548. The work was not held in much esteem, since in the following year, 1549, that of the death of Bishop Zumarraga, there appeared the following edition: Ueritas domini manet in eternum. | [Engraving.] Doctrina christiana | en legua Española y Mexicana: hecha | por los religiosos de la orden de scto Domingo. | Agora nueuamète corregida y enmedada. Año. 1550. |

9 unnumbered II., 11. x-clvj double columns, Spanish and Mexican. 4°.
Colophon, verso 1. clvj :

Con preuilegio Imperial. | ¶ A gloria y alabança de não redemptor Jesu | Xpo y de su bendita madre | aqui se acaba la declaracio de la doctrina xpiana en lẽgua Española y Mexicana: y vna coluna cor | respōde a otra: sentècia por sentecia: d grãde vtilidad y puecho | pa la salud & las aias: y en especial pa los naturales dsta tierra/ | pa q sea fundados y roborados en las cosas de nra scta fe catholica: y animados pa la guarda de los madamiētos diuinos: y pa | q todos sepan los grādes dones y riquezas q nro clementissimo | redemptor quiso comunicar mediāte sus sctōs sacramêtos con el | exercicio de las obras de mia: assi corporales como spñales: todo | lo ql se côtiene en los renta sermoncicos aq cōtendos. Ua saca | da la legua é tãta claridad como aq parece: assi porq mejor se de todo a enteder a estos naturales | como tãbie porq mejor | lo tome de coro los q le qsiero tomar. Fue impssa e esta muy leal ciudad d mexico è casa d juã pablos por ma | dado de reuerêdissimo señor do fray Juã çumarra | ga primer Obpo de Mexico. Y porq en la con| gregació a los señores obpos tuuiero se or- | deno q se hiziessen dos doctrinas: vna bre- | ue y otra larga: y la breue es la q el año | de M. d. xlvj. se imprimio. Manda | su señoria reuerendissima q la otra | grande puede ser esta: pa decla | racion de la otra pequeña. | Acabose de imprimir à | xij. dias del mes de | hebrero. Año d | M. d. 1. años | tttt | ttt | t | La ğl

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