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In Encyclopédie du xixme Siècle, tome xxvi, supplément, pp. 500–507.
Title from Trübner's Cat.

186 Avendaño (Fr. Andres). Diccionario de la lengua de Yucatan. 187 Diccionario abreviado de los adverbios de tiempo y lugar de la lengua de Yucatan.



Diccionario de nombres de personas, idolos, danzas y otras antigüedades de los Indios de Yucatan.

— Arte para aprender la lengua de Yucatan.

Four titles above from Beristain.

190 Avila (Fr. Augustin). Libro de la explicacion de la Doctrina Christiana en lengua Kiche.

Written and preserved in the library of the principal convent of Guatemala.Beristain.

191 Avila (Fr. Francisco). Arte y Platicas en lengua Mexicana.

Mexico 1696.

Title from Pimentel.

192 Avila (Fr. Francisco de). Espejo de Doctrina Xptiana para los naturales. Compuesto en su idioma Mexicano por el Rdo. Po. Fr. Francisco de Auila P. Lector del dicho idioma, y Cura mão de la Doctrina, en el Conuento de Nra. Sra. de la Assumpcion de la Milpan y Electo en G". de dho. Conuto, el año de 1713.

Manuscript. 23 11. 4°. Title from Icazbaiceta's Apuntes.

193 Arte | de la Lengua Mexicana, | y breves Platicas de los Mysterios de N. Santa Fee Catholica, y otras para exortacion de su obligacion á los Indios. | Compuesto | Por el P. F. Francisco de Avila, Predicador, Cura Ministro por su Magestad | del Pueblo de la Milpan, y Lector del Idio- | ma Mexicano, del Orden de los Meno- res de N. P. San Francisco. | Dedicalo | al M. R P. F. Ioseph Pedrasa, Predicador General Iubilado, Qualificador | del Santo Officio de la Inquisicion, Padre de | las Provincias de San Pedro, y San Pablo de Michoacan, y Zacatecas, Ex-Ministro Pro- | vincial, y Padre mas digno de la de Xalisco; | y Vice Comissario General de todas las | Provincias de Nueva-España, | e Islas Philipinas &c. | Con Licencia delos Superiores: | En Mexico, por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Ribera Calderō en el Empedradillo. Año de 1717.



12 p. ll. 37 11. 120.

194 Avila (Jose Antonio Magos Garcia de). Diccionario en Castellana y Otomi, por Rev. Padre Jose Antonio Magos Garcia de Avila. Mannscript. 338 pp. 4°. Cent. xviii. Title from the Fischer Sale Catalogue.

195 Ayala (D. Gabriel). Apuntes históriocos de la nacion megicana en lengua Nahuatl, que es la lengua antigua y sabia de los megicanos. Manuscript in the Museum of Boturini. Begins in 1243 and concludes in 1562.-Beristain.

196 Ayora (Fr. Juan). Arte y Diccionario de la lengua Tarasca. Title from Beristain, who copied it from Antonio.




Arte y Diccionario de la lengua megicana.

He was very skillful in all three idioms [including the Illoca of the Philippine Islands], and could have written in them all.-Beristain.

Tratado del Santisimo Sacramento en lengua megicana. Printed, according to the testimony of Torquemada, Betancur, and Larrea.— Beristain.

Arte, Diccionario y Tratado sobre el Santisimo Sacramento [en lengua Mexicana].

Title from Pimentel.

200 Azpell (Dr. Thomas F.) Vocabulary of the Klamath language. In Powell (J. W.) Contributions to N. A. Ethnology, vol. 3, pp. 460–471. Washington, 1877. 4°.


Vocabulary of the Hoopa, and of the Klamath.

Manuscript. 10 11. 4°. In the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected in California in 1870.

202 Bacon (Olmer N.) A | History of Natick, | from its | first Settelment in 1651 | to the present time; | with | notices of the first white families, | and also an account of the Centennial Celebration, Oct. 16, | 1851, Rev. Mr. Hurt's address at the consecration | of Dell Park Cemetery, &c., &c., &c. | By Olmer N. Brown, | Attorney at Law.

Boston: | Damrell & Moore, Printers, | 16 Devonshire Street. | 1856.

1 p. 1., pp. 1–261. 8°.

Lord's Prayer in Natick, from Eliot's Bible, p. 56.

[ocr errors]

203 [Baegert (Jacob).] Nachrichten | von der | Amerikanischen Halbinsel | Californien: | mit einem | zweyfachen | Anhang falscher Nachrichten. | Geschrieben | von einem | Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, welcher lang darinn diese leteztere Jahr | gelebet hat. | Mit Erlaubnuss der Oberen. |

Mannheim, gedruckt in der Churfürstl. Hof- und Academie- | Buchdruckerey, 1772. |

8 p. ll., pp. 1-385. 120. map.


Zweyter Theil, Chapter 10, Von der Sprache der Californier (pp. 175-194) contains, pp. 186-189, the Lord's Prayer, the twelve articles of the creed, and the conjugation of the verb "Amukri, To play," in the language of the Waicuri. Translated and reprinted, in part, as follows:

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[Baegert (Jacob)]-continued.


An account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the California Peninsula, as given by Jacob Baegert, a German Jesuit Missionary, who lived there seventeen years during the second half of the last century. Translated and arranged for the Smithsonian Institution by Charles Rau, of New York City.

In Smithsonian Inst., Ann. Rep., 1863, pp. 352-369. Washington, 1864, 8°; and in Ibid., 1864, pp. 378-399. Washington, 1865, 8°.

Chapter x, Their languages (1864, pp. 393-398), contains, pp. 397, 398, the Lord's Prayer, the twelve Articles of the Creed, and the conjugation of the verb Amukri, to play, in the language of the Waicuri; and Appendix, p. 399, "Noto on the Cora and Waicuri languages by Francisco Piemental" contains a short comparative vocabulary of the Cora and Vaicura, from Soc. Geog., Bol., Tom. 8, p. 603. Mexico, 1862, 8°.

[ocr errors]

205 Baer (Karl Ernst von). Statistische und ethnographische Nachrich. ten über die Russischen Besitzungen | an der | Nordwestküste von Amerika. | Gesammelt | von dem ehemaligen Oberverwalter dieser Besitzungen, | Contre-Admiral v. Wrangell. | Auf Kosten der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften | herausgegeben | und mit den Berechnungen aus Wrangell's Witterungsbeobachtungen | und andern Zusätzen vermehrt | von | K. E. v. Baer. |


St. Petersburg, 1839. | Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. |


Forms vol. 1 of Baer (K. E. von) and Helmersen (G. von). Beiträge zur Kentniss des Russischen Reiches. St. Petersburg, 1839. 8°.

War song of the Bodegas with German translation, p. 21; short comparative vocabulary of the Atna, Ugalenzen, and Koloschen, p. 99; short vocabulary of the Inkülüchlüaten, pp. 119–120; a few words and numerals (1-5) of the Eskimo of Behring Strait, the Kadiak, Eskimo of Igloolik, and Unalaschker, p. 123; names of planets and months in Kuskokwimer, pp. 134-135. Chapter ix: Sprachprobeu, contains a comparative vocabulary of the Chwachamaju and Olamentke, pp. 234-235; comparative vocabulary of the Aleuten (of Fox Island), Kadjack, Tschugatschen, Ugalenzen, Kenaier, Atnaer (of Copper River), Koltschauen (of Copper River), and Koloschen (of Sitka), p. 259 (folding sheet); vocabulary of the Kuskokwimer, pp. 259–270; vocabulary of the Koloschen, pp. 271–274.

and Helmersen (Gregor von). Beiträge | zur Kentniss | des Russischen Reiches | und der | angränzenden Länder Asiens. | Auf kosten der Kaiserl. Akadamie der Wissenschaften | herausge geben von | K. E. von Baer und Gr. von Helmersen. | Erster [Sechsundzwanzigstes] Bändchen. | Wrangell's Nachrichten über die Russischen Besitzungen | an der Nordwestküste von America. | St. Petersburg, 1839. | [-1871.] Im Verlage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. |

26 vols. 8°.

Baer (K. E. von). Statistische und Ethnographische Nachrichten. Vol. 1.

207 Baezo (Perfecto). Vocabulario de las Lenguas Castellaña y Maya. In Soc. de Geog. Bull., first series, vol. 18, pp. 215–217. Paris, 1832. 8°.


208 [Bagster (Samuel)] editor and publisher. The Bible of Every Land. A History of the Sacred Scriptures in every Language and Dialect into which translations have been made: illustrated with specimen portions in native characters. Series of Alphabets; coloured Ethnographical maps, tables, indexes, etc.

London: Samuel Bagster and Sons. [n. d.]


Pp. i-xxviii, 1-3, 1–406, 1–12. 4o. Dedication, dated 1848, signed by Samuel Bagster.

Extracts from the scriptures in the following languages and dialects: Esquimaux of Labrador, John, chap. i, v. 1-14, p. 359; Esquimaux of Greenland, ibid., pp. 362, 363; Virginia, ibid., p. 365; Massachusetts, ibid., p. 366; Delaware, John, chap. i, v. 1-10, p. 368; Cree, Matthew, chap. iii, v. 13-17, p. 369; Ojibway, John, chap. i, v. 1-14, p. 370; Chippewas, ibid., p. 371; Mohawk, ibid., p. 375; Chocktaw, ibid., p. 379; Dacota, or Sioux, ibid., p. 381; Mexican, or Aztec, Luke, chap. vi, v. 27-38, p. 383; Otomi, Lord's prayer, p. 385; Mayan, St. Luke, chap. vi, v. 27–38, p. 386; Mosquito, Lord's prayer, p. 387.

209 The Bible in Every Land. A History of the Sacred Scriptures in every Language and Dialect into which translations have been made; illustrated by specimen portions in native characters; Series of Alphabets; coloured Ethnographical Maps, Tables, Indexes, etc. New edition, enlarged and enriched. [One line quotation.]

London: Samuel Bagster and Sons: At the warehouse for Bibles, New Testaments, Church Services, Prayer Books, Lexicons, Grammars, Concordances, and Psalters, in ancient and modern languages; 15 Paternoster Row. [n. d.]

16 p. ll., pp. 1-36, 1-480. 4°. maps.


Extracts from the Scriptures in the following languages and dialects: Esquimaux, John, chap. i, v. 1-14, p. 438; Greenlandish, John, chap. i, v. 1–14 (1799 version), p. 441; Greenlandish, John, chap. i, v. 1–14 (1822 version), p. 443; Virginia, John, chap. i, v. 1-14, p. 444; Massachusetts, ibid., p. 445; Delaware, John, chap. i, v. 1-10, p. 447; Cree, St. Matthew, chap. iii, v. 13-17, p. 448; Cree, St. John, chap. i, v. 1–10, p. 449; Cree, St. John, chap. i, v. 1–10 (syllabic characters), p. 449; Chippeway, St. John, chap. i, v. 1-14, p. 450; Ojibway, ibid., 453; Micmac, St. John, chap. i, v. 1-14 (phonetic characters), p. 454; Mohawk, St. John, chap. i, v. 1–14, p. 456; Chocktaw, ibid., p. 461; Dacota, or Sioux, ibid., p. 463; Mexican, or Aztec, St. Luke, chap. vi, v. 27–38, p. 465; Otomi, Lord's prayer, p. 467; Mayan, St. Luke, chap. vi, v. 27-34, p. 468; Mosquito, Lord's prayer, p. 469; Karif, or Carib, St. Matthew, chap. v, V. 1-12, p. 473.

210 Baird (Henry S.) Indian Tribes, Chiefs and Treaties. Hon. Henry S. Baird.

In Hist. Mag., first series, vol. 8, pp. 178, 179. New York, 1864. sm. 4°. Remarks on language and names of Menomonee and Winnebago chiefs, with English synonyms.

211 Baird (Spencer F.) United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. | Part I. [-III.] | Report | on the | Condition of the Sea Fisheries of the South Coast of New England | in | 1871 and 1872 [1874-1875] | by | Spencer F. Baird, | Commissioner. | With supplementary papers. |



Baird (Spencer F.)-continued.

Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1873. [-1876.] | JWP.
3 vols., 8o, each vol. with different title-page.

Stone (L.) Report of operations on the McCloud River. Part 2, pp. 168–200.
Supplementary list of McCloud Indian words. Part 3, pp. 428, 429.

212 Balbi (Adrien). Atlas | Ethnographique du Globe, | ou | Classifi cation des Peuples | anciens et modernes | d'après leurs Langues, | précédé d'un discours sur l'utilité et l'importance de l'étude des langues appliquée a plusieurs branches des connaissances humaines; d'un aperçu | sur les moyens graphiques employés par les différens peuples de la terre; d'un coup-d'œil sur l'histoire | de la langue slave, et sur la marche progressive de la civilisation | et de la littérature en Russie, avec environ sept cents vocabulaires des principaux idiomes connus, | et suivi | du Tableau Physique, Moral et Politique des cinq parties du monde, | Dédié à S. M. l'Empereur Alexandre, | par Adrien Balbi, | Ancien Professeur de Géographie, de Physique et de Mathématiques, | Membre Correspondant de l'Athénée de Trévise, etc., etc. | [Design.]

A Paris, | Chez Rey et Gravier, Libraires, Quai des Augustins, No. 55. | M.DCCC.XXVI. [1826] | Imprimé chez Paul Renouard, Rue Garencière, No. 5, F. S. G. |

78 unnumbered 11. folio.


Division Ethnographique de l'Amérique et Tableau Général des Langues Américaines, sheet 44; Langues de la Région de Guatemala, sheet 51; Langues de Plateau d'Anahuac ou du Mexique, sheet 53; Langues du Plateau Central de l'Amérique du Nord et des pays limitrophes à l'est et à l'ouest, sheet 54; Région Missouri-Colombienne, sheets 55, 56; Langues de la Région Alleghanique et des Lacs, sheets 57, 58; Langues de la Côte Occidentale de l'Amérique du Nord, sheet 58; Langues de la Région Boréale de l'Amérique du Nord, formant la famille des idiomes Eskimaux, sheet 60. Tableau Polyglotte des Langues Américaines, sheets 69, 70, contains a vocabulary of twenty-six words in the following languages :

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