Slike stranica


Adelung (Johann Christoph) and Vater (Dr. Johann Severin). Mithri dates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit dem Vater Unser, etc. Berlin, in der Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1806 [-1817].

For full title, collation, etc., see No. 28 of this catalogue.

B. C.

Alcedo (D. Antonio de). Bibliotheca Americana. | Catalogo | de los Autores que han escrito de la | América en diferentes idiomas. | Y | noticia de su vida y patria, años en que | vivieron y obras que escriberon. Compuesto por | el Mariscal de Campo D. Antonio | de Alcedo, Gobernador de | la Plaza de la Coruña. |

Ano de 1807. |


Manuscript. 2 vols.: Prologue ll. i-vi, text 488 leaves; 11. 489-1028. folio. Vol. 2 has no title-page. This copy is from the library of the late Lord Kingsborough. There is, I understand, a copy of this manuscript, dated 1807, in the Sparks Collec.. tion at Cornell University, made iu 1843 from an original found in Madrid by Obadiah Rich. Another copy as follows:

Biblioteca Americana | Catálogo de los Autores | que han escrito de la América | en diferentes idiomas | y noticias | de su vida y patria, años en que vivieron y obras que escribieron | Compuesto por el Mariscal de Campo | D. Antonio de Alcedo | Gobernador de la Plaza de la Coruña | Ano de 1807 | Manuscrito Inedito | Tomo Primero [-Segundo]

Mexico | Copia remitida de Boston por el Señor William H. Prescott | 1854 |


2 vols. folio. Printed title pages, remainder in manuscript. Allibone (Samuel Austin). See Moore (George H.) and Allibone (Samuel Austin).

American Philosophical Society. Catalogue of Manuscript Works on the Indians and their languages, presented to the American Philosophical Society, or deposited in their Library.

In Am. Philosoph. Soc., Trans. of the Hist. and Lit. Committee, vol. 1, pp. xlvii-l. Phila., 1819. 8°.

Reprinted in Buchanan (James). Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians, pp. 307–310. London, 1824. 8°. Also on pp. 79-82 of vol. 2 of the reprint of the same. New York, 1824. 16°.

Andrade (D. José Maria). Catalogue | de la | riche Bibliothèque | de | D. José Maria Andrade. | Livres Manuscrits et Imprimés. | Littérature Française et Espagnole. | Histoire de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de l'Amérique. | 7000 pièces et volumes ayant rapport au Mexique ou imprimés dans ce pays. | Dont la vente se fera Lundi 18 Janvier 1869 | et jours suivants | A Leipzig, dans la salle de ventes de | MM.

Andrade (D. José Maria)-continued.

List & Francke, 15, Rue de l'Université, | par le ministère de | M. Hermann Francke, Commissaire priseur. |

1869. | Leipzig | List & Francke | 15, Rue de l'Université. | Paris | Librairie Tross | 5, Rue Nve des Petits Champs. |


Pp. i-ix, 1 l., pp. 1-368. 8°. Langues indigènes [List of books in], pp. 362–368. Antonio (D. Nicolas). Bibliotheca | Hispana | sive | Hispanorvm, | qvi vsqvam vnqvamve | sive Latinâ sive populari sive aliâ quavis linguâ | scripto aliquid consignaverunt | notitia, | his qvæ præcesservnt locvpletior et certior | brevia elogia, editorum atque ineditorum | operum catalogum | dvabvs par tibvs continens, | qvarvm haec ordine qvidem rei | posterior, conceptu verò prior duobus tomis de his agit, | qvi post annvm secvlarem MD, | usque ad presentem diem floruere. | Tomvs Primvs [-Secvndvs]. | Avthore | D. Nicolao Antonio | Hispalensi, I. C. | Ordinis S. Iacobi Eqvite, | patriæ ecclesiæ canonico, | Regiorum nogotiorum in Vrbe & Romana Curia | Procuratore generali. | Romæ ex Officina Nicolai Angeli Tinassii. MDCLXXII [1672]. | Svperiorvm permissv. |


2 vols.: 41 p. ll., pp. 1–633; 1 p. 1., pp. 1–690. folio. The second volume has no date. This is the original edition of the Bibliotheca Hispana Nova, which, although published first, is but a sequel of the Vetus. I have not seen a copy of the first edition of the latter, but have taken the following title from the Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates:

Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus; sive, Hispanorum, qui usquam, unquámve scripto aliquid consignaverunt, notitia. Complectens scriptores omnes, qui, ab Octaviani Augusti imperio, usque ad annum M. floruerunt. Tomus primus [.... ab anno M. usque ad MD..... Tomussecundus.] Opus posthumum: nunc primùm prodit jussu et expensis D. Josephi Saenz, Cardinalis de Aguirre.

Romæ, 1696.

2 vols. folio. According to Ludewig, the Cardinal de Aguirre entrusted the editorship of this to Emmanuel Mars, a learned Valentian. A second edition of this work, much superior to the first, was published as folows:


Bibliotheca | Hispana Nova | sive | Hispanorum Scriptorum | qui ab anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere | notitia. | Auctore | D. Nicolao Antonio Hispalensi I. C. | Ordinis S. Iacobi equite, patriæ Ecclesiæ canonico, Regiorum negotiorum | in Urbe & Romana curia procuratore generali, consiliario Regio. | Nunc primum prodit | recog nita emendata aucta | ab ipso auctore. | Tomus Primus [-Secundus]. | Matriti Apud Joachimum de Ibarra Typographum regium | MDCCLXXXIII [-MDCCLXXXVIII] [1783–1788]. |


2 vols. 2 p. ll., pp. i-xxiii, 1-830; title 1 1., pp. 1-669. folio. The date 1783 on this first volume is said to be erroneous, the whole four volumes of the work having appeared in 1788.

"This excellent work, which was first published at Rome in four volumes, folio, 1672-1696, had become very scarce when this edition was printed.

Antonio, agreeable to the custom prevalent at that time, arranged the names of the authors according to the alphabetical order of their Christian names.”—Bartlett.


Antonio (D. Nicolao)-continued.


Bibliotheca | Hispana Vetus, | sive | Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti Ævo | ad annum Christi MD. floruerunt. | Auc tore | D. Nicolao Antonio Hispalensi I. C. | Ordinis S. Iacobi equite, patriæ Ecclesiæ canonico, Regiorum negotiorum | in Urbe & Romana curia Procuratore generali, | Consiliario regio. | Curante | Francisco Perezio Bayerio, | Valentino, Sereniss. Hisp. Infantum Caroli III. Regis filiorum Institutore | primario, Regiæ Bibliothecæ PalatinoMatritensis Præfecto, | qui | Et prologum, & Auctoris vitæ epitomen, & notulas adiecit. | Tomus Primus [-Secundus] | Complectens Milliarium Sæculum [-Ab Anno M. Ad MD]. |

Matriti | Apud viduam et heredes D. Ioachimi Ibarræ Regii quondam typographi. | MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]. |

C. JCB. 2 vols. 8 p. ll., pp. i-xxvii, 1 1., pp. 1-556, i-viii; 2 p. ll., pp. i-xxii, 23-467. folio. These two volumes are arranged chronologically-not by the Christian names of the authors, as in the case of the two volumes of the Nova.

Arochena (Fr. Antonio). Catálogo y noticia de los escritores del Orden de San Francisco de la Provincia de Guatemala: con tres indices: I de los que escribieron en latin. 2 de los que escribieron en castellano. 3 de los que escribieron en lengua de los Indios.

Manuscript. Title from Beristain's Biblioteca Hispano-Americana Septentrional, vol. 1, p. 114. Beristain there says: "The illustrious Eguiara availed himself of this book for his catalogue; it was sent to him by the Rev. P. Fr. Marcos Linares, Provincial of that diocese. It did not reach my hands until the year 815 [1815], this catalogue being then concluded; though it served me to some extent."

Asher (G. M.) A | Bibliographical | and | Historical Essay | on the | Dutch Books and Pamphlets | relating to | New-Netherland, | and to the Dutch West-India Company and to its | possessions in Brazil, Angola, etc., as also on the Maps, Charts, etc. of New-Netherland, with facsimiles of the map of New-Netherland by N. I. Visscher and of the three existing views of New-Amsterdam. | Compiled from the Dutch Public and Private Libraries, and from | the collection of Mr. Frederik Muller in Amsterdam, | by | G. M. Asher. L. L. D. | Privat-Docent of Roman law in the University of Heidelberg.

Amsterdam, | Frederik Muller. | 1854-67.


Cover 1 1., pp. i-lii, 1–234; additions and corrections, 2 ll.; a list of maps and charts, pp. 1-22; 1 blank 1.; list of names, pp. 1-23. 4°. Map.

Aubin (J. M. A.) Notice | sur une | Collection d'Antiquités Mexicaines | (peintures et manuscrits), | Par J. M.-A. Aubin, | Ancien Professeur de l'Université. | (Ecole Normale.) | (Extrait d'un Mémoire sur la Peinture didactique et l'Écriture | figurative des anciens Mexicains). I

Paris, | Imprimerie Administrative de Paul Dupont, | Rue de Grenelle Saint-Honoré, No 45. | 1851 |


Pp. 1-27. 8°. A notice of Mexican manuscripts, mostly of those listed in Boturini.

Auer (Alois). Sprachenhalle. Das Vater Unser, &c.

[Wien: 1844-1847.]

For full title, collation, etc., see No. 185a.

A. C. HU.

Backer (Augustin de) and Backer (Alois de). Bibliothèque | des écrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus, | ou | Notices bibliographiques | 1° De tous les ouvrages publiés par les membres de la Compagnie de Jésus, depuis la fondation de l'ordre jusqu'a nos jours; | 2o Des apologies, des controverses religieuses, des critiques littéraires | et scientifiques suscitées à leur sujet. | Par Augustin et Alois de Backer, | de la même Compagnie | Première [-Septième] Série. | Liége, | Imprimerie de L. Grandmont-Donders, Libraire, | Rue Vinave-d'Ile, 20-608. | 1853 [−1861.]

7 vols. large 8°.


and Sommervogel (Charles). Bibliothèque des écrivains | de la Compagnie de Jésus | ou | Notices Bibliographiques | 1o De tous les ouvrages publiés par les membres de la Compagaie de Jésus | depuis la fondation de l'ordre jusqu'à nos jours | 2o Des apologies, des controverses religieuses, des critiques littéraires et scientifiques | sus. citées a leur sujet | par Augustin de Backer | de la Compagnie de Jésus avec la collaboration | d'Alois de Backer et de Charles Sommervogel | de la meme Compagnie. | Nouvelle édition refondue et considerablement augmentée. | Tome Premier [-Troisième] | A-G [-R-ZSupplement] |

Liége | Chez l'auteur A. de Backer | Collége S. Servais | Paris | Chez l'auteur C. Sommervogel | Institution Sante Geneviève | Rue Lhomond | MDCCCLXIX [-MDCCCLXXVI] [1869–1876]. |

3 vols. folio.


[Bagster (Samuel), editor.] The Bible of Every Land. A History of the Sacred Scriptures in every Language and Dialect, etc. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons, [1848-1851.]


For full titles, collations, etc., of the various editions, see Nos. 208, 208a, and 209 in Additions and Corrections.

Baker (Marcus). See Dall (William Healey) and Baker (Marcus).

Bartlett (John Russell). Bibliotheca Americana. | A | Catalogue of Books | relating to | North and South America | in the Library of John Carter Brown | of Providence, R. I. | Part I.-1482 to 1601 | With Notes by John Russell Bartlett |

Providence | 1865. |


Pp. i-ix, 1-79. Royal 8°. Contains 302 titles. Fifty copies printed. Reprinted, with large additions and more copious notes, as follows:

Bibliotheca Americana | A | Catalogue of Books | relating to | North and South America | in the Library of the late | John Carter Brown of Providence, R. I. | Part I.-1482 to 1601 | With Notes | by John Russell Bartlett | [Coat of Arms.]

Providence | 1875 |



Bartlett (John Russell)-continued.


Pp. i-ix, 1 1., pp.1-526. Royal 8°. Contains 600 titles, 68 fac-similes of titlepages, maps, and portraits, and 50 wood-cuts of vignettes and printers' devices. One hundred copies printed. Issued also with the following title-page:

Bibliographical Notices | of rare and curious books relating to | America | printed in the XVth and XVIth centuries | (1482–1601) | in the library of the late | John Carter Brown | of Providence, R. I. by John Russell Bartlett | [Family Arms emblazoned.] Providence | Printed for Private Distribution | 1875 | JCB. JWP. Pp. i-ix, 1 1., pp. 1-526. Seventy copies printed: 50 imp. 8°; 20 small folio.

Bibliotheca Americana | A | Catalogue of Books | relating to | North and South America | in the Library of | John Carter Brown | of Providence, R. I. | Part II.-1601 to 1700 | With Notes by | John Russell Bartlett | [Arms.]

Providence | 1866 |

Pp. 1-261. Royal 8°. Contains 1,160 titles. Second edition, as follows:


Bibliotheca Americana | A | Catalogue of Books | relating to | North and South America | in the library of the late | John Carter Brown | of Providence, R. I. | Part II.-1600 to 1700 | Second Edition | With Notes | by | John Russell Bartlett | [Arms.]

Providence 1882 |

C. WE. JCB. Pp. i-viii, 1 l., pp. 1-647. Royal 8°. Contains 1,642 titles, 74 fac-similes of titlepages, and 39 portraits, vignettes, and printers' devices. One hundred copies printed. Issued also with the following title-page:

Bibliographical Notices | of rare and curious books relating to | America | printed in the Seventeenth Century | (1600-1700) | in the Library of the late | John Carter Brown | of Providence, R. I. | by John Russell Bartlett | [Arms.]

Providence | Printed for Private Distribution | 1882. |
Pp. i-viii, 1 1., pp. 1-647. Royal 8°. Twenty-five copies printed.


Bibliotheca Americana | A | Catalogue of Books | relating to | North and South America | in the Library of | John Carter Brown | of Providence, R. I. | Part III-1701 to 1800 | Vol. I[-II]. | With Notes | by | John Russell Bartlett | [Arms.]

Providence 1870 [-1871] |


2 vols. pp. i-iv, 1-446; 1 p. l., pp. 1-554. Royal 8°. These two volumes contain 4,173 titles, but no illustrations. Fifty copies printed.

[Berendt (Dr. Carl Hermann).] Los Trabajos Lingüisticos | de Don Juan Pio Perez |


Colophon Merida. Febrero 10 de 1871. Signed Dr. C. Hermann Berendt.

No title-page. Pp. 1-16. 8°.

See Fischer (Augustin) and Berendt (Dr. Carl Hermann).

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