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Beristain y Martin de Souza (D. José Mariano). Biblioteca | HispanoAmericana | Septentrional | ó | Catalogo y Noticia de los Literatos, | que ó nacidos, ó educados, ó florecientes en la | America septentrional española, han dado a luz | algun escrito, ó lo han dexado preparado para la prensa. | La escribia | El Doctor D. Jose Mariano Beristain de Souza, del claustro de las universidades de Valencia y Va- | lladolid, Caballero de la orden Española de Carlos III. | Y Commendador de la Real Americana de Isabel la Ca- | tólica, y dean de la Metropolitana de Mexico. |

En Mexico: | Calle de Santo Domingo y Esquina de Tacuba. Año de 1816 [-1819-1821]. |

C. L.

3 vols. folio. The title-pages of vols. 2 and 3 of the copy in the Library of Congress are in manuscript, and are dated respectively 1819 and 1821. After the words 'Metropolitana de Mexico," they have these words: "Y la publica D. José Rafael Enriquez Trespalacios Beristain sobrino del Autor." Their imprints are: "En Mexico. Oficina de Don Alejandro Valdez calle de Santo Domingo año de 1819 [-1821]."

"The Biblioteca of Beristain is the rarest and most valuable of all bibliographical works. The author died while the work was in progress, and it was then continued by his nephew, who limited the number issued to that of the persons who had already subscribed for copies. It is to be found in few public libraries, and the sum required for the last copy known to us was £60. The present copy [now in the Lenox Library] is much increased in value by the manuscript additions, which contain notices of upwards of 600 works relating to America, chiefly anonymous, and an Appendix of 'Certamenes publicos literarios que se han celebrado en la Nueva España.' The volumes also contain many corrections and additions in the hand of Mr. Ramirez."- Ramirez Bib. Mex., No. 102.

Bibliotheca Mexicana | Catalogue | d'une | Collection de Livres Rares | (Principalement sur l'Histoire et la Linguistique, | Réunie au Mexique | Par M. *** | Attaché à la cour de l'Empereur Maximilien | Dont la Vente se fera | Le Mardi 3 Novembre 1868 et le jour suivant à 7 heures du soir | Maison Silvestre | Rue des Bons-Enfants, No 28, salle du premier | Par le ministère de M. Delbergue-Cormont, commissaire. priseur | rue de Provence, no 8 | Prix: 1 Franc |

Paris | Librairie Tross | 5, Rue Neuve-Des-Petits-Champs, 5 | 1868 |

4 p. ll., pp. 1-47. 8°.


Boturini Benaduci (Lorenzo). Idea | de una nueva | historia general | de la America Septentrional. | Fundada | sobre material copioso de figuras, | Symbolos, Caractères, y Geroglificos, Cantares, y Manuscritos de Autores Indios, | ultimamente descubiertos. | Dedicala | al Rey N.tro Señor | en su Real, y Supremo Consejo | de las Indias | el Cavallero Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci, | Señor de la Torre, y de Hono. Con Licencia. |

[ocr errors]

En Madrid: | En la Imprenta de Juan de Zuñiga. | Año M. D. CC. XLVI [1746]. I

Engraved frontispiece 1 1., title, reverse blank, 1 1., 20 other p. ll., pp. 1–167. sm. 4°. Appended is:


Boturini Benaduci (Lorenzo)-continued.


Catalogo del Museo Historico Indiano del | Cavallero Lorenzo | Boturini Benaduci, | Señor de la Torre, | y de Hono, | quien llegò a la Nueva España | por Febrero del año 1736. y à porfia- | das diligencias, è immensos gastos de su bolsa juntò, en diferentes Provin | cias, el siguiente Tesoro Literario, que | và especificado, y dividido segun los varios assuntos de las Naciones, è Im- | perios antiguos de los Indios, y puede servir para ordenar, y escribir la Histo- | ria General de aquel Nuevo Mundo, | fundada en Monumentos indispu- | tables de los mismos Indios. |

4 ll., pp. 1-96.

B. C.

"The Catalogue of his Indian Historical Collection of MSS., Maps, and Dictionaries, and Grammars of the Mexican languages, occupies four leaves after p. 167 of the 'Idea,' and the succeeding pp. 1 to 96. Most of these valuable relics of the golden age of the American Aborigines disappeared during the one hundred and twenty-five years which have elapsed. This wonderful collection included historic material relating to each of the six great Mexican nations. Although so great a length of time has elapsed since its dispersal, M. Aubin, an amateur collector at Paris, has had the good fortune to recover many of them.

"This great museum of Mexican antiquities and MSS., copies of the equally wonderful histories of the Indian nations, written by learned Indians, was seized by the jealous and vindictive authorities of Mexico; and although for many years preserved among the archives of the Viceroy, yet the learned and industrious antiquarian was most wantonly deprived of the results of his labors. Clavigero saw some of this precious store before 1770, in which year was printed a work in Mexico, containing copies of thirty-two of the paintings.

"The author resided eight years in Mexico, and not only studied and copied the ancient MSS. and paintings, preserved in monasteries, churches, and colleges, but he formed an intimate acquaintance with the customs and habits of the living Indians."-Field.

Brasseur de Bourbourg (Abbé Charles Étienne). Bibliothèque | MexicoGuatemalienne | précédée d'un | coup d'œil sur les études Américaines | dans leurs rapports avec les études classiques | et suivie du tableau par ordre alphabétique des ouvrages | de linguistique Américaine contenus dans le même volume, rédigée et mise en ordre d'après les documents de sa collection Américaine | par | M. Brasseur de Bourbourg | Ancien Administrateur [&c., eight lines].

Paris | Maisonneuve & Cie, Libraire Éditeur | 15, Quai Voltaire | 1871 |

B. C. JCP.

Half title 1 1., title 1 1., pp. i-xlvii, 1-183. Tableau par ordre alphabétique des ouvrages de linguistique Américaine contenus dans la Bibliothèque Mexico-Guatémalienne, pp. 159-183.

Most if not all the works mentioned in this catalogue were purchased by M. Alph. Pinart, who has since disposed of them at public sale. See Pinart (Alph. L.)

"The Mexico-Guatemalan Library, the catalogue of which appears further on, contains the greater part of the documents of any importance which have been useful to me in the course of my historic and philologic researches during twenty-five years. It is insignificant as to number of volumes; it is of great value if their rarity be considered, especially as to that which concerns the linguistics of southern Mexico and Central America. In this respect I may say that it is unique. More than eighty manuscript volumes or treatises in languages of which the names

Brasseur de Bourbourg (Abbé Charles Étienne)-continued.

are little known to bibliographers; more than sixty grammars, vocabularies, profane and religious treatises, in print, some of which have never been catalogued and of which I possess the only copies, others which are yet known only by vague indications-there, in few words, is what my library presents, concerning American philology."-Preface.

Brinley (George). Catalogue | of the | American Library | of the late | Mr. George Brinley, | of Hartford, Conn. | Part I. | America in general | New France Canada etc. | the British Colonies to 1776 | New England [-Part III. | The South and the West | the United States | general and political history | military and naval history | biogra phy | Mexico the West Indies | Central and South America | the American Indians | bibles catechisms and primers | music and psalmody]|

Hartford | Press of the Case Lockwood & Brainard Company | 1878 [-1881] |


3 parts. 8° Compiled by Dr. J. H. Trumbull. In the Preface to Part III, dated March 1, 1881, it is stated: "The general arrangement of the Fourth (and last) Part is completed, and a portion of the copy is already in the hands of the printers." It has not been published at this writing (January, 1885).

"The Catalogue of the First Part of this collection is now submitted to the public. Few of those into whose hands it is likely to fall need be informed that, within the field it covers, it comprises a greater number of volumes remarkable for their rarity, value, and interest to special collectors and to book-lovers in general, than were ever before brought together in an American sale-room. The titles of the books and tracts, though rarely given without abbreviation, will be found sufficiently full to distinguish the edition or impression, and accuracy of description as regards binding and general condition has been aimed at throughout.

"The general plan of the catalogue is indicated, as regards the first part, by the table of contents prefixed. The arrangement—it can hardly be called a classification-is substantially that which was adopted by Mr. Brinley himself for his bookshelves. A strictly alphabetical arrangement, by author's names or titles, would perhaps have been more acceptable to bibliographers, but the extent of the library rendered such an arrangement impracticable, and it seemed inappropriate to the sale-catalogue of a library which is not less remarkable for the completeness of its collections in special departments than by the number of its titles."-Preface. Brinton (Dr. Daniel Garrison). Aboriginal | American Authors | and their productions; | especially those in the native languages. | A Chapter in the History of Literature. | By | Daniel G. Brinton, A. M., M. D., | Member of [&c., six lines, device, one line]. |

Philadelphia: | No. 115 South Seventh Street. | 1883. |

Title, reverse blank, 11.; preface, reverse blank, 11.; pp. vii-viii, 9-63. 8°.


A Notice of some Manuscripts in Central American Languages; by Daniel G. Brinton, A. M., M. D.

In Am. Jour. of Science and Arts, vol. 47, second series, pp. 222–230. New Haven, 1869. 8°. Reprinted in Hist. Mag., vol. 5, second series, pp. 306-309. Morrisania, 1869. sm. 4°.

An account of some manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, presented by Mariano Galvez, Governor of Guatemala, in 1836, which seem to have escaped the notice of scholars.


Brinton (Dr. Daniel Garrison)-continued.

Literature of the Cakchiquel Language.


In Brinton (Dr. D. G.) Grammar of the Cakchiquel Language of Guatemala, pp. 10-17. Philadelphia, 1884. 8°.

The Cakchiquel grammar originally appeared in the Am. Philosoph. Soc. Proc. vol. 21, (No. 115,) pp. 345-412. Philadelphia, 1884. 8°.

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Catalogue of the | Berendt Linguistic Collection | by | Daniel Garrison Brinton, M. D. |

Media, Pa. | 1884 |


Manuscript. 1 blank p., index 1 p., 1 blank p., text 11. 1–79, written on recto only. 4°.

Brunet (G.) See Deschamps (P.) and Brunet (G.)

Brunet (Jacques Charles). Manuel | du Libraire et de l'amateur de livres | contenant | 10 Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique | Dans lequel sont décrits les Livres rares, précieux, singuliers, et aussi les ouvrages les plus estimés en tout genre, qui ont paru tant dans les langues anciennes que dans les principales langues modernes, depuis l'origine de | l'imprimerie jusqu'à nos jours; avec l'histoire des différentes éditions qui en ont été faites; des renseignements | nécessaires pour reconnaître les contrefaçons, et collationner les anciens livres. On y a joint une concordance | des prix auquels une partie de ces objets ont été portés dans les ventes publiques faites en France, en Angleterre | et ailleurs, depuis près d'un siècle, ainsi que l'appréciation approximative des livres anciens qui se rencontrent | fréquemment dans le commerce; | 20 Une table en forme de catalogue raisonné | Où sont classés, selon l'ordre des matières, tous les ouvrages portés dans le Dictionnaire, et un grand nombre d'autres ouvrages utiles, mais d'un prix ordinaire, qui n'ont pas dû être placés au rang des livres ou rares | ou précieux; | Par Jacques-Charles Brunet | Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur | Cinquième édition originale entièrement refoudue et augmentée d'un tiers | par l'auteur | Tome l'remier | [-Sixième] [Device.]

Paris | Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie | Imprimeurs de l'Institut, Rue Jacob, 56 | 1860 [-1865]. |

B. C. JWP.

6 vols. 8°. For continuation see Deschamps (P.) and Brunet (G.). Byington (Rev. Cyrus). Choctaw Bibliography. | A list of the books prepared and published in the Choctaw | language by the Missionaries of the American | Board of Com. for Foreign Missions

In Byington (Rev. Cyrus). Grammar of the Choctaw language, No. 561 of this Catalogue. Manuscript. The Choctaw Bibliography occupies four leaves of the Grammar, paged in pencil 43-50, being written mostly on the rectos of the leaves. It is divided into eight parts: I. Spelling Books. II. Choctaw Definer. III. Hymn Books. IV. Portions of the Scripture. V. Catechism. VI. Other Books. VII. Tracts. VIII. Tracts of American Tract Society. A concluding note is as follows:

"The name of the author or translator of any one of the preceding works is not published on the title-page, except in a very few instances. The principal authors and translators were members of the Choctaw Mission as conducted by the Ameri

Byington (Rev. Cyrus)-continued,

can Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. In translating they were aided by the most skillful interpreters they could find among the educated Choctaws. The missionaries who have devoted themselves to the labor of preparing books in the Choctaw language, more than any of their associates, are Rev. Alfred Wright, Loring S. Williams, and Cyrus Byington. Mr. Williams is not now a member of the mission. Several bymus in the hymn-book were composed by native Choctaws, as well as by the mixed blooded whites."

Carrillo y Ancona (D. Crescencio). Estudios Bibliográficos. Disertacion sobre la Historia de la Lengua Maya o Yucateca, por D. Crescencio Carrillo, Presbitero.

In Soc. de Geog. Mex., Bol., vol. 4, second series, pp. 134-195. Mexico, 1872. 8°. Gives works of various persons in Maya. Separately issued as follows:

Estudios Bibliográficos. | Disertacion | sobre la Historia de la Lengua Mayao Yucateca, | por | D.Crescencio Carrillo, Presbitero. | B. No title-page; heading only. Pp. 1-63. 8°.

Manual | de | Historia y Geografia | de la | Peninsula de Yucatan | Por | D. Crescencio Carrillo | Presbitero | Catedratico [&c., two lines] |

Merida de Yucatan | Imprenta de J. D. Espinosa e Hijos | 1868


Pp. i-xxvii, 1 l., pp. 1–162. sq. 16°. I have seen but one copy, which is incomplete. Capítulo iv. El idioma y el nombre de Yucatan, pp. 88-113, contains a general discussion of the language and the writers thereon, with a brief list of their works. Chavero (Alfredo). Sahagun | Estudio | por Alfredo Chavero | Secretario perpetuo | de la Sociedad de Geografía y Estadística de México. México | Imprenta de José María Sandoval | Hospicio San Nicolás, 18 | 1877 |



Printed cover 1 1., pp. 1-109, 11. sq. 16°. A notice of Sahagun and his writings. 100 copies printed for private distribution. See Llanos (Adolpho) for abstract of above.

Civezza (Fr. Marcellino da). Saggio | Di Bibliografia | geografica storica etnografica | Sanfrancescana | per | Fr. Marcellino da Civezza M. O. | [3 lines quotation.]

In Prato Per Ranieri Guasti | editore-libraio | 1879. |

[ocr errors]

Pp. i-xiv, 11., pp. 1-698. 8°. The only copy I have seen of this work is in possession of Dr. Gustave Brühl, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Clarke (Robert) & Co. Bibliotheca Americana. | Catalogue | of a valu able collection of | Books and Pamphlets | relating to | America. | The United States, colonial and revolutionary; | [&c., seven lines] | with a descriptive list of the Ohio Valley Historical Series. | For sale by Robert Clarke & Co. | Cincinnati. | 1875. | Title 1 1., pp. i-viii, 1–130, 1 1., pp. 131-180. 8°. Publications relating to the Indians are not assigned a separate departinent in the above work, but I have seen copies of the catalogue for 1876, 1878, 1879, and 1883 (GS.), wherein works relating to Indian languages are usually grouped under the heading "Indians and American Antiquities." I have also seen a copy of the catalogue for 1873 (Gs.), with title-page missing, and understand that copies were also issued for 1869, 1871, and


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