Queen Philippa's Golden Booke

A. Hall, Virtue, 1851 - Broj stranica: 230

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Stranica 220 - BALLADS FOR THE TIMES, HOW FIRST COLLECTED. GERALDINE, AMERICAN LYRICS, HACTENUS, A THOUSAND LINES, AND OTHER POEMS, BY MARTIN F. TUPPER, D.Ci. FRS " With smoothness of measure, Mr. Tupper's design is always excellent, and his versification is brought to bear upon things of no transient interest. It is one of the best characteristics of his labours, that he does not write for praise, but for the benefit of his fellow-men — not merely for time, but for eternity.
Stranica 221 - WEEKLY CHRONICLE.—" Fresh from the perusal of its immense array of facts, couched in pure phrase, and arranged in the most lucid order, we might be accused of enthusiasm, if we say it is the ablest summary of history and modern investigation with which we are acquainted ; hut, as most of our readers who open its pages will admit, our praise is far from being exaggerated.
Stranica 220 - BALLADS FOR THE TIMES, NOW FIRST COLLECTED. GERALDINE, A MODERN PYRAMID, HACTENUS, A THOUSAND LINES, AND OTHER POEMS, BY MAKTIN F. TUPPER, D.Ci. FKS "With smoothness of measure, Mr. Tupper's design is always excellent, and his versification is brought to bear upon things of no transient interest. It is one of the best characteristics of his labours...
Stranica 221 - ... and arranged in the most lucid order, we might be accused of enthusiasm, if we say it is the ablest summary of history and modern investigation with which we are acquainted ; but, as most of our readers who open its pages will admit, our praise is far from being exaggerated." SPECTATOR.— " One of the best historical, archaeological, and geographical compilations that has appeared.
Stranica 219 - Unquestionably the production of an able hand, and a refined mind. We recommend it to all who love pure, healthy, literary fare." — Church and State Gazette. " This quaint narrative, presented in ancient binding, and in the type of bygone days, is a most acceptable addition to the literature of the times.
Stranica 219 - This is a charming little book ; and whether we regard its subject, cleverness, or delicacy of sentiment and expression — to say nothing of its type and orthography — it is likely to be a most acceptable present to young or old, be their peculiar taste for religion, morals, poetry, history, or romance.
Stranica 221 - THE ART-JOURNAL.— A full exposition of all that has been done of late years In the East in the way of archaeological study, as well as a clear and condensed history of the ancient people whose sculptured remains have so recently attracted our attention. As a record of history almost entirely neglected, this cheap and unpretending volume deserves much praise. Its author has cleverly and clearly condensed the past and present state of these great kingdoms, and offered, in a good and succinct narrative,...
Stranica 220 - It is the fervour of style, the freshness of illustration, the depth of true feeling present in every page, that gives these tales a charm peculiar to themselves."— New York Evening Post, Edited by WC Bryant.
Stranica 221 - One of the best historical, archaeological, and geographical compilations that has appeared." WEEKLY NEWS. — "We can safely recommend it to the perusal of our readers as the most useful work which has yet appeared upon the subject it embraces." STANDARD.—" Mr. VAUX has done his part admirably. A book which we could wish to see in every
Stranica 219 - Ye presente littell booke coutaineth ye pleasaute & profittable Journall kept by the first wyfe of John Milton ; it truthfully reciteth her loving courtship, her unhappie marriage, her departure from her husband's home, and her return and perfect reconcilement. "This...

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