Principles of Gestalt PsychologyRoutledge & K. Paul, 1955 - Broj stranica: 720 |
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Rezultati 1 - 3 od 82.
Stranica 218
... principle : such parts of the beha- vioural environment as become part of our gen- eral spatial framework assume one of the main spatial directions . Let us see what this principle means in our examples . When we look through Fig . 72 ...
... principle : such parts of the beha- vioural environment as become part of our gen- eral spatial framework assume one of the main spatial directions . Let us see what this principle means in our examples . When we look through Fig . 72 ...
Stranica 309
... principle which we took over from Humphrey seems at first sight far removed from the kind of principle we wanted , a principle , namely , which would en- visage at the outset the orderly and meaningful results of behaviour . What has ...
... principle which we took over from Humphrey seems at first sight far removed from the kind of principle we wanted , a principle , namely , which would en- visage at the outset the orderly and meaningful results of behaviour . What has ...
Stranica 554
... PRINCIPLE OF ACTION AND REACTION APPLIED TO THE TRACE- PROCESS RELATION . We shall meet with other manifestations of this influence later . Now we shall try to explain it . Must we introduce this hypothesis as a new assumption to ...
... PRINCIPLE OF ACTION AND REACTION APPLIED TO THE TRACE- PROCESS RELATION . We shall meet with other manifestations of this influence later . Now we shall try to explain it . Must we introduce this hypothesis as a new assumption to ...
Broj ostalih dijelova koji nisu prikazani: 13
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
animal answer appear argument articulation aspect associationism assumption attitude become behavioural environment behavioural field behavioural world C. D. Broad C. K. OGDEN ceteris paribus Chapter colour colour constancy complete concept constancy corresponding depend determined direction discussion distance dynamic effect Ego system emotions empiristic equal example excitation experimental experiments explain fact factors figure figure-ground fixation forces framework function geographical environment gestalt Gestalt Psychology gestalt theory ground havioural homogeneous hypothesis influence kind Köhler latter learning lines look means memory ment motion normal objects occur organization pattern perceived perception physiological possible present principle problem produce proved proximal psychology psychophysical question recall relation reproduction result retinal image retroactive inhibition rôle seems segregated shape similar space spatial stancy stimulation stress stroboscopic subjects surface syllables task tension theory things tion trace system trace theory true velocity whereas whole