Analyzing Interaction: Sequential Analysis with SDIS and GSEQCambridge University Press, 28. srp 1995. - Broj stranica: 155 Psychologists, educators, animal behaviorists, and other researchers who observe and study sequences of behavior have found Bakeman and Gottman's Observing Interaction helpful in planning their research and analyses. Now its companion volume, Analyzing Interaction, provides the practical underpinning and tools to carry out the sorts of sequential analyses suggested by the earlier book. First, a simple notational scheme for sequential data is introduced (SDIS or Sequential Data Interchange Standard). Then basic sequential statistics are discussed, elaborating and extending the material presented in Observing Interaction. Two computer programs are also included with the book. The SDIS program checks and prepares sequential data for efficient analysis. The GSEQ program tallies sequential data into contingency tables designed by the user and computes a variety of sequential statistics. |
Iz unutrašnjosti knjige
Rezultati 1 - 5 od 11.
Stranica vii
... chi square 148 References 150 Index 153 Preface This book is the result of more than a Contents vii.
... chi square 148 References 150 Index 153 Preface This book is the result of more than a Contents vii.
Stranica 56
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Stranica 84
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Stranica 86
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Stranica 87
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Talk attention distress and infants | 10 |
Sessions conditions times and events | 19 |
State timed event and interval data | 31 |
Specifying target and given codes | 46 |
Modifying SDIS data | 59 |
Specifying time windows | 70 |
Computing contingency table statistics with GSEQ | 82 |
The SDISGSEQ user interface | 104 |
A Installing and running SDIS and GSEQ | 129 |
Critical values for chi square | 148 |
Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
Analyzing Interaction: Sequential Analysis with SDIS and GSEQ Roger Bakeman,Vincent Quera Pregled nije dostupan - 1995 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
adjusted residuals ampersand Analyzing ASCII assumed asterisk Bakeman cell chi-square child distress study co-occur column conditional probabilities context codes contingency tables data modification commands data types default defined described DURA duration behaviors Elab enclosed episodes event sequences event sequential data example exclusive and exhaustive existing codes File command filename follow given behaviors Given commands GSEQ command file HCom HNeg interval sequences interval sequential data ISmi JNTF joint attention study kappa Lump mand marital talk study mutually exclusive new_code observed occur old codes old_code2 onset and offset Pool command recording repeat code check represent requests that GSEQ SDIS and GSEQ SDIS data file SDIS file semicolon separate sequential analysis session SGUI simple specified SPSS statistics Stats command structural zeros subjects tallies Target and Given Target command topic unit or interval variables WCom WINDOW WNeg XOfr Yes Yes Yes