ALEXANDER DUMAS. Historical novels arranged chronologically according to the date when each one begins; giving also the sequence of a series, and the different titles under which each novel has been published in English so far as known. From the Quarterly index of the Milwaukee Public Library, with the addition of the titles of the French originals. The sto "Almost the whole of the literature, like the civilization of Korea is borrowed from China. ries as told by Dr. Allen are both readable and amusing. There are not enough of them to make the sameness which runs through most Chinese stories wearisome, and the scenes they represent are so strange and Oriental that they arrest the attention at the same time that they please the fancy. Much of their charm is doubtless due to Dr, Allen's style of writing, which is unaffected and clear." Atheneum, Nov. 30. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1st-3d, 5th, 6th annual reports of the committee, 1881-84, 85-87. 1886-87.2 v. Anderson, Sir C: H: J: The Lincoln pocket guide; a short account of the churches and antiquities of the county; with map. 1880. Barrett, F. Honest Davie; a novel. 1885. Barron, L: Les fleuves de France: La Seine. Bax, E. B. The ethics of socialism; further essays in modern socialist criticism, etc. Bayonne, C. Nuovi documenti e studi intorno a Girolamo Savonarola, per cura di A. Gherardi. 2a ed., accres. 1887. Berry, W: County genealogies. Pedigrees of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Surrey families; pr. in lith. 1837.3 v. Berty, A. Topographie historique du vieux Paris; région du Louvre et des Tuileries. 1866-68. 2 v. Bible. O. T. Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica; ad optimas ed. imprimis E. van der Hooght acc. rec. et expresa; cur. argument. notationem, etc., add. C: G. G. Theile. Ed. ster. 4a. 1873. N. T. Greek. Novum Testamentum e codice Vaticano, 1209, nativi textus Graeci primo omnium phototypice repraesentatum auspice Leone XIII., pont. max.; cur. J. Cozza-Luzi. 1889. Hebrews. Greek. The Epistle to the Hebrews; the Greek text; with notes and essays by B. F. Westcott. "The detailed exegesis of the 'Epistle 'is conducted with all the grammatical accuracy, with all the com. mand of the resources which a wide learning gives to Canon Westcott, and with that deep insight into ethical, spiritual, and historical truth characteristic of the author. If there is any fault to find with the work, it is the fault of over-elaboration. We are attracted by the worth and merits of the 'additional notes' into which the learning of Canon Westcott overflows, and which are of the highest value. The work is worthy of the author, and will add to his great reputation, and is altogether a production which reflects honour on English scholarship and on English theology." - Spectator. Blodgette, G: B. Early settlers of Rowley, Mass., incl. all here before 1662, with a few generations of their descendants. 1887.. Bocksperger, H. Kunstlich und zierlich gerissene Livische Figuren, darinnen die gantze römische Historien künstlich begriffen und angezeigt; nachgerissen durch J. Ammon. 1631. Bonnefont, G. Voyage en zigzags de deux jeunes français en France. "Une intéressante description de notre pays. Les deux touristes racontent les incidents variés de leurs excursions, leurs impressions et leurs souvenirs, et nous font connaître les richesses artistiques et les curiosités pittoresques de nos provinces, sous une forme beaucoup plus attrayante que celle d'un traité didactique." Revue bleue. Bouchot, H: Les reliures d'art à la Bibliothèque Nationale. 1888. Boyce, A. O. Records of a Quaker family; the Richardsons of Cleveland. "Desultory and devoid of any striking features as the volume is, all those who like Charles Lamb love the carly Quakers, should read Mrs. Boyce's Records of a Quaker family." - Athenaum. Bradbury, Mrs. S. L. A. My country; school exBritish Museum. Library. Catalogue of the books printed in Iceland, 1578-1880, in the Library. 1885. ercise for Fourth of July. Brunet, P: G. (pseud. Philomneste Junior). Le bibliomanie, 1886-89; bibliographie rétrospective des adjudications remarquables faites ces années et de la valeur primitive de ces ouvrages. "Agréable petit volume; c'est le septième tome de ces élégantes Bibliomanies,' si connues et appréciées. des amateurs, que l'infatigable bibliographe bordelais nous a données, presque annuellement, depuis 1878. M. Brunet a retracées les vicissitudes de la bibliomanie avec force examples à l'appui, dans un spirituel chapitre qui termine son petit livre. Rien n'est plus curieux et plus instructif que cette essai de quelques pages sur un sujet qui fournirait la matière d'un volume et dont, avec son goût habituel, l'érudit écrivain s'ést contenté de ne prendre que la fleur." - Le livre, déc. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes; suivi des supercheries littéraires dévoilées; suppl. à la dernière éd. de ces deux ouvrages, éd. Daffio. "Il contient quantité d'ouvrages qui ont paru sans nom d'auteur depuis la publication de l'édition Daffio; on y trouve également un nombre considérable d'anonymes que les trois éditions successives de 1806, 1824, et 1873 n'avaient point dévoilés." - Le livre, déc. Butler, B: F. Should there be a union of the English-speaking peoples of the Earth; dissertation before Alumni of Colby Univ., July 2. Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, D. F. de S. A.M. Annales; 6e et 7e relations, 1258-1612; pub. et trad. sur le ms. orig. par R. Siméon. "Of Mexican and Aztec history a goodly number of volumes have come down to our age, but much of it is contradictory, and what little we think to be true is likely to become modified in many points by the recent publication of Chimalpahin's Relations." What disposes us from the start to think favorably of this work is the fact that it was composed in the native language and by an educated man of the Indian race. His style is neither rhetorical nor diffuse, like that of many contemporaneous Spanish Mexicans but concise and entirely matter of fact." Nation. Constitutionnel, Le journal du commerce, politique et littéraire; no. 1-66, 68-265, 1 jan. 7 mars, 9 mars-21 sept., 1830. Coville, A. Les Cabochiens et l'ordonnance de de 1413. 1888. "C'est un des plus dramatiques épisodes de notre histoire nationale que M. Alfred Coville a remis en lu. mière dans son savant travail. Si ses consciencieuses recherches n'ont pas renouvelé l'aspect général de ce mouvement populaire, elles en ont du moins très exactement établi les causes et précisé les details. Grâce aux nombreux documents inédits qu'il a mis à contribution, le savant auteur a présenté le récit des événements de l'année 1413 avec toute la couleur et toute la vie qu'ils ont dû avoir dans la réalité, et son travail forme une importante contribution à l'histoire des premières années du 15e siècle." - Revue bleue. Derôme, L. La reliure de luxe; le livre et l'amateur. 1888. Du Boisgobey, F. Marie Bas-de-Laine. Du Cleuziou, H: Monuments historiques de France; coll. de phototypies par C. Peigné de Tours; avec un texte explicatif et des notices. Livr. 1-4.. Egypt Exploration Fund. Extra memoir; two hieroglyphic papyri from Tanis. 1. The sign papyrus; by F.L. Griffith. 2. The geographical papyrus; by W: M. F. Petrie; with remarks by Prof. H: Brugsch. Elbe, A. von der. Die Junker von Luzern. 2 v. Evolution; lectures, etc., before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. Ferraz, M. Histoire de la philosophie pendant la Révolution, 1789-1804. Feydeau, E: A. Sylvie. Nouv. éd. rev. et corr. 1888. France. Assemblée Nationale. Procédure criminelle, instruite au Châtelet de Paris, sur la dénonciation des faits arrivés à Versailles [le] 6 oct. 1789. 1790. 2 v. Convention Nationale. Comité de Salut Public. Franzos, K: E. Stille Geschichten. 2e Aufl. "C'est pourquoi je remercie M. Fuster du voyage qu'il m'a fait faire autour de la France poétique. Car, remarquez-le, il ne quitte pas un instant son lecteur. Sa prose alerte et spirituelle, parfois imagée comme des vers, accompagne, encadre, commente, complète les citations et les extraits. Ne prenez pas, je vous prie, M. Charles Fuster pour un compilateur: c'est un critique et un poète." - Augustin Filon in Bevue bleue. Gayet, A. Les monuments coptes du Musée de Boulaq. Gesenius, F: H: W: Student's Hebrew grammar; tr. from Roediger's ed. by B: Davies; rev. and enl. by E: C. Mitchell; with indexes. 1880. Goethe, J: W. von. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship; tr. by R. D. Boylan. 1886. Grégoire, L: Histoire de France; période contemporaine; règne de Louis-Philippe jusqu'à la constitution de 1875. 1879-83. 4 v. Hearn, L. "Gombo zhèbes;" little dictionary of Creole proverbs, selected from 6 Creole dialects; tr. into French and English with notes, index, and remarks upon Creole idioms of Louisiana. 1885. Heimburg, W: (pseud. for B. Behrens). Die Andere, Roman. Heraclitus. Fragments of [his] work on nature; tr. from the Greek text of Bywater, with introd., by G. T. W. Patrick. Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prinz K. C: A: E: F: zu. Letters on artillery; tr. by Maj. N. L. Walford. 1888. Letters on cavalry; tr. by Lt. Col. N. L. Wal ford. Letters on infantry; tr. by Lt. Col. N. L. Walford. 1889. "Ably translated. It may be assumed hastily that they are 'caviare' to the non-professional reader. That is not so; for the experienced veteran has such a fine faculty of simple, lucid exposition, and so much downright dramatic vigour, springing from his com. plete familiarity with the realities of his business, that he carries the lay reader along, and compels him to see, feel, and comprehend how armies are made, troops conducted, and battles fought, to an extent hitherto attained by few, perhaps, none. The reason may be that he is realistic, in the best sense; that he is practical; that he ever looks straight at the essentials; that he is openminded; and last, not least, that he is gifted with a rare power of directand vivid statement, by the mere force of which he is often unconsciously picturesque. No one will ever understand armies and warfare like genuine soldiers; but it may be said of Prince Kraft that he gives laymen an opportunity of forming at least modest conceptions which approximate towards the truth." Spectator. Japy, G: L'éducation d'un mari. 1886. Jolly, J. The minor law-books. Pt. 1. Narada; Brihaspati. (Sacred books of the East.) "Throws considerable light on the origin and history of the ancient Code of Manu, and further enables us, in the almost complete absence of all historical documents among the Hindoos, to form some idea of the ways of life in Northern India during the earlier centuries of the Christian era." Sat. rev. Josephus, F. Works; Whiston's tr. rev. by A. R. Shilleto; with topog. notes by Sir C. W. Wilson. 1889. 3 v. "It is surprising that the antiquated and unsatisfactory translation by Whiston (1736) has so long held the field. A comparison of the two translations with each other and with the Greek shows that Mr. Shilleto's is on the whole, much more true to both the spirit and the letter of the original, and is to be welcomed as a manifest improvement. When this has been said, however, the whole has been told." Critic. Lamothe-Langon, E. L., baron de. Une semaine de l'histoire de Paris. 1830. Lanery d'Arc, P: Mémoires et consultations en faveur de Jeanne d'Arc par les juges du procès de réhabilitation. Note. "Pour servir de complément et de tome 6 aux Procès de condemnation et de réhabilitation de J. Quicherat." Larroumet, G. Henri Regnault, 1843-71. "Il y a là, sous la forme d'un discours prononcé dans une distribution de prix, une étude à la fois exacte et brilliante sur la courte vie, sur le talent et sur l'œuvre de Regnault, étude où l'on retrouve toute la délicatesse de l'écrivain que goûtaient les lecteurs de la Revue' et où l'on sent partout la compétence d'un directeur des Beaux-Arts qui connnaît bien les choses dont il parle." Rev. d. D. Mondes. |