Slike stranica

Lawless, E. Plain Frances Mowbray; and other tales.

Maner, The, of the tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn; and The noble tryumphaunt coronacyon of Quene Anne, wyfe unto Kynge Henry VIII.; ed. by E. Goldsmid. 1532-33, repr. 1884. (Bibl. curiosa.)

Mémoire pour L: R. E: de Rohan, cardinal, etc., contre le Procureur-Général en présence de la dame de la Motte, etc. 1786.

Moorsom, Rev. R. M. A historical companion to hymns ancient and modern; cont. the Greek and Latin, the German, Italian, French, Danish, and Welsh hymns; the first lines of the English hymns; the names of all authors and translators; notes and dates.

"Mr. Moorsom has here compiled a very interesting book, which all who care about hymnology should possess. He has discarded the alphabetical arrangement, and adopted one that is really scientific and instructive, the chronological." - Spectator.

Muteau, C. Les écoles et collèges en province depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1789. 1882.

Nelson, H. Selected cases, statutes, and orders illustrative of the principles of private international law, as administered in England; with commentary.

"A very useful work." Athenaum.

Norton, T. M. Etudes sur les œuvres d'art de Raphael Sanzio d'Urbino au monastère de Refojos do Lima; tr. par L: C. Capdeville. 1888.

Paris. Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français. Bulletin. 1853-71. 20 v.

Parker, J: H: The medieval architecture of Chester; with historical introd. by Rev. F. Gros

[blocks in formation]

Patrick, St. Writings; rev. trans. with notes, by Rev. C: H. H. Wright. (Christian classics ser.)

"Thin in size, but full of interest. The editing ap. pears to have been done with care, the genuine remains are separated from the doubtful, the Scripture quotations have been compared with the Vulgate and the Itala, and the critical, and historical notes seem to be scholarly and sufficient." - Sat. rev., Aug. 24.

Phocas, J. Pilgrimage in the Holy Land, 1185 A. D.; tr. by A. Stewart. (Palestine Pilgrims Text Soc.)

Popliment, C: La Belgique héraldique; recueil hist., chronol., généal., et biog. des maisons nobles reconnues de la Belgique. 1863-67. 11 v.

Proctor, R: A. The southern skies; guide to the constellations of the southern hemisphere. "One of the late Mr. Proctor's very successful efforts to popularise astronomy." - Spectator.

Q., (pseud. of A. T: Q. Couch). The astonishing history of Troy town. 1888.

"Though so humorous as to swallow up criticism in enjoyment, as a whole the book is, when scrutinized in detail, a strange compound of originality and unconscious imitation. If the authors whose styles are more than suggested in it could come together and select each his passage or character (as the schoolboy thought the specimens in the anatomical museum would one day be reclaimed by their rightful owners), a notable gathering it would be. Mrs. Gaskell would be first on the field

to claim for her 'Cranford' the opening scene and many of the village 'genre' pictures. Miss Marigold's' creator would next lay violent hands on Miss Timpenny, despite her maidenly shrieks. Thackeray would father Admiral Buzza, while Dickens would have to stand as parent to Caleb Trotter, a mixture of Sam Weller, and Mark Tapley. The title is a clear infringement on Homer's copyright, and the Earl of Derby would insist that the prose description of the congregation of St. Symphorian was a parody of his own metrical version of the great epic. If imitation be the sincerest flattery, then is this author a most flattering one; but how can the critic in turn flatter him: We cannot pay him the compliment of imitation, but we can be sincere in saying of his book, Read it.". Critic.

Ranke, F. L. von. Abhandlungen und Versuche.
Neue Sammlung; hrsg., von A. Dove and
T. Wiedemann. 1888.

Ribot, T. Psychologie de l'attention.
Robidou, B. Histoire du clergé pendant la Révo-

lution Française. 2 v.

"M. Robidou n'a pas les qualités d'un historien de premier ordre; le talent de grouper les faits, d'en montrer les relations et d'en tirer des conclusions générales lui manque. Son livre est trop fragmentaire; de nombreuses citations d'auteurs ou d'orateurs, sans intérêt spécial ou sans rapports entres elles, lui donnent un certain décousu. Enfin il y a des lacunes dans l'ouvrage; M. Robidou ignore presque le corps pastoral protestant et s'occupe exclusivement de la conduite du clergé catholique. Et malgré tout, son ouvrage présente de l'intérêt. Ceux-là le liront avec plaisir qui voudront se faire une idée générale du clergé féodal."-Bibl. univ.

Rorer, Mrs. S.. T. Philadelphia cook book; man

ual of home economics. [1886.]

Russell, P. Journey to Lake Taupo; and Australian and New Zealand tales and sketches. "Consists half of tales and half of sketches (for the latter word read essays.' In The treasure tree,' and 'A mad passion, Mr. Russell shows very remarkable powers of plot construction. For delicate ingenuity of conception, combined with bold, rapid execution The treasure tree would be bad to beat. Of that part of this book which deals with fact, not the least interesting feature is a sketch of the life and work of Edward Gibbon Wakefield, to whom, more than to any other man, Great Britain is indebted for the colony of New Zealand." - Academy.

Sayous, E: Etudes sur la religion romaine et le Moyen Age oriental.

"Si les problèmes qu'étudie M. Sayous présententen. tre eux de grandes differences quant aux temps, aux lieux et à l'intérêt qu'on leur peut porter, il y a pourtaut quelque chose qui donne de l'unité aux chapitres de ce livre. C'est d'abord le style de l'auteur, un style C'est surtout son érudition bien clair, net, concis. connue qui lui permet de se mouvoir à l'aise au milieu de sujets les plus difficiles, qui parfois embarrasse bien un peu le profane moins versé dans ces matières et le satisfait seulement à moitié par desallusions à tel ou tel fait historique qu'il ne connaît guère, mais qui fait atteindre à M. Sayous, avec une presque certitude, la solution des questions parfois fort interessantes qu'il pose." Bibl. univ., 1 jan.

Schufeldt, R. W. A Navajo artist and his notions

of mechanical drawing. [188-.]

Stearns, Rev. E: J. Notes on Uncle Tom's cabın; a logical answer to its allegations and inferences against Slavery; with a supplementary note on the Key, and an appendix of authorities. 1853.

Storey, S: To the golden land; sketches of a trip to southern California.

"They are bright racy productions." budget.

Pall Mall

Alaeddin and the enchanted lamp; Zein ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn; done into English by J: Payne.

Ames, L. T. Memoirs of a millionaire. Arnot, F: S. Garenganze; or, Seven years' pioneer mission work in Central Africa.

Babeau, A. Paris en 1789.

"Brought out in the best manner of the famous house which publishes it, it is a very handsome volume. But its soul is fully as good as its body. Μ. Babeau has left all political matter - all contentious matter, indeed, of every kind entirely on one side, and contents himself with giving from various sources a remarkably compact and closely stowed, but also quite readable, sketch of the material sights and sounds of Paris at the time its streets and its buildings, its costumes and its cries, its trades and its conveyances, its ways by day and night. To aid him in this (and here we come to the unique attraction of the book), he has got together a great number of admirable cuts, exclusively reproduced from originals of the time." - Sat. rev., July 27.

Baker, T: B. L. War with crime; papers on crime, reformatories, etc.; ed. by H. Phillips. and E. Verney.

"Mr. T. B. Baker died in his eightieth year, in 1886, after a lite devoted to the practical labours in the cause of social reform and improvement. His chief out of many titles to the gratitude of his countrymen is his work in the establishment of reformatories.

The whole subject of the prevention of crime occupied much of Mr. Baker's time and attention; nor were his efforts in the diminution of pauperism and vagrancy less meritorious. Here was a practical philanthropist of the very highest merit." - Spectator, Nov. 2.

Bancroft, G. Martin Van Buren to the end of his public career.

"The manuscript was seen by Van Buren, who pronounced it, as a record of facts relating to himself, authentic and true. In my recent revision of the orig. Inal manuscript I have made no change that could affect Van Buren's approval of it as thoroughly correct." Preface.

Below, G: von. Die Entstehung der deutschen

Benzon, E. How I lost £250,000 in two years.
Bergeret, G. Le cousin Babylas.
Bernstein, M. Kleine Geschichten.
Berthelot, M. Introduction à l'étude de la chimie

des anciens et du Moyen Age.

Bertrand, A. François Rude. (Les artistes célèbres.)

Bonnal, E. Les armées de la République; opérations et batailles, 1792-1800.

Bourget, P. Le disciple.

"Un des chefs-d'œuvre de notre langue." - A: Filon in Revue bleue, 20 juil.

[blocks in formation]

"The occasion of this book is the proposed revision of the theological standard of the Presbyterian churches in the United States. Professor Briggs advocates either a revision of the Westminster Symbols, or an additional article qualifying subscription to them. His book is principally devoted to an exhibition of the departures which have already been made from those standards by all Presbyterian ministers and churches in this country.

Space cannot be taken to notice the interesting scheme under which Dr. Briggs thinks it possible and desirable though not at present probable, that the Christian union of Protestants with each other, and of all Catholics may be realized. It is needless to say that from supporters and from opponents of its opinions • Whither' is having a warm reception." - George Harris in Andover review, November.

Campbell, G: D., 8th Earl of Argyll. What is Truth?

"A striking contribution to the theme with which it deals. To the thinker, the student, to all who admit that search for truth is a universal and momentous duty, the book may be commended as stimulating and interesting in the highest degree." - John Owen in the Academy, Sept. 21.

Catherwood, Mrs. M.. H. The romance of Dollard.

"The episode upon which this romance is based is one of the most notable ones in the history of Canada. Adam Dollard and his sixteen heroic followers are looked upon as the deliverers of New France from their relentless enemies, the Iroquois Indians. His life was sacrificed to his daring, and the anniversary of his death is to this day celebrated in Canada. The romance of his life, of which a noble French girl is the heroine, is a beautiful story, beautifully told. The chief personages of the tale were actual men and women two and a quar. ter centuries ago."

Cavour, C. B., conte di. Nouvelles lettres inédites; recueillies et publiées avec notes historiques par A. Bert.

Chabaud-Arnault, C. Histoire des flottes militaires (Bibl. du marin.)

Church, Mrs. F. M. On circumstantial evidence. 2 ν.

Clarke, W: Political orations, from Wentworth

to Macaulay; with introd.

Clouston, W: A. A group of Eastern romances and stories from the Persian, Tamil, and Urdu; with introd., notes, etc.


"Its contents are chiefly, reprints of translations now become rare of genuine Oriental tales. One of the stories, however, is presented for the first time to an English reader, having been translated from the Tamil by Natésa Sástri. The introduction lays before us a short account of the tales comprised in the body of the work, with some bibliographical information which might perhaps have been rendered a little more complete. One of the most valuable portions of the work is the Appendix, in which Mr. Clouston has brought together a great number of variants of the stories in the text."

Folk-lore journal, July-Sept.

Coleridge, S: T. Critical annotations; marginal notes in volumes formerly in [his] possession; ed. by W: F. Taylor.

Corbett, J. Monk. (Eng. men of action.)

"If a man were in search of a phrase with which to ticket Monk, he might do worse than describe him as that Englishman of all Englishmen who most clearly illustrated the amazing luck of England. If Mr. Corbett had acknowledged at once that Monk was a solid military gentleman, with military ideas and mili. tary morality, strengthened by a very earthly shrewdness of his own, he would have given a more acceptable picture of his man. He indeed gives you the real man and the interpretation in the manner of M. Renan within a few pages of one another. Hence a certain incoherence in the portraiture. Solid and absolutely sane bravery was the note of the man, whether in the breach at Breda, in the miserable Irish welter, in the Highlands, or at Whitehall during the Restoration, or during the Plague." Sat. rev., Sept. 7.

Corelli, M.. "Ardath;" the story of a dead self.

3 v.

"A very powerful, very fascinating, very faulty, and very irritating romance. A really fine romance is spoiled by the intrusion of elements which are not only utterly alien, but which seem to us utterly valueless, both from an intellectual and artistic point of view." Spectator, July 13.

Cushing, W: Anonyms; a dictionary of revealed authorship. Pt. 1.

Defensor. Liber scintillarum; with interlinear Anglo-Saxon version; ed., with introd. and glossary, from the ms. in the British Museum, by E. W. Rhodes. (Early Eng. Text Soc.) Du Chaillu, P. B. The Viking age; the early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking people. 2 v. "Mr. Do Chaillu's method is to make the ancient literature of the north tell its own tale. His sketch of the mythology of the Vikings is no contribution to philosophical criticism, such as those admirable studies of Professor Sophus Bugge. It is simply a chain of passages, very slightly threaded, literally translated from the 'Eddas,' and particularly from 'Voluspa' and 'Grimnismál. We then proceed to the Norse cosmogony, introduced in the same way, and then to the archæology of the finds in graves of the Stone and Bronze age. Here Mr. Du Chaillu introduces his engravings with a lavish and welcome profusion, giving an illustration of almost every object he mentions, and this is a portion of the book which must remain of lasting value. The chapter on Runes is also very copiously illustrated, and gives facsimiles of all the most important early examples. The second volume deals in the same elaborate manner with the habits and customs of Norsemen. It closes with three interesting appendices one on the Frankish Chronicles, another giving facsimiles of bits of existing sagas, and a third cataloguing the early coins which have been found in Scandinavia." Sat.rev., Nov. 2.

Elvin, J: N. Dictionary of heraldry.

"The plates are forty-six in number, each of fullpage size, giving a pictorial representation of every term or object." - Spectator, Nov. 16.

Ely, R: T.

Social aspects of Christianity; and other essays. Field, M., pseud. Long ago.

"Not a translation of Sappho, but something at once more and less. It is less, in that it does not essay to express the concentrated passion of the Greek in any correspondingly concentrated form; it is more, in that it is an expansion of the ideas suggested by the fragments of Sappho into a series of separate, though connected lyrics. No attempt has been made to translate the two poems which have reached us in something like complete shape; but the isolated fragments have supplied Michael Field with the key-notes for the seventy pieces which compose her volume. A volume of singularly even merit throughout, and that merit is high."Athenœum, July 13.

Foote, S: Table-talk and bon-mots; with introd. memoir; ed. by W: Cooke.

Forbes, S. R. The footsteps of St. Paul in Rome; an historical memoir, 62-64. 2d ed., rev. and enl. [1888.] Foulon, J. A., Abp. of of Lyons. Histoire de la vie et des œuvres de Mgr. Darboy, archevêque de Paris.

"Mgr. Foulon a fait vraiment œuvre d'historien, et non de simple biographie. La vie qu'il avait à ra. conter a été mélee aux affaires et aux événements les plus considérables et les plus diversement appréciés de notre époque; sa tâche s'en est donc singulièrement agrandi. Son livre est une contribution importante aux vingt années qui précédèrent la chute de l'Empire." Le livre, 10 juil.

Franzos, K: E. Die Schatten. 2te Aufl.
Fredegarius Scholasticus.

Krusch. 1888.

Chronica; ed. B.

Freshfield, D. W., and Wharton, Capt. W. J. L. Hints to travellers; scientific and general. 6th ed., rev. and enl.

"This little manual will be found useful, not merely for travellers and explorers, but for those who may spend a summer month in camp, may visit the frontier

on business, or seek the woods for fish or game. While making no pretentions to exhaustiveness, it covers well a good deal of the field, its several parts are prepared by able hands, and its usefulness is obvious." - Nation, Nov. 12.

Goldsmith, O. The vicar of Wakefield; ed., with

pref. by E. Rhys. (Camelot ser.)

Grote, G:, etc. The two great retreats of history; with introd. and notes by D: H: M[ontgomery].

Gudrun; a mediæval epic; tr. by M.. P. Nichols. Haines, C. R. Christianity and Islam in Spain,


Hamilton, W. An odd volume for smokers; a lyttel parcell of poems and parodyes in prayse of tobacco.

Heilprin, A. The Bermuda islands; a contrib. to the physical history and zoology of the Somers archipelago; with an examination of the structure of coral reefs, etc.

"In 1888 Professor Heilprin of the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences with a small party of students made a visit to the Bermudas for the purpose of studying its zoölogy and the geological structure of its reefs. Of the present volume which gives the result of this investigation, the greater part, and that which presents the most interest to the general reader, is devoted to the physical and geological structure, and to a discussion of the coral-reef problem. The book is well printed and illustrated." - Nation, Nov. 28.

Hultsch, F: Griechische und römische Metrologie. 1862. Hunt, J. H: L. Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist; passages from his works; ed. with biog. introd., by C: Kent. (Cavendish lib.)

Ibsen, H. A doll's house; a play; tr. by W: Archer.

"No one will deny that Ibsen - although hardly, perhaps, a dramatist combining the prophetic power of Æschylus with Shakespeare's power of dramatic illusion, as the rejoicing Ibsenites contend is a poet, and a very fine poet." - Athenœum, Sept. 28.

The lady from the sea; tr. by E. M. Aveling; with critical introduction by E. Goss. (Camelot ser.)

"It is remarkable as being the only play of Ibsen's where a human will at war with unfriendly fates wins the fight."

"Divided though opinion may be on many points concerning the dramas, it cannot be questioned that they are finished works of art. Henrik Ibsen is one who

is not to be laughed down nor damned with faint praise, still less cowed into silence. He says his word and strikes his blow for righteousness, as he conceives it, and cares neither who hears nor who forbears, neither who is smitten nor who is spared. He is already a power in the world of today, and it is hard to see that his influence has much more than dawned." - Walter Frewen Lord in the Nineteenth century, August.

Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands. Legends and myths of Hawaii; the fables and folklore of a strange people; ed. with introd. by Hon. R. M. Daggett. 1888.

Kennedy, E. B. Blacks and bushrangers; adventures in Queensland.

"The story is well worth reading, is interesting, and instructive. It affords views of colonial life never before presented to English readers."-Athenaum, Dec.14.

Kingsford, A.. B. "Clothed with the sun;" the book of [her] illuminations; ed. by E: Maitland.

Number 255.1

Laugel, A. A. Henry de Rohan; son rôle politique et militaire sous Louis XIII, 1579-1638. Lawrence, G: A. Hagarene. 1874. 2 v.

Le Baker, G., de Swinbroke. Chronicon; ed. with

notes by E: M. Thompson.

"The chronicler derived his information from three
sources: firstly, his patron, Sir Thomas de la More, who
was present at some of the scenes he records; secondly
Adam de la Murimuth, the 'second edition of whose
work he used; thirdly, personal evidence acquired from
his contemporaries. The editor has lavished on his
text annotations so generous that it occupies barely
half the volume.
Of the editor's Notes and illus-
trations' we cannot speak too highly. The maps which
he has added are most instructive, and his comments on
the battles described by his author are of value for the
student. The result of his critical examination is favor-
able to Geoffrey le Baker, who appears to have striven
after accuracy," Athenœum, Aug. 31.

Lefevre, Rt. Hon. G: S. Irish members and Eng-
lish gaolers; the treatment of political of-
Lindau, R. Der lange Holländer.
Littledale, R: F: The Petrine claims; a critical


"An exhaustive and clearly written treatise upon the question of St. Peter's primacy among the apostles, and his Episcopate at Rome, which will not easily be superceded. A useful, careful, and convincing book." Academy, Sept. 28.

Livre du centenaire du Journal des débats, Le. 1789-1889.

Lobley, J. L. Mount Vesuvius; a descriptive, historical, and geological account of the volcano and its surroundings.

"A very complete monograph on the great volcano. After interesting chapters on the Neapolitan volcanic region, the surroundings of Vesuvius, and the mountains itself, Mr. Lobley traces its history in successive chapters from the earliest period down to the present time." - Roy. Geog. Soc. Proc., Dec.

Melville, G: J: W. The gladiators; a tale of Rome and Judaea. 1864. 2 v.

Miall, C: S: H: Richard, M. P.; a biography.

"Through nearly half a century Mr. Richard had an influential share in many political and philanthropic movements, and in all he won hearty respect by his zeal and disinterestedness.

Mr. Miall has drawn

chiefly from newspaper reports of public meetings and parliamentary debates in tracing the gradual development, in political and ecclesiastical affairs of that practical wisdom which ripened into the truest statesmanship' in his hero's praiseworthy career. It is a career worth studying, and perhaps its dignity is enhanced by the lack of small gossip in Mr. Miall's narrative; but this negative merit will, we fear, hardly make the book acceptable to more than a limited number of readers." - Athenœum, Oct. 26.

Middlemore, J. Proverbs, sayings and compari

sons in various languages.

Mill, Rev. J: Diary of J: Mill minister of the
parishes of Dunrossness, Sandwick, and
Cunningsburgh in Shetland, 1740-1803;
with selections from local records, etc.
(Scottish Hist. Soc.)

Molesworth, Mrs. The third Miss St. Quentin.
Monin, H. L'état de Paris en 1789; études et
documents sur l'ancien régime à Paris.
"M. Monin y passe en revue les principales institu-
tions de Paris aux approches de la Révolution: Royauté,
Parlement, Châtelet, Lieutenant général de police, Hô
tel de Ville, Juridictions spéciales." Revue bleue,
26 juin.

Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris pendant la
Révolution Française, 1789.

"Nous ne possédons pour les dernières années du 18e siècle aucun journal analogue à ceux de l'avocat Barbier ou du libraire Hardy. Pour combler cette lacune, M. Monin a entrepris de rédiger de toutes pièces le Journal d'un bourgeois, etc., Son travail, fort bien compris, rend en quelque sort vivante et familière une grande époque de notre histoire nationale, en même temps qu'il en facilite l'étude scientifique et approfondie." - Revue bleue, 10 août.

Nachtigal, G. Sahara und Sûdân; Ergebnisse
sechsjahriger Reisen in Africa. 3er Theil
hrsg. von E. Groddeck.

Nicholson, J: The folk speech of east Yorkshire.
Nicolai, C. F: Uber den Gebrauch der falschen
Haare und Perrucken in altern und neuern
Zeiten. 1801.

Nisbet, J. F. Marriage and heredity; a view of
psychological evolution.

"The law of heredity is made the subject of some This, of course, is not a book interesting inquiries. for all readers, but it contains facts and conclusions which are interesting, and should be useful, if marriage were more a matter of reason and deliberate choice than it is." Spectator, Nov. 16.

Palestine Exploration Fund. The survey of eastern Palestine; memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, archæology, etc. Vol. 1. The Adwân country; by Maj. C. R. Conder.

Petit, E: François Mignet.

"Peut-être souhaiterait-on un peu plus d'abandon dans la manière de M. Petit, peut-être un peu moins de gravité académique, mais c'est là une bien légère réserve que nous faisons dans l'éloge de ce livre bien or. donné, sagement pensé, fermement écrit. M. Mignet revit tout entier dans ce livre, et il nous a semblé vraiment, à nous qui l'avons connu, goûter quelques heures, encore l'inappréciable commerce de cet homme qui ne fut pas seulement un profond érudit, un grand écrivain, mais un causeur charmant, une âme tendre et délicate."

Le livre, 19 juillet.

Rawlinson, G: History of Phœnicia.

"Phœnicia is one of the most interesting and archæologically instructive among all branches of ancient history; and Canon Rawlinson in producing this conven. ient handbook on the subject has added another to his long list of services to the science which he has for so many years striven to advance, both by his printed books and by his lectures as the Camden Professor of He has given us a Ancient History at Oxford. work of great interest, in which is condensed a very large amount of otherwise scattered information." Saturday rev., Nov. 23.

Rebière, A. Mathématiques et mathématiciens;
pensées et curiosités.

Redford, G: Art sales; a history of sales of pic-
tures and other works of art. 1888. 2 v.
"Mr. Redford has filled his first volume with histori.
cal notes and memoirs of sales, beginning in 1620 with
the disposal by Rubens of his collection 'en bloc' to
the Duke of Buckingham, and ending with the break-
ing up in 1888 of the Marquis of Exeter's gallery.
The introduction to his second volume is full of notes
of great interest, abounding in curious matter.
body of the volume is divided into sections, each re.
porting in a tabulated form, under the name of the art-
ist, the subjects of his works, the dates of the sales, the
prices, the seller's and the purchaser's names.
a mass of details in valuable order it has never till now
been our luck to possess." - Atheneum, Aug. 3.



Ribbe, C: de. Une grande dame dans son ménage au temps de Louis XIV; d'après le journal de la comtesse de Rochefort, 1689.

Rossetti, W: M. Dante Gabriel Rossetti as designer and writer; notes; incl. a prose paraphrase of the House of life.

"If among known names of the present century one should count on the fingers of one hand those of men whose early personal influence gave an upward impulse to the aims of English art, Dante Gabriel Rossetti's would be one of them. Even for any one who may know next to nothing of the painter-poet or his work, it will be a very fascinating story. We can read between the lines, and it is no detraction to say that we wish there were more of it. The work is the outcome of an intellect wide enough to be generous, calm enough to be judicial in speaking of one who compelled enthusiasm whether of partisanship or enmity." - T. Nettleship in the Academy, Dec. 7.

Rousset, C. F. M. La conquête de l'Algerie, 184157. 2 v. and atlas.

Russell, W: C. The romance of Jenny Harlowe;

and sketches of maritime life.
"Capital reading." - Academy, Oct. 26.

Santa-Anna Nery, F. J.

Folk-lore brésilien;

[blocks in formation]

Torrington, Lord. Memoirs relating to Lord Torrington; ed. by J: K. Laughton. (Camelot Soc. Pub.)

"George Byng, the Lord Torrington of this book, was not one of the greatest of our seamen, but he did good work: he played an active and interesting, if not eminently honorable, part in the Revolution of 1688, and he contributed one of the prettiest and most com. pletely successful bits of fighting to the history of our navy. A reasonably good life of him, written by a well-informed contemporary, would be a great find. Unhappily the manuscript which Mr. Laughton has edited falls far short of even a modest standard. The memoirs will be useful to the long-hoped-for naval historian, and they certainly leave the impression that the conqueror of the Spaniards at Cape Passaro was a brave and capable man." - Sat. rev., Aug. 16.

Traill, A: D. Lord Strafford. (Eng. men of action.)

"One of the greatest and beyond all question the most unjustly treated both in his own day and by posterity, of all English statesmen could hardly have been committed to better hands than those of Mr. Traill. He is particularly well fitted to deal with this hard case-first, because he is one of the not very numerous writers of the present day who understand what political argument means; secondly, because he is a thoroughgoing Tory; and, thirdly, because his Toryism is not in the least of the sentimental kind. The biographer has not attempted very much personal biography, though he has given a good account of Wentworth's life. The three points on which he has rightly spent almost his whole energies are first, the problem of Wentworth's sudden apostasy; secondly, the question of his gov. ernment in the north of Ireland; thirdly, the circum. stances of his trial and death. Sat. rev., Nov. 9.

Tresswell, R., and Vincent, A.

Visitation of Shropshire, 1623; with add. from the pedigrees of Shropshire taken 1569 and 1584,etc.; ed. by G: Grazebrook, and J: P. Rylands. (Harleian Soc. Pub.)

2 v.

[blocks in formation]

Walpole, S. Life of Lord J: Russell. 2 v.

"Mr. Walpole has been fortunate in the materials placed at his disposal, and he has succeeded in writing a biography which is sound in its conclusions, skilful in its arrangement, and adequate without being distinctive in its style," - Atheneum, Nov. 9.

Watson, P. В. The Swedish revolution under Gustavus Vasa.

"Despite many defects it is not without some merit. As a rule he tells his story in a clear, intelligible way; he is transparently anxious to do justice to all parties; his description of the Reformation in Sweden, so far as it goes is substantially accurate; and though evidently leaning to the Protestant side, he is very seldom unfair to the Catholics. Finally, and this perhaps is its chief recommendation, the book is the first serious attempt in English to deal with the early political career of one of Europe's greatest men."-R. Nisbet's Bain in the Academy, Dec. 21.

Weir, H. Our cats and all about them. Weisman, A. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems; (tr. by A. E. Shipley and S. Schönland); ed. by E: B. Poulton,


"This volume, though addressed to the biologist, cannot be too urgently commended to the psychologist, upon whom also lies the shadow of Heredity. Though anticipated to some extent in his main conception by Mr. F. Galton, he has brought, during the last eight years in a way of his own, the experience and insight of a working biologist to the gradual elaboration of a strictly scientific theory of heredity. The steps by which he has so far arrived at a result of some definiteness are represented by the eight papers here given in the order of their appearance, the author himself seconding the care of his translators by supplementary notes." - Mind, Oct.

Wellesley, A., 1st Duke of Wellington. Letters to Miss J., 1834-51; ed. with extracts from the diary of the latter, by C. T. Herrick.

"This is a thoroughly delightful book. It ought to be, and no doubt will be, ajoy to all who can appreciate the representation of character, or who can taste the peculiar dry and nutty flavour of the Duke of Wellington's epistolary style. We have no doubt whatever that it is all genuine, and that there was a Miss J., and that the Duke of Wellington wrote to her. If we are being hoaxed, and any man jeers at us for it, we shall reply that the discovery delights us; for in that case the world will be richer in Mrs. or Miss Christine Terhune Herrick for a writer with an altogether amazing knowledge of human nature, insight into character, and power of imitating style." - Sat, rev., Dec. 21.

Whibley, C: In cap and gown; three centuries of Cambridge wit; with introd.

"Mr. Whibley has got hold of a capital idea, and what is far more uncommon, he has carried it into execution with success. His introduction is brightly written, and he has largely added to the interest and value of his book by giving short prefatory notes to each poem or extract, which enlighten without fatiguing the reader, and are themselves by no means lacking grace and critical discernment." Atheneum, Nov. 23.

Whitefield, E. Homes of our forefathers in Boston, Old England, and Boston, New England.

Wilsdorf, O. Gräfin Charlotte v. Kielmannsegge. Zacharia, K. S. Lucius Cornelius Sulla genannt der Glückliche als Ordner des römischen Freistaates. Neue Aufl. 1850.

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