Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters, and kings, from Celt to Tudor. Monmouthshire notabilia. No. 1. "A full relation of the desperate designe of the ma lignants for the betraying of Monmouth town and Castle, with the particular manner of its discovery by Sir Trevor Williams." Müntz, E. Guide de l'Ecole Nationale des BeauxArts. "It is rare to be favored with so careful and authoritative a guide to a great public institution. In this case it is particularly fortunate, as the Ecole des BeauxArts has never before had a guide of any sort, though its history covers nearly two centuries and a half. ... The volume contains a complete catalogue of the various collections, objects, and works of art con. tained in the buildings. These are varied and valuable. The collection of original drawings by old masters and new is extremely interesting; and, for the study of the progress of French art during the last hundred years, there is hardly anything equal to the exhibition in the halls devoted to the grands prix' of sculpture and painting." A. L. Frothingham in the Journal of Archæology, Sept. National Gallery, London. Descriptive and his torical catalogue of the pictures; with biog. notices of the painters [by R. N. Wornum and F. W. Burton]: Foreign schools. 74th ed. An entirely new work, constituting an important, and in many respects original, contribution to the lite. rature of art. It contains, indeed, a synopsis of almost everything that the rival schools of criticism have discovered or suggested since the publication of Messrs Crowe and Cavalcaselle's important series of works on Italian and Flemish art established a solid basis for modern research." Academy, Sept. 28. "The amount of information about painters and their works which Sir F: Burton has compressed into a comparatively small space is very remarkable, and makes this catalogue a very readable work, even away from the National Gallery." -Sat. rev., May 14. Ohnet, G: Dernier amour. (Les batailles de la vie.) "Cannot be said to be markedly above or markedly below M. Ohnet's usual level. It fatally lacks distinction." Nation, Jan. 2. O'Reilly, H. Fifty years on the trail; a true story of western life. "Mr. John Nelson may be styled the Casanova of the Trail. A more splendid natural ruffian, one more candid, cautious, daring, and diverting, it is impossible to desire. His memoirs are said on the title-page to be by Mr. Harrington O'Reilly, but they are taken from Mr. Nelson's confessions. He frankly remarks that his life has been misspent, and that he would rather say nothing about it. But any casual misdemeanours or excesses of which he may have been capable in the way of business are quite redeemed by his narrative. It is of extraordinary interest to all natural minds. Mr. Nelson came to London in the Wild West' show, but he says nothing about his urban adventures in his very diverting me. moire. This, perhaps, is a pity."- Sut. rev., Aug. 24. Palgrave, F. T. Treasury of sacred song; from the English lyrical poetry of four centuries; with notes. "Probably no man living could have made a better selection. It is not only more comprehensive than any we have seen hitherto, but it fulfils, on the whole, the editor's aim, which is to offer such sacred song, and such only, as shall also be instinctively felt worthy the august name of Poetry.' Spectator, Nov. 9. Paris, P: Manual of ancient sculpture; ed. and aug. by J.. E. Harrison. "This little handbook has the merit of dealing with its subject in a very broad way. A great part of its value is due to its numerous and beautiful illustra tions. It will be a very useful help to beginners, and will serve the useful purpose of a guide to further knowledge on its subject."— Saturday review, Feb. 8. Pearce, A. J. The text-book of astrology. Vol. 1. [1879.] Pellier, J. Le langage équestre. "Il a donné à son ouvrage la forme d'un dictionnaire, en ce sens que les termes d'équitation y sont présentés par ordre alphabétique. Cette disposition étonne au premier abord, mais la surprise fait vite place à l'approbation de cette méthode dès la lecture des premiers arti cles. Loin d'être aride cet ordre est au contraire captivant et varié. L'artiste qui est dans M. Pellier se révèle sans doute, mais, de plus, le professeur se montre dans la clarté de ses explications. Plaisir et profit pour le lecteur; double résultat dont il faut féliciter l'auteur." - Le livre, sept. ... "The reader is enabled and it is for the first timeto judge what is the real rank of a writer who, after years of failure, became for a few years very popular, and who after these few years of great popularity, fell not indeed into disrepute, but into comparative neglect. He was not the lasting and the dazzling genius which some of his friends esteemed him to be. He was not, on the other hand, the purely ephemeral writer that it has of late been the fashion to represent him. What he did was to bring on to the stage a view of life that had not obtained hitherto in that direction. And when he made the effort to leave what we may fairly call high comedy, for the more essentially dramatic, the more stirring, the more profound, it is probable that what told against him was a certain inability on his part to reach the violent or to reach the intense. The details of his life are very interesting." - -Frederick Wedmore in the Academy, Jan. 4. 1840. Rowan, A. H. Autobiography; with additions by W: H: Drummond. Sabine, H: Table analytique et synthétique du Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française du Ile au 16e siècle par Viollet-le-Duc. Shairp, J: C. Portraits of friends; with a sketch of S. by W: Y. Sellars. "The papers are upon Thomas Erskine of Linlathen; Cotton, Bishop of Calcutta; Dr. John Brown; Norman Macleod; Campbell, the leader of the sect cut off from the Scotch Church; John Machintosh of Geddes, and Clough. It is a chapter of Scottish life in the middle of this century, which it seems to us could hardly be better told than in this brief and unpretending way." - Nation, Jan. 2. ... Swinburne, A. C: A study of Ben Jonson. "A history of Ben Jonson's genius; not one of its various and sometimes uninteresting manifestations is unconsidered, and yet the reader's attention never flags. This is not by any means due exclusively to the wonderful style, although that can lend a charm to the most commonplace of necessary details, as in the incidental meting out of condign judgment on preceding critics, or the laughterexpressed in words which may fitly immortalize the unreadable Master Joseph Rutter. ... It may be said that we have here at work a penetrative imagin ation of a quality never before applied to literary criticism, and which in power has been seldom equalled. There springs up at once on all sides the right image, the right thought, the right illustration, the right word; and all this is possible because, in Mr. Ruskin's phrase, he writes with his hand on the heart of the subject and is inspired." - John Davidson in the Academy, Nov. 23. Taylor, H. Origin and growth of the English Constitution; the development of the English constitutional system, and the growth out of that system of the federal republic of the U. S. Pt. 1: The making of the Constitution. Theodorus Prodromus. Commentarios in carmina sacra Cosma Hierosolymitani et Ioannis Damasceni ed. H. M. Stevenson; præfatus est I. B. Pitra. 1888. Todd, A. On parliamentary government in England; its origin, development, and practical operation. 2d ed. by his son. 1887 89. 2 v. Townsend, T: S. Honors of the empire state in the war of the rebellion. Venables, E. Cathedral cities: Peterborough; with the abbeys of Crowland and Thorney; drawn and etched by R. Farren, [introd. by E. Venables]. 1888. Vernon, Ilon. W: W. Readings on the Purgatorio of Dante chiefly based on the commentary of B. da Imola; with introd. by the Dean of St. Paul's [R: W: Church]. 2 v. "The translation is careful and literal, the words for the most part, chosen with taste and discrimination; and in addition to this and it is here that the book possesses a character of its own - Mr. Vernon has woven in with his text, wherever it seemed needed, a running commentary of explanation and paraphrase. The result is, that we have what is practically a set of lectures given to a class, with all the comments and elucidations that would naturally accompany such a bit of work. Mr. Vernon's sympathetic and graceful treatment will often be found to give a new vividness of insight, and a fresher sense of grasp even when pas. sages are already well-known. Throughout, our thought and attention are entirely thrown on the poem itself; so that it is with something of an effort that at the end we realise how much of the increased gain and enjoyment has been due to the means by which our end has been gained." Spectator, Dec. 14. Vidal, J. Les courses de taureaux en Espagne, dans le midi de la France et à Paris; histoire anecdotique de la plaza et règles de la tauromachie. Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, P. A: M. de. Contes cruels. It is by the 'Contes cruels' that his name will live; there, for once, is a perfectly finished masterpiece. The power and fascination of this extraordinary book certainly one of the triumphs of contemporary French literature." Athenæum, Sept. 14. Nouveaux contes cruels. Wakefield, E: New Zealand after fifty years. Waltham Abbey. The foundation of Waltham Abbey; the tract De inventione sanctæ crusis nostræ in Monte Acuto et de ductione ejusdem apud Waltham, now first printed from the ms. in the British Museum; with introd. and notes, by W: Stubbs. 1861. Waters, H: F. An examination of the English ancestry of George Washington. (Repr. from N. E. Hist. and Geneal. register.) Waugh, E. Poems and songs. 2d ser. Wiesener, L: Etudes sur les Pays-Bas au 16e siècle; Charles v,commencements de Philippe II, Marguerite de Parme, et Granvelle. "Il a dépeint leur régime intérieur sous Charles Quint et montré le contraste à cette époque entre la grande prosperité du commerce et de l'industrie dans le pays et l'absence de libertés politiques, et le début des rigueurs en matière de religion qui fut le germe de troubles furieux. Il a fait revivre le Philippe 11 des premières années,prince aimable, joyeux, ami de la paix et singulièrement différent de l'ermite taciturne de l'Escurial. Enfin il s'est longuement étendu sur le gouvernement de Marguerite de Parme et du cardinal Granvelle, ce ministre habile et eclairé que le souverain dut sacrifier après l'avoir soutenu durant quelques années." Revue bleue, 7 sept. Wilson, J. A complete dictionary of astrology; with a preface by Professor O. A. Goold. Abercromby, Hon. J: Trip through the eastern Caucasus; with a chapter on the languages of the country. "The account of Derbend as it is, and the surrounding country, is full of interest, and the book of this exemplary tourist is a new and excellent contribution to the literature of the Mountaine Caucasus."'" - Spectator, Feb. 8. Adams, W: D. Rambles in book-land; short essays on literary subjects. "A companion to Byways in book-land.' No less agreeable, easy, discursive, and entertaining than its predecessor." -Notes and queries, Dec. 28. Esopus. Fables; as first printed by W: Caxton, in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso, and Poggio; now again ed. and induced by J. Jacobs. 2 v. "Mr. Jacobs, with prodigious pains, has here traced this literary history in each of its three provinces the classical, the oriental, and the medieval. To a large extent, indeed, he is merely expounding the results of numerous foreign scholars; but the comprehensiveness of treatment is his own, and he has been able to add, out of his special erudition, not a few original arguments." Jas. S. Cotton in the Academy, Jan. 18. Airy, O. The English restoration and Louis XIV., from the peace of Westphalia to the peace of Nimwegen. (Epochs of mod. history.) "Painstaking work. The period with which he deals is one of incessant diplomatic intrigue, demanding for its exposition a mass of detail most difficult to compress within the limits assigned to him. Under these circumstances his descriptive powers are seldom allowed full play, yet his narrative is usually most clear and intelligible, although often reduced to something like a catalogue of the articles of treaties." - Athenæum, Oct. 5. Allaire, E. Le duc de Penthièvre; mémoires de Dom Courdemanche. "Le livre de M. Allaire est fort interessant; surtout dans sa seconde partie, où l'auteur, sorti des démêlés de l'affaire de Jumièges, nous peint, avec dom Courde. manche, l'intérieur de l'aimable cour de Sceaux et de l'hôtel de Toulouse." - Le livre, 10 nov. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica; tr. into Eng. prose from the text of R. Merkel, by E: P. Coleridge. Arbois de Jubainville, M.. H: d'. Les premiers habitants de l'Europe. Tome 1. Atkinson, E: Industrial progress of the nation; consumption limited, production unlimited. Bachman, C. L. J: Bachman, D. D. 1888. Bancroft, H. H. History of Alaska, 1730-1885. Barberet, J. La bohême du travail. "M. Barberet s'y montre historien tout aussi fidèle Baxter, J. P. Early voyages to America. pastorates of the First Parish in Dedham, 1860-88; sermon, Nov. 11, 1888. Bingham, Capt. Hon. D. The marriages of the Bourbons. 2 v. "To treat such books as Lady Jackson's and Capt. Bingham's as scholarly compositions, as attempts at history in the proper sense, and to find with them the innumerable faults which might be discovered in them from that point of view, would be a mere case of Pedantry's Labour Lost. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to understand what readers they can have from any other point of view. We can only suppose that there is still a considerable public at the circulating li braries for books which appear to possess a certain amount of the improving without any troublesome literary pretentious or any air of severe accuracy." Athenæum, Feb. 15. Blanc, Mme. T. (pseud. T. Bentzon). Tentée. "Th. Bentzon has not done better work than is to be found in this volume, which contains two novels. They are pretty, simple stories, although not suited to young ladies."- Athenæum, Nov. 16. Boemus, J:, Aubanus. The fardle of facions; conteining the aun ciente maners, customes, and lawes of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth called Affricke, and Asie; [tr. by W: Watreman]. 1555., repr. 1888. 3 v. (The bookworm's garner.) Bouchot, H: The book; its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present time; with a treatise on the art of collecting and describing early printed books, etc., by H. Grevel. Bowen, Sir G: F. 30 years of colonial government; a selection from [his] despatches and letters; ed. by S. L. Poole. 2 v. "Alike to those who read for amusement and to those who look for information this book may be recommended."- Athenæum, Jan. 25. C., J. Literature rel. to New Zealand; a bibliography. Carpenter, E: Civilisation; its cause and cure; and other essays. Chicago. The nation's birthday; Chicago's centennial celebration of Washington's inauguration, Apr. 30, 1889. Conder, Maj. C. R. Palestine. "Well worn as Palestine may seem as a subject, Major Conder has succeeded in making his volume fresh and attractive. His knowledge and interests are varied, and his personal adventures are happily brought in. Moreover, he has shown a wise discretion in supplementing his biblical illustrations by frequent references to the light thrown on the more recent history of the country by his researches. The woodcuts are topographically exact and good as far as they go." -Roy. Geog. Soc. Proc., Jan. ... Conkling, A. R. Life and letters of Roscoe Conkling. County, The. "The most expansive generosity of judgment will fail to find in this wearisome and silly story a single redeeming virtue." - Spectator, Nov. 30. Curtis, G: T. Constitutional history of the U. S. from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their Civil War. Vol. 1. Cutter, C: A. Rules for a dictionary catalogue 3d ed., with corr. and add. Davies, G. C., and Broughall, Mrs. Our home in Aveyron; with studies of peasant life and customs in Aveyron and the Lot. "A pleasant and honest book, without any special pretentions to object, arrangement, style, or study. It will be interesting to every one who wishes for a better understanding of France and French life." - Spectator, Jan. 18. Decrue, F. Anne, duc de Montmorency, sous les rois Henri II., François 11., et Charles IX. "Les nouvelles lumières que l'étude approfondie de M. Decrue a jétées sur le rôle et le caractère du connètable de Montmorency, ont été en somme plus favora bles que désavantageuses à la mémoire de cet homme célébre, objét jusqu'ici d'appréciations si contraires." Le livre, 10 nov. "The Council has hit upon a book of solid merit and of great attractiveness. A reprint in facsimile of this gem, for such it is, must be reckoned as a spirited undertaking. It is needless to quote Lamb's praise of this book, which, however, is almost the warmest that most exquisite of critics ever bestowed." Notes and queries, Dec. 21. Du Méril, E. P. Mélanges archéologiques et littéraires. 1850. Dyer, O. Great senators of the U. S. 40 years ago, 1848, 49; with personal recollections of Calhoun, etc. Farina, S. Frutti proibiti; Fiamma vagabonda. [1879.] Il tesoro di Donnina. [1884.] "We feel certain that there is no one else so capable of writing a history of the diocese of Carlisle as Mr. Ferguson has proved himself to be; his knowledge is of an exhaustive character; but knowledge alone will not fit a person to write about our English bishoprics. In nearly every one of them questions have to be dis cussed wherein the embers of religious controversy smoulder, and a small amount of error or exaggeration might cause the fires of religious controversy to flame up in their ancient fierceness. Mr. Ferguson, however, knows far too much of past times to write as a parti zan."- - Academy. Ford, P. L. Franklin bibliography; a list of books by or rel. to B: Franklin. Ford, W. C. Washington as an employer and importer of labor. Gilman, A. The story of Boston; a study of in dependency. (Great cities of the republic.) "The book wears a very attractive appearance, with numerous well-chosen illustrations and maps, and has an excellent index. It is written in an easy, flowing style, which at times has a quaint and Scriptural flavor that lends itself very agreeably to an account of the doings of men in the seventeenth century. The author is unusually accurate and painstaking.". Nation, Feb. 27. Gilman, Rev. J: B. The kingdom of coins; a tale for children of all ages. Gilman, Mrs. M. R. F. Saint Theresa of Avila (Famous women ser.) Godet, P. Histoire littéraire de la Suisse française. "M. Godet est en littérature la personification de cet esprit de sincerité et de liberté qui est l'âme suisse. Non seulement il a lu les œuvres dont il parle, mais il ne feint pas d'ignorer que d'autres les ont lues avant lui, et il exagère, en honnête homme, les services qu'il en a reçus. Le fond et la forme appartiennent à M. Godet, et c'est un mérite de plus d'avoir rappelé et condensé ses devanciers en nous donnant sur toutes choses sa note franche et sa conclusion originale, avec des touches de bonhomie et d'humour que je ne me souviens pas d'avoir jamais rencontrées dans un ouvrage de ce genre.”Revue bleue, 15 fév. Gowing, L. F. Five thousand miles in a sledge; a midwinter journey across Siberia. "The author has written as lively a description as he could of a dreary and uninteresting journey," -Athe næum, Nov. 16. Guillois, A. Napoléon, l'homme, le politique, l'orateur d'après sa correspondance et ses œuvres. 2 v. Guthrie, F. A. The pariah. "In The pariah' we are more than ever struck by the sharp intuitive perception and satirical balancing of judgment which make the author's writing such extremely entertaining reading. There is not a dull page - we might say, not a dull sentence in it."— Saturday rev. Hargreaves, J: G. Literary workers; or, Pilgrims to the temple of honour. "Out of his vast stores he brings forth anecdote after anecdote, bearing more or less directly upon the literary career; and though we could hardly conceive any book more indigestible than this if swallowed whole, a bite now and then taken, may be pleasant to the taste of many."- Academy, Sept. 21. Harris, W. B. The land of an African sultan; travels in Morroco, 1887-89. "Amid much silly swagger, which Mr. Harris is still young enough to regret, there are many passages written with good sense, some humour, and commendable vigour. Among these are the discriptions of Fez, Me. kines, and Marak'sch, and the account of the caves in the Atlas near that city, the Sultan, the Shereef of Wa zan and his town, and pig-hunting near Tangier; while the reflections on the contrast between Christianity and Mohammedanism, and on slavery as it exists in Morocco, are distinguished by such acuteness as to make us regret that they are mixed up with so much silly matter." Athenæum, Jan. 18. Henley, W: E. A book of verses. "Five short stories, all of them of excellent quality." -Spectator, Nov. 30. Hickson, S. J: A naturalist in North Celebes; narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut islands; with notices of the fauna, flora, and ethnology of the districts visited. "Fascinating volume. The style of the author is simple, and unaffected. He is exceedingly modest with regard to his own exploits, and his occasional frank confessions of failure or of imperfect knowledge give the reader great confidence in the truth of his substantial statements. He has considerably increased our acquaintance with a little visited portion of the globe. His book is adorned by two good maps, several illustra tions, and a remarkably full bibliography of works dealing with Celebes and its products." Sat. rev., Dec. 21. Hogendorp, D. T. comte van. Mémoires; pub. par D. C. A. van Hogendorp. 1887. S. Thomas of Canterbury; an account of his life and fame from contemp. biographers, etc. (Eng. hist. by contemporary writers.) "From the abundant material at hand a good selec tion has been made in Mr. Hutton's little book." rev., Mar. 15. Sat. Irving, J. Supplement to the annals of our time, Mar. 20, 1874 - July 22, 1878. 1881. "A valuable work of reference upon occurrences at home and abroad during her present Majesty's reign. ... The articles given under each date in diary form are excellent specimens of the art of condensation. Mr. Jo. seph Irving has contrived to give a good deal more than a bare statement of facts. Official documents, the more salient parts of the speeches of important public men, and material points in the evidence in remarkable trials and actions, as well as brief biographical sketches, and a mass of other information are contained in the vol -Athenæum, Nov. 16. ume. There is a good index."— Jackson, C. C.. E., Lady. The first of the Bourbons, 1589-95. 2 v. Note. For note see Bingham, D., p. 1077. Jenkins, C: W. Three lectures on the early his tory of Falmouth, from its settlement to 1812, delivered in 1843. Kaulek, J:, and Plantet, E. Recueil de fac-simile pour servir a l'étude de la paléographie moderne, 17e et 18e siècles; publiés d'après les originaux. "Documents originaux reproduit avec une fidélité parfaite, accompagnés d'une transcription du texte et de notes sur les signatures des pièces et leurs correspondants." La Caze, L: Notice des tableaux légués au Musée Nat. du Louvre. 1887. Lair, A. E. Des hautes cours politiques en France et à l'étranger, et de la mise en accusation du président de la république et des minis tres. Larchey, E. L. Nouveau supplément du Dictionnaire d'argot. Law, T: G. Historical sketch of the conflicts be tween Jesuits and seculars in the reign of Queen Elizabeth; with a repr. of C. Bagshaw's "True relation of the faction begun at Wisbich," and illust. docs. "Whatever Mr. Law undertakes he carries through in so exhaustive a manner that his readers cannot fail to learn a great deal from him, whatever may be their prejudices or their assumptions at starting. This volume is certainly a valuable monograph on a hitherto So far as Mr. neglected chapter of English history. Law has gone his work may be considered for all prac tical purposes to have been done, and done once for all." Athenæum, Feb. 8. Leger, L: History of Austro-Hungary, to 1889; tr. by Mrs. B. Hill, with pref. by E. A: Free man. "In writing a history of the various peoples subject central figures. His translator has done her work satis. factorily, and while keeping close to her author's text, has rendered it into correct, though rather lifeless, English." Sat. rev., Jan. 18. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. L'empire des Tsars et les "M. Leroy-Beaulieu has done Western Europe a ser- Lyall, Sir A. Verses written in India. "They present pictures of certain phases of life and thought, native and Anglo-Indian, told in stirring verse of which Kingsley need not have been ashamed.' -Academy, Nov. 2. Macdonald, J: Diary of the Parnell Commission; rev. from "The daily news." "His reprint of his day-to-day articles in the chief Gladstonian newspaper brings out only too clearly the mischief of this comparatively modern practice of adding a 'summary' to the usual report and article." -Sat. rev., Feb. 22. Mantz, P. Salon de 1889; 100 planches en photogravure, 2 frontispices gravés à l'eau-forte. Marriott, J: A. R. The makers of modern Italy: Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi; lectures at Oxford. "An admirable sketch of the rise of Italian nationality."."— Academy, Jan. 25. Marx, A. Silhouettes de mon temps. "Jamais, à ma connaissance, il n'a lancé, sciemment, dans la circulation, un fait mensonger; jamais il n'a raconté des choses qui ne s'étaient point passées. Seulement, comme la Vérité habite un endroit très humide où elle est exposée à perdre ses belles couleurs, il la maquille légèremement, et, à cet effet, il a toujours sa patte de lièvre sur lui. Photographe, mais artiste, il drape, il dispose, il éclaire ses modèles."- Revue bleue, Sept. 21. Masson, G. The story of mediæval France, [987– Minton, F. The welfare of the millions; or, Out- "A cheerful econmic faith is proclaimed in this little book which comprises in a popular style a condensed statement of the line of argument in the author's larger He and more elaborate work Capital and wages.' is admirably in earnest,and in the main, his persua siveness is as notable as his sincerity."- Sat. rev., Jan. 11. Monkhouse, C. The earlier English water-colour painters. He "Mr. Cosmo Monkhouse, one of the sanest and most competent of art-critics, gives us in this volume a series of papers reprinted from the 'Portfolio.' avoids fine-writing, is not too technical for the unprofessional reader, and is, in short, one of the most effi cient as he is one of the best instructed of guides. The illustrations are fourteen full-page copper engravings, and some fifty drawings of minor importance."- Spectator, Mar. 1. Morris, M. O. Dublin Castle. "Mr. Morris disarms criticism by announcing in his preface that he has 'no claim to originality of any kind,' |