by referring to the most ordinary books as his sources of information, and by decorating his work with very comely photographs of the Castle itself." Sat. rev., Feb. 22. Neukomm, E. Guillaume II et ses soldats. "Dans son livre M. Neukomm s'est attaché à nous faire connaître brièvement ceux d'entre les plus récents événements d'Allemagne qui méritent particulièrement l'attention des puissances européennes. Aussi son ouvrage est-il d'une lecture très attrayante, tout en donnant mêmeaux gens les moins familiarisés avec les questions étrangères une idée très juste et très nette de la situation actuelle de l'Europe centrale." - Revue bleue, 21 sept. Nizida, pseud. The astral light; an attempted exposition of certain occult principles in nature; with remarks upon modern spiritualism. Owen, Mrs. J: A. After shipwreck. Pennell, J. Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen, their work and their methods; a study of the art to-day, with technical suggestions. "From the side of technical knowledge no one could be better equipped for writing of pen drawing than Mr. Pennell. Assuredly he knows a good drawing when he sees it, and knows why it is good, knows in what the modern progress of the art consists, and how modern pen drawing differs from the ancient; but he does not succeed in making these things plain to his reader. He does not think with precision or write with method, and what he has to tell us must be picked out here and there amidst rambling remarks and endless repetitions." Nation, Dec. 19. and E. R. Our journey to the Hebrides. "Rather dreary reading. If a traveller has found only weariness, wet and hunger on his journey, and has come back in so discontented a frame of mind as to find Scott's novels stupid reading afterjust visiting their scenes, he may be sure that he has missed seeing what the country had to show, and he ought not to expect the public to be interested in mere discomforts." - Nation, Aug. 29. Pérez, A. S. Ramón de Campoamor, estudio critico-biográfico. Perring, Sir P. The "works and days" of Moses; or, A critical dissertation on the first two chapters of Genesis. "Sir Philip Perring makes one more attempt to reconcile the early chapters of Genesis with the conclusions of geology. His attempt does not seem to us to differ greatly from the hundreds of similar attempts that have from time to time been made. To those who take an interest in a subject pretty well threshed out among learned men, the book may be commended. It is written in an attractive and spirited style." - Academy, Feb. 22. Philips, F. C. Young Mr. Ainslie's courtship. There is, of course, as in all of Mr. Philips's works, a great deal of cleverness and of neatly expressed cynicism. But, altogether, this is a much poorer book than Mr. Philips's previous works." Academy, Dec. beforehand. His two hundred pages of text contain the very cream of Prior's verse, which is also the cream of a certain division of English poetry. His seventy pages of introduction contain, with much good criticism, the best and most authentic account of Prior's life yet given, with several old errors corrected." Sat. rev., Jan. 25. Rawnsley, H. D. E: Thring; teacher and poet. "Mr. Rawnsley's study is singularly readable. It dwells more on the poetical and imaginative side of Edward Thring, which was perhaps the side of him which chiefly made him the hero he was to his own scholars." Spectator, Mar. 1. Salomons, Sir D: Electric light installations and the management of accumulators. New ed., rev. and enl. Samuelson, J. India past and present; historical, social, and political. "Mr. Samuelson's title is perhaps a little too wide. He has given a view of the historical past of India, and of its social present, but he adds the word 'political;' and it can hardly be said that by merely stating the demands of the National Congress, and certain recommendations of Lord Dufferin, and by briefly explaining the municipal system, he has given an adequate view of the political present of India. We have not noticed many errors of fact, and it is readable in its style." -Atheneum, Dec. 14. Sharp, W: American sonnets; with introduction. Skrine, J: H. A memory of E: Thring. "Contains some chapters of quite singular ability, though one or two chapters seem to us too ambitious. He gives an admirable picture of Thring's healthy and vivid sympathy with the play of his school, aud analyses with great skill the various elements of Thring's fascination for the boys over whom he ruled." -Spectator, Mar. 1. ... Stedman, E. C., and Hutchinson, E. М. Library Tinseau, L. de. Bouche close. Zorrilla, estudio critico-biográfico. Vigny, A. V:, comte de. Cinq-Mars; or, A conspiracy under Louis XIII.; tr. by W: Hazlitt. "The editor has done his work conscientiously and with excellent discretion. In his Introduction he gives a short life of his author, founded on Wood's Autobiography, which was printed in his edition of the Athenae Oxonienses,' a criticism of the treatise on the city of Oxford, and a notice of the original ms. and specially important transcripts of the work. The text is treated in a spirit of intelligent conservatism. Wood's notes have been preserved, and the notes added by the editor are clearly distinguished from them." Sat. rev., Mar. All Additions. 2d ser.] BOSTON ATHEN.EUM. "Though the author's life has been varied, he has never occupied a large space in the eyes of his contem. poraries. His Reminiscences' throw no new light on any remarkable events or on any distinguished persons." - Atheneum, Nov. 2. Ball, Rt. Hon, J: T: Historical review of the legislative systems operative in Ireland, 11721800. New ed. Baudrillart, H: J. L. Les populations agricoles de la France: Normandie et Bretagne, passé et present. 1885. "Ce n'est pas de son fauteuil, ou de l'intérieur des bibliothèques, mais sur place, voyageant à pied ou en modeste carriole que le savant et consciencieux membre de l'institut accomplit l'enquête dont l'avaient chargé ses collègues. Consultant les intéressés, faisant causer petits et grands, petits surtout, voyant tout de ses yeux qui savent voir. L'ouvrier agricole, vingt millions de Français, a été critiqué, calomnié par des politiciens atteints de fièvre urbaine ou par des romanciers qui parlaient de choses qu'ils ne connaissaient point. M. Baudrillart fait justice, non par des phrases mais par des faits, de ces allégations mensongères." Le livre, nov. Blackie, J: S. A song of heroes. "First: It is not the case that correctness is an essen. tial of poetry; for the subtle melody of some of Blake's verses derives the added charm of irregularity from the the hasty gathering, lest the dew should escape him, of his wildwood flowers. Professor Blackie in his unfortunate hurry has shaken the dew from all his posy. Secondly: Though it will not make a man an artist to shout, Art for itself! till he be hoarse, yet the true artist does follow art for its own sake, knowing well that unless he has perfected his work to the best of his power, whatever else it may do, it will never make for righteousness nor for the beauty that includes righte. ousness." - John Davidson in the Academy, Mar. 15. Bridges, J: A. Idylls of a lost village. "The purely landscape studies are fresh and breezy, and show that unfailing delight in minutest observation of nature to which we, in this generation of city-dwell. ers, are turning again for refreshment to our souls. The value of Mr. Bridges' conscientious workmanship is fully felt in his English, which is always pure, never slipshod, and never tainted by the corroding hurry of journalism, although most of there papers made their first appear. ance in a daily newspaper." - Atheneum, Jan. 25. Bridgman, F: A. Winters in Algeria. "An admirable book of travel." - Literary world, Dec. 7. [No. 260. Mar. 31, 1890 Buckman, S. S. John Drake's sojourn in the Cotteswolds and elsewhere; sketches. "Mr. Buckman has attempted to preserve some record of the dialect of the districts he writes of and its quaintness of expression. He has not succeeded in throwing his experiences into a particularly attractive shape. His stories want point; the topics are too com. monplace. He has the gift of picking up the dialect, but not that of selecting with precision the aspects of life and character which are peculiar. He has not succeeded in doing for Cotswolds what Mr. Barnes and Mr. Hardy have done for Dorset." - Atheneum, Mar. 1. Cahu, T. (pseud. Théo-Chritt). Journal d'un officier malgré lui. 1887. Caldecott, R. Sketches; with introd. by H: Blackburn. "If not ranking among the more ambitious works of Caldecott, the collection of odds and ends abounds in his joyfulness and lively fun, his bright and frank sense of the ludicrous, and that true feeling for the fresh and unexpected aspect of things which is said to constitute wit." Atheneum, Dec. 14. Chapin, F. H. Mountaineering in Colorado; the peaks about Estes Park. "Mr. Chapin made a systematic exploration of all the His ac. mountain peaks surrounding Estes l'ark. count of his various ascents is written in a simple and unaffected narrative form, illustrated by excellent process reproductions of photographs, over fifty in number, taken by the author's own camera and printed in a most charming little volume under the auspices of the Appalachian Mountain Club'.' Nation, Feb. 27. Cicero, M. T. Death no bane; new tr., with notes of [his] first Tusculan disputation, by R. Black. Clelia, pseud. God in Shakspeare. Cohausen, J: H: Hermippus redivivus; or, The sage's triumph over old age and the grave; [tr. by J: Campbell); ed. by E. Goldsmid. 1744, repr. 1885. 3 v. in 1. (Coll.adaman.) Collier, J. An essay upon gaming, in a dialogue between Callimachus and Dolomedes; ed. by E. Goldsmid. 1713, repr. 1885. (Coll. adaman.) Collins, W: W. Blind love; with pref. by W. Besant. "On the whole, is not specially characteristic of its dead author.... The reader is conscious of that vague feeling of dissatisfaction that springs from a piece of fiction he knows to be begun and ended by different hands. There is a vain feeling of expectation, a looking for something that does not come a something more dramatic, intense, and inevitable than anything that has gone before." - Athenœum, Feb. 1. Cowper, Countess K. C. A month in Palestine. Drysdale, Rev. A. H. History of the Presbyteri ans in England; their rise, decline, and revival. "Though the author expresses his convictions with boldness and candour, there is no evidence to be found in these pages that they have either warped his judg. ment or embittered his style. His book is a vigorous, closely reasoned, and fairly comprehensive statement of the position, vicissitudes, and growth of that branch of the Christian Church which its author so ably represents." - Spectator, Oct. 26. Dürer, A. Literary remains; by W: M. Conway; with transcripts from the British Museum mss., and notes, by L. Eckenstein. "Mr. Conway's work was practically begun nearly nine years ago, when he proceeded to Vienna, placing him. self under Dr. Thausing's guidance for the special purpose of studying the productions of the early school of Ger man line-engravers. That when there he should devote Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament; an attempt at a verbal connexion between the Greek and Eng. texts. 8th ed. added a concordance of various readings. 1885. Faidherbe, L: L. C. Le Sénégal; la France dans l'Afrique occcidentale. "La partie historique est très interessante; c'est la première fois qu'on a réuni dans un seul volume les documents épars qu'on était forcé de rechercher à grand peine dans cent ouvrages divers. L'étude de cette histoire est facilitée par une bonne carte, par des plans très soigués, et le volume est embelli par vingt et une belles gravures." Rex. critique, 30 sept. Faré, C: A. Lettres d'un jeune officier à sa mère, 1803-14; avec une préface et des notes par H. Faré. Figaro- exposition. Gardiner, S: R. The constitutional documents of the Puritan revolution, 1628-60. "Its historical importance is very great, as it gives us for the first time the full text of this scheme, and thus enables us to forin a judgment on the conduct of Cromwell in forcing on a dissolution, and converting what might have been a constitutional into an absolute government." Academy, Oct. 19. Graham, J. Lecture on the generation, increase, and improvement of the human species; with receipts for the preservation of personal beauty and for prolonging life. 1784, repr. 1889. Grey, R. Jacob's letter; and other stories. "On the whole, these little sketches are worthy of the clever and accomplished author." Spectator, Nov. 2. Hale, Rt. Rev. M. B. The aborigines of Australia; an account of the institution for their education at Poonindie. Harrison, W: Elizabethan England; from "a descr. of England" in "Holinshed's chronicles;" ed. by L. Withington; with introd. by F: J. Furnivall. (Camelot ser.) "An exceptionally interesting reprint. Skilfully selected, and introduced by Dr. Furnivall with characteristic energy and eccentricity of spelling, Holinshed ought to prove not the least popular of the neat and well-varied Camelot books." Sat. rev., Jan. 4. Hauff, W: The wine-ghosts of Bremen. Head, B. V. Catalogue of Greek coins: Corinth, colonies of Corinth, etc.; ed. by R. S. Poole. "This volume continues the series of publications which has been frequently and favorably noticed by us, and numismatists will recognize in it the same characteristic merits." - Atheneum, Oct. 26. Hoffmann, Prof. More magic. "Mr. Hoffmann gives a vast variety of tricks divided into those that are done by simple sleight-of hand, and those that require a special apparatus." Spectator, Dec. 14. Hughes, T: The scouring of the White Horse; or, The long vacation ramble of a London clerk, and what came of it; and The ashen faggot; a tale for Christmas. "The two stories make a charming volume, and a delightfully living record of the older Berkshire and Wiltshire habits of speech and action. The freshness of Mr. Hughes's style, the sense of sun and sunny enjoyment which it contrives to embody, the racy flavour of provincial life, which has something analogous in it to Sir Walter Scott's picture of Scottish border-life." Spectator, Dec. 7. Jarry, E. La vie politique de Louis de France, duc d'Orléans 1372-1407. "The soundest piece of history we have met with on the difficult subject that he has chosen. His book will not arouse any interest among the wide public for whom the fourteenth century is only one of many dead and buried centuries, and all the dukes of Orleans prior to Philippe VIII. a confusion of oblivion. On the other hand, the considerable public already interested in the deeds and adventures of the brother of Charles VI. will be in danger of even overrating the talent, the acuteness, the veracity, and the research of M. Jarry." Athenaum, Aug. 17. Jenkins, R. C: Life of Valentin Alberti, D.D. Jokai, M. Life in a cave; tr. by L. Villari. [1884.] Kempe, W: Nine daies wonder, performed in a journey from London to Norwich; ed. by E. Goldsmid. (Coll. adaman.) Kipling, R. In black and white. Under the deodars. "Mr. Kipling is a new writer, or a writer new to the English as distinct from the Anglo-Indian public. He is so clever, so fresh, and so cynical that he must be young. His least cynical stories are those in In black and white,' studies of native life and character. Perhaps the most excellent is Dray Yara Yew Dee.' This character in his cunning and his honesty, his madness of revenge, his love, his misery, his honour, is to our mind a little masterpiece. On the whole, 'Under the Deodars' is more conventional and less interesting." - Sat. rev., Aug. 10. Kitchin, Rev. G: W:, Dean of Winchester. Winchester. (Historic towns.) "Dr. Kitchin has made the history and antiquities of the old royal city so peculiarly his own that no more fitting person could be found to do justice to Winchester in this series. He has constructed this little volume almost entirely from original authorities, not unfrequently making use of documents which have not hitherto seen the light. Additional value is thereby imparted to the book for many of the details concern not only Winchester itself but also throw light upon early English history in general. The words of the old Chroniclers lose little of their force and quaintness in the Dean's translations, and they are interwoven with the text in such a way as to enliven and enrich the story of those times, the records of which to an ordinary student have been too often found wanting in life and reality." Sat. rev., Feb. 22. Krausse, A. S. Pictorial history of the Thames. "A very complete book of its kind. Starting from Thames Head, we are conducted by it as far as Richmond, hearing by the way of any notable historical associations, of the various objects of interest, and other matters which may concern a traveller on the Thames. The volume is copiously illustrated." Spectator, Nov. 2. Lagrange, F. Physiology of bodily exercise. (Internat. sci. ser.) Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of the Indian. Proceedings of the 7th annual meeting, 1889; ed. by S: J: Barrows. Lamb, C: Prince Dorus; or, Flattery put out of countenance. 1811, repr. 1889. "Mr. Tuer has thought the book of which he possesses a copy almost, if not quite, unique worthy of being reprinted in a limited edition in what is almost facsimile. One of the rarest and the most characteristic works of that gentle spirit' known as Elia. Very quaint and amusing are the illustrations of the long-nosed prince and his fair inamorta, and the verses are delightful. An enthusiast and a connoisseur in all that regards Lamb, Mr. Tuer has prefixed a pleasant and gossiping introduction to this bright little volume." Notes and queries. Lecoy de la Marche, A. La chaire française au Moyen Age. 1886. L'esprit de nos aïeux; anecdotes et bons mots tirés des mss. du 18e siècle. "The contents of the collection may be broadly divided into two classes: historical anecdotes, and jests; the former of great interest for the student of mediæ. val culture, the latter for the student of folk-lore." Nation, Oct. 24. Leitch, R: P. A course of water-colour painting; 10th ed. rev. Levy, A. A London plane-tree; and other verse. (Cameo ser.) "Miss Levy hymns the barrenness of the present and of the unknown future with that felicity and precision of expression which characterize her prose writings, and in verses always musical." Athenæum, Dec. 14. Miss Meredith. sique. 1888. Tête folle; comédie-vaudeville. 1888. Marshall, E. Alma; or, The story of a little music mistress. Merriman, H: S. The phantom future. 1888. 2 v. Morris, E. E. Cassell's picturesque Australia. 1887-89.4 v. Munro, J. E. C. The Constitution of Canada. "Mr. Munro's book is formal and official, and treats the Canadian constitution from a purely legal and technical point of view, without attempting to make the subject interesting to the lay reader." Athenæum, Nov. 2. Nettleship, H: Contributions to Latin lexicography. "One of the most important contributions to Latin scholarship which this generation has seen made in England." F. Haverfield in the Academy, Dec. 7. Nevill, R. Old cottage and domestic architecture in south-west Surry, and notes on the early history of the division. "Mr. Nevill writes chiefly as an architect. His drawing is dry but clear, and, what in a work of this kind matters most it is accurate. The charm of most of the buildings lies in their unaffectedly rural character, their adaptation to real wants, and their honest construction out of such materials as were easily to be had." - Atheneum, Jan. 4. Olivier, E: La France avant et pendant la Révolution. Olsvig, V. Beyer's guide to western Norway; with the coast-route to the North Cape and overland routes to Christiania. [1887.] Oxford University. Wadham College. Registers. Pt. 1, 1613 to 1719; ed., with biog. notes, by Rev. R. B. Gardiner. Parry, Maj. E. G. Sketches of a yachting cruise. "There is infinitely more information in his little work than we usually find in books of a similar nature, Though a soldier, Major Parry is well versed in all things nautical; he describes vividly the pleasures and pains of a sailing cruise, he revels in the dangers of a storm, and has the enjoyment of an artist in all the scenes around him." - Athenœum, July 20. Pemberton, J. D. Facts and figures relating to Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 1860. Perez, B. La psychologie de l'enfant: L'art et la poésie chez l'enfant. 1888. La psychologie de l'enfant: L'enfant de trois à sept ans; introd. de L. Carrau. 1888. Peyrol, R. Rosa Bonheur; her life and work. (Art annual for 1889.) "An interesting record of one of the most remarkable artistic personalities of our time. M. Peyrol had special facilities for compiling a biography of his sisterin-law. An artist himself, he understands what he is writing about, and his careful work evinces his sympathies not less than his pictorial and literary training." Athenœum, Nov. 9. Pion des Loches, A. A: F. Mes campagnes (1792-1815); notes et correspondance; pub. par M. Chipon et L. Pingaud. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, C. Epistulae ad Traianum imperatorem cum eiusdem responsis; ed., with notes, etc., by E. G. Hardy. Pollock, W. H:, etc. Fencing; with a complete bibliography by E. Castle. Boxing, by E. В. Michell. Wrestling by W. Armstrong. (Badminton lib.) ""Fencing' is an excellent treatise on the foil, of the classical type, written by highly competent and scholarly men, and is pleasant to read and to keep for ref. erence. Mr. Michell's treatise on boxing is perfect, and the chapter on wrestling is of interest. The volume is completed by an excellent bibliography by Mr. Egerton Castle." Athenaum, Nov. 30. Rame, L. dela, (pseud. Ouida). Pascarel. Reinach, J. Etudes de littérature et d'histoire. Remusat, J: P: A. Mélanges asiatiques de morceaux de critique et de mémoires rel. aux religions, aux sciences, etc., des nations orientales. 1825-26. 2 ν. Nouveaux mélanges asiatiques. 1829. 2 v. "A succinct, able, and clear summary of the main outline and landmarks of 'A century of European history." Some coloured maps, a capital index, and a brief list of authorities enhance from a student's point of view the value of the work." - Spectator, Oct. 26. St. John, Mrs. H. Life of Audubon the naturalist of the New world. [1882.] Shiukichi Shigema. A Japanese boy; by himself. "Mr. Shigemi tells of his boyhood's sports and jokes, food and eating, evening entertainments at home, actors and the theatre, temples and religion, and the details of daily life. He tells us especially how New Year's was celebrated, and the festivals enjoyed, and how Ameri. can and European customs and ideas played havoc with the old order of life. Full of fun and sparkle." - Critic, Dec. 28. Simon, J. F. S. S. dit J. Mémoires des autres. "M. Simon nous a donné dans Colas, Colasse, et Colette, un petit chef-d'œuvre d'humour, et, sous le titre de Libert, un drame intime, poignant, profond. Dans Monsieur Antoine, quel piquant tableau des palinodies de 1814 et de 1815! dans Pierre Guérin nous avons un croquis humoristique et fidèle de la grande polissonnerie populaire qui s'appelle le 15 mai 1848, prologue grotesque de la tragédie dejuin. Puis vient la harangue enflammée de Jules Simon rouvrant son cours au lendemain du 2 décembre, magnifique mouvement d'éloquence dont le fin vieillard atténue volontairement l'effet, à la page suivante, en racontant la demi-clémence d'Auguste. Enfin, dans Patrie, revit la curieuse image du temps où le ministre de l'instruction publique couchait par terre, sur un matelas, dans une des salles du musée de Versailles." - Aug. Filon in Revue bleue, 21 déc. Skottowe, B. C. Sudden death; or, My lady the wolf. 1886. "This is a telling sensation story by a skilful hand that is capable of something more than a sensation story." - Spectator, Oct. 5. Stevens, B. F. Facsimiles of mss. in European archives relating to America, 1773-83; with descriptions, notes, etc. 2 v. has "The history of the Revolutionary war been so thoroughly studied that no very important fact hitherto unknown is ever likely to be discovered in it. But for the thorough understanding of minor characters and secondary events, and for side lights upon persons and things of great importance, few publications can prove more useful than Mr. Steven's facsimiles." - Nation, Feb. 20. "Charming and attractive; they have an idyllic touch about them; they are full of pathos and some of them are very strong." - J. A. Hamilton in the Academy, Mar. 26, 1887. Stubbs, J: W: History of the University of Dublin, from its foundation to the end of the 18th century; with an app. of orig. documents. (Dublin Univ. Press ser.) "Dr. Stubbs's book is often disappointing. Doubtless there was difficulty in his task, because the actual buildings of the Castle are, with but few exceptions, as modern as those of the College, while it lacks the continuity of history that belongs to the academical foundation. Whatever the cause, the result is a volume of less value than we expected from the historical, the social, or the antiquarian point of view." - Spectator, Mar. 1. Surtees, R: S. "Ask Mamma;" or, The richest commoner in England; illust. by J: Leech. [1874.] "Hawbuck Grange;" or, The sporting adventures of T: Scott, Esq.; illust. by Phiz (H. K. Browne. 1884]. Mr. Sponge's sporting tour; illust. by J: Leech. [1874.] "Plain or ringlets?" illust. by J: Leech. [1875.] Mr. Romford's hounds; illust. by J. Leech, and H. K. Browne. [1875.] Taylor, B. Poetical works. [188-.] Temple, J. H. History of Palmer, Mass., early known as the Elbow Tract; incl. records of the plantation, district, and town, 17161889; with a genealogical register [by E. В. Gates]. Tennant, Rev. W: Indian recreations; strictures on the domestic and rural economy of the Mahomedans and Hindoos. 2d ed., enl. and corr. 1804. 2 v. Tillier, C. Mon oncle Benjamin. [1882?] Turner, F: S. The Quakers; a study, historical and critical. Valdés, A. P. La hermana San Sulpicio, [novela de] costumbres andaluzas. 2 v. "Not only his best novel, but one of the most noteworthy novels of the day. So faithful a delineation of Sevillian manners and customs, of purely Andalusian idiosyncracies, has not appeared since the 'Kinconete y Cortadillo' of Cervantes." - Sat. rev., Mar 29. Van Alstine, Mrs. J. Charlotte Corday. 20 months of quest and query. "We find Mr. Vincent's work to be of considerable though very unequal, value, and disappointing mainly because of his failure to make better use of his exceptional opportunities. In many respects a pleasant and readable book. Its style is unusually simple and straightforward, and the illustrations refreshingly origi. nal" Nation, Feb. 13. Watson, W: Wordsworth's grave; and other po ems. (Cameo ser.) "If Mr. William Watson had written no other poem than 'Wordsworth's grave,' he would deserve a distinct place among contemporary writers of verse; for if this poem is scarcely a new departure,' it certainly does not follow the lead of any living poet. Mr. Watson's masters are not of this age - not Tennyson or Browning or Swinburne - nor are they of the age before, notwithstanding his devotion to Wordsworth; it is rather of Collins's lonely vesper chimes,' and the 'frugal note of Gray.' that we think as we read the choicely worded, well-turned quatrains, which succeed each other like the strong unbroken waves of a full tide." - Cosmo Monk house in the Academy, Feb. 22. Whitney, W. N. Appendix to "A concise dictionary of the principal roads, chief towns and villages of Japan;" cont. the Constitution of Japan, and laws for the organization of cities, towns, and villages, etc. Yelverton, C. Oneiros; or, Some questions of the day. |