Dodge, T. A. Great captains; Alexander; a hist. of the origin and growth of the art of war, to the Battle of Ipsus, в. с. 301; with detailed account of the campaigns of the great Macedonian. "To the professional soldier it presents in convenient form for reference a vast amount of information bear. ing upon tactical formations, and to the student of history it offers a ready means of comparing the ancient methods of conducting a campaign with those that obtain under the changed conditions of modern times." Mag. of Amer. hist., April. Du Buisson, P. U. Abrégé de la révolution de l'Amérique angloise, 1774-78; par M***, américain. 1778. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. (pseud. G: Sand) The bagpipers; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. Dunlop, A. H. Anent old Edinburgh and some of the worthies who walked its streets; with other papers; ed. by her brothers, with biog. notes, etc. "One and all are full of quaint out-of-the-way knowledge, and brightly written in a homely old-world diction." Athenœum, Dec. 28. Duruy, G: Fin du rêve. C'est tout un coin d'histoire contemporaine. Fin de rêve, écrit d'une plume élégante, tantôt ardent et passionnée tantôt poétique et tendre, est appelé à un succès assuré, autant par la manière dont l'œuvre a été conçue, que par les souvenirs qu'elle ravive, que par les belles pages où flambe le plus pur patriotisme, et par le caressant parfum d'amour qui se dégage çà et là des pages entre les péripéties de l'action." - Le livre, nov. Edwardes, C: Sardinia and the Sardes. "Very pleasant reading for a wet afternoon in the holidays, but they do not pretend to impart any real solid information." - Atheneum, Feb. 8. Exposition de Paris, L', 1889. 4 v. in 2. "Les deux volumes forment l'histoire et la description la plus complète qui aient été publiées sur ce sujet. Le texte, rédigé par un groupe de littérateurs connus et d'écrivains spéciaux, rappelle les origines de l'Exposition, et la période d'organisation et d'installation; puis il passe en revue d'une façon méthodique et complète les palais, les galeries, les bâtements divers du Champ de Mars, du Trocadéro, etc. Ce luxueux ouvrage restera donc le tableau le plus complet, le plus instructif de l'Expositon de 1889." Revue bleue, 11 jan. Flammel, N: Exposition of the hieroglyphical figures which he caused to be painted upon an arch in St. Innocents Church Yard in Paris, concerning the theory and practice of the philosopher's stone; done into Eng. by E. Orandus. 1624, repr. 1889. Francis, F. Mosquito; a tale of the Mexican frontier. "There is a fresh and racy vigour about these descriptions of frontier life." Athenaum, Dec. 14. Godet, F: Studies on the epistles; tr. by A. H. The young Marooners on the Florida coast; "Dr. Goulding's work,' says Mr. Harris, no mean judge, it will be allowed, 'possesses all the elements of enduring popularity. It has the strength and vigour of simplicity; its narrative flows continuously forward; its incidents are strange and thrilling; and underneath all is a moral purpose sanely put.' Readers who want to hear more about the young heroes of this story, may find a sequel in 'Marooner's Island.'"- Spectator, Dec. 7. Griffiths, L. M. Evenings with Shakspere; a handbook to the study of his works; with suggestions for the consideration of other Elizabethan literature. "Mr. Griffiths has simply provided a large amount of commentatorial matter, some of it invaluable, much of it valuable, very little of it useless, and all of it well arranged and handsomely got up." Sat. rev., Jan. 18. Guide bleu du Figaro et du Petit journal. Hay, M. C. A wicked girl; and other tales. 1886. 3 v. "The tale which gives its name to the present collection is much the longest, as it is undoubtedly the best. The other stories are all readable." - W: Sharp in the Academy, Sept. 25, 1885. Hill, H. A. History of the Old South Church, 3d Church, Boston, 1669-1884. 2 ν. Holst, H. E: von. Constitutional and political history of the U. S.; tr. by J: J. Lalor, 185659. "Our wonder grows that a foreigner, whose visits to the country have been not greatly prolonged, could so well master not only the philosophy of our government, and the broader characteristics of the struggle over slavery which has been the great constitutional question of our history, but also the subtler shades of character, and the limitless mass of facts, the study of all of which is necessary to a comprehension of our national development. The book is sure to remain an eminent authority in general history. Believing this of it, one is forced to add that it is a great pity the translation is not more satisfactory." Nation, Jan. 9. Hozier, C: de. Etat présent de la noblesse française; cont. le Dictionnaire de la noblesse contemporaine, et L'armorial général de France d'après les mss. de H.; pub. sous la direction de M. Bachelin-Deflorenne. 5e éd. augm. 1887. Hues, R. Tractatus de globis et eorum usu; a treatise descriptive of the globes constructed by E. Molyneux, and pub. in 1592; ed. with annot., indices, etc., by C. R. Markham. (Hakluyt Soc.) "The Molyneux globes were the first ever constructed in this country, and the largest that had been made up to the time of their publication. Mr. Markham's introduction is a comprehensive and masterly commentary on the whole subject. He passes in detailed review all the globes which preceded or were contemporaneous with the first made in England; the Molyneux globes themselves are fully described; and an analysis of the manual for their use completes a deeply interesting and valuable essay." - Academy, Apr. 5. Iung, T. Lucien Bonaparte et ses mémoires, 17751840. 1882-83. 3 ν. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Index to v. 1-120. 1826-85. Kansas Academy of Science. Transactions of the 16th-21st annual meetings, 1883-88. 1885-89.3 v. King, H. E. H. Ballads of the North; and other poems. "This work displays strong human sympathy, as well as a visionary vein, and some of the poet's delicate observation of natural beauty. It is what some term the supernatural element which characterises the most remarkable of these poems. And if we will but yield to her spell of enchantment, the writer's power of impressing us with the actuality of what she intends us to realise is, I think, exceptional. The execution of the poems, alike in phraseology and measure, is generally skilful, well adapted to the subject, and varied accordingly." - Roden Noel in the Academy, Nov. 16. Kroupa, B. An artist's tour; gleanings and impressions of travels in North and Central America, and the Sandwich Islands. "A little disappointing. It has no great value as a book of travel, and the illustrations are not of much merit. The best part of the volume is that which describes life among the Navajo tribe of Red Indians." Athenœum, Mar. 15. Léchaudé-d'Anisy, A. L., and Saint-Marie, marq. de. Récherches sur le Domesday; ou Liber censualis d'Angleterre ainsi que sur le Liber de Winton et le Boldon-Book. Tome 1. 1842. Le Paulmier, -, M. D. Ambroise Paré; d'après de nouveaux documents, découverts aux archives nationales et des papiers de famille. "Que de types! Que d'aventures! Quelle variété d'impressions et de tableaux! Rien de plus émouvant que ses cinquante premières pages si ce n'est les cinquante derniéres, car il n'est guère possible de mieux commencer ni de mieux finir." - Revue bleue, 7 déc. Morineau, A: de. Essai statistique et politique sur les Etat-Unis d'Amérique. 1848. Mummery, A. F., and Hobson, J. A. The physiology of industry; an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics. "The principal fallacy' which these authors expose is the received principle which Mill thus states: 'Saving enriches, and spending impoverishes, the community along with the individual.' But genius of a higher order, and learning more extensive, than our authors possess would be required to unravel the intricate questions which baffled Mill and Malthus." - Academy, Apr. 12. Munk, E: The student's Cicero, adapted from [his] "Geschichte der römischen Literatur," by Rev. W. Y. Fausset. "An estimate of the great master of Latin prose, which though often severe, is free from the acrimonious and even derisive tone which marks the criticisms of Drumann and Mommsen. Mr. Fausset is already well known as one of the soundest and most distin guished representatives of the younger generation of Oxford scholars. He is equally at home in his renderings of the Latin of Cicero or the German of Dr. Munk. His notes are really helpful and pointed, and the result of his labours has been entirely such as to justify the title of the volume." - Spectator, Nov. 16. Newton, W: W. Dr. Muhlenberg. (Amer. relig. leaders.) "One of the most admirable volumes of the series." Mag. of Amer. hist., April. O'Rorke, T. The history of Sligo; town and county. 2 v. "Canon O'Rorke has executed the task which he proposed to himself- that of embodying in his work the secular, religious, social, and in some measure the natural history of Sligo with such thoroughness, zeal, and felicity of lucid arrangement, that the reader can. not imagine there being anything worth knowing about Sligo which is left untold in these volumes. topographical information the 'History' is actually a guide-book. With all parts of his subject the Canon is equally at home, and his style is so happy, because it is so spontaneous and simple, that he makes every part of it equally attractive." - Spectator, Nov. 16. For Pez, B. Bibliotheca Benedictino-Mauriana. 1716. Poems of many years and many places, 1839-87; by a lifelong thinker and wanderer. 1887. Q. (pseud. for A.T: Q. Couch). The splendid spur; memoirs of the adventures of Mr. J: Marvel, a servant of His late Majesty Charles I., 1642-3; written by himself; ed. in modern Eng. by Q. "A vivid picture of stirring times, of battle and flight and escape, and a plot well made out." - Daily news in Atheneum, Jan. 11. Raabe, W: Krähenfelder Geschichten. 1879. 3 v. Raine, Rev. J. History and antiquities of North "Nous recommandons ce récit comme le plus clair, le plus complet, le plus exact qui existe sur Froesch. willer." Rev. critique, 2 déc. Rémusat, P. L: E. de. A. Thiers. (Les grands écrivains français.) "Full of interest, but rather the life of a politician than that of a man of letters. He never can be said, however, to have been, strictly speaking a great writer, and M. de Rémusat has done well to abandon the limitations which the nature of the series in which he wrote might have imposed upon him, and to write the life of M. Thiers as the statesman rather than as the historian." - Athenœum, July 6. Robaut, A. L'œuvre complet de Eugène Delacroix; peintures, dessins, etc.; catalogué et reproduit par Robaut; commenté par E. Chesneau; pub. avec la collab. de F. Calmetttes. 1885. "Ce catalogue peut être considéré comme définitif; il n'est pas le premier, car M. A. Moreau avait déjà publié un fort bon catalogue de l'œuvre d'Eugène Delacroix; mais il sera assurément le dernier. Il ne saurait être ni mieux fait ni plus complet. Le catalogue est précédé d'une substantielle et brillante introduction par M. Chesneau, qui de plus, ajouté aux descrptions des articles, des commentaires, des notes, des citations souvent pleines d'intérêt. C'est un ouvrage qui est ... le résultat de plus de trente ans de recherches. Les notices sont d'une précision et d'une exactitude qui ne laisse rien à désirer." - L. G. in the Gazette des beaux arts, 1 avr., 1885. Rumbold, Sir H. The great silver river; notes of a residence in Buenos Ayres, 1880-81. Salter, W: M. Ethical religion. "The devoted leader of the Society of Ethical Culture in Chicago has here collected a number of lectures which were for the most part delivered before members of that body. The book is as one might expect from its origin rather didactic than speculative, and the author disclaims in his preface any other than a practical purpose." - Nation, Jan. 30. Schlich, W: Manual of forestry. Vol. 1: The utility of forests, and fundamental principles of sylviculture. "Hitherto, except for Brown's 'Forester,' and two or three translations of French works on forestry by Indian forest officers, we believe that only two important works on general forestry have been published in English. These are Forest organization by G. L. McGregor, a somewhat abstruse work on schemes of forest management for terms of years; and 'Indian sylviculture' by E. E. Fernandez. Dr. Schlich is peculiarly fitted for the work which he has undertaken. He was appointed to the Indian Forest Department in 1867. After thirteen years' arduous work in the forests of Burma, Sindh. Bengal, and the Punjaub, he was appointed head of the Indian Forest Department in 1881; and in 1886 was sent home to organize a School of Forestry at Cooper's Hill." St. James's budget, Nov. Schuylkill Fishing Co. of the State in Schuyl kill. History, 1732-1888. "The oldest English-speaking club in the world is now in flourishing existence on the banks of the Delaware, near Philadelphia. Its membership has included many of the most famous men of Pennsylvania; it has shown its quaint hospitalities to most of the Presidents of the republic, and Lafayette was proud to join its circle and fulfil the duties prescribed to all its members at their banquets." - Nation, Jan. 16. Shakespeare, W: The 1st part of The contention, the 1st quarto, 1594, a facsimile by C: Praetorius; with forewords, embodying R: G. White's argument on S.'s right to the whole of 2 and 3 Henry vi., by F: J. Furnivall. Six Indiens rouges de la tribu des grands Osages, arrivés du Missouri au Havre le 27 juillet 1827, sur le navire américain New England, cap. Hunt. 2e éd. augm. [1827.] Stowe, Rev. C: E: Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe; from her letters and journals. "It is an extremely interesting and instructive book. If the chief function of an autobiography, such as this volume really is, is to make straightforward and truthful presentment of the writer's intellectual and moral qual. ities in their development through life, to reveal the flaws and weaknesses as well as the elements of strength and beauty, this book deserves high praise. Mrs. Stowe may be congratulated on having lived to see the successful accomplishment, with her son's skilful and unobtrusive help, of what she felt to be her final service to her day and generation." - Athenœum, Jan. 11. Tournée à la mode dans les Etats-Unis; ou, Voyage de Charleston à Québec et d'Albany à Boston; tr., avec notes et add. par M. Bourgeois. 1829. Tout-Paris; annuaire de la société parisienne, 1888; suivi d'un dictionnaire des pseudonymes. [1888.] Tozer, Rev. H. F. The islands of the Aegean. "While naturally devoting much atttention to the historical and antiquarian aspect of the islands, the author gives a fair amount of space to their geography and to existing conditions. There are a general map and several small maps in the text." - Roy. Soc. Geog. Proc., April. Vigne, F. de. Moeurs et usages des corporations de métiers de la Belgique et du nord de la France. 1857. Recherches historiques sur les costumes civils et militaires des gildes et des corporations de métiers; avec introd. hist. par J. Stecher. [1847.] Walter, J. Shakespeare's true life; illust. by G. E. Moira. "Almost every page of Major Walter's large volume is adorned with one or more sketches, very well drawn and very well produced of Shakespearian localities, etc.; and these illustrations would of themselves make the book an almost indispensable addition to every Shakes. perian library. The text consists of a sort of running dissertation on these and other matters, sometimes a little, or more than a little, discursive, but evidently animated throughout with love of the subject." - Sat. rev., Jan. 18. Wauters, A. J. Stanley's Emin Pasha expedition. "The bulk of it is naturally a compilation from Mr. Stanley's letters, but the author supplies in addition a readable history of the Sudan, since its conquest by the Egyptians down to the return of Dr. Junker." Athenaum, Feb. 8. Webb, S. Socialism in England. "The attacks upon national education, the factory acts, and Socialism in general are in the main irrelevant, and, as they are unsupported by argument, only add to the futility of the book. It is a pity that its wise suggestions should he drowned in a sea of absurdities." Nation, Mar. 18. Weiss, N. La chambre ardente; étude sur la liberté de conscience en France sous François I et Henri 11, 1540-50. Les historiens modernes, croyant avoir épuisé les recherches, nous disaient imperturbablement avant ce jour, que, durant les premiers temps du règne de Henri II jusqu'à l'édit de Châteaubriand, la persécution avait été bénigne en France. M. Weiss ne se contente pas si Il fouille nos archives, il a trouvél aisément. Cette Voici une annexe inconnue jusqu'ici du registre criminel au parlement de Paris, précisément celle qui contient les arrêt de la célèbre chambre, et en voici une autre où ses origines se trouvent consignées. La chambre ardente siégea un peu plus de vingt-cinq mois. L'ensemble de ses arrêts connus se monte à 366. exploration ne comprend pas les sentences des tribu. naux ecclésiastiques, et elle est limitée à la juridiction du parlement de Paris. Les parlements de province: Rouen, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Aix, Grenoble et Dijon, etaient alors également en exercice, et le peu que nous en savons n'est pas moins terrible." -C. Coignet in Rev. pol. et lit., 25 jan. Wigglesworth, M. The day of doom; or, a poetical description of the great and last judgment; with a short discourse about eternity. 6th ed. enl. 1715. Williams, м. Leaves of a life; reminiscences. 2 v. Full of curious and interesting matter. Though the book is disappointing if wejudge it by what it might have been, it is, as it stands, eminently readable. Its pages contain a lively summary of almost all the causes célèbres' of the last thirty years, interspersed with sto. ries and good things collected by the author while pursuing his varied career of soldier, actor, playwright, journalist, and advocate." - Spectator, Feb. 15. Young, Sir F: A winter tour in South Africa. "Sir Frederick Young, vice-president of the Royal Colonial Institute, started last year on a tour through the greater part of the various Colonies and States of Southern Africa. The most interesting chapter in this book is that headed The political situation." Sat. rev., Feb. 15. Abbot, F. E. The way out of agnosticism A 27 The philosophy of free religion. "The elaborated analysis of the conception held more or less vaguely by every religious mind, and accepted as an act of faith by every regenerated souf, makes the chief merit of the book; its painstaking and intelligent working out, under the prompting of an intellect singularly keen, clear, and self-asserting, is an achievement which will be helpful and instructive, we doubt not, to many a thoughtful mind." - Unitarian review, April. Abbott, Mrs. M.. Alexia. "A mere bit of a story, hardly too long for a maga. zine, but it is of a very satisfactory quality." - Nation, Mar. 13. Anderson, J: English intercourse with Siam in the 17th century. Ayrton, W. E. Practical electricity; a laboratory Barnett, Rev. S: A., and Mrs. H. O. Practicable from the records. Vol. 1: Sydney. Bertrand, J. D'Alembert. (Les grands écrivains français.) "Il le fait revivre dans ces pages; il le juge avec indépendance; il s'efforce d'être impartial, c'est-à-dire que cette étude biographique n'est pas un panégyrique. Il l'a fait avec goût, avec sincérité; et, tout en se plaisant à donner la preuve de la connaissance large qu'il possède de l'entourage de d'Alembert, - idées, choses, et gens, il instruit le lecteur en même temps qu'il l'intéresse et parfois même l'amuse." Le livre, déc. Blackmore, R: D. Kit and Kitty. "If it be asked whether Kit and Kitty 'is worthy of the author of Lorna Doone,' and of two or three other stories from the same pen that might be named, the an. swer to such admirers must be a regretful but emphatic 'No.' They will find certain passages stamped with the unmistakable hall-mark of genius, but the book as a whole will disappoint them, for they will feel that it lacks form, restraint, imaginative coherence, and credibility, all the characteristics of great art." Specta tor, Jan. 25. British Museum. Library. List of books of ref- 1887. The Manx witch; and other poems. Browning, O. Life of G: Eliot. (Great writers.) by a record of reminiscences and impressions accumusted through fifteen years of increasingly intimate personal friendship. All the perplexing problems of George Eliot's life are not solved yet, but this little book brings us nearer to a solution than we have ever been brought before." - James Ashcroft Noble in the Academy, Mar. 15. Browning Society of Boston. In memoriam; memorial to Robert Browning, Kings Chapel, Jan. 28, 1890. Bryden, H. A. Kloof and Karroo; sport, legend, and natural history in Cape Colony. "There is not a dull page in this book."-Athenœum, Jan. 18. Burnand, F. C. My time and what I have done with it; autobiography. New and rev. ed. Calmettes, F. Brave fille. "Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie Française." Cheyne, Rev. T: K. Jeremiah; his life and times. [1888.] "A work in which the ripest scholarship, a strong human interest, and deep piety are devoted to the popu lar presentation of a great hero. The book is full of learning, and, like all its author writes, is extremely suggestive." - Spectator. Dec. 28. Claretie, I.. Paris depuis ses origines jusqu'en l'an 3000; avec une préf. de J. Claretie. [1886.] Crombie, J. W. The poets and peoples of foreign lands. "The most interesting paper is that on Mistral. There is also a good criticism on Klaus Groth; an agreeable if somewhat slight sketch of Al-Motamed; and a notice of The folk-poetry of Spain is worth reading." - Athenœum, Mar. 8. Curtin, J. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. "A perfectly delightful book of Irish popular tales. De Tunzelmann, G. W. Electricity in modern Dickson, R., and Edmond, J: P. Annals of Scot- "The main purpose of the authors has been to provide a reliable bibliography of Scottish books, and in this they have succeeded perfectly. To say that it is the best book on the subject is but faint praise; to say it could hardly be better is only just." - E. Gordon Duff in the Academy, Mar. 22. Durand, Mme. A. F. (pseud. H: Gréville). L'avenir d'Aline. "Ce livre, un des plus simples qu'ait écrits Henry Greville, est l'un des plus touchants." - Bibl. univ., jan Dyer, T. F. T. Loves and marriages of some emi. nent persons. 2 v. "On the whole, it may be gathered that the great have been fortunate in the affairs of the heart. Mr. Dyer is content to classify his subjects under Married happiness, Unhappily married, Eccentric marriages,' and similar headings. His present book is considerably more methodical than his last." - Athenaum, Feb. 22. Ellis, H. The new spirit. "Mr. Ellis must be very 'inquiring' for we have sel. dom met with one who knows so many things that other people do not know. The rise of women to supreme power in the near future,' says Mr. Ellis, 'is certain.' Not likely' or 'possible, but certain.' The proud male is doomed. The destinies of nations shape themselves before' Mr. Ellis's eyes with singular clearness. Within a measurable period of time France will have become a beautiful dream; all Frenchmen will be Belgians or Italians. Mr. Ellis, it will be observed, knows this. It is not his opinion, not his prophecy even; there is no doubt of a chance about it. Mr. Ellis is a fresh example of one of the commonest and not the least pathetic of the fallacies incident to the human intellect the belief that there is something new under the sun. But we have known exponents of that belief who were far more ignorant and far less amusing." - Athenaum, Mar. 15. Etourneau, — . Le général Washington et madame la générale Washington; biographies. 1860. Fishes, flowers, and fire as elements and deities in the Phallic faiths and worship of the ancient religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, etc.; with illust. myths and legends. Fiske, Lieut. B. A. Electricity in theory and practice; or, The elements of electrical engineering. Fittis, R. S. Heroines of Scotland. "Mr. Fittis possesses a familiar knowledge of Scotch history, and of the annals of many Scotch families, and is chiefly interested in the antiquities of his subject. He is too good a patriot not to catch fire sometimes; but his pages are burdened with matter that would have been sufficiently prominent in an appendix, and the style is rather halting." - Academy Jan. 25. Ford, P. L. Who was the mother of Franklin's son? an historical conundrum, hitherto given up - now partly answered. Fyffe, C: A. History of modern Europe. Vol. 3, 1848-78. "The most interesting portion of the present volume is that which relates to the origin and the circumstances which surrounded the outbreak of the war of 1870. It is an excellent book, and whatever may have been the weak points of his first volume and of portions of his second, such defects are little observable in the third." Atheneum, Jan. 25. Ganier, H:, and Fræhlich, J. Voyage aux châteaux historiques des Vosges septentrionales. "Contient la description archéologique et pittoresque, l'histoire, la légende, etc., de plus de 70 anciens châteaux et monastères de la chaîne des Vosges. Les monuments préhistoriques, avec les traditions qui s'y rattachent, sont également énumérés."- Bibl. de la France, Feuilleton, Oct. 5. Gattie, G: B. Memorials of the Goodwin Sands, and their surroundings, legendary and historical. "In his interesting 'Memorials' Mr. Gattie ascribes the appearance of the Goodwin Sands to the year 1099; though whether they represent a submerged island or a submarine upheaval still seems doubtful. He sums up all that is really known of the Goodwins, and after giving an account of the more notable wrecks that have occurred there, shows what has been done and proposed to counteract this danger of the seas." - St. James's budget, Mar. 14. Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. sex. (Contemp.sci. ser.) The evolution of "Of this book which gives a very full account of the facts of the evolution of sex and of the theories hazarded towards its explanation - chap. 19 is devoted to Psychological and ethical aspects." - Mind, Jan. Girtanner, C. Schilderung des häuslichen Lebens, des Karakters, und der Regierung Ludwigs XVI. von Frankreichs. 1793. Glouvet, J. de. Dans l'Argonne. 1888. "From the invasion of 1814 M. de Glouvet relates some interesting episodes." - Atheneum, July 6. Gould, S. B., and Sheppard, Rev. H: F. Songs and ballads of the west; a coll. from the mouths of the people; arr. for voice and pianoforte by H. F. S. Pt. 1, 2. 3d ser., rev. [18-.] Gower, Lord. R. Rupert of the Rhine; biographical sketch of Prince Rupert, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland, etc. "Lord Ronald Gower has confessed that he has not done much more than summarize Eliot Warburton's work for those who find it too big. But he has given a fluent and pleasant summary, and has adorned it with excellent heliogravures of three portraits of the Prince. If as a biographer he has not succeeded in making his man live before us, he has in that respect only shared the fate of all his predecessors. Even Mr. Carlyle, who could usually make any dry bone live when he chose, could not picture Rupert in any more novel or human fashion than as the usual 'thunderbolt of war dashing out of and passing into a cloud. With almost every qualification of a hero of romance, the Prince remains shadowy as a person. His own letters tell little or nothing, and his very actions have the touch of the inscrutable. A knight-errant, and a man of science, a corsair, and a mezzotint engraver, his undoubted qualifications give a far more tempting subject than the rather exaggerated and supposititious traits of Buckingham which tempted two great poets. Yet nobody took the opportunity then, and nobody can get at it now." Saturday review, Apr. 12. Great Britain. Committee of the Lords of the Privy Council. Report on the trade of Gr. Britain with the U. S., Jan. 1791; [ed. by W. C. Ford]. 1888. Harrison, C. H. A race with the sun; a 16 months' tour from Chicago around the world. "The author's remarks, if somewhat hasty and superficial, are those of a man with an eye quick to ob. serve, and with a confidence in his own judgment which he seldom allows to be disturbed by misgiving of any kind." Sat. rev., Feb. 8. Hatton, J. Club-land, London and provincial. "Contains a few notices of some of the clubs which have a history, brief notes on those which have yet to win renown, and woodcuts in due proportion to each class." Athenæum, Dec. 28. Home, Mme. D. The gift of D. D. Home. "May be considered supplementary to the biography which appeared two years since." Ibsen, H: Prose dramas. Auth. Eng. ed. by W: Archer. 2 v. Contents. Vol. 1. The league of youth. - The pillars of society. A doll's house, 2. Ghosts. An enemy of the people. - The wild duck. Rosmersholm; a play tr. by L: N. Parker. "Ibsen's strength hardly lies in exhibiting gradual revolutions of character. His men and women are foursquare, sharply defined, and changing by sudden transformations if they change at all, or at least by transitions the nuances and stealing steps of which are not There are touches enough habitually disclosed. which remind us that Ibsen bears within him a sleeping romantic poet, who, however resolutely lulled, will sometimes stir and cry." - C. H. Herford in the Acad. emy, Jan. 18. Jennings, H. The Indian religions; or, Results of the mysterious Buddhism concerning that also which is to be understood in the divinity of fire. "Mr. Jennings makes a breathless excursion in all occult ways, treating of alchemy, magie, Hermetic be. liefs, fire worship, mesmerism, the philosopher's stone, symbolisms, and a hundred other abstruse matters. In spite of all we are little advanced towards the results of the mysterious Buddhism. 'Thirty-nine years of Meta |