Slike stranica

physics,' says the author, 'are exhibited in the conclusions of this book, and the paralyzing thought intrudes that there is mystical force in the number, and thirtynine times must the book be read." - Sat. rev., Feb. 15.

Kebbel, T. E. Life of the Earl of Derby, K. G. (Statesmen series.)

"Fully as good as his Lord Beaconsfield,' - high praise. The estimate of Lord Derby as a statesman and as a literary man is excellent, and the personal anecdotes are amusing." - Athenœum, Feb. 15.

Kervyn de Lettenhove, le baron J. M.. B. C. de. Marie Stuart; l'œuvre puritaine, le procés, le supplice, 1585-87. 2 ν.

"Though Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove will not suc. ceed in convincing many of his readers that Mary died a martyr to her faith, before the malice and fanaticism of the Puritans, his book is still valuable as the most careful account of the end of Mary's life that has yet been written."

Sat. rev., Feb. 15. Kingsland, W: G. Robert Browning; chief poet of the age. New ed., with add. "Admirable and unpretentious book." rev., Mar. 22.

La Brète, J. de. Men oncle et mon curé.


"The whole book can be recomended. The genuine, breezy, almost riotous fun of it contrasts in the most agreeable way with the dull filth, the arid pessimism, the Ouidesque fine writing, the mere vulgarity, or, worst of all, the maundering agnostic sentimentality of the average French fiction of the present day." Sat. rev., Oct. 19.

Larpent, F. S., Judge Advocate. Private journal during the Peninsular War; ed. by Sir G: Larpent. 1854.

Malory, Sir T: Le morte Darthur; the orig. ed. of W: Caxton; repr. and ed. with introd. and glossary, by H. O. Sommer; with essay on M.'s prose style by A. Lang. Vol. 1: Text. "A second volume is to contain the apparatus which German scholarship deems necessary for a critical edi. tion of such a masterpiece - an introduction, dealing with the language and the like, a treatise on the sources, various readings, an index, etc. As a complement and guerdon, perhaps, to English buyers, an essay on Malory's prose style by A. Lang is to be added. the student of language no English book is more fascinating. It is packed with the most expressive words and idioms just strange enough to stimulate interest, piquant, picturesque, gentle, as well as queer combinations of words which offer grammatical problems as inviting as the particles of Homer." - Nation, Jan. 2.


[blocks in formation]

Niaudet, A. Elementary treatise on electric batteries; tr. by L. M. Fishback. 1888. Norton, C: L. Handbook of Florida. Pt. 1: The Atlantic coast.

"In each case a county map is given, with as much detail as can be introduced on a necessarily small scale. Incidentally much matter of historical interest is introduced. An extended paragraph history of the State is included in the introductory matter." Mag. of Amer. hist., April.

Pack of cavalier playing cards, A; temp. Charles 11.; a political satire of the Commonwealth. Explanatory notes; by E. Goldsmid. 1886. Palgrave, R. F. D. Oliver Cromwell, the Protector; an appreciation based on contemporary evidence.

"The book seems to have been written as an answer to Carlyle and the succeeding writers who have followed in his steps. Mr. Palgrave is no novice in the study of the history of the seventeenth century, and his learning and accomplishments are too well-known to need panegyric. As was to be expected his volume shows much reading and long study. We feel certain that for the time it will be widely read and assiduously quoted; yet we cannot believe that it any more than its predecessor, will be considered to contain an impartial estimate of Cromwell's character." - Athenæum, Mar. 8.

Pellissier, G. Les mouvement littéraire au 19e siècle.

"It is neither a detailed history of its subject, nor is it a collection of essays on separate points or persons. It is a sort of running critical commentary on successive authors and schools - a commentary with the generalizations only put in, and the supporting instances, lemmas, and particular demonstrations left out. His judgments are as a rule sound and sensible, though sometimes a little narrow." Athenœum, Aug. 24. Prentice, Prof. G: Wilbur Fisk. (Amer. religi

ous leaders.)


Reber, F. von. History of ancient art; rev. by author; tr.and augm. by J. T. Clarke, with glossary of technical terms. 1883.

Russell, A. P. In a club corner, the monologue of a man who might have been sociable. "In general the collection is somewhat fresher than might be expected, and shows a wide and excellent range of reading." - Nation, Apr. 3.

Savage, E. Eulogy on Gen. G: Washington, Sa

lem, Feb. 22, 1800.

Schaff, P. Literature and poetry; studies on the

English language, etc.

"The spirit is more than earnest, the matter is laboriously set forth, and seriousness takes the place of taste as the arbiter of judgment. This, however, does not materially affect the value of the volume, especially in that portion of it which is devoted to the Church hymns and the Biblical poems of which we shall hardly find a better account elsewhere." - Nation, Mar. 20.

Shakespeare, W: Sonnets; ed., with notes and introd., by T: Tyler.

"The obscure and intricate question as to the interpretation of Shakspeare's Sonnets is treated with much minuteness by Mr. Tyler. His arguments, however, are far from conclusive, and do but serve to prove that the riddle is insoluble." Spectator, Apr. 26.

Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigration; a study in social science.

"If Professor Smith's excellent work should hasten a needed combination against the dangerous elements that now largely control our elections, he will merit the thanks of patriotic citizens."-Mag. of Amer.hist., Apr. Sophocles. Antigone; Gr.and Eng.; with introd. and notes by J: W: Donaldson. 1848.

Stead, W: T. The Pope and the new era; letters from the Vatican.

"This is throughout his theme what the Pope might do if he would fill the Church with Anglo-Saxon cardinals, as contrasted with what he does, carefully retaining an Italian majority, and providing for the election of a succession of Italian Popes." - Athenaum, Mar. 15.

Stokes, Rev. G: T: Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church; hist. of Ireland and Irish Christianity from the Anglo-Norman Conquest to the dawn of the Reformation.

"A companion to his Ireland and the Celtic Church. As a pleasant and intelligible introduction to the study of Irish history it deserves warm commendation. His narrative enlivened by anecdote and by information of a most recondite sort, is, throughout, brimful of interest." - R. Dunlop in the Academy, Jan. 25.

Subhádra Bhikshu. A Buddhist catechism; out

line of the doctrine of the Buddha Gotama, in the form of question and answer; comp. from the sacred writings of the southern Buddhists for the use of Europeans, with explan.


"The author thinks it has become incumbent on the Buddha disciples to put forth a work suited to the intelligent appreciation of educated English readers, in which shall be set forth the essential doctrine of the Teacher, stripped of the trappings with which the superstition and childish conceptions of Eastern people have, in the long course of ages, sought to adorn it." Swinburne, J: Practical electrical measurements.


Tavernier, J. B., baron d'Aubonne. Travels in India; tr., with biog. sketch, etc., by V. Ball. 2 ν.

"Both translation and annotation are so well done that one can only hope the remaining portion of Tavernier's travels will now be taken in hand by the same editor." - Academy, Jan. 11.

Taylor, I: The origin of the Aryans; an account of the prehistoric ethnology and civilisation of Europe.

"Canon Taylor has collected with very great labour a mass of novel opinions, a summary of the labours of many scholars.' A better manual of the latest notions could not, we think, have been produced. It is certain enough, too, that there is much error in the general popular ideas of these obscure matters, and the book may serve a good purpose if it encourages scepticism and an open mind' on subjects which are perhaps beyond certainty of decision." Sat. rev., Jan. 4.

Thornton, P. M. The Stuart dynasty; short stud-
ies of its rise, course, and early exile.
"Misfortune still awaits on that most unfortunate
race, unfortunate even in this its latest historian. His
task, it is true, was one of very great difficulty. To sift
the vast mass of material, whilst discarding the extra-
neous and irrelevant, and then to weave a lucid narra-
tive that should be something more and something less
than a set history of Scotland and of Great Britain -
this would require no common knowledge and ability.
Mr. Thornton's knowledge is very easily gauged.
Some of his blunders are glaring, patent to 'every school
boy;' but there are dozens of others, less patent, and
therefore more dangerous." Athenaum, Apr. 12.

Varney, G: J. A brief history of Maine.
Vasili, comte P. La sainte Russie.

"L'ouvrage du comte Paul Vasili va combler une lacune,' cette ambition suprême des auteurs et des éditeurs. Ce n'est pas sa seule chance auprès du public; il aura, pour captiver ce dispensateur de la fortune des livres, l'attrait du nom d'un écrivain dont les indiscrétions trop bien informées ont fait grand bruit dans la presse. D'ailleurs, la narration est bien faite et fort at

tachante en soi; historiée de nombreuses gravures, elle forme un tout aussi attrayant qu'instructif, sur les diverses institutions sociales de la Russie, la façon dont on y vit, les plaisirs qu'on y trouve." - Gazette des beaux arts, jan.

Walters, J: C. In Tennyson land; account of the home, etc., of the poet, and an attempt to identify the scenes and trace the influences of Lincolnshire in his works.

"There is something irritatingly prosaic in his conception of poetry. He seems to consider a poet as a spe cies of photographer, possessed of no imagination, and only able to record what he has actually seen, without any power of combining, altering, or inventing." Athenœum, Feb. 15.

Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contrib. to Irish lore. "Lady Wilde is always an amusing writer; her hu. mour has a quaint seriousness that renders even bookmaking tolerable from her hand, and her seriousness has a humour of which she is probably unconscious.

As a contribution to Irish lore' it is of little value, yet the author has a pleasing way of telling a story, so that albeit she used all her best materials for her really interesting 'Legends of Ireland,' she has contrived to make up a fairly amusing volume of the fragments that remained." - Athenaum, March 29.

Wilkinson, S. The brain of the army; a popular account of the general German staff.

"It is a curious fact that one of the highest authorities in England on the art of war should be a 'civilian' in the the eyes of soldiers; but so it is." Athenaum, Mar. 1.

Willard, S: The truly blessed man; or, The way to be happy here and for ever; the substance of a sermon on Psalm 32. 1700.

Woodford, C: M. A naturalist among the headhunters; an account of three visits to the Solomon Islands, 1886-88.

"Mr. Woodford's modest volume, with its illustrations taken from what must be admirable photographs done by himself, is a genuinely good book of its kind, and full of solid information as well as of pleasant read. ing. When the reader closes the book, he will feel that he has traversed the rolling swell of the restricted water area as well as pushed through the showy jungle: and he will feel that the unpretentious author has done good service for the stay-at-homes. The maps, also, are well done, and the index makes the bright little book complete." - Spectator, Mar. 15.

Woodland, moor, and stream; (ed. by J. A. Owen]. "It is compiled from the notes of a genuine naturalist in humble life. It tells his early love of wild creatures more particlarly of wild birds and their haunts; records long days spent among the teeming marshes, or along the rambling hedge-rows; dwells with the fondness of long and close intimacy on the habits of the otter, the badger, the polecat, and all the tribe of outcast animals who only cross the path of man at the peril of their lives; and interweaves with every reminiscence and ad. venture sketches of wild, rude nature, which, if not exactly portrayed with the pen of a practised writer, are both graphic and forcible." - R. B. Walford in the Critic, Jan. 4.

Wrangham, Rev. F. Humble contributions to a

British Plutarch. 1816.

Wratislaw, Rev. A. H: Sixty folk-tales; from exclusively Slavonic sources; tr. with introd. and notes.

"Mr. Wratislaw has done excellent work in his ver. sion of these folk-tales. It is only with some of his phi. lological views that we cannot agree. But folk tales and not philology are the scope of his interesting and useful book." - W. R. Morfill in the Academy, Dec. 7.

Yacht racing calendar and review, The, 1889; ed. by D. Kemp.

Additions. 2d ser.]


Adams, H: History of the U. S. during the see

ond administration of T: Jefferson. 2 v. "Brilliant story. Without much visible personal sympathy with Jefferson, he yet gives us a fair picture of his defects and merits, his strength and weakness. To tell an old story with surprising freshness, bringing into the foreground the vital points and setting in shadow the detail which the campaign biographer or sensational writer would emphasize is a good test of a writer's power." - Critic, Apr. 5.

American Dialect Society. Dialect notes. Pt. 1. Arbeau, T. (pseud. of J. Tabourot). Orchéso

graphie; réimpression précédé d'une notice sur les danses du 16e siècle par L. Fonta. 1888.

"Réimpression page pour page de l'édition rarissime de 1588, avec reproduction des gravures sur bois et de la musique. Contient les danses de l'époque, telles que la basse danse, la pavane, la gaillarde, la volte, la courante, l'allemande, les bransles, le triory, la gavotte, la morisque, les bouffons. On y trouve aussi des détails piquants sur les mœurs et usages du temps."

Aubry, Capt. T: J. Souvenirs du 12e chasseurs, 1799-1815.

"Le capitaine Aubry, ancien officier du premier Empire, les écrivit à l'âge de quatre-vingt-trois ans et demi pour l'amusement de son fils. Il l'a écrite à la diable, d'une plume ignorante et naïve, brouillant les dates, écorchant les noms. Il faut, quand on le lit, un moment de réflexion pour reconnaître Esterhazy dans de Strasi et l'Engaddine dans la Sanguedin. Mais qu'importent ces détails? L'essentiel, c'est qu'on croit entendre le vieux soldat." - Aug. Filon in Revue bleue, 21 déc.

Aucoc, L. L'Institut de France; lois, statuts, et règlements conc. les anciennes académies et l'Institut, 1635-1889; tableau des fondations.

"C'est un précieux recueil, qui tiendra dignement sa place à côté du livre de M. Maindron sur l'Académie des Sciences;' il est précédé d'un avant-propos où l'auteur retrace les grandes lignes de l'organisation des anciennes académies et de l'Institut, et d'une vaste introduction offrant tous les documents sur la création et l'organisation des anciennes académies." Rev. des questions hist., oct.

Balzac, H. de. Sons of the soil; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. (Comedy of human life.) Barrett, C. R. B. The Tower; etchings with vign

ettes, descr. letterpress, etc.

"Mr. Barrett begins by giving an engraving of the Tower from a manuscript of the fifteenth century. Then follow thirteen full-page etchings, not perhaps of the first quality, but quite good enough to show artistic feeling, and a very remarkable amount of industry. A reader may get a very good idea of the Tower from Mr. Barrett's book." Spectator, Jan. 1.

Bastard, G: La défense de Bazeilles. 1884. Baudrillart, A. Philippe v. et la cour de France. Tome 1.

Contents. Vol. 1. Philippe v et Louis XIV.

"Un important volume par M. Baudrillart qui a fait pour élucider cette question d'importantes et fructueuses recherches dans les archives espagnoles." Rex. des questions hist., 16 oct.

Beauchamps, J. de, and Rouveyre, E: Bibliographie raisonnée et pratique; guide du libraire-antiquaire et du bibliophile; préf. par J. Richard. Tome 1. 1884-85.

Besant, W. The bell of St. Paul's. 2 v.

"Not often has Mr. Besant married his vivid, humorous style, and his half-practical, half-fantastic grasp of character more thoroughly than here. The main charm of the book is given by the way in which he has combined four things which he possesses in no ordinary


[No. 264. May 26, 1890

the love of literature, the love of romance, the love of this great London, and the love of all the honest pleasures of sense - in sketching the courtship of Althea Indagine and Laurence Waller."-G: Saintsbury in the Academy, Dec. 14.

Bigelow, J: W: C. Bryant.


(Amer, men of let

"An excellent account of Bryant's literary career and achievement, and a valuable addition to the series."

Bilgram, H. Involuntary idleness; an exposition of the cause of the discrepancy existing between the supply of and the demand for, labour and its products.

Brisbin, Gen. J. S. Trees and tree-planting. 1888. Carette, Mme. Souvenirs intimes de la Cour des Tuileries. 2e sér.

"Practically deals with 1867-70. It is impossible to say it is good, though it is nowhere exactly bad. It is chiefly an account of or comment upon public affairs, and it is no discourtesy to say that we have had that, and may expect to have it from better qualified hands.

But there is one steady purpose which she fulfils not ill, the purpose of showing that from the first Gen. eral Trochu was a schemer; if not a traitor." - Sat. rev. Feb. 15.

Cartailhac, E. La France préhistorique; après

les sépultures et les monuments.

Les amateurs de ce

"M. Cartailhac est peut-être l'homme de France qui connaît le mieux l'archéologie préhistorique. Directeur, depuis 1873, de l'excéllente Revue des matériaux, il a fouillé des dolmens et des cavernes, visité des cen. taines de collections, rempli des missions fructueuses en Espagne, au Portugal, dans les Baléares, et publié un nombre incalculable d'articles sur tous les chapitres de la vaste science qui l'occupe. genre de recherches, si nombreux en province, ont désormais à leur disposition un résumé clair, bien informé, qui leur donnera des idées justes, et les préhistoriens de profession ne seront pas les derniers à remercier M. Cartailhac du beau présent longtemps attendu qu'il leur a fait." Salomon Reinach in Revue critique, 2 déc. Dartein, F. de. Etude sur l'architecture lombarde et sur les origines de l'architecture romanobyzantine. 1865-82.

Davitt, M. The "Times"-Parnell Commission; speech in defence of the Land League; rev. Döllinger, J: J. I. von. Beiträge zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters. Theil 1, 2. 2 v. "No student of the medieval period can afford to be without this rich and varied collection of material which Dr. Döllinger has thus placed within the reach of all. We hazard nothing in saying that no such contribution to its special department of history has been made since the labors of the Benedictines, a century and a half ago." - Nation, Dec. 5.

Duchemin, V., and Triger, R. Les premiers troubles de la Révolution dans la Mayenne, 178992. 1888.

Ebers, G: M. Joshua; eine Erzählung aus biblischer Zeit.

Eng. Joshua; a story of Biblical times; tr. by M.. J. Safford.

"Herr Ebers possesses the first requisite of a great historical novelist, fullness and accuracy of knowledge, recondite as well as obvious, and he also possesses the second requisite, which may be summed up in one word 'imagination."""

Elizabeth, Queen of Rumania. Feldpost; Roman von Dito und Idem. 1888.

"Derives its materials from the victorious campaign of 1870." Athenœum, July 6.

Engel, E: Geschichte der französischen Litteratur. 1888.

Filippini, A. The table; how to buy food, how

to cook it, and how to serve it.

"Signor Filippini is the presiding spirit of the Delmonico kitchen."


Fournier, E: Histoire des jouets et des jeux d'enGaldós, B. P. El amigo Manso. 1885.

Fortunata y Jacinta. 1887. 4 v.

"Although Señor Galdós has been compared to Dickens, his power and originality entitle him to stand on his own merits. If comparison is needed, it is easier to define the standpoint from which Señor Galdós views men and manners by comparing him to George Eliot. To the same blending of ardent human sympathy and keen sense of the ludicrous we owe certain scenes in 'Middlemarch,' and 'Felix Holt,' and the record of what came to pass in the Calle Mira el Rio, and the Calle Don Pedro, as it is set down in Fortunato y Jacinta. The note of voluntary realism is at times so accentuated as to be wearisome. When Señor Galdós wrote as one inspired by a tale he could not help telling, and with an art that concealed art, as in El Doctor Celipin, La de Bringas, Tormento, and El Amigo Manso, the Spanish idealists paid him the highest compliment they could conceive of Heis no naturalist, they cried; 'he is one of ours." Sat. rev., May 18, 1889.

[blocks in formation]

Grille, F. J. Introduction aux mémoires sur la Révolution française; ou, Tableau comparatif des mandats et pouvoirs donnés par les provinces à leurs députés aux Etats-Généraux de 1789. 1825. 2 v.

Guilhermy, J: F. C., baron de. Papiers d'un émigré, 1789-1829; lettres et notes extraites du portefeuille du baron de G. par le colonel de Guilhermy. 1886.

Guizot, F. P: G. Washington; fondation de la république des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. 1851.

Harland, H: (pseud. S. Luska). Two voices. Hearn, L. Two years in the French West Indies. "Mr. Hearn finds, chiefly in the little French Island of Martinique, fresh and fascinating material for a very engaging volume." - Literary world, Apr. 12.

Herring, G., and Ross, M. An Irish cousin. 2 v. "If any one wishes to get a true picture of the realities and amenities of Irish country life, he cannot do better than seek instruction from the pages of this admirable novel. One closes the second volume with mingled feelings. Gratitude to the authors for their excellent story is united to a sense of disappointment that the all too brief entertainment is at an end." tor, Sept. 14.


Hoefer, E. Der Junker; eine Geschichte aus der neuesten Zeit. 2e Aufl. 1881. 3 v.

Holtzinger, H: Die altchristliche Architektur; Form, Einrichtung und Ausschmückung der altchristlichen Kirchen, Baptisterien, und Sepulcralbauten.

"Here the subject is for the first time treated from the archæological, instead of from the purely historical or æsthetic standpoint. The subject is not only subdivided with judgment and ingenuity, but is treated with clearness, and with a touch that shows a thorough mastery of the material." Amer. jour. of Archæology, Mar. 1889.

Home, D. D. Lights and shadows of spiritualism. 1878.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hunter, Sir W: W. The old missionary.

"A vivid picture of life in India, and of the noble self-sacrificing labors of the Scotchman laboring under an Anglican Church Society. Incidentally it is a capital picture of the problems revealed in the attempt to displace one civilisation or system of education by another." - Critic, Apr. 5,

Isaacs, J. María; a South American romance; tr. by R. Ogden; introd. by T: A. Janvier. "It has a real vitality of its own, as a beautiful and affecting story, related in the simple, expressive detail of real life." - Literary world, Apr. 26.

John, E. (pseud. E. Marlitt). Das Eulenhaus; hinterlassener Roman; vollendet von W. Heimburg. [1888.] 2 ν.

Jokai, M. Achtzehn humoristische Erzählungen;
aus dem ungarischen, mit biographischer
Charakteristik Jokai's. 1872. 2 v.
Andere Zeiten, andere Menschen. [1883.]
Die armen Reichen. [1884.]

Aug' um Auge; in deutscher Bearbeitung von
L: Wechsler. [1886.]

Aus der Heimat des Nordens. 1879.
Blitz und Schwertklinge; (übers.) von L.
Wechsler. [1886.]

Blumen des Ostens; Erzählungen; übers. von
L: Wechsler. 1886.

Durch alle Höllen; mit einem biog. Beitrag. 1885.

Die feindlichen Nachbarn. Der Renegat. [188-.]

Ein Frauenhaar; übers. von L: Wechsler. 1883.

Die Freiheit unter dem Schnee; oder, Das grüne Buch. 1879. 2. v. Gebrochene Farben, Roman; aus dem Ungarischen. 1874. 2 v.

Der Gefangene der sieben Thürme. - Der Flüchtling. [1883.]

Geliebt bis zum Schaffot; historischer Roman

aus der Rakoczy-Zeit. 1883. 3 v.

Die Götterburg. 1884. 2 v.

Ein Goldmensch; Roman. [1882.] Note. Translated with the title, "Timar's two worlds."

Held Pálffy: dramatische Scenen in 2 Bildern; in deutscher Uebertragung von J. Schnitzer. 1879.

Eine Kaiserin; erzählung; aus dem ungarischen von L: Wechsler. [188-.] Kleine Könige; Roman. 1886. 5 ν. Die Komödianten des Lebens. [1885.] Kunterbunt; Novellistisches und Humoristisches; aus dem ungarischen. [1874?] 3 v. Lebenswirren; [übers.] von L: Wechsler. [1886.]

Der letzte Pascha von Ofen; übers. von L: Wechsler. 1885.

Contens. Der letzte Pascha von Ofen. - Bolivar. Die letzten Tage der Janitscharen. [1884.] Der Mann mit dem steinernen Herzen. [1885.]

Der Mann mit den zwei Hörnern, Erzählung; übers. von L: Wechsler. 1886.

Mein, Dein, Sein. [1885.]
Das namenlose Schloss. [1885.]
Die Narren der Liebe. [1884.]

Novellenbluthen; eine Sammlung auserlese

ner Novellen; aus dem ungarischen von T. B. K: Dluhoss. 1874.4 v.

Die nur einmal lieben; Roman. 1878. 3 v. Oceanien; die Geschichte eines untergegangenen Welttheiles. [1884.]

Pater Peter; Roman; mit Nachwort von A. Silberstein. 1881.

Der Piraten-König; historische Novelle; Uebersetzung von L: Wechsler. [1881).

Rab Ráby; Roman. 1880. 3 ν.
Der Racheengel;


[übers.) von L: Wechsler. [1886.]

Der Roman des künftigen Jahrhunderts. 1879.

[blocks in formation]

Die Zonen des Geistes. 1884.

Das Zwanziger-Mädchen, Erzählung. [1882.]
Zweimal sterben. [1884.]

Jusserand, J. J. English wayfaring life in the
Middle Ages; 14th century; tr. by L. T.

Justi, C: Diego Velazquez und sein Jahrhundert; mit einem Abriss des literarischen und künstlerischen Lebens in Sevilla. 1888. 2 v.

"Among the numberless books on art, and especially on art history, that have been published in Germany during the present century, there is perhaps none in which the subject matter is treated so thoroughly as in this comprehensive work on the great Spanish painter. The author is known to have been engaged in its preparation for many years. He has visited and revisited the pe. ninsula and lived there for a long time; and he has thus become acquainted with the country, its art treasures, and its literature, so as to be able to speak with authority on the subject. For years he has searched the archives of Italy, besides those of Spain for new documentary materials: and in this particular branch of research he has been surprisingly successful. If ever a German book on art history has had a claim to be considered classical, it is this." - Jean Paul Richter in the Academy, Mar. 25.

King, Capt. C: Starlight Ranch; and other stories of army life on the frontier.

Klemm, LL. R. European schools; or, What I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. (Internat. educ. ser.)

"The facts reported are most helpful and suggestive, and the general freshness, clearness, and unconventionality of his style make the book thoroughly readable. If we had authority to name a work of recent date as prescribed reading for American teachers we should mention this one." - Nation, Feb, 13.

Lapham, W. B. History of Rumford, Oxford Co., Maine, 1779-[1890].

Lavedan, H: La haute.

"In La haute' we have a heliograph-faithful as the outline printed by the sun upon the candid metal - of what French society at the present day literally is; but it is also made distinct and clear how and where it participates in the universal human element. There is no exaggeration of proportion in all this; no tragedy, no swelling of the human voice through the classic maskno 'flowers of decomposition,' or 'flowers of crime'or any of the brilliant monstrosities invented nowadays by some of the masters of the art; it is all very homely given a social state which aspires to something quite the reverse - but it shows sincerely the good with the bad, the painful with the gay, and divested of all parti. pris, without one syllable of what could be styled preaching it presents absolutely 'as in a lookingglass' the picture of those classes that more or less everywhere constitute 'society,' and appear to rest their last remaining prerogative upon their uselessness." Fortnightly review, Dec.

Le Couteulx de Canteleu, le comte J: E. H. Manuel de vénerie française. (Bibl. du sport.) "The popularity of the 'Badminton library' has produced imitation in France, and Messrs. Hachette & Co. inaugurate a Bibliothèque du sport' with a work by Comte le Couteulx de Canteleu, profusely illustrated by Crafty, and the MM. Bodmer, on stag-hunting as well as the hunting of doe, wild boar, wolves, hares, and foxes, foxes standing last. The work which ap. pears under the title of 'Manual de vénerie française,' is to be followed by works on horse-racing, on fencing, and on shooting; and if they are all as good as the one now before us the Duke of Beaufort will have found a worthy rival. The present volume deals most largely with stag-hunting, as is natural in a book produced by a country in which that form of sport is classical and natural; and it possesses a certain permanent literary interest from containing at p. 263 a dictionary of terms of art. It is also of interest to musical people, as it gives the music of all the 'sonneries; and to lawyers, because it con. tains an appendix on the law applicable to hunting." Athenœum, Dec. 28.

Lewis, H. The ancient laws of Wales, viewed especially in regard to the light they throw upon the origin of some English institutions; ed. by J: E: Lloyd.

"Mr. Lewis sought to find a Welsh origin for most of our early institutions. Like some of the other systems based on the theory of continuity, his doctrine requires us to see in the Angles and Saxons a set of harmless. drudges whose presence hardly disturbed the free play of a single institution. Yet even the bards are against. him. The necessary corrections are, however, judiciously supplied in some instances by a careful editor." Academy, Feb. 8.

Lindau, R. Der Gast. 1883.
Lohengrin; ein altteuches Gedicht; nach der Ab-

schrift des Vaticanischen Ms. von F. Gloe-
kle; hrsg. von J: Görres. 1813.

Lyschinska, M. J. The ethical teaching of Froebel, as gathered from his works; two essays. Maclehose, S. H. Tales from Spenser chosen from

the Faerie queene.

"No attempt has been made in writing these tales to interpret their allegorical or explain their historic bear ing.' This is as it should be. It is but a small vol.

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