Slike stranica

INDEXFEB 19 1891

to nos. 254-275 (books received Jan.-Dec. 1890).

Words in parentheses after the page-numbers show the heading unites which the noto referred to will be found.

Abbot, F.E. Agnosticism, 1093. Abbott, C: C. Outings, 1141.

Abbott, M.. Alexia, 1093.

Abbott, S. G.
Vols., 1125.

1st Reg. N. Η.

Abelin, J: P. Historische Chro nica, 1069.

Abercromby, J: Eastern Caucasus, 1077.

Ache, C. d'. Album, 1065; Albuin 2e., 1125.

800 jährige Wettiner-Jubelfeier, Die, 1138.

Ackerman, W: K. Illinois railroads, 1129.

Ackworth, W. M. Railways of Scotland, 1105.

Adam, J. L. Jalousie de jeune fille, 1069.

Adams, C: F. R: H: Dana, 1141. Adams, H: Hist. of the U. S., 1097.

Adams, J: Index villaris, 1101.
Adams, L. L: Draycott, 1129.
Adams, W: D. Rambles in
book-land, 1077.
Æschylus. Agamemnon; Sup-
plices, 1069.

Æsopus. Fables, 1077.
Airy, O. Eng. restoration, 1077.
Alaeddin and the enchanted
lamp, 1061.

Alas, L.C. B. P. Galdos, 1058, 1065.

Albinus, P. Comment. de Mysnia, 1069. Alden, H: M.


God in his world,

Alden, W. L. Trying to find Europe, 1073.

Aldrich, T: B. Wyndham Towers, 1065.

Alexander, A. Conduct, 1105. Alexandre, A. La Guignol, 1116. (Tavernier and Alexandre.) Algeria. Dey. Correspondance, 1133.

[blocks in formation]

American Statist. Assoc. Publications, 1129.

Ames, L. Т. Memoirs of a millionaire, 1061.

Amicis, E. de. Il romanzo d'un maestro, 1129.

Amiel, E. Un libre-penseur; Un publiciste, 1089. Amsterdam. Museum Fodor. Beschrijvng d. schilderijen, 1069.

Anderson, C: H: J: The Lincoln pocket guide, 1058. Anderson, E: L. Horsemanship, 1073.

Anderson, J: Siam, 1093. Andocides. De mysteriis, 1125. Andrews, W:

Curiosities of

the Church, 1129. Apochryphal gospels, 1113. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica, 1077.

Apostolius, M. Lettres inédites, 1069.

Appert, G. Anc. Japon, 1085.
Appleton's hand-book of Amer.
winter resorts, 1113.
Arbeau, T. Orchésographie,


[blocks in formation]

Arbuthnot, F. F. Arabic authors, 1113.

Archer, W: Macready, 1113. Archivio storico dell'arte, 1141. Arena, The, 1133.

Arène, P. La chèvre d'or, 1133. Arkwright, R: Queen Anne's gate mystery, 1081. Armaillé, M.C.A. de S. La comtesse d'Egmont, 1121.

Armée russe, L', 1065. Armengaud, J: G. D. La Russie, 1066. (La Fite de Pellepore and Armengaud.)

Arnold, E. In my lady's praise,
1113. Light of Asia, 1133.
Arnold, F. Reminiscences, 1081.
Three-cornered essays, 1137.
Arnot, F. S. Garenganze, 1061.
Artistic Japan, 1137.
Artois, camte d'.


dance, 1068. (Rigaud and Artois.)

Arundel Society. Chromo-litho. The betrothal of the Virgin; The calling of St. Matthew; Charity; Christ bound to the column; The entombment; The presentation in the Temple; St. John the Baptist preaching, 1085.

Asboth, J. de. Through Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1089. Aschrott, P. F. English poor law system. 1085. Ashton, J: Curious creatures, 1065; Social England, 1129. Astor, W: W. Sforza, 1065. Athenæum of Phila. Charter, 1141.

[blocks in formation]

L'Inst. de France,

Audiger, -. La maison réglée, 1101.

Audubon, L. J.J. Audubon, 1069.
Auer, H. Der Temple der
Vesta, 1129.
Aungerville, R:

Austin, H:
H., 1133.

Austin, J.G. Austin, W: 1121.


Liquor law in N.

Dr. LeBaron, 1141.
Literary papers,

Aymeri de Narbonne, 1121.
Ayrton, W. E. Practical elec-
tricity, 1093.
Babeau, A. Paris, 1061.
Babelon, E. Monnaies de la
répub. romaine, 1085.

Bach, A. B. The art ballad, 1129.

Bachman, C. L. J: Bachman, 1077.

Baddeley, M. J. B. Highlands of Scotland, 1101.

Baedeker, K. Greece, 1073. Baillie, A. D. R. C. In the days of the dandies, 1125. Bainton, G: Authorship, 1113. Baker, E. J. Map of Dorchester, 1109.

Baker, 8: W. Wild beasts, 1137. Baker, T: B. L. War with crime, 1061.

Balg, G. H.

Glossary of the

Gothic language, 1089,

Ball, J: T: Legislative systems in England, 1081.

Ball, R. S. Star-land, 1105. Ballard, J. P. Moths and but terflies, 1129. Ballou, M.M. Balsamo, G. Lettre, 1133. Balzac, H. de. Sons of the soil, 1097.

Aztec land, 1129.

Bancroft, G. Martin Van Buren, 1061.

Bancroft, H. H. Alaska, 1077. Bangs, I: Journal, 1125. Banville, T. F. de. L'âme de Paris, 1133.

Barberet, J. La bohême du travail, 1077.

Barbour, E. D. Descendants of W: Low, 1129.

Barneby, W.H: The new far west, 1069.

Barnett, S: A., and H. O. Practical socialism, 1093.

Barr, A. E. H. Friend Olivia, 1137.

Barrett, C. R. B. The Tower, 1097.

Barrett, F. Fettered for life, 1113. Folly Morrison, 1105. Honest Davie, 1058. John Ford, 1125. Lieutenant Barnabas, 1093.

Barrie, J. M. A window in in Thrums, 1073.

[blocks in formation]

Bartoli, F. Notiz. del pitture, 1069.

Barton, G. B. New South Wales, 1093.

Barttelot, W. G: E: M. Barttelot, 1141.

Bary, A. de. Fungi, mycetozoa, bacteria; Phanerogams and ferns, 1101. Bastard, G: La défense de Bazeilles, 1097. Sangiants combats, 1069.

Bataille, A. Causes crim., 1113. Bates, A. Albrecht, 1073. Baudrillart, A. Philippe v., 1097.

Baudrillart, H: J. L. Les populations agric. de la France, 1081. Baumeister, A. Denkmäler des klassischen Alterthums, 1101. Baumgarten, F. Ein Rundgang durch die Ruinen Athens, 1137. Bausset, L: F. J. de. L'intérieur du palais, 1105. Bax, E. B. Socialism, 1058. Baxter, J. P. Early voyages to America, 1077. Ferdinando Gorges, 1105.

French Rev., 1117.

Bayonne, C. Savonarola, 1058. Beach, S. C. 1st parish, Dedham, 1077.

Beale, W. The light of other days, 1141.

Beard, C: Martin Luther, 1065. Beauchamps, J. de. Biblio

graphie, 1097. Beaumanoir, P. de. Œuvres poétiques, 1121.

Becker, A. W. Characterbilder aus d. Kuntsgesch., 1069. Beckwith, H. W. Illinois and Indiana Indians, 1129. Bell, H. J. Obeah, 1069. Belleval, R. Azincourt, 1141. Below, G: v. Entstehung der deutsch. Stadtgemeinde, 1061. Benedictus. Les musiques bizarres à l'Expos., 1133. Bennett, A. W. Cryptogamic botany, 1089.

Bennett, C. 1133.

Modern malady,

Benneville, G: de. Passages in [his] life, 1113.

Benson, E: W. Christ, 1109. Benzon, E. How I lost £250000, 1061.

[blocks in formation]

Berthelot, M. La chimie des anciens, 1061. Lavoisier, 1125. Bertin, E. La soc. du Consulat, 1117.

[blocks in formation]

tionary, 1105.

Bing, V. Nederlandsche klee derdragten, 1125.

Bingham, D. Marriages of the Bourbons, 1077.

Biré, E. Paris, 1117.

Birney, C. H. The Grimké sisters, 1137.

Birney, W: J. G. Birney, 1065. Bismarck-Schoenhausen, O: E: L. v. Bismarck intime, 1121. Björkman, C. G. Swensk en

gelsk ordbok, 1117.

Black, W: The new Prince Fortunatus, 1109.

Black-box murder, The, 1109. Blackall, CС. Н. Rotch Travelling Scholarship, 1109.

Blackie, J: S. Song of heroes, 1081.

Blackmar, F. W. Spanish colonization, 1109. State aid to education, 1133.

Blackmore, R: D.

Kitty, 1093.

Kit and

Blackwood, F: T.H.T. Speeches, 1125.

Blackwood, H. G. Life in In dia, 1069.

Blades, W: Bibliographical miscellanies, 1141.

Blakesley, T: H. Electricity, 1109.

Blanc, A: A. P. C:

La renais

sance en Italie, 1085. Blanc, T. Tentee, 1077.

Bliss, G: N. 1st R. I. Cavalry,


Blodgette, G: B. Settlers of Rowley, 1058.

Blyth, E. K. W: Ellis, 1073. Bock, F. Gesch. d. lit. Gewen. der des Mittelalters, 1137. Bocksperger, H. Livische Figuren, 1058. Bodenstedt, F: Leben, 1125. Bodin, J: 6 livres de la république, 1133.

Capi- Broughton, R. Brown, P. H. 1113.

Böhm-Bawerk, E. von. tal and interest, 1137. Boemus, J: The fardle of facions, 1077.

Boetticher, E. La Troie de Schliemann, 1113.

Bonaffé, E: Les collectioneurs de l'ane. France, 1069. Bonet-Maury, G. G. A: Bür ger, 1113.

Bonham, J: M. Railway secrecy, 1085.

Bonnal, E. Les armées de la République, 1061.

Bonnefont, G. Voy. de deux jeunes français, 1058. Bonnières, R. de.



[blocks in formation]

ple of Maryland, 1137.

Bradbury, S. L. A. My country, 1058.

Bradley, E. T.

art, 1069.

Arabella Stu

[blocks in formation]

Dr. Cupid, 1093. G: Buchanan,

Brown, T: E: The doctor, 1093. The Manx witch, 1093.

Browne, W: H. G: and C. Calvert, 1141.

Browning, (). G: Eliot, 1093. Browning, R. Asolando, 1065. Browning Society of Boston.

In memoriam, 1093. Bruce, H: Gen. Oglethorpe, 1141.

Brückner, D. Beschreibung der Basel, 1070. Brun de la Montaigne, 1121. Brunet, P: G. Le bibliomanie; Dict. des ouvrages anonymes, 1058.

Brunswick, Me. 150th anniv., 1101.

Brydall, R. Art in Scotland, 1070.

Bryden, H. A. Kloof and Karroo, 1093.

Buchanan, R. T: McKean, 1121.

Buck, J. H. Old plate, 1137. Buckman, S. S. J: Drake's sojourn, 1081.

Buda Pest. Osrzagos Képtar. A Képgyüjtemény leiró lajstroma, 1101.

Bulkeley, O. T. Lesser Antil

les, 1070. Bullen, A. Η: Poems, 1121.

Lyrics, 1065.

Bullock, II: Oratio habita Cătabrigiæ, 1129.

Bunner, H: C. "Short sixes," 1141.

Bunyan, J: A book for boys and girls, 1089. Bunyon, C: J:

gall, 1073.

F. T: McDou

Buonanno, G. I globi di Mercatore, 1105.

Burn, J: S. Registrum eccles., 1141.

Burn, R. Westmorland, 1115. (Nicolson and Burn.)

Burnand, F. C. My time, 1093. Burnett, F. II. Little Saint Elizabeth, 1105.

Burnham, C. L. The mistress of Beech Knoll, 1121.

Bury, J. B. Rom. Empire, 1065. Butler, B: F. Union of Eng. speaking peoples, 1058.

Butler, E: Gentle ways, 1117. Butler, W: F. Napier, 1137. Butterfield, C. W. The Gir tys, 1105.

Butts, F. B. Monitor and Merrimac, 1133.

Bynner, E. L. The Begum's daughter, 1101.

C., J. Literature N. Zealand, 1077.

Cable, G: W. The negro ques tion, 1105. Strange true stories, 1070.

Cadol, E: Le chemin de Mazas, 1121.

Cahu, T. Journal d'un officier, 1081.

Caine, T.H. The bondman, 1101. Caine, W: S. Picturesque India, 1141.

Caird, E: Kant, 1065. Caldecott, R. Sketches, 1081. Calkins, M.. W. Sharing the profits, 1133.

Callisthenes. Alexander the Great, 1085.

Calmettes, F. Brave fille, 1093. Calvo, J. B. Costa Rica, 1121. Camp, D: N. New Britain, 1129.

Campardon, C. Liste des membres de la noblesse, 1085. Campbell, G: D. What is Truth, 1061.

Campbell, G. E.. B. Darell Blake, 1070.

Canada. Dept. of Agric. Statistical record, 1137.

Canitz u. Dallwitz, K: W: E. Denkschriften, 1101.

Carbutt, E. H. Five month's fine weather, 1065.

Carette, Mme. Souvenirs de la Cour des Tuileries, 1097. Carnac, E: S. R. Presidential armies of India, 1125. Carnoy, H: Les contes d'animaux, 1125.

Carpenter, E: Civilisation, 1077. Carpenter, W: B. Elements of religion, 1085. Carré, G. L'enseignement secondaire à Troyes, 1073. Carstensen, A. R. Summers in Greenland, 1105.

Cartailhac, E. La France préhistorique, 1097.

Cartwright, F. L. Olga Zanelli,


Castelnuovo, E. Nella lotta, 1141.

Castillon, L. de P. de. Correspondance politique, 1109. Catherwood, M.. H. Romance of Dollard, 1061. Tonty, 1101. Catullus, Q. V. Carmina, 1073. Cavour, C. В. Nouv. lettres inéd., 1061.

Cazenove, R. de. Rapin-Thoyras, 1113.

Chabaud Arnault, C. Hist. des flottes militaires, 1061.

Chaffanjon, J. L'Orénoque, 1117.

Chalmers, P. The penny postage scheme, 1101.

Chalon, P. Nouvelles, 1089. Chamberlain, M. Autograph; Shakespeare's, 1070.

Champollion-Figeac, J: J. Le palais de Fontainebleau, 1101. Chapin, F. H. Mountaineering in Colorado, 1081. Chapman, E.. R.

[blocks in formation]

Chrestien de Troyes. Perceval le Gallois, 1101. Sämtliche Werke, 1125.

Christyn, J: B. Les délices des Pays-Bas, 1101.

Church, A. J: The hammer, 1101.

Church, F. M. Blindfold, 1137. For ever and ever, 1101. Mount Eden, 1109. On circumstantial evidence, 1061. Phyl. lida, 1101. A scarlet sin, 1121. Churchill, S.. J. Opinions, 1117. Cicero, M. T. Death no bane, 1081.

Claretie, A. A. La cigarette; Pierrille. 1133.

Claretie, L. Paris, 1093. Clark, J: W. Adam Sedgwick, 1121. Cambridge, 1101.

Clark, K.. E.. The dominant

[blocks in formation]

Clarke, G: K. Genealogy,1089.

Clarke, R: F:

gerie, 1065.

Clarke, W:


Cardinal Lavi

Political orations,

Clelia. God in Shakespeare, 1081.

Clemens, S: L. Yankee in King Arthur's court, 1070.

Clément, F. Les musiciens célèbres, 1070. Les poètes chrétiens, 1113.

Clément, J: P. La Police sous Louis XIV, 1101.

Clouston, W: A. Eastern romances, 1061. Flowers from a Persian garden, 1105.

Clutterbuck, W. J. The skipperin Arctic seas, 1089.

Cochrane, T: Autobiog. of a seaman, 1129.

Cohausen, J: H: Hermippus redivivus, 1081.

Coleridge, C. Jack o'Lanthorn,


Coleridge, S: T. Critical annotations, 1061. Lyrical ballads, 1113.

Collier, J. Gaming, 1081. Collignon, M. Mythology, 1073. La céramique Grecque, 1072. (Rayet and Collignon.) Collins, M. Ida, 1121. Collins, W: W. Blind love, 1081.

Collinson, R: Journal of H.M.

S. Enterprise, 1089.

Colmore, G.

silence, 1113.

A conspiracy of

Colnet du Ravel, C: J. L'art de diner, 1113. Colombi. Troppo tardi, 1133. Comettant, O. Trois ans aux Etats Unis, 1089. Commers-Buch für den deutschen Studenten, 1070.

Conder, C. R. Palestine, 1077. Conference in the Interest of Physical Training. Physical training, 1089.

Congrès Bibliograph. Internat. Compte rendu des travaux, 1089.

Conkling, A. R. Roscoe Conkling, 1077.

Conscience, H: Le trésor de Felix Roobeck, 1129. Constitutionnel, Le journal, 1058.

Contades, G. Le comte d'Orsay, 1117.

[blocks in formation]

Cook, E: T. Studies in Ruskin, 1141.

Cook, J. An Islesboro sketch, 1133.

Cooke, R.T. Somebody's neigh bors, 1085.

Coppée, F. E: J. Toute une jeu. nesse, 1133.

Coquerel, A. L. C: Sermons, 1101.

Corbett, E: An old coachman's chatter, 1141.

| Corbett, J. Monk, 1061. Corelli, M. Ardath, 1061. Corrie, G: E. Memorials, 1121. Cosmopolitan recollections, 1073.

Cougny, G. Dict. des Parlemen. taires fr., 1111. (Robert and Cougny.)

County, The, 1077. Coupland, W: C. The gain of life, 1125.

Courtney, W: P. Parlementary representation, 1089.

Coville, A. Les Cabochiens, 1058.

[blocks in formation]

sionary subjects, 1109. Mod. languages of Africa; Modern languages of the East Indies, 1085.

Custer, E.. B. guidon, 1129. Cutter, C: A. catalogue, 1077.

Following the

Rules for dict.

Dabney, R: H. French Revolution, 1113.

Dack, C: Trial of Mary Queen of Scots, 1109.

Dalloz, P. Musée Nat. du Louvre, 1101.

Daly, J. B. Irish industries, 1073.

Damrell, C: L. Map of Boston, 1117.

Dana, J. D. Volcanoes, 1101. Daniel, S: Complaynt of Rosamond, 1101.

Dante Alighieri. De vulgari eloquentia, 1125. Danvers jewels, The, 1085. Darmesteter, A. Reliques scientifiques, 1129.

Darmesteter, J. Chants pop. des Afghans, 1117.

Dartein, F. de. L'architecture lombarde, 1097.

Daudet, A. La lutte pour la vie, 1105.

Daudet, E. Coblentz, 1130. Daurel et Beton, 1122. Davidson, J. M. The old or

der, 1105.

Davidson, J:
Perfervid, 1117.
Davidson, R.T: Lambeth con-
ferences, 1073.
Davidson, T:

Prolegomena to

In memoriam, 1137.
Davies, G. C. Aveyron, 1077.
Davillier, J: C: Le cabinet du
due d'Aumont, 1070.

Davis, A. M. College buildings
at Cambridge, 1133.
Davis, J. Life of, 1122.
Davis, T: Prose writings, 1089.
Davitt, M. "Times" Parnell
Comm., 1097.

Dawson, W: H: Bismarck, 1113.

Débat, Le, des hèrauts d'armes, 1122.

De Bernière, H: Battle of Bunker Hill, 1125.

[blocks in formation]

Decrue, F. Anne, duc de Montmerency, 1073, 1077.

Defensor. Liber scintillarum, 1062.

De Foe, D. Compleat Eng. gen. tleman, 1125.

De Kay, C: Barye, 1070. Delalain, P. Lois sur la pro. priété lit., 1119. (Lyon-Caen and Delalain.)

Deland, M. Sidney, 1133. De la Rue, C: Une correspondance lit., 1078.

Delitzsch, F: The Hebrew language, 1114.

De Mille, J. The Dodge Club, 1114.

Demosthenes. Law of Leptines, 1114.

Denis, N: Carte de L'Acadie,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1101. (Decloux and Doury.) Isle of Surrey,

Dowling, R:


Doyle, A. C. let, 1106. Drake, S: A.


A study in scar

Pine-tree coast,

[blocks in formation]

thing in the world, 1117. Drumont, E. A. La dernière battaille, 1122.

Drury, R. Madagascar, 1137. Drysdale, A. H. Presbyterians in England, 1081.

Du Boisgobey, F. Le bouquet d'immortelles; Les exploits de Georget, 1073. Le fils du plongeur, 1122. Marie Bas-deLaine, 1059.

Du Buisson, P. U. La révolution de l'Amér., 1090,

Du Cange,C: du F. Glossarium, 1133.

Du Chaillu, P. B. The Viking age, 1062.

Duché, J. Letters, 1144. (Washington and Duché.)

Duchemin, V. La Rév. dans la Mayenne, 1097.

Du Chesne, A. Les antiquitez de France, 1065.

Duckett, G: F.

Eng. Cluniac

foundations, 1142.

Du Cleuziou, H:

de France, 1059.


Dudevant, A. L. A. D. The bagpipers, 1090.

Dürer, A. 1081.

Literary remains,

Dürrbach, F. L'orateur Lycurgue, 1142.

Duffield, A. J. Travels abroad,


Duffleld, S: W. Latin hymnwriters, 1109.

Duffy, C; G. T: Davis, 1122. Les députés de

Duguet, E. 1889, 1125.

Dumas, A., fils. Nouv. entr'ac. tes, 1134.

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