Platt, J. Men and women, 1080. Platter, T: and F. Zwei Autobiographieen, 1131. Play-bills, concert programmes, etc., 1103. Playfair, R. L. Handbook for Algeria, 1128. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, C. Epistulae ad Traianum, 1083. Ploetz, C. Epitome of history, 1087. Plummer, A. Church of the early fathers, 1075. Plymouth, Mass. Records, 1072. Plympton, A. G. Dear daughter Dorothy, 1140. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Assoc. Hist. of proceedings, 1116. Poems of many years, 1091. Pollard, A. W. Eng. miracle plays, 1135. Pollock, F: Science of politics, 1131. Prudden, T. M. Dust, 1143. Pynchon, T: R. Bp. Butler, 1111. Pynchon, W. Diary, 1100. Q. The splendid spur, 1091. Troy town, 1060. Quesnay, F. Œuvres écon., 1111. Quesnel, P. Mém., marriages, des protestans, 1071. (Monclar and Quesnel.) Raabe, W: Krähenfelder Geschichten, 1091. Rabusson, H: L'illusion de Florestan, 1111. Raine, J. North Durham, 1091. Rajah's heir, The, 1132. Ramakrishna, T. Indian village, 1140. Life in an Rame, L. dela. In Maremma, 1135. Pascarel, 1083. Ruffino, 1143. Syrlin, 1111. Rand, J: C. One of a thousand, 1087. Rand, S.T. Dict.of Micmac, 1072. Random recollections, 1103. Ranke, F. L. v. Abhandlungen u. Versuche, 1060. Redford, G: Art sales, 1063. Redgrave, R: and S: Century of painters, 1116. Reichenbach, M. v. Zwei Novellen, 1100. Reid, E.. Mayne Reid, 1119. Reid, M. Naturalist in Siluria, 1111. Reinach, J. Etudes de lit., 1083. Reinach, S. Les Gaulois dans P'art, 1111. Reinke, L. Die messianischen Psalmen, 1128. Relation de la bataille Fræschwiller, 1091. Reminiscences of a boyhood, 1068. Rémusat, J: P: A. Mélanges asiatiques, 1083. Mélanges d'hist. orientales, 1087. Nouv. mélanges, 1083. Rémusat, P. L: E. de. Thiers, 1091. Ritschl, F: W: Opuscula phi lologica, 1132. Ritson, J. Anc. popular poetry, 1084. Rivington, L. Dependence, 1103. Robaut, A. Delacroix, 1091. Robert, A. Dict. des Parlementaires fr., 1111. Roberts, E. Cochin-China, 1087. Roberts, M. Banning and blessing.1087. Under a cloud, 1084. Robertson, J. P. and W: P. Francia's reign of terror; Paraguay, 1135. Robertson, T: W: Dramatic works, 1075. Robidou, B. Hist. du clergé, 1060. Rochechouart, L: U. L. La Rochemonteix, C. de. Un collège de Jésuites, 1120. Rod, E: Le sens de la vie, 1087. Les trois cœurs, 1120. Rodenberg, J. Die Grandidiers, 1087. Roland de la Platière, M. J. P. Lettres, 1087. Rolleston, T.W. Lessing, 1076. Rollin, F. A. M. R. Delany, 1140. Rose, J: H. tory, 1084. Continental his Rosenberg, M. Alte kunstge. werbliche Arbeiten, Ausstel. lung zu Karlsruhe, 1087. Ross, M. An Irish cousin, 1098. (Herring and Ross.) Rossel, V. Hist. lit. de la Suisse romande, 1087. Rossetti, L. M. Mrs. Shelley, 1111. Rossetti, W: M. D. G. Rossetti, 1064. Roth, H. L. Aborigines of Tasmania, 1140. Guide to lit. of sugar, 1124. Rothschild, M. D. stones, 1072. Rouard de Card, E. ternat., 1108. Precious Droit in Roundell, C: Azores, 1076. Rousset, C. F. M. L'Algerie, 1064. Rouveyre, E: Bibliographie, 1097. (Beauchamps and Rouveyre.) Rowan, A. H. Autobiography, 1076. Rowing at Westminster, 1143. Rubinstein, A. G. Autobiog. raphy, 1136. Rudolph, F. K: J. Sport, 1087. Rumbold, H. The great silver river, 1092. Russell, A. P. In a club corner, 1095. Russell, J. The whole truth, 1103. Russell, P. Lake Taupo. 1060. Russell, W: C. Betwixt the Forelands, 1080. Jenny Harlowe, 1064. A marriage at sea, 1132. Nelson, 1108. Russell, W: H. Chile, 1140, Ryland, F: Eng. lit., 1143. Rymaille sur les célèbres bibliotières de Paris, 1136. Sabine, H: Table du Dict. de l'archit. fr., 1076. Sadi, M. uddin. Gulistan, 1116. Saint Albin, A. de. Chevaux en France, 1136. St. John, H. Audubon, 1084. Saint Marie, marg. de. Le Domesday, 1091. (Léchauded'Anisy and Saint-Marie.) Saint Sauveur, J. G. de. Costumes, 1103. Saint voyage, Le, 1124. Salignac, J: de G. B. Ambassade en Turquie, 1087. Salmoné, H. A. dict., 1088. Salomons, D: 1080. Arabic-Eng. Electric light, Sargent, C: S. The silver of N. Reading, 1144. Amer., 1136. Sargent, J. F. Sastrow, A. Leben, 1136. Sauerwein, F: Portale u. Gitterwerke; Das Schloss zu Heidelberg, 1103. Saugon, L. P. Hist. des supplices, 1111. (Moret and Saugon.) Saunders, F. Literature, 1068. Saunois de Chevert, G. L'indigence, 1111. Savage, E. Eulogy on Washington, 1095. Savage, M. J. Man, woman, and child, 1132. Say, J: B. L. Dict. des finances, 1132. Sayous, E: La relig. romaine, 1060. Schaack, M. J. Anarchy, 1124. Schäffle, A. E. F: Socialism, 1088. Schaff, P. Literature and poeetry, 1095. Schenk, D. North Carolina, 1103. Scherr, J: Haidekraut, 1140. Schilling. D. Beschreibung d. Bergund. Kriegen, 1072. Schlegel, F: Briefe, 1111. Schlich, W. Forestry, 1092. Schmid v. Straubingen, U. Neuwe Welt, 1072. Schmidel, H. Reise nach Süd Amerika, 1132. Schmitt, J: Die Chronik von Morea, 1103. Schopenhauer, A. Religion, 1088. Schottmüller, K. Der Untergang d. Templer-Ordens, 1103. Schrader, O. Prehistoric antiq., 1144. Schubin, O. Erlach Court, 1072. Schufeldt, R. W. A Navajo ar. tist, 1060. Schumacher, G. Northern "Ajlum," 1116. Schumann, R. A. Life, 1136. Schuylkill Fishing Co. History, 1092. 1112. Six Indiens rouges, 1092. Skottowe, B. C. Sudden death, 1084. Skrine, J: H. E: Thring, 1080. Slocum, J. Voy. of the Liberdade, 1108. Smalley, G. W. London letters, 1143. Smith, A. W. American nationality, 1104. Smith, C: L. Educ. in North Carolina, 1136. Smith, F. H. Abyssinia, 1116. Smith, G. Jane Austen, 1108. Smith, G. G. Days of James ιν., 1144. Smith, H. Alone in London; Max Krömer, 1068. Smith, I: G. Aristotelianism, 1068. Smith, R. M. Emigration, 1095. Smith, W: R. Religion of the Semites, 1072. Smyth, J. P. Old documents and the new Bible, 1112. Smyth, T: The Province lands, 1108. Society of Sons of the Revolution. Constitution, 1104. Sophocles. Antigone, 1095. Soulavie, J: L: G. La décadence de la monarchie fr., 1104. South Place Institute. Religious systems, 1104. Spalding, H: Suvoroff, 1140. Spence, J. Anecdotes, 1100. Spencer, D: E. Local gov. in Wisconsin, 1112. Higher education, 1129. (Allen and Spencer.) Spenser, E. The shepheardes calender, 1068. Splan, J: ters, 1108. Life with the trot Sprague, H: H. Spurgeon, C: H. wicket gate, 1100. City gov. in Around the Spyri, J. Ans den schweizer Carmen Stael-Holstein, A.. L.. G. N. Le procès de la reine, 1100. Stanhope, P. D. Letters to his godson, 1088. Stanley, H: M. Emin Pasha, 1142. Emin's rescue, 1100. In darkest Africa, 1112. Stanley, M. Clubs for working girls, 1108. Stapfer, P. Rabelais, 1112. Va cabin, 1060. Stebbing, W: 1100. The Pope. 1096. Uncle Tom's Peterborough, Amer. litera Stedman, E. C. 1116. Inventaire, 1072. Stepniak. Career of a Nihilist, 1072. Stevens, B. F. Facsimiles of mss., 1084. Stevenson, E. 1132. Stevenson, R. L: mien, 1144. Early reviews, Stevenson, T: G: lads, 1136. Father Da Scotish bal Stickney, A. The polit. problem, 1072. Stinde, J. Woodland tales, 1084. Stirling, Scotland. Extracts from records, 1124. Stockton, F. R: Ardis Cleverden, 1144. Great war syndicate, 1100. The Merry Chan ter, 1124. Stoddard, W: O. The red mustang, 1108. Stokes, G: T: Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church, 1096. Storey, S: To the golden land, 1060. Stories jolly, 1088. Storrs, R: S. spirit, 1112. shore; Among the mountains; Lakes and streams; MountDesert guide book; New England; The White Mountains, 1116. Swift, J. G. Memoirs, 1120. Swinburne, A.C: Ben Jonson, 1076. Swinburne, J: Electrical measurements, 1096. Sybel, H: K: L. v. The German Empire, 1144. Die Begründung d. deutsch Reiches, 1128. Sybel, L: v. Weltgeschichte d. Kunst, 1104. Symes, J. E. Prelude to mod. history, 1136. Symonds, J: A. Essays, 1128. Symons, A. Days and nights, 1112. Szendrei, J. Cat., bagues de Tasma. A Sydney sovereign, 1116. Taunton, Mass. 1140. Tavernier, A. 1116. Com Thackeray, S. W. Land and Tholuck, F: A: G. Vorge. schichte d. Rationalismus, 1064. Univ. of Dub. Thomas of Canterbury, St. Fragm. d'une vie de, 1124. Thomson, J. Mungo Park, 1120. Thomson, J. A. Evolution of sex, 1094. (Geddes and Thomson.) Thornton, L: Opposites, 1116. Thornton, P. M. Stuart dynasty, 1096. Thurston, R. H: Heat, 1120. Tiernan, M.. S. Jack Horner, 1104. Tiffany, F. Dorothea Dix,1132. Tillier, C. Mon oncle Benjamin, 1084. Tinseau, L. de. Bouche close, 1080. Strass et diamants, 1136. Sur le seuil, 1104. Tiruvalluva. Le livre de l'amour, 1124. Tissot, E. La critique française, 1136. Tissot, V. Unknown Switzerland, 1112. Tout-Paris, 1092. Tovey, D. C. Gray and his friends, 1124. Towle, E. A. A. H. Mackonochie, 1120. Townsend, T: S. Empire state, 1076. Toxar, 1128. Tozer, H. F. The Ægean, 1092. Traill, H: D. Lord Stafford, 1064. Saturday songs, 1128. Trelawny, E: J: Adventures, 1108. Trench, R: C. The fitness of Scripture, 1136. Tresswell, R. Shropshire, 1064. Visitation of Trézenik, L. La confession d'un fou, 1120. Triger, R. L'année 1789 au Mans, 1120. - La Rév. dans la Mayenne, 1097. (Duchemin and Triger.) Trollope, T: A. What I remember, 1072. Trotter, L. J. Warren Hastings, 1144. Troup, J: R. column, 1144. Stanley's rear Tryon, T: Cleanness in meats, 1136. Tullidge, E: W. Histories, 1128. Turner, C: E: Novelists of Russia, 1088. Turner, F. Gen. Boulanger, 1064. Turner, F. C. Art, 1080. Turner, F: S. The Quakers, Two 15th cent. cookery books, 1136. Ueberfeldt, B.v. Nederlandsche kleederdragten, 1125. (Bing and Ueberfeldt.) U.S. Patent Office. Industrial art, 1104. Universal Exhibition, Paris. Guide, 1108. Upham, H: M. Map of Boston, 1117. (Damrell and Upham.) Vairasse, D. Hist. des Sevarambes, 1072. Valbuena, A. de. José Zorrilla, 1080. Valdés, A. P. La hermana San Sulpicio, 1084. Sister Saint Sulpice, 1112. Valera, J. Cartas amer., 1104. Van Alstine, J. Charlotte Corday, 1084. Van Rensselaer, M. K. The Devil's picture-books. 1144. Varney, G: J. Maine, 1096. Vasili, P. La sainte Russie, Vernon, W: W. Purgatorio of Neu-Volkom menes Kraüter-Buch, 1068. Viaud, J. Au Maroc, 112. Le roman d'un enfant, 1128. Vicaire, G. Bibliog. gastrono. mique, 1104. Vidal, J. Les courses taureaux, 1076. Vigne, F. de. Mœurs des corporations; Costumes des gildes, 1092. Vigny, A. V: Cinq-Mars, 1080. Villiers de l'Isle Adam, P. A: M. de. Akëdysséril, 1104. Contes cruels; Nouv. contes cruels, 1076. Vincent, A. Visitation of Shropshire, 1064. (Tresswell and Vincent.) Vincent, F. South America, 1084. Vincent, R. Dict. de droit in. ternational, 1108. Vinci, L. da. Les mss. de V., 1128. Les Viollet, P. Droit public, 1104. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. églises de Paris, 1128. Vischer, F: T. Altes u. Neues, Wagner, H. Beschreibung des Fürsten Wilhalmen, 1068. Wake, C: S. The great pyramid, 1128. Wakefield, E: New Zealand, 1076. Wakeman, H: O. C: James Fox, 1112. Walford, E: W: Pitt, 1088. Walford, L. B. The havoc of a smile, 1128. Walker, B. My musical experiences, 1136. Walker, R. Artists, 1074. (Henley and Walker.) Wallace, E. R. Guide to the Adirondacks, 1116. Wallis, H: Persian lustre ware, 1136. Walpole, H. Letters, 1072. Walpole, S. Lord J: Russell, 1064. Walter, J. Shakespeare's true life, 1092. Walters, J: C. In Tennyson land, 1096. Waltham Abbey, Foundation of, 1076. Walther, J: L. Lexicon diplo maticum, 1072. Ward, C. O. Anc. working people, 1068. Ward, H. Congo cannibals, 1140. Ward, H. D. Come forth, 1131. The master of the magicians, 1108. (Phelps and Ward.) Warner, C: D. A little journey in the world, 1080. Warner, F. Training the me n tal faculty, 1116. Warren, W: Life, 1136. Washington, G: Life, 1080. Memoirs of W., 1068. Spurious letters, 1104. Washington-Duché letters, 1144. Waters, H: F. Eng. ancestry, G: Washington, 1076. Watkins, H: W: Mod. criti. cism rel. to 4th Gospel, 1140. Watson, H. B. M. Marahuna, 1124. Watson, P. B. revolution, 1064. Watson, W: grave, 1084. The Swedish Wordsworth's Waugh, E. Poems, 1076. Catalogue of vrgica, 1128. pictures, 1088. Webb, S. Socialism in Eng., 1092. Webster, H.. L. Zur Guttural frage in Gotischen, 1104. Webster, N. Internat. dictionary, 1136. Wedmore, F: Balzac, 1088. Weeden, W: B. N. England, 1132. Weir, H. Our cats, 1064. Weisman, A. Heredity, 1064. Weiss, B. Leben Jesu; Lehrbuch, Einleitung, d. Neue Testament, 1128. Weiss, N. La chambre ardente, 1092. Weitzel, S. W. Counter-currents, 1124. Wellesley, A. Letters to Miss J., 1064. Wells, D: A. Practical econom. ics, 1072. Wells, K.. G. Two modern women, 1136. Cöln, 1116. Wigand, P. Traditiones Corbeienses, 1072. Wiggin, K. D. The birds' Christmas Carol, 1116. Wigglesworth, M. The day of doom, 1092. Wilbrandt, A. Novellen, 1104. Wilde, J. F. S. Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland, 1096. Wilkinson, S. The brain of the army, 1096. Willard, S: The truly blessed man, 1096. Williams, A. Fort Pulaski, 1136. Williams, A., and Co. Plan of Boston, 1120. Williams, M. Leaves of a life, 1092. Willoughby, W. W. Supreme Court, 1136. Wills, C: J. The Scudamores, 1143. Sybil Ross's marriage, 1123. (Philips and Wills.) Wilsdorf, O. Gräfin Charlotte v. Kielmannsegge, 1064. Wilson, C: Lord Clive, 1128. Wilson, D. Address, Univ. of Toronto, 1140. Wilson, J. Deitionary of astrology, 1076. Wilson, J. G. Themes and variations, 1116. Wilson, W. The state, 1072. Winter, J: S. A little fool, 1076. Wise, C. Puritanism in power, H Additions. 2d ser.] BOSTON ATHEN ÆUM. LIBRARY PERIODICALS CURRENTLY RECEIVED. [No 277. Jan. 5, 1891 The date shows when our set begins. With few exceptions the sets are continuous from that time. a., annual; bi-m., once in two months; d., daily; f., fortnightly; m., monthly, q., quarterly; w., weekly; B., Boston, L., London: P., Paris. Bd. after the date indicates that we receive the periodical in bound volumes, not in current numbers. Artistic Japan. L. m. 1888. Asiatic quarterly review. L. 1886. Journal of English and foreign literature, science, the fine arts, music, and drama. Atlantic monthly. B. 1857. Bangor historical magazine. Bangor. m. 1885. Beacon, The. B. w. Bibliografia italiana. Milano. f. Bibliographie de la France. P. w. 1813. Trinitarian Congregational, and literary. Bibliothèque universelle et revue suisse. Lausanne. m. 1880. Bizarre notes and queries. Manchester, N. H. m. 1882. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin. m. 1817. Bollettino delle publicazioni italiane. Firenze. Bollettino delle opere moderne straniere. Roma. m. Bookseller. L. m. 1860. Boston budget. (Sunday.) w. Boston herald. d. (Evening ed.) 1852. Boston home journal. w. Boston morning journal. 1833. Boston post. d. 1764. Builder. L. 10. 1843. Architecture, engineering, archæology, and sanitation. Building news and engineering journ. L. w. 1883. Includes art, decoration, furniture, etc. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. N.Y. q. 1889. Bulletin critique. P. f. 1881. Devoted to "les hautes études." Catholic. Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire du Protestan tisme Français. P. m. Cambridge press. w. Catholic world. N. Y. m. 1867. Century Guild hobby-horse. L. 1884. Bd. English Pre-Raphaelite art. Century magazine. N. Y. m. 1870. |