Slike stranica

Arnold, E. L. The wonderful adventures of Phra the Phœnician.

"Each of the lives of Phra the Phoenician is interesting in itself, but no part of its interest depends upon its connexion with the other lives; and the only link which binds the stories together and gives them artistic homogeneity is the occasional appearance of the British princess Blowdwen, Phra's first wife, who presents herself at odd times with no very apparent reason for the manifestation. Indeed, we should say that the least admirable feature of the book is the very feature by which Sir Edwin Arnold is most strongly attracted. For as a simple story of adventure - or more properly as a series of stories of adventure Phra the Phoenician is an admirable piece of work." Academy, Feb. 21.

Arnold, Rev. F: The philosopher in slippers; zigzag views of life and society.

"Twenty essays written with considerable ability, and in a healthy tone. There is not one of them which is without its measure of attraction; but at the same time, there is not one, we think, to which a reader will return for a second perusal." - Spectator, Jan. 31.

Babeau, A. La vie militaire sous l'ancien régime.

2e éd. 2 v.

Balch, E: Glimpses of old English homes; illust. "It is difficult to say which is the most interesting of the descriptions where all are so good and so admirably illustrated. Perhaps Arundel Castle is entitled to the first, and Penshurst, Hinching-Brooke, and Berkeley Castle must contend for the second. Reproductions of curious family and historical portraits are perhaps the most interesting of the illustrations; but the landscapes and architectural views are excellent." Spectator, Jan. 3.

Batty, J: The spirit and influence of chivalry.

"An industrious though somewhat slight performance, and occupies a little more than one-half of a small and scrappy volume." Sat. rev., Jan. 24.

Blanc, J: J. L: Discours politiques, 1847-81.1882. Brochard, V. Les sceptiques grecs. 1887. Broughton, R. Alas! a novel. 2 v.

Brunetière, F. L'évolution des genres dans l'his

toire de la littérature; leçons prof. à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure. Vol. 1.

"Dans le domaine de la critique littéraire, M. Brune. tière s'est taillé une province à part. Ce n'est pas qu'il la gouverne suivant des régles invariables, et si Ton était tenté de lui reprocher un defaut de souplesse, on ne pourrait prétendre qu'il se soit soustrait à la loi des changements. Puissant essai de classification scien

tifique appliquée à la critique. Le livre, juil.

Cherry, R: R. Lectures on the growth of criminal law in ancient communities.

"Professor Cherry shows that he has both the capacity and the knowledge necessary for doing excellent work in the early history of law. In his present volume his aim has been by means of a sketch of legal systems, as far apart from and as much independent of each other as possible (Irish, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Roman, and English), to show the close similarity between the early institutions of very distant races as regards penal law.' The lectures are rather of the nature of notes than systematic studies, but they are full of suggestion, and have the great merit of inviting the student to search further into the matter for himself, and of opening out to him the value and interest of the historical investigation of law." Academy, Jan. 31.

Clark, Col. E. History of the 7th Regiment of
New York, 1806-80. 2 v.
Corbett, J. Sir Francis Drake.


(Eng. men. of

"Written with a competent knowledge of the original authorities, though not always with a correct appreciation of their value; and with an admiration of Drake's character and prowess which occasionally runs into extravagance. ... Mr. Corbett's quotations are frequently


His little book is well adapted to the wants of the casual reader, whose taste, cloyed by a surfeit of sensation novels or newspapers, cannot relish wholesome diet without an undue amount of seasoning. As a life of Drake it must not be taken quite seriously; it is not a book to be referred to or quoted; but it will serve admirably for the enlightenment of the many to whom, at present, Drake is little more than a name." Athenæum, Feb. 28.

Costa de Beauregard, C. A., marg. de. Epilogue d'un règne, Milan, Novare et Oporto; Les dernières années du roi Charles Albert.

"Ce second volume est plus intéressant peut-être en. core que le premier, à cause de la grandeur tragique des événements qu'il rapporte. Dès la première page, on est pris à la gorge, l'émotion va croissant jusq'à la dernière; et l'on pose ce livre d'histoire, écrit par un gentilhomme, dans l'état d'esprit où l'on se trouve après avoir lu un roman, œuvre d'un maître. Notez que ce n'est pas un chef-d'œuvre littéraire: c'est moins et c'est davantage, c'est quelque chose de vivant, c'est un morceau d'existence transportet directemen sur le papier, c'est un cœur dont on entend toutes les vibrations sonner entre les lignes. On sent que l'auteur, ignorant des petites habiletés du métier littéraire, n'est pas écrivain de profession. Il l'est d'instinct: c'est plus rare, et cela vaut mieux." - Bibl. univ., sept. 1890. Prologue d'un règne; La jeunesse du roi Charles Albert. 1889.

"Livre saissisant, écrit avec une sorte de passion ir. résistible par un historien doublé d'un psychologue." Bibl. univ., sept. 1890.

Cullum, Maj.-Gen. G: W. Biographical register of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, 1802-90; with (its) early history. 3d ed. 3 v.

Darmesteter, Mme. A. M. F. R.

Lyrics; sel.

from [her] works. (Cameo ser.) "Though the flowers in a sick-room cannot cure disease, they have yet their happy use and exquisite office. In like manner such poetry as Mine. Darmesteter's can. not help us to 'combat' the sterner part of 'life's annoy;' but it brings to us as through some open casement, wandering airs from a world of moonlight and music, and colour and perfume: a world where sorrow does indeed come, but comes in raiment of graceful folds, and seems like beauty's twin-sister." Academy, Feb. 21.

De Vere, A. T: Poems; a selection, ed. by J. Dennis.

"This little volume of selections due to the refined taste and fastidious judgement of Mr. Dennis, ought to make a poet who is comparatively little known amongst us, something like popular. There is beauty enough, and variety enough, and vivacity enough in this volume of extracts, to endear the singularly spiritual serenity of Mr. De Vere's poetry to all who really master the poems it contains. We venture to say that Mr. De Vere's usual level is a level which very few living Englishman have surpassed. Mr. Dennis deserves the warmest thanks of his readers for condensing into so handsome a volume so much that stirs the heart and exalts the imagination." - Spectator, Oct. 11.

Du Chaillu, P. B. Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa and the country of the dwarfs. Abr. ed.

(The prime

Dunckley, H: Lord Melbourne. ministers of Queen Victoria.) "It is hard to imagine a better piece of work. Of the two Lives of the Queen's Prime Ministers which have as yet appeared, we certainly give the preference to Mr. Dunckley's over Mr. Froude's. Mr. Froude had the more attractive theme, but Mr. Dunckley has made more of the less interesting theme than Mr. Froude has made of the more interesting." - Spectator, Dec. 13.

Duruy, G: Ni Dieu ni maître; pièce en 4 actes; précédée d'une préface.

Farjeon, B: L. Merry, merry boys. Fludd or De Fluctibus, R. Philosophia sacra, seu meteorologia cosmica. 1626.

France, J. A. Thaïs.

"Livre singulier et charmant où M. Anatole France a versé son talent composite d'érudit, de philosophe, et d'artiste. Je ne serais pas trop surpris d'apprendre que Thaïs a fait des conversions, mais je ne serais pas plus etonné si l'on me disait que ce roman a attiédi la foi de quelques chrétiens en leur montrant comme le pastiche est voisin du modèle, et combien il est aisé à un homme de talent d'émouvoir les gens en se moquant d'eux." - Revue bleue, 1 nov.

Gerard, E. and D. A sensitive plant.

"To portray successfully the nature symbolized by the shrinking, tremulous mimosa, a peculiarly skilful hand is needed, a light and sympathetic touch that will bring into relief the latent tenderness and devotion, and win compassion for the morbid sensitiveness which forbids them expression. It is scarcely surprising therefore, that Janet Sinclair is in many respects a disappointing creation. The attention of the authors seems to have been concentrated on the central figure, and the story suffers in consequence, the plot being extremely slight and weak." Sat. rev., Feb. 7.

Gilbert, G. K: Lake Bonneville.

Gosse, E. W: Life of Philip H: Gosse.


"Mr. Gosse has produced in his story of the life of his father the distinguished naturalist, a biographical study of a singularly interesting character. all his activity in research and inexhaustible enthusiasm, he outlived the placid pre-Darwinian times, and remained entirely unmoved by the stir occasioned by the successive publication of Darwin's works, and the literature they inspired. What was the secret of this selfcentred calm? This is the problem that arouses the reader of Mr. Gosse's interesting book, and it is one that Mr. Gosse has treated with laudable frankness and not less admirable insight. To a man whose reli

gious faith was as Mr. Gosse well puts it, an invulnerable armament, no result of scientific research, be the authority that proclaims it or the evidence that establishes it what it may, can appear inconsistent with religious truth as it is revealed in his spiritual nature." Sat. rev., Jan. 3.

Guers, E. How French soldiers fared in German prisons; reminiscences of a French army chaplain during and after, the Franco-German war; ed. by H: Hayward.

"It is interesting, and was worth translating, although the Canon has no literary skill, except so much as enables him to pick his best things from other people's works. The book is ill arranged, many historical facts being misrepresented as well as misplaced, but it is readable." - Athenaum, Nov. 15.

Guillemard, F. H. H. Life of Ferdinand Maggellan and the first circumnavigation of the globe; 1480-1521. (World's great explorers and explorations.)

"Apart from his great voyage, which has been abundantly recorded, there is no life of Magellan to be written. There is not enough known about him. Dr. Guillemard has really nothing of importance to add to what has been already told by Lord Stanley in his First voyage round the world,' done for the Hakluyt Society in 1874. The story of the famous voyage is well told by Dr. Guillemard."" Sat. rev., Dec. 6.

Hare, A: J: C: North-eastern France.

South-eastern France.

South-western France.

"Their worst defect is that, save for a good railway map in each volume, they have neither maps nor plans. A traveller cannot, therefore, take one of them as his sole guide; he must have his Joanne or his Baedeker also with him. Mr. Hare has drawn freely on M. Joanne's series. The volumes contain a vast num

ber of pretty woodcuts from sketches made by the au

thor. These illustrations are truthful, and the cut-
ting is generally well-executed.
About matters of
to-day Mr. Hare tells us but little. When describing a
town he does not state its population, is very brief about
its industries, and does not give certain bits of inform-
ation which we have often been thankful to find else-
where. He has, however, a most convenient plan of taking
objects of interest in topographical order, and of noting
how the tourist should pass from one to the other.
Quotations fill much space in all his volumes; he gleans
copiously from many authors, and particularly from
Violet-le-Duc, Prosper Mérimée, Lamartine, Michelet,
and Henri Martin. As a rule he is careful to set down
all that a traveller ought to see." Sat. rev., Nov. 1.

Haydn, J. The book of dignities; containing lists of the official personages of the British Empire from the earliest periods; founded on Beatson's Political index; contin., with index. by H. Ockerby.

Hoffmann, Prof. (pseud. of A. J. Lewis). Cyclopædia of card and table games.

"It forms a most complete book of reference of the latest rules and practice regarding the various amusements on which it touches. It may be recom. mended as the most comprehensive and accurate general work that has appeared on the subject." - Sat. rev., Jan. 10.

International Amer. Conference, Wash. Reports and recommendations.

Reports of committees, and discussions thereon, etc. 4 v.

Jameson, Mrs. A. B. M. The history of our Lord as exemplified in works of art; with that of his types; completed by Lady E. R. Eastlake. New ed. 2 v.

Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts. New ed.

Legends of the monastic orders as represented in the fine arts. New ed.

Sacred and legendary art. New ed. 2 v.

"Their absolute freedom from any kind of crankness, a virtue rare, indeed, in art-literature, is the salt that preserves their influence to this day. Few writers have so completely succeeded in making exposition delightful, while avoiding the tediousness of didactics."Sat. rev., Sept. 13.

Jennings, H. Nature worship; an account of Phallic faiths and practices.

Klüber, J: L: Droit des gens moderne de l'Eu

rope. 1819. 2 v.

La Bouëre, A. C. Le D., comtesse de. Souvenirs; la guerre de la Vendée, 1793-96; pub. par la ctsse. V. F. de P. de La Bouëre; préface par le marq. Costa de Beauregard.

"Il est bien rare chez nous qu'un volume de 'mémoires' soit tout à fait dépourvu d'intérêt. Le 'Souvenirs' de la comtesse de la Bouëre, font pendant aux célèbres mémoires' de Mme. de la Rochejaquelein. Mme. de la Bouëre fut du nombre des belles dames qui vécurent en fugitives dans les bois, déguisées en pay. sannes et trop heureuses lorsqu'elles trouvaient asile dans une ferme." - Bibl. univ., août.

Lane, L. M. Life and writings of Alexander Vinet; with introd. by F: W: Farrar.

"The editor states that the source of most of the incidents in these pages is Rambert's' masterpiece of biography.' That his volumes should have been largely consulted was inevitable, but we think Miss Lane fol. lows Rambert and other authorities too closely, and quotes them too frequently, instead of forming from these ample materials an independent narrative. The result is that the Life is a little patchy, and also that more knowledge is demanded of religious controversies in Switzerland than an English reader is likely to pos. sess. This is a defect from a literary point of view, but it does not materially lessen the value of the biography. Time has not in any degree lessened the value of Vinet's works. Beautiful in style, profound, and at the same time lucid in thought, they deserve a far wider recognition in this country than they have hitherto received." - Spectator, Oct 4.

Légouvé, J. W. E. G. Une élève de seize ans.

"Déliceuses causeries littéraires. Que de pages libres et familières. Quelle vigueur d'ame! Quelle fraîcheur d'esprit." - Revue bleue, 3 jan.

London. St. George's Chapel. May Fair. Register of baptisms and marriages; ed. by G: J. Armytage. (Harleian Soc. Registers.) Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B. One life, one love; a novel. 2 v.

"A writer with the fertile invention, the literary ap. titude, and the long experience possessed by the author of Lady Audley's secret,' cannot fail to produce work possessing certain admirable qualities; and these inevitable merits are certainly not absent from One life, one love.' One defect renders it a somewhat unsatisfactory performance. This defect is the utter incredibility of her conception of the principal character." - Spectator, Nov, 29.

Miles, W: A: Correspondence on the French Revolution, 1789-1817; ed. by Rev. C: P. Miles.

2 v.

"Includes letters to or from Pitt, the Duke of Leeds, the Poet-Laureate Pye, the Marquis of Buckingham, Maret, Le Brun, Huskisson, Talleyrand, Mirabeau, Pé tion, Lafayette, and many others. We cannot say that the volumes make any considerable addition to our knowledge of the French Revolution, and of the actors in and against it on either side of the Channel. We get however, the impressions of a lively and keen-eyed observer, and the judgments of a quick intellect on events in which he bore a part, and on persons of both nations with whom he had the un-English faculty of getting into and maintaining close relations. The main interest of these volumes, however, is not historical, but biographical. Though not an important character, Miles is an interesting one, and his unconscious self-portraiture is graphic. He was one of those busybodies of history, who with quick, if not far-seeing vision, and complete honesty of purpose have a taste for tortuous and under-ground paths. He preferred the side scenes to the stage of politics. He flattered himself that he moved those who moved the world, He revelled in secret missions and confidential communications. His restlessness both of person and pen was incessant." Sat. rev., Jan. 31.

Oliphant, C. F. Alfred de Musset. (For.classics

for Eng. readers.)

"Since we have received this sympathetic essay on the French poet, and its remarkable translations from his verses, the young writer is dead. His ears are closed to our sincere recognition that he has well comprehended the beauty and wealth of modern French poetry, and that he is rightly bold to praise some of the most charming lyrics in the world,' and a fountain of song as fresh and spontaneous as any that has flowed within the present century in any quarter of the world." - Spectator, Dec. 6.

Osborn, Mrs. S.. B. Political and social letters of a lady of the 18th century; 1721-71; ed. by E. F. D. Osborn.

"Everywhere throughout the volume we light upon amusing illustrations of our national character, and we are thankful to the writer for her keen appreciation of the striking and humorous incidents that occur at all times in every-day life. After we have read her last letter written when she was nigh on 80 years old, we feel as if we have parted from an old friend." - Academy.

"In the earlier portion we come across many names which are familiar to the readers of the Journal to Stella,' of the gossiping pages of Lord Hervey, and the

'Suffolk Correspondence; further on in the volume we have glimpses of the society which is known to us from the descriptions by Horace Walpole and his contempo. raries. Mrs Osborn keeps her correspondents fairly well informed about the passing rumours of the day. In her later years, she took considerable interest in politics, and she frequently refers to the party controversies of the day." - Athenœum, Dec. 27.

Pearson, W: H: List of Canadian hepaticæ. Perry, B: F. Biog. sketches of American statesmen, with speeches, addresses, and letters, and life [by A: B. Williams.) 1887. Letters to [his wife); with extracts from his journal; also phrenological examination of him by Prof. Crane; arr. and pub. by H. McC. Perry. 1889.

Philip, G: Plan of London, [with a guide]. 1872. Pindarus. Nemean odes; ed., with introd. and

commentary, by J: B. Bury.

"We may hesitate about some of the views put forward by Mr. Bury in his commentary; on some as being unproved we may suspend our judgment; others, we may condemn as ingeniously fantastic; but as to the general merit of the work as a whole we can entertain no kind of doubt. Mr. Bury is a scholar at once learned and subtle, and he has put into his book all that is most characteristic of himself." Sat. rev., Dec. 20.

Pollock, Sir F: Oxford lectures; and other dis


Contents. The methods of jurisprudence. - English opportunities in historical and comparative jurisprudence. The King's peace. Oxford law studies. The English manor. Sir H: Maine and his work. Religious equality. - Home rule and imperial sovereignty. Examinations and education. Law libraries. Library of the Alpine Club. Forms and history of the sword. Index.

"Even of the six which are purely or mainly legal, that on Sir Henry Maine deals more with the man and his general attitude and work than with the lawyer. ""Tis thus a pleasing olio; and even for those who cannot take an equal, or nearly equal, interest in all its com. ponents, there should be attraction in more or fewer of them. The purely legal lectures are really excellent examples of specialism which popularizes without vulgarizing, and explains while it does not patronize. We know no one who has handled, or is likely to handle such matters with the combined advantages which Sir Frederick possesses, in the first place, of the legal, political, and historical knowledge, which is absolutely, and in the second, of the literary and miscel. laneous information which is all but absolutely necessary." Sat. rev., Jan. 17.

Roosevelt, T. New York. (Historic towns.)

"No one will grudge Mr. Roosevelt the space at his command; for he has used it with skill and discretion, and produced a book as readable as it is instruc. tive. We confess that not the least of our pleasures in it is that Mr. Roosevelt confirms in all material points the veracity of an old favorite 'Knickerbocker's History of New York.' "-Sat.rev., Apr. 4.

St. Maur, Mrs. S. Impressions of a tenderfoot during a journey in search of sport in the

far West.

"As the writer jots down everything she sees, or hears, or does, or thinks of interest, her diary is a pleasant mixture of many things. Though Mrs. St. Maur's book is not quite equal to Eothen' it is penned in that confidentially domestic style which made 'The voyage of the Sunbeam' so popular. It contains an account of one place not generally known. This is Cowichan Lake in Vancouver Island. A very pleasanty-written volume, and its literary matter is essentially enhanced by Mrs. St. Maur's excellent sketches, which Mr. Whymper has engraved in his usual admirable style."-Academy, Jan. 10.


Saint-Remy, J. Vie de Toussaint L'Ouverture. Say, J: B. L., and Chailley, J. Nouveau dictionnaire d'économie politique. Vol. 1. Schreiber, Lady C. Fans and fan leaves; illust.

"The greater number of the fans of this handsome but inconvenient work belong to the period of French history which preceded the grand smash of the Revolution, and several of them illustrate certain features of the society of that time, its whims, its crazes, and its sentiments, in a very curious way. The most interesting of the fan-leaves belong to what may be called the Marie Antoinette period; we may read in them, as in a book, the story of the time, the false prosperity, the hollow loyalty, the gathering of the clouds, the bursting of the storm the wreck and the ruin, the brief reign of a spurious classicism, and exaggerated sentiment of all kinds." Spectator, Nov. 15.

Schwab, J: The Sabbath in history. 1888-89. Skinner, Maj. T: Fifty years in Ceylon; an autobiography; ed. by A. Skinner; with pref. by Sir M. M. Williams.

"Nothing can be more vivid than his account of his early military life and adventures. It would be difficult for any one to speak in exaggerated terms of the debt of obligation which the island owes to the man who is acknowledged by all to have been the first opener of its means of communication, and the earnest promotor of numerous important works, such as the improvement of irrigation, and inland navigation, the encouragement of native talent, and the progress of education." Academy, Dec. 27.

Smith, G: A modern apostle; Alexander N. Somerville D. D., 1813-89.

"Dr. George Smith has long since established his claim
to be regarded as the historiographer of the foreign mis.
sions of the Free Kirk of Scotland.
In the lives of
John Wilson of Bombay, Alexander Duff of Calcutta,
and Stephen Hislop of Nagpur, and of the great Baptist
missionary, William Carey, he was, in each instance, re-
stricted to India, but in dealing with the life of Dr.
Somerville he is able to carry his readers into every
quarter of the globe, and with unflagging interest from
the first to the last." - Athenaum, Jan. 3.

Stratmann, F: H: Middle-English dictionary.
New ed. rearr., etc. by H: Bradley.
Taine, H. A. Les origines de la France contem-
poraine; Le régime moderne. Vol. 1.



- Eng. Origins of contemporary France; The modern régime; tr. by J: Durand. Vol. 1. "The fifth volume of the series. A work which combines in a singular union the laboriousness of German erudition with French excellence of style. is probably the most interesting portion of the work. It deals with the fascinating personality of Napoleon. Aithough M. Taine's work is based upon such an apparatus of learning as has never before been brought to bear upon the subject, yet his mode of using it does not always lead to impartiality. He is fond of the cumulative argument. He piles up fact after fact to en. force his conclusions. But an impression sometimes re. mains in the reader's mind that the conclusion was formed before the facts were arranged, and that the les. son to be enforced is kept somewhat too steadily before the writer's mind. In this manner we are obliged to balance between conflicting considerations. Nothing can be more brilliant than M. Taine's account of Napoleon's superhuman power." - Atheneum, Jan. 10.

Talleyrand Périgord, C: M. de, prince de Bénévent. Correspondance diplomatique; Ambassade à Londres, 1830-34; avec introd. et notes par G. Pallain. le pte.

"Une introduction de G. Pallain nous donne une vue d'ensemble sur le rôle joué par Talleyrand comme ministr du Directoire. Cette introduction est utile et interessante." Revue bleue, 3 jan.

Le prince de Talleyrand et la maison d'Orléans; lettres du roi Louis Philippe, de Madame Adélaïde, et du prince de Talleyrand; pub., avec une préface, par la comtesse M.. de G. de Mirabeau.

"De toutes les lettres contenues dans le présent volume sur un projet de cession de la Belgique à la Prusse, aucune, à part une lettre de Louis Philippe au roi Léopold, ne présente un bien vif intérêt historique. Ce sont, au contraire, des documents psychologiques tout à fait importants que les lettres écrites en novembre 1834, au moment où, revenu de sa mission à Londres, Talley. rand résigna ses fonctions d'ambassadeur." - Revue bleue, 27 sept.

Thayer, W: R. An historical sketch of Harvard University from its foundation to May, 1890; repr. from the Hist. of Middlesex Co., Mass.

Thomas, W. H. Mormon saints.
Thomson, D: C. The Barbizon school of painters:
Corot, Rousseau, Diaz, Millet, Daubigny,
etc.; illust.

"A most valuable volume of artistic history." - Art journal, Sept. 1870.

Traherne, Maj. J: P. The habits of the salmon.

"Anything from the pen of Major Traherne anent the salmon is worth reading. Though the author does not pretend to scientific knowledge of the subject, yet as an angler of long and varied experience on various rivers, he has had opportunities of studying the habits of salmon such as few other fishermen or scientific naturalists can have enjoyed. The present volume is devoted, not to angling experiences, but to the habits and diseases of the fish." Spectator, Oct. 18.

Trumbull, M. M. The American lesson of the free trade struggle in England. 1884. Atkinson mentions this as the best on the subject.

Very, L. L. A. Poems, and prose writings.
Waite, H: E. Extracts relating to the origin of

the American navy.

Washington, G: Rules of civility; traced to their sources and restored by M. D. Conway. "It had generally been supposed by those who had examined this manuscript, that Washington must have invented the rules himself, putting into his own words the results of miscellaneous reading, but with this opinion Mr. Conway could not agree. Having set himself to discover the source, he found it in a treatise entitled 'Bienseance de la conversation entre les hommes,' composed by one Jesuit College in 1595, for the use of another. The curious side-light that they throw is, not upon the American manners of the eighteenth cen. tury, but upon monastic manners in France at the end of the sixteenth." Spectator, Mar. 7.

Wesselhoeft, Mrs. L. F. The winds, the woods,

and the wanderer; a fable for children. White, A. S. The development of Africa.

"A most useful book, which gives a general view of the geography, climate, geology, populations, and religions of Africa, illustrated by an admirable series of maps by Mr. Ravenstein, and then passes on to discuss the slave trade, explorations, the future of commerce, and the recent partition of Africa." - Athenæum, Dec. 6.

Whitford, J: The Canary Islands as a winter re


"Reminds us of how hard it is for a sensitive and intellectual Englishman to find happiness anywhere on earth. Staying at home through the winter he is doomed to deadly and most depressing weather; while if he seeks for an ideally perfect climate abroad, he is almost sure to be bored to extinction. Nothing can come nearer to the Earthly Paradise than some of the situations on the western shores of the more favoured of those Fortunate Isles; but then there is next to nothing to do when the first novelty has worn off." rev., Feb. 7.


Additions. 2d ser.]


JUN 9, 1891

Alcance á los apuntes para la historia: tropelía cometida con D. Gaspar por el Marqués de Castelar. 1820.

[No. 282. Apr. 20, 1891

marks about the operas are intelligent, though she endeavours sometimes to hide the weak points in those been unsuccessful. The concluding chapter is devoted to Gounod's views on music and musicians. Clever book." - Athenœum, Jan. 31.

Aguilera PIBRARich have

Ames, F. Practical guide to whist by the latest scientific methods with the laws of the game.

Annals of a fishing village; drawn from the notes of a "Son of the marshes;" ed. by J. A. Owen.

"The creatures of the marsh, wild duck and heron down to the humble reed-sparrow, are touched with a rare fidelity and skill, and we do not doubt that the human characters, which indeed, are by no means conventional tigures, are equally true. This book is nothing less than fascinating." - Spectator, Mar. 28.

Appleton, W: S. Some descendants of W: Sawyer of Newbury, Mass.

Banville, T. F. de. Sonnailles et clochettes. (Poé

sies nouvelles.)

"Les poètes, quand ils vieillissent, ont des rhumatismes dans les ailes: ils en sont quittes pour monter un peu moins haut dans la nue. L'ironie de Banville est moins fendante qu'autrefois, moins agressive, mais plus contenue et plus fine. Elle s'est légèrement nuancée d'indulgence, presque attendrie comme un soleil qui commence à descendre, et c'est, vous le savez, le plus beau moment de la journée." - Revue bleue, 8 nov.

Barker's facts and figures for 1891; ed. by T: P. Whittaker.

Bellamy, Mme. E.. W. Old man Gilbert; Can

such things be? by C: E. L. Wingate. [1888.] Belton, J: D. Literary manual of foreign quotations ancient and modern; with illust. from American and English authors, and notes.

Berr de Turique, J. Jacques et Jacqueline. "Fort jolies nouvelles." Revue bleue, 8 nov.

Blanchardyn and Eglantine, 1489; [tr. by W: Caxton], ed. by L. Kellner. (Early Eng. Text Soc.)

Bornier, H., vicomte de. L'apôtre; drame. 1881. "Perhaps in a certain sense the most interesting of M. de Bornier's dramas. The subject is touched throughout in a manner which, in spite of a certain French lightness, never repels by any real irreverence. From a literary point of view it is perhaps the best worth reading of his dramas." Spectator, Sept. 20. Mahomet; drame.

"The author of Mahomet' is well known in France, though little known in England, as a dramatic poet. His first success was gained at the Théâtre Français with Agamemnon, a tragedy adapted from Seneca in 1868. But he took a much higher place in public esteem when 'La fille de Roland' was first acted there.

Its present revival is, of course, owed to the prohibition of Mahomet.' The Comédie Française is doing its best to make up to M. de Bornier for the dark days that have fallen upon his art, and for the really unaccountable neglect of the French Academy." - Spectator, Sept. 20.

Les noces d'Atilla; drame. 1886.

"A strong and striking play, but the darkness of the scene, the horror of the story, is scarcely relieved by a touch of sunlight or tenderness, and the whole effect is repulsive." - Spectator, Sept. 20.

Bovet, M.. A.. de. Charles Gounod; his life and works; with portrait and facsimilies. "Neither a biography nor a criticism, but a portrait of the artist and the inan within the limits wherein one is inseparable from the other. Numerous biographies of Gounod, and essays on his works have appeared from time to time, and his best compositions are so familiar in England that it is impossible for Mile. de Bovet to tell her readers much that is new. Her re


Bowker, R: R:, and Iles, G: Reader's guide in economic, social, and political science; classified bibliog.; with notes, index[es], courses of reading, etc. (Economic tracts.) Burt, M.. E. Browning's women; with introd. by Rev. E: E. Hale. 1887.

Calmettes, F. Simplette. (La lutte pour le devoir.)

"Je n'ai jamais trouvé la vie d'artiste peinte avec plus de sincérité, plus d'émotion et de charme que dans 'Simplette. C'est du réalisme noble et pur comme nous en demandons à tous les échos." - Revue bleue, 3 jan.

Sœur aînée.

"The simple but dramatically told story of an elder sister's devotion; tho' the elder sister is in reality a cousin." - Nation, Jan. 29.

Campredon, J. D: M., baron de. Documents militaires: Défense de Dantzig en 1813; journal et notes, lettres divers; annotés, et pub. par C: Auriol. 1888.

Documents militaires: La defense du Var et
le passage des Alpes; lettres des généraux
Masséna, Suchet, etc.; annotées et pub. par
C: Auriol. 1889.

"La défense du Var et le passage des Alpes' met en lumière, comme La défense de Dantzig' des documents extrêmement precieux. Captaine du génie en 91, général de division en 1806, le général de Campredon est, plus que beaucoup d'autres, à méme de nous renseigner. Ce ne sont pas ici des souvenirs plus ou moins lointains, écrits après coup: ce sont des lettres écrites ou reçues dans l'action même. Il y aurait un parallèle intéressant à faire entre la situation de Gênes en1800, et celle de Dantzig en 1813; ce rapprochement n'est pas l'un des moins curieux que permettent de faire les deux ouvrages de M. Auriol." - Rev. des ques. hist., juillet.

Carpentier, E. La dame bleue.

La maison du bon Dieu. 2e éd. 1883.
Pierre le Tors. 1888.

Sauvons le! 2e éd. 1889.
La tour du Preux. 1886.

Carta de un constitucional de Méjico á otro de la
Habana. 1820.

Chase, G: B. Memoir of G: Tyler Bigelow, Chief Justice of Mass.; repr. from Proc. of Mass. Hist. Soc.

Clark, H: H. Boy life in the U. S. navy. [1885.] Copenhagen. Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab. Cabinet d'antiquités américaines à Copenhague; rapport ethnographique, par C. C. Rafn. 1858.

Debidour, A. Histoire diplomatique de l'Europe, 1814-78. 2 v.

"A good example of the excellent historical work now being done by French historians. It is no small task to write a history of the mutual relations of European States during the present century, and to make such a history readable and interesting, yet in both these points M. Debidour has succeeded. His style is interesting and vigorous, and, on the whole, impartial, save at the end of the book. We most earnestly recommend this book to any who wish to understand the States-system and States-relationships of modern Europe. It would be difficult to find a clearer and more lucid guide to so intricate a subject." Westminster review, March.

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