Slike stranica

net's fiction.
He has attained his wide popularity
without appealing to prurient curiosity, or to that 'nos-
talgie de la boue, which sells thousands of copies of
many a work of fiction, merely for the unmitigated
grossness which the buyers count on finding in it." -
Westminster review, Nov.

Perlbach, M. Die Statuten des deutschen Ordens,
nach den ältesten Handschriften. 1890.
"M. Perlbach s'est imposé la tâche de faire la colla-
tion de tous les manuscrits conservés de nos jours. Il
en a découvert trente-trois, qui contiennent les anciens
statuts, tels qu'ils étaient appliqués antérieurement à
1442, date de la revision faite par le grand maître Con-
rad d'Erlichshausen.
L'édition de M. Peribach est
parfaite; elle forme un excellent pendant à la règle du
Temple que M. Henri de Curzon a donnée naguère à la
Société de l'Histoire de France. Mais les conclusions
de l'auteur sur la date des statuts ne sont pas certaines;
il y est arrivé en s'appuyant sur de fragiles arguments."
- Revue critique, 15 déc. 1890.


Perry, B. The Broughton House. Perry, J: Spinning tops; "Operatives' lecture," British Association meeting, Leeds. Plainsong and Medieval Music Society. Musical notation of the Middle Ages exemplified by facsimiles of mss. written between the 10th and 16th centuries.

"Les 20 planches qui le composent sont bien exécutées. La préface résume assez nettement l'état de la question. Les notices qui accompagnent les planches sont maigre et même insuffisantes." - Revue critique, 4 août.

Prickard, A. O. Aristotle on the art of poetry; a lecture.

"Aristotle looks at the theatre rather from the point of view of modern experience. Mr. Prickard has well brought this out in the elegant and scholarly work before us. The narrowness of the vision, and the limited character of Aristotle's conception in poetry as in politics, is astounding. Just as in politics he cannot conceive of a state which is too large to hear the voice of a single town-crier, so in poetry, his views are bounded by the horizon of the plays acted at Athens." Spectator, Sept. 19.

Rae, W: F. The business of travel; a 50 years' record of progress.

"The book of the jubilee of Messrs. Thomas Cook & Mr. Thomas Cook's first venture was in the Bon. excursion line, and interesting is it now to read of this bold experiment of a trip from Leicester to Long. borough in 1841. From this small beginning the further development of this firm is traced step by step through the last fifty years, and is, as might be expected suggestive enough." - Sat. rev., July 18.

Revue rétrospective, recueil de pièces intéressantes
Vol. 1-12, 14.

et de citations curieuses.
1884-91. 13 v.

Richardson, B: W. T: Sopwith; with excerpts from his diary of fifty-seven years.

"Although not known to fame outside of a limited circle, Thomas Sopworth was, in some ways a remarkable man. He was a musician, an architect, a distinguished engineer, connected with important mines and with some of the early railroads; and in the course of a long and active life he was brought in contact with the Stephensons, with Faraday, and with a great many other famous people. Judging from the specimens here given, his impressions are often interesting, but his reflections are of the trite and commonplace charac. ter peculiar to people who habitually overestimate the originality of their ideas." - Nation, Nov. 12.

Riddles of the sphinx; a study in the philosophy

of evolution; by a troglodyte.

Roland. La chanson de Roland et le roman de Roncevaux des 12e et 13e siècles; pub. par F. Michel. 1869.

Rozière, E., and Chatel, E. Table générale et méthod. des mémoires cont. dans les recueils de l'Academie des Inscr. et Belles Lettres, et de l'Acad. des Sci. Mor. et Pol. 1701-1850. St. Wulstan Society, Worcester, Mass. Origin Sauvage, J: Mémoire du voiage en Russie, en 1586. Suivi de l'expédition de Fr. Drake en Amérique à la même époque pub. par L: Lacour. 1855.

and organization.

Scidmore, E. R. Jinrikisha days in Japan.
Scripture, E. W. The problem of psychology;
off-printed from Mind, vol. 16, no. 63.
Zur Definition einer Vorstellung.

Sénac de Meilhan, G. Le gouvernement, les mœurs, et les conditions en France avant la Révolution; Portraits des personnages distingués dela fin du 18e siècle; avec introd. et notes par M. de Lescure. [1862.] Shakespeare, W: Othello, ou le More de Venise; [tr. par] J: Aicard. 1882.

Shorthouse, J: H: Blanche, Lady Falaise; a tale. "Mr. J. H. Shorthouse's name on a book is a promise to many of exquisite pictures, and a delicate appreciation of sensitive characters reaching out vaguely toward higher ideals, described in the most perfect English now written, with an unerring choice of words." Literary world, Nov 7.

Sivet, D. Les énamourées; (poèmes]. 1885. Stubbs, Rev. C: W: The land and the labourers; facts and experiments in cottage farming, and co-operative agriculture. [4th] ed.

Theuriet, A. Mademoiselle Roche.

"Philiberte is one of the best things recently done after the large, sane, human style, not in the absurd exaggeration of passing 'engouement' by a French novelist. Her 'Pèlerinage au Charmettes' is as humorous as anything of Charles de Bernard's. Either intentionally or by accident, M. Theuriet has shown how to do well, in accordance with art and once for all, in a dozen lines the Extreme Unction scene which M. Zola has botched and bored and bungled over in 'Le Rêve' for a chapter." Sat. rev., Aug. 29.

Thomas, S. G. Memoir and letters; ed. by R. W. Burnie.

Tocqueville, A. C: H: C. de.

Histoire philoso

phique du règne de Louis xv. 1847. 2 ν. Trembicka, Mme. F. Mémoires d'une Polonaise, pouvant servir à l'histoire de la Pologne [1764-1830.] 1841. 2 v.

Viaud, J. (pseud. P. Loti). Le livre de la pitié et de la mort. 29e éd.

"Cat lovers pussophilists, as J. S. Mill used to call them will be the only people who will much like Pierre Loti's new volume of short sketches, except, indeed, admirers of mere style. Loti's prose poetry has never been more exquisitely displayed than in portions of this book." - Atheneum, Aug. 22.

Whitby, B.. One reason why.

"Among the most enjoyable and well-written stories of the season." - Literary world, Nov. 6. Woodburn, J. A. Higher education in Indiana. Wordsworth, E. W: Wordsworth.

"A short biography of the poet, interspersed with critical comments on his works. It seems to be intended to serve for a guide to beginners in the study of the poems; but though in some other respects it is not without merits, it lacks the brightness of style and treatment necessary to attract this class of readers, while it has nothing fresh or stimulating to of fer to any other." - Athenaum, Oct. 17.



to nos. 277-294 (books received Jan. - Dec. 1891).

Words in parentheses after the page-numbers show the heading under which the note referred to will be found.

[blocks in formation]

Adams, H: Historical essays, 1225. History of the U. S., 1197.

Adams, W: D. Book of Burlesque, 1225.

Adeline, J. Art dictionary, 1189. Agassiz, A. Dredging off Central America, 1209.

Agoult, M.. de F. Dante and Goethe, 1217.

Ainsworth, W: H.

The Con

stable of the Tower; Hilary St. Ives; John Law; Lord Mayor of London; Manches ter rebels; Myddleton Pomfret; The Spanish match, 1189. Aïssé, Mile. Lettres à Mme. Calandrini, 1225.

Alarcón, P: A. de. Brunhilde; Moors and Christians, 1225.

Albert, M. La lit. Fr., 17891830, 1225.

Alcance à los apuntes para la historia, 1177.

Alcott, L.. M. Lulu's library, 1189.

Aldrich, T: B. The sister's tragedy; Lyrics and sonnets, 1185.

Alexander, G: G. Confucius, 1221.

Alix, E. L'esprit de nos bêtes,


Allais, H: Tantine. 1189. Allemagne, H: R. d.' Hist. du

luminaire, 1213.

Allen, C: G. B. The great taboo, 1169. What's bred in the bone, 1209.

Allen, J. and L. C. Memorial, 1225.

Allen, J. L. Flute and violin, 1205.

Allen, T: W: Greek mss., 1217. Altenburg, C. A. de La T. Mé. moires, 1217.

Amante de la Constitucion, El, 1201.

Amer. Soc. of Microscopists.
General index, 1193.
Ames, F. Whist, 1177.
Ammen, D. The old navy, 1205.
Anderson, L. Cruise in an
opium clipper, 1209.
Andrews, W Yorkshire, 1161.
Anglin, S. Design of struc-
tures, 1217.

Annals of a fishing village. 1177. Anthologia Græca.] From the garden of Hellas, 1201.

[blocks in formation]

Antioch College. Dedication, etc., 1225.

Appleton, J: Evangéline, 1217.
Appleton, W: S. Descendents
of W: Sawyer, 1177.
Archaic rock inscriptions, 1169.

Constitutihn of
Athens; facsimile, 1181, 1213,
1217. Ethics, 1181.
Arnold, E.

world, 1169.

The light of the

Arnold, E. L. Phra the Phœnician, 1173.

Arnold, F: The philosopher in slippers, 1173. Arnold, M. Poetical works, 1185. Arundale, F. Re-birth, 1205. Arundel Society. Chromo-lithographs. Christ among the doctors; "The hunt"; Madonna and child, 1165.

Asiatic journal, 1169. Atkinson, J: C. Forty years in a moorland parish, 1201. Aubertin, C: L'esprit publie au 18e siècle, 1217. Austin, J.. G. Betty Alden.1217. B., E. Coll. d'évantails, 1221. Babeau, A. La vie mil., 1173. Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls, 1189.

Bacon, E. M. The new Jamaica, 1189.

Bailey, O. H., & Co. Attleborough, 1221.

Baker, W. & Co. The chocolate plant, 1189.

Balch, E: Old Eng. homes, 1173. Ball, T: Autobiography, 1221. Ball, W: P. Are the effects of use and disuse inherited, 1165. Ballou, M. M. Aztec land; Due north; Due south; Due west; New Eldorado; Under the southern cross, 1181. Balsillie, D: Lesson of the Revolution, 1161.

Balzac, H. de. Bureaucracy, Fame and sorrow, 1189. An historical mystery, 1221. The lily of the valley, 1185. Sera. phita, 1189. Shorter stories, 1181. Ursula, 1189.

Bandelier, A. F. A. The delight makers, 1161.

Bangs, I: Journal, 1165. Banville, T: de. Contes hé. roïques; Contes pour les femmes; Dames et demoiselles; Lettres chimériques, 1201. Marcelle Rabe, 1209. Nous tous, 1201. Poésie française, 1225. Sonnailles et clochettes, 1177.

Bardoux, A. La fin du 18e siècle, 1169.

Barine, A. Bernardin de Saint-
Pierre, 1181.
Barker, E: H.

Wayfaring in

France, 1169. Barker's facts, 1177. Barkley, H: C. Asia Minor, 1185.

Baron, M.B. L'homme à bonnes fortunes, 1217. Barr, A. E. Η.

The beads of Tasmer, 1201. A sister of Esau, 1221.

[blocks in formation]

ten christlichen Begräbnisstätten, 1169.

Bellesheim, A. Catholic Ch. of Scotland, 1185.

Belló, A. Principios de derecho internacional, 1185.

Belot, A. La bouche de Mme. X.; Le testament de César Girodot, 1189.

Belton, J: D. Foreign quotations, 1177.

Benedix, J. R. Die Shakespearomanie, 1221. Benham, W.

A. C. Tait, 1209. (Davidson and Benham.) Bennett, F: The marvellous budget, 1181. Béraud, P. E. 1217.

Siege of Lyons,

Bergerat, E. La nuit berga. masque; Théâtre en vers, 1221.

Berlin. Kön. Museum. Die Ge. mälde Galerie, 1205.

Bernheim, E: Lehrbuch der historischen Methode, 1209. Bernoni, D. G. Canti popolari venez., 1193.

Berr de Turique, J. Jacques et Jacqueline, 1177. Bersier, E. L'hist. des Huguenots, 1201.

[blocks in formation]

Blaze de Bury, Mile. Anne Boleyn, 1225.

Bliss, G: N. Duffié, 1201.
Blondel, D:
Blouet, P.
America, 1225.

The sibyls, 1185.
A Frenchman in

Blyth, A. W. Public health, 1165.

Bodge, G: M. Soldiers of King Philip's war, 1201.

Bohn, H: G: Handbook of games, 1185.

Boileau Despréaux, N: Corresp. [avec] Brossette, 1169.

Boissier, G. La fin du paga. nisme, 1201.

Boldrewood, R. A Sydney. side Saxon, 1221.

Bonjean, A. L'hypnotisme, 1221. Bonney, T:G: Abbeys of Eng. and Wales, 1181. Booth, W: In darkest Eng., 1161. Borland, R. Yarrow, 1163. Bornier, H. L'apôtre: Mahomet; Les noces d'Atilla, 1177. Bossière, P. Dict. fr., 1221. Bottone, S. R. Electro-motors, 1165.

Bouchot, H: Les ex-libris, pos. session du livre, 1197. Des livres modernes, 1217.

Bourget, P. Un cœur de femme, 1165. Nouveaux pastels, 1217. Physiol. de l'amour mod.,1180. Bourke, J: G. Seatalogical rites, 1201.

Bourne, H: R: F. Emin Pasha Relief Exped., 1201.

Boutell, L: H: Alexander Hamilton, 1161.

Boutmy, E. Eng. constitution,


Bovet, M.. A.. de. C: Gounod, 1177.

Bowen, J: E. Conflict in Egypt, 1189.

Bowes, J.L. Japanese pottery, 1185. Vindication of the deco. rated pottery of Japan, 1209. Bowker, R. R. Reader's guide in econ.sci., 1177.

Boyesen, H. H. The mammon

of unrighteousness, 1225. Boys, C. V. Soap bubbles, 1225. Brackett, C. F., etc. Electricity, 1161.

Bradley, J: W. G: Giulio Clovio, 1189.

Bradshaw's railway time tables, 1161.

Brady, W: M. papers, 1181,


Brakelmann, J. Les anc. chansonniers fr., 1193.

Brentano, L:J. Labor, 1209.
Breton, J. A. A. L:

artist, 1161.

Life of an

Breusing. A. Die Lösung des Trierenrätsels, 1197.

Brewer, E. C. Historic notebook, 1185.

Brewster, F. C. Disraeli, 1205. Bridges, R. Shorter poems, 1201. Bridgett, T: E. Sir T: More, 1189.

Briggs, C: A: Holy Script., 1193. Briggs, L. B. R. Original char ades, 1185.

Brinton, D.G. Rig Veda Amer icanus, 1197.

Broc, H. France pendant la Rév., 1225.

Brochard, V. Les sceptiques grecs, 1173.

Broglie, J. V: A. Maurice de Saxe, 1213.

Broke, G. Alaska, 1213.

Brooke, M. Eleanor Lambert,


Brooks, C: S. The silver cord,


Brooks, P. The light of the world, 1165.

Brooks, W: K. The oyster, 1213. Broughton, R. Alas, 1173.

Brown, A. Genesis of the U.S., 1165.

Brown, H. F. Venetian printing press, 1161.

Brown, W: H. First locomotives in America, 1181. Browne, G: L. Nelson, 1169. Brugmann, K. Elements of Indo Germanic lang., 1165. Brunet, P: G. La reliure des livres, 1217.

Brunetière, F. L'évolution des genres, 1173.

Brush, C.C. Inside our gate, 1193. Bry. G. Précis de droit internat. public, 1205.

Buchanan, R. The coming Ter. ror, 1197. The wedding ring, 1189.

Buchot, A: Petits poèmes des champs, 1217.

Bugbee, J. M. Mass. Soc. of the Cincinnati, 1165.

Bunner, H. C. Zadoc Pine, 1189.
Burgess, J. W.
Polit. science,


[blocks in formation]

Burnett, F. H. Earlier stories, 1201.

Burnham, S. M.

Struggles of

the nations, 1225. Burt, M.. E. Browning's women, 1177.

Busch, M. Neue Tagebuchsblätter, 1193.

Butterworth, H. Log schoolhouse on the Columbia, 1169. Bynner, E.L. The chase of the Meteor, 1217.

Byrom, J: Miscel. poems, 1193. C., J. H. St. Paul's School, 1204. (Shattuck and C.)

Cadorin, G. Dello amore ai Veneziani di Tiziano, 1189.

Cahun, L. Hassan le janissaire, 1217.

Caine, H. The little Manx nation, 1225.

Caine, T. H. The scapegoat, 1221.

Caldecott, A. English colonization, 1221.

Calendrier républicain, 1185. Call, A.. P. Power through repose, 1181.

Calmettes, F. Simplette; Sœur ainée, 1177.

Cambridge, A. The three Miss Kings, 1209.

Cambridge tribune, 1169. Campardon, E. Molière, 1165. Campbell, H..

[blocks in formation]

Anne Brad

The Hittites,

The Fians,

[blocks in formation]

Carew, B. M. ventures, 1185. Carew, F. W. Carey, R. N. 1201.

Surprising ad

No. 747, 1213.
Mary St. John,

Carlyle, G. Moses, 1201. Carpentier, E. La dame blene; La maison du bon Dieu; Pierre le Tors; Sauvons le. 1177. Le seeret du docteur, 1205. La tour du Preux, 1177.

Carson, H. L. The Supreme Court, 1221.

Carstairs, R. British work in India, 1185.

Carta de un constitucional de Méjico, 1177.

Cary family. Cary letters, 1193. Casati, G. Equatoria, 1193. Castle, E. Consequences, 1205. Cattier, E. Chemins de fer belges, 1213. Cavaignac, G. La formation de la Prusse contemp., 1209. Chailley, J. Dict. d'écon. polit., 1176. (Say and Chailley.) Chamberlain, B. H. Things Japanese, 1165.

Chambrun, A. Droits et libertés aux Etats-Unis, 1169.

[blocks in formation]

Child, T. Young people, 1190. Chittenden, L. E. Lincoln, 1205. Choyce, J. Log of a Jack tar, 1190.

Christian, J. Behar prov., 1225. Church, A. J. A young Macedonian, 1165.

Church, E.M. There is no death, 1213.

Church, R: W. The Oxford movement, 1185.

Church, W: C. Ericsson, 1165. Cicogna, E., etc. Biografie dei Dogi de Venez., 1193.

Claretie, J. Pl'étrus Borel, 1221.
Puyjoli, 1169.

Clark, E. 7th Regt., N. Y.,1173.
Clark, H: H. Boy life in U.S-
navy, 1177.
Clarke, E:
Clarke, G: S.


Clarke, J. F. Clarke, R.. S.

basset. 1221.

Extradition, 1197. Fortification,

Autobiog., 1190.
In old Quinne

Clarke, W: Selections, 1217.
Clerke, A. M..
System of the

stars, 1179.

Clifford, A. Tixall letters, 1193. Clinch, G: Marylebone, 1197. Cloudesley, H: Passing thoughts, 1161.

Clowes, W: L. Black America, 1186.

Clutton, H: Remarks, 1193. Cluverius, T: J. My life, trial. etc., 1193.

Codrington, R. H: The Mela-nesians, 1217. Coelho, J. G. G. The fidalgoes of Casa Mourisca, 1205.

Coffin, C: C. Freedom triumphant, 1161.

Coignet, C. G. La réforme française, 1193.

Coignet, J: R. Narrative, 1165. Coit, S. Neighborhood guilds, 1217.

Collins, W: W. The lazy tour, 1213. (Dickens and Collins.) Collis, S. M. Woman's trip to Alaska, 1165.

Colomb, P. H. Naval warfare,


Colonna, F. The strife of love, 1205.

Compton, H. The dead man's gift, 1202. Dramatic peerage, 1187. (Reid and Compton.) Conrad, J., etc. Handwörter buch, Staats wissenschaf.. 1193. Constantin, vet. de. L'archi. mandrite Païsé, 1205.

[blocks in formation]

Study of Shake

Cory, W: Ionica, 1202. Cosmopolitan, The, 1225. Costa de Beauregard, C. A. Epilogue d'un règne; logue d'un règne, 1173. Coutts, W: L. A. B. B. Brookfield stud, 1213.


[blocks in formation]

Cuervo, R. J. Diccionnario de

la lengun castellana, 1193.

Cullum, G: W. Biog. register of West Point, 1173. Cundall. F.

Landscape paint

ers of Holland, 1181. Cunningham, W: Money, 1225. Curtin, J. Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, 1165.

Cust, R. H: H. My summer holidays, 1193.

Dame, L... Typical elms, 1169. Dargène, J. Le feu à Formose, 1190.

Darmesteter, A. M. F. R. Ly-
ries, 1173.
Daudet, A.
Port-Tarascon, 1165.

L'obstacle, 1225.

Davenport, G: F. Homes in Salem, 1193.

Davenport, R. Works, 1161. Davidson, R. T. Life of A. C. Tait, 1209.

Davis, R: H. Gallegher, 1205.

Stories for boys, 1225. Davison, F. Poetical rhapsody,

[blocks in formation]
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