Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Didon, A. F. Classification method. des roman de chev., 1213. La gravure sur bois, 1193. Diehl, C: Excursions archéol., 1178.

Dilke, E. F. S. The shrine of love, 1206.

Disraeli, B: Tales and sketches, 1202. Novels and tales, 1213. Ditchfield, P: H. Old English sports, 1213. Dixon, C: Birds, 1225.

Dixon, J. M. Dict. of Eng. phrases, 1190.

Dixon, R. W. Church of Eng., 1202.

Dobell, S. Poetical works, 1186. Dobson, H: A. Four French women, 1161. Horace Walpole, 1213.

Dodge, M.. M. Along the way, 1193. Irvington stories, 1210. Rhymes and jingles, 1193.

Dodge, T. A. Great captains,

[blocks in formation]

Du Bois Melly, C: Traité de Turin, 1217.

Du Boisgobey, F. Un cadet de Normandie; Cœur volant; Fortenay Coup-d'Epée; Le plongeur, 1193.

Du Camp, M. Théophile Gautier, 1178.

Du Chaillu, P. B. In the great forest of Africa, 1173.

Ducoudray, G. Mod. civil., 1225. Duerm, C: v. Pouvoir temporel des papes, 1190. Dulaurens, H: J. La sainte chandelle d'Arras, 1217.

Dumas, A..fils. Le demi-monde,


[blocks in formation]

Earle, J: Eng. prose, 1162. Eastman, M..F. Dio Lewis, 1193. Ebers, G: M. The elixir, 1166. Economia, del gen. Quiroga, 1178.

Eddy, J. James Eddy; Thoughts on religion, 1202. Edersheim, A. Bible hist., 1162. Educational review, 1213. Edwards, A. B. Pharoahs, fellahs, etc., 1226. Edwards, T: Criticism, 1193. Egan, P. Finish to Tom Jerry, and Logic; Pilgrims of the Thames, 1213.

Egerton, W. Handbook of In. dian arms, 1194. Eggleston, G: C.



Ella, pseud. Philippa, 1226. Ellicott, C: J. Commentary on pastoral epistles; Comment. on Galatians, 1190.

Ellis, A. J. Eng. dialects, 1162. Ely, T. Archæology, 1226. Emerson, C: W. Physical cul. ture, 1202.

Emerson. P: H: Wild life on a tidal water, 1169.

Enault, L:

Paris-Salon, 1891.

1194, 1202. Enebuske, C. J. Gymnastic day's orders, 1182. Enciso, V.

Tormentos executados, Don Manuel de la Concha, 1202.

Enfermedad del pobre Entremetido, 1202.

Eng. High School Assoc., Boston. Catalogue, 1194.

Erskine, C: Twenty years before the mast, 1197.

Español imparcial, pseud.
Ataque, 1178.
Esquiline, 1194.
Estrada, A. F. Carta, 1820, 1178.

Euripides. Ion, 1166.
Evans, A. C.

Cruise of "Cal

Ethics for

liope," 1161. Everett, C: C. young people, 1226. Evolution, The, 1194. Ewing, J. H. G. Bine bells on the len; Mother's birthday review; Asoldier's children, 1202.

[blocks in formation]

Falconer, L. Cecilia de Noël, 1226. Mademoiselle Ixe, 1217. Farjeon, B: L. Merry, merry boys, 1174. Farnell, G: S. etry, 1197. Farrar, F: W: dawn, 1226. Felibien, M.


Fendall, P.

Darkness and

La ville de Paris,

Margaret Byng,

1172. (Philips and Fendall.) Ferguson, D. Bush life in Australia, 1197.

Ferri, P. N. Disegni della R. Gall. d. Uffizi, 1178.

Feugère, G. La Rév. Française, 1178.

Féval, P. A: C. La chasse au roi; Contes de Bretagne; Le mendiant noir, 1213.

Field, E. Profitable tales; Western verse, 1162.

Field, E. M. The child and his book, 1202.

Field, H. H. The pronephros in amphibia, 1213.

Filon, A. Violette Mérian, 1217.
Finck, H: T. Spain and Mo-
rocco, 1206.
Fiore, P.

Organisation de la

Soc. des Etats, 1197.

Fisher, A. T: Stable and saddle-room, 1169.

Fiske, J: Amer. Revolution, 1194. Fisquet, A. Céremonies pontificales, 1202.

Fitzgerald, P. H. London, 1162.
Pick wick, 1190.
Flaxman, J: Outline designs,

Fleuriot, Z. Bouche-en-cœur;
Cadette; Un enfant gâté; Gil
das l'intraitable; Parisiens et
Montagnards; Tranquille et
Tourbillon, 1178.

Fleury, J. Le musée de la car


icature, 1218. Fleury-Hermagis, sions photographiques, 1162. Flor O'Squarr, C: M. La Bohème bourgeois, 1194.

Flower, W: H. Study of mammals, 1213.

Fludd, R. Philosophia sacra, 1174.

Folk-lore and legends: North Amer. Indians, 1194.

Foote, A. R. Ownership of industries, 1197. Foote, H: W. Thy kingdom come, 1226.

Ford, R. Thistledown, 1182.

Foreman, J:
Islands, 1226.

The Philippine

Forkel, J: N. Jean-Sébastien Bach, 1202.

Forrest, R. E. The touchstone of peril, 1169. Eight days, 1214. Forrester, Mrs. Fair women,


Forster, J. French and Spanish men of genius, 1226. Foster, J. Alumni Oxonienses; Index ecclesiasticus, 1166. Fotheringham, L. M. Nyassaland, 1178.

Fouard, C. The Christ, 1206.

Fournel, V. L'événement de Varennes, 1190.

Fournier, P. Le royaume d'Arles, 1218.

Fournier l'Heritier, C. Mémoires, 1197.

France, H. En "police-court," 1198.

France, J. A. Thaïs, 1174. La vie littéraire, 1210.

France. Ministére de la Marine. Album des pavillons, 1162. Fraser, W: Disraeli, 1202. Frederic, H. William II. of Germany, 1218.

Freeman. E: A: Sicily, 1190. Frothingham, O: B. Recollections, 1202.

Froude, J. A. Catherine of Aragon, 1226.

Fugger, M. Von d. Gestüterei,

[blocks in formation]

Gérard de Nerval, G. L. La Bohème galante, 1214. Gerville, C: A. A. D. de. Les anciens châteaux, 1210.

Gibb, W: Royal house of Stuart, 1182.

Gibbins, H: de B. Industrial hist. of Eng., 1182.

Gibson, E. Preservative against Popery, 1178.

Gilbert, G. K: Lake Bonneville, 1174.

Gilbert, W: S. Songs of a Savoyard, 1162.

Gilder, R: W. Two worlds, 1222. Girardin, J. La disposition du grand Krause, 1214.

Giraud, B. Stable building,etc., 1206.

Giron, A. Ces pauvres petits, 1214.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gnoli, D. Le origini di maestro Pasquino, 1210.

Godard, A.

Bébé-Rose, 1206. Goddard, A. Players of the pe. riod, 1206.

Gomme, G: L. Handbook, folklore, 1162.

Gomont, A. Le César de Shakespeare, 1222.

Goncourt, E. L: and J.A. H. de. Journal, 1162, 1190. Gondrecourt, H: A. A. Mém. d'un vieux garçon, 1194.

Gooch, F.C. The Mexicans, 1198. Gordon, J. A diplomat's diary, 1214. A puritan pagan, 1218. A successful man, 1170. Vampires, 1222.

Goss, W. L. Recollections of a private, 1162.

Gosse, E. W: Life, P. H: Gosse,

[blocks in formation]

Graeme, E. Beethoven, 1202. Graham, D. Massage, 1226.

Graham, H: D. Birds of Iona and Mull, 1162.

Graham, W: Socialism, 1170. Grant, J. Harry Ogilvie, 1226. Grant, R. Mrs. Harold Stagg, 1182.

Gray, A. Botany, 1206.

Gréard, V. C. O. Edmond Scherer, 1190.

Green, T: M. The Spanish con. spiracy, 1206.

Greswell, W: P. Geography, Canada, etc., 1170.

Gray, M. In the heart of the storm, 1198.

Griffis, W: E. Honda, 1170. Griffiths, A. French rev. generals, 1210.

Grill, J. Hundert Lieder des Atharva-Veda, 1194.

Gronlund, L. Our destiny, 1170. Gronow, R. H. Celebrities of London, etc., 1214.

Gross, C. The Gild merchant, 1166.

Guérin, V. Jérusalem, 1178. Guers, E. French soldiers in German prisons, 1174. Gueullette, C: Répertoire, Comédie-Française, 1202. Guibert, L: L'art rétrospectif,


Guillemard, F. H. H. F. Ma gellan, 1174.

Guillemin, A. Electricity, magnetism, 1226.

Guisconi, A. Le cose notabile Venez., 1194.

Gunter, A. C. Miss Nobody of Nowhere, 1162.

Guppy, H: B. Homes of family names, Gr. Brit., 1170.

[blocks in formation]

Guyton, Dom. Voy.lit., Champagne, 1194.

Gyp, pseud. Ohé la grande vie, 1202. Une passionnette, 1218. Un raté, 1210.

H., J. W. A. M. Mackay, 1166.
Haggard, H: R. Eric Bright-
еуев, 1206.
Hale, E: E.

Columbus; Four

and five, 1214. Hale, H. Internat. idiom, 1166.



Halliwell-Phillipps, Shakespearean rarities, 1203. Hamel, M. Salon, 1890. Hamilton, A. Le conte des quatre Facardins, 1222.

Hamilton, E.L. Memoirs, 1203.
Hamley, E: B. The Crimea, 1166.
Harcourt, L. F. V. Engineer-
ing, 1214.

Harding, C. Sketch, 1166.
Hardinge, C: S. H. Viscount
Hardinge, 1203.
Hardy, T:

Group of noble

dames, 1210. Hare, A: J: C: North Eastern

France; S.
8. Western

Harland, H:
Harris, J. C.

master, 1206.

Harris, W: T.


[blocks in formation]

Eastern France; France, 1174. Mea culpa, 1203. Balaam and his

Hegel's Logic,

Flower de Hun

Federal gov., 1170. Fauna and flora of

Sappho of Green

Springs, 1186.

Hartland, E.S. Fairy tales, 1194. Hartmann, F. Jacob Boehme, 1186.

Hartshorne, A. Hanging in chains, 1210.

Harv. Club, N. Y. City.


stitution, 1194, 1222. Harwood, H. J. Littleton, 1222. Hatch, E. Greek ideas, 1194. Haussmann, G: E. Mémoires,

[blocks in formation]

Hermes Trismegistus. The booke of quinte essence, 1191. Herpin, Mlle. La fin du 18e siècle, 1222.

Hertslet, W. H. SchopenhauerRegister, 1214.

Hervey, M. L. Letters, 1194. Heulhard, A. La foire St. Laurent, 1222. Rabelais, 1210. Hézecques, C: A. F. F. Souvenirs, 1222. Higginson, S. J. Higginson, T: W. ginson, 1191. Hild, J. A. la lit., 1218.

Java, 1206.
Francis Hig-

Les démons dans

Hill, G. The Beduins, 1170.
Hill, G: B. Footsteps of Dr.
Johnson, 1186.
Hill, N. P. Speeches and pa-
pers, 1227.

Hillard, G: S. Public instr. in
Prussia, 1203.
Hilliard-d'Auberteuil, M. R.
Mis Mac Rea, 1198.
Hobart, J: H: Memorial, 1194.
Hobbes, J: O. Some emotions
and a moral, 1218.

Hobson, J: A. Problems of poverty, 1210.

Hochschild, Baron. Désirée,
reine de Suède, 1194.
Hodder, E. Sir G: Burns, 1222.
Hodges, R: M. Sulphuric ether,

[blocks in formation]

Sprachschatz, 1214. Holder, C: F: Darwin, 1206. Holder-Egger, O. Indices, Mon. Germ. hist., 1214. Holland, F.M. F.Douglass, 1198. Holland, H: S. Jenny LindGoldschmidt, 1206.

Holmes, (). W. The one hoss shay. 1222. Pages from an old volume, 1227. Writings, 1222. Holyoake, G: J. Co-operative movement, 1227.

Homerus. The Ihad, 1218. Odyssey, 1206.

Hook, T. E: Cousin Geoffrey, 1203. Fathers and sons; The man of sorrows; Precepts and practice, 1222.

Hopkins, T. The Nugents of
Carriconna, 1206.

Horn, S.G. The next world, 1166.
Hornung, E. W: A bride from
the bush, 1170.
Horsford, E. N. Norumbega,

[blocks in formation]

Hubert, P. G. living, 1198.

Hubner, J. A. ma vie, 1203. Hudson, A. S. land, 1222.

Liberty and a

Une année de

Sudbury, Way

[blocks in formation]

Hughes, T: Alfred the great, 1162.

Huish, M.B. Birket Foster, 1186. Hungerford, M. A born coquette, 1203. A little Irish girl, 1206.

Hunt, H: M. The crime of the century, 1194.

Hunt, J. H: L. Tales, 1162. Hunt, M. Our grandmother's gowns, 1170.

Hunter, P. H. After the exile, 1218.

Hunter, W: W. Earl of Mayo, 1186. Marq. of Dalhousie, 1163. Huntington, A. S. Under a colonial roof-tree, 1218.

Huntington, W: R. The peace of the Church, 1194.

Hurd, D. W. Middlesex Co., Mass., 1182.

Huskisson, W: Select speeches, 1196. (Windham and Huskisson.)

Hutton, L. Curiosities of the Amer. stage 1166. Literary land marks of Edin., 1222.

Huxley, T: H: Social diseases, 1206.

Hyde, D. Beside the fire, 1182. Hyde, J. W. A hundred years by post, 1207.

Hyde de Neuville, J. Mémoires, 1210.

Ibsen, H: Hedda Gabler, 1182. Iles, G: Economic science, 1177. (Bowker and Iles)

Imbert de la Tour, P. Les élec

tions épisc., 1227. Imbert de St. Amand, A. L. La duchesse de Berry, 1191. Marie Antoinette, 1223. Marie Louise, 1186.

Inderwick, F: A. The interregnum, 1207.

Internat. Amer. Conference,
Wash. Reports, 1174.
Ireland, A. E. Jane Welsh
Carlyle, 1218.

Isham, A.B. Prisoners of war, 1186.

Ives, B. Catal.of [his] books, 1178. Iyenaga, T. Japan, 1223. Jackson, L. European progress, 1178.

Jacobe, J. Eng. fairy tales, 1170. G: Eliot, M. Arnold, etc., 1207. Jacobus de Vitriaco. The exempla, 1163.

Jaquemin, R. Suppl. à l'Icono. graphie du costume, 1214. James, W: Psychology, 1163. Jameson, A. B. M. Hist. of our Lord: Legends of monastie orders; Legends of the Madonna; Sacred and legendary art, 1174.

Jameson, J. S. Story of the rear column, 1178. Janvier, T: A. Color studies, 1227. Old New Spain, 1207. Jay, J: Correspondence, 1163. Jebb, R: C. Erasmus, 1166.

Number 295. 2d ser.]

Jefferies, J. R: Bevis, 1182. Jefferson, J. Autobiog., 1163. Jenks, E: Experiments of the Commonwealth, 1218.

Jennings, H. Nature worship, 1174. Phallic miscellanies, 1182. Jerome, J. K. Diary of a pilgrimage, 1194. Stage-land, 1186. Jitta, J. La méthode du droit internat. privé, 1207. Joanne, P: Dict. de la Fr., 1214. Joanne, P. Savoie, 1223.

John, E. A brave woman, 1186. Johnson, E. Christendom, 1179. Johnson, J: Defense of Charleston Harbor, 1163.

Johnston, R: M. The Primes, 1207. Widow Guthrie, 1170. Jókai, M. "There is no devil," 1218.

Jones, C: C. Delegates from
Georgia to Cong., 1227.
Jones, H: Browning, 1203.
Jones, H: A. Saints and sin-
ners, 1227.

Jordan, F. Body, parentage, character, 1007. Character, 1163. Joslin, J., etc. Poultney, Vt., 1194.

Joubert, A. La vie privée en Anjou, 1191.

Journal of Amer. ethnol., 1191. Jullien, A. La comédie au 18e siècle, 1223.

Junker, W: Africa, 1179.
Juritsch, G: Gesch. des Bis-
chofs Otto 1., 1194.
Juvenalis, D. J., 1203.

Karr, H. W. S. Bear hunting, 1218.

Karr, W.S. S. Marquess Cornwallis, 1163.

Kastner, J. G: Les voix de Paris, 1179.

Kavanagh, A. M. Biog., 1194. Kean, J. Holy places, 1210. Keary, A. Clemency Franklin,


Keary, C. F. A mariage de convenance, 1191. Vikings, 1170. Keats, J: Letters, 1218. Keeling, E. D'E. In thoughtlaud, 1163.

Kemble, F.A. Further records, 1179.

Kemble, M. How to learn to paint; Introd.lessons in drawing, 1195.

Kensington. [St. Mary Abbot.] Parish register, 1203.

Kent, C. B. R. Politics, 1227. Kernahan, C. Lyra elegantiarum, 1198. (Locker, Lampson and Kernahan.)

Keynes, J: N. Polit. econ., 1182. Khush-hal-Khan Khatak. Afghan poetry, 1170. Kielland, A. L. Tales of two countries, 1214.

King, C: By land and sea; Captain Blake; Trials of a staff officer, 1195.

Kingscote, G. Tales of the sun,


Kingston, W: B. A journalist's jottings, 1166.

Kinns, S: Graven in the rock, 1203.

Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro exped., 1170.

Kipling, B.. The heart of a maid, 1227.

Kipling, R. Life's handicap, 1218. The light that failed, 1170. Mine own people, 1207.




[blocks in formation]


Legouvé, J.W. E. G. Une éléve de seize ans, 1175.

Leguat, F. Voy. to Rodriguez, 1219.

Leighton, C.C. Eternal life, 1219. Leighton, R. The pilots of l'omona, 1227. Leland, C: G. 1191.

Gypsy sorcery,

Le Moine, A.
maritime internat., 1195.
Leney, I. H. Shadowland in
Elian Vannin, 1163.

Précis du droit

Le Petit, J. Bibliog. des édi. tions orig. d'écrivains fr., 1215. Le Roux, H. Au Sahara, 1223. Leroy, P: J: J. B. O. Etudes sur J: F. Ducis, 1223.

Lesclide, R. Le calendrier ré publicain, 1191. (Mendès and Lesclide.)

L'Estrange, A. G. C. Lady Belcher, 1215.

Letourneau, C. L'évolution du mariage, 1210.

Lewis, H. C. C. Dio Lewis, 1193. (Eastman and Lewis.) Leypoldt, F: Amer. catal., 1191. Lichtenberger, J: Pronosticatio in latino, 1198. Liddell, R.S. 10th Roy. Hussars,


Lily, W: Rules construed, 1203. Lincoln, A. l'en and voice, 1198. Lintilhac, E. Beaumarchais, 1219.

Linton, E. L. Sowing the wind, 1163.

Linton, W: J. Eng. republic, 1210. Masters of wood engraving, 1166.

Lioy, D. Philos. of right, 1219. Lipowsky, F. J. Gesch. der Jesuiten in Schwaben, 1171. Lissagaray, P. Commune, 1210. Lloyd, H: D. Strike of million. aires, 1163.

Loch, C. S. Gen. Booth's social scheme, 1198.

Locker-Lampson, F. Lyra elegantiarum, 1198. Lockwood, H:C.

Const. hist.

of France, 1167. Lockyer, J. N. The meteoric hypothesis, 1167.

Lodge, H: C.
Loftie, W: J:
Lombard, J:
London. Guildhall Lib. Cata-
logue, 1227.

Boston, 1195.
London city, 1210.

Byzance, 1163.

London. St. Georges Chapel. May Fair. Register, 1175 Longinus, D. The sublime, 1167. Longstaff, G: B. Statistics, 1183. Lord, C: C. Life in Hopkinton,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Marbourg, D. Juggernaut,1190. (Eggleston and Marbourg.) Marcel, J. Un bongros pataud, 1215. Un bon oncle, 1219. Marchegay, P. A. Chroniques d'Anjou, 1191.

Maréchal, M. La maison modèle, 1215.

Margaret, Q. Navarre. L'heptaméron, 1227.

Markham, A. H. Sir J: Franklin, 1211.

Marshall, E. The end crowns all, 1171.

Marshall, I. Rhyme-index, 1195. Marshall, J; Greek philos., 1211. Martel. Mme. C'est nous qui sont l'histoire, 1171.

Marthold, Marlborough, 1215.

[blocks in formation]

Maugny, -, de. pire, 1183.

Second Em

Maugras, G. Querelles de phi losophes, 1223.

Maulde, Louis XII., 1179. Maupassant, G. de. L'inutile beauté, 1215. La maison Tel. lier; Musotte, 1211.

Maurer, G: L: v. Dorfverfas. sung in Deutschland; Fron höfe, u.s.w., in Deutschland; Markenverfassung, 1215.

Maurice, F: War, 1199.

Maxwell, M.. E.. B. One life, one love, 1175. The shadow in the corner, 1195. The world, the flesh, and the devil, 1211. Mede, J. Clavis apocalyptiea,


[blocks in formation]

Meredith, G: Case of Gen-
Ople and Lady Camper, 1163.
One of our conquerors, 1791.
Merivale, H. Thackeray, 1187.
Merrimann, H: S. Prisoners
and captives, 1223.
Messiter, C: A. Sport among
N. Amer. Indians, 1163.
Metchnikoff, L. L'empire ja
ponais, 1219.

Meyer, H. E. African glaciers, 1187.

Mezetin, A. C. Scaramouche, 1215.

Michelet, J. Rome, 1215. Middleton, J: II: Engraved gems, 1183.

Milanesi, G. Andrea del Castagno, 1195.

Miles, W: A: Corresp. on the French revolution, 1175.

Military Order, Loyal Legion, U. S. Military essays, 1211. Miller, C. G. Chihuahua, 1187. Miller, E. E. Through Syria, 1199.

Mills, C: K. Toner lect., 1204. Milnes, R. O. A. Stray verses, 1219.

Mismer, C: Souvenirs de Martinique, 1167.

Mistral, F. La reine Jeanne,


[blocks in formation]

Montague, C: H. The Countess Muta, 1195.


Montausier, C: de St.-M. La guirlande de Julie, 1227. Montchrestien, A. de. nomie politique, 1211. Montel, A. Chants pop. du Languedoc, 1163.

Montreuil, G. de. Roman de la violette, 1196. Montrosier, E. Salon des aqua rellistes fr., 1223.

Moore, A. L. Essays, 1179. Reformation in Eng., 1163. Moore, G: Impressions, 1199. A mummer's wife, 1219. Moore, G: H. Suum cuique, 1170. Moore, J: B. Extradition, 1199. Moreau, H. Contes, 1223. Morel-Fatio, A. L. L'Espagne,

[blocks in formation]

Ital. Malerie, 1195.

L. Animal life, 1171.

Selec., poems, 1183.
Literature, 1179.
Summer in Kieff,

Morris, L. Vision of saints, 1167.
Morris, W. News from No.
where.1163. Saga library, 1171.
Morris, W: O'C. Great com.
manders, 1211.
Morrison, A. C.
Morrison, L. A.
Irish, 1215.
Morrison, W: D.

A story, 1163. The Scotch

Crime, 1207.

Moser, M. Stories, 1171.
Moule, A. E.

New China, 1211.

Mozley, T: Rome, 1187.
Müller, F: M. Phys. relig., 1199.
Müntz, E. L'art pendant la
Renaissance, 1179.
Mullins, E. R. Primer of sculp-
ture, 1163.

Munk, E: Student's manual, 1211.

Muret, T. L'hist. par le théâtre, 1223.

Murfree, F. N. D. Felicia, 1219. Murray, D: C. He fell among thieves, 1191.

Murray, J. O. F. Wayland, 1167. Murray, J:

A publisher and

his friends, 1199.

Musset, G: Les faïenceries rochelaises, 1195.

Musset, L: C: A. de. Comedies, 1207.

Mutinelli, F. Del costume venez., 1195.

Mysteries of the Rosie Cross, 1167.

[blocks in formation]

Nicolay, J: G. Nippold, F:

Letters, 1171. Card. Newman,

Lincoln, 1167. Die Wiederbele

bung des Hexenglaubens, 1171. Nisbet, H. A colonial tramp, 1191.

Nisbet, J.F. Insanity of genius,


Norris, W.E. Mlle. de Mersac, 1219. Marcia, 1167. Miss Wentworth's idea, 1227. North, R. F. North, 1195. Norton, C: B: World's fairs, 1163. Norton, C: L. Political Americanisms, 1167. Oberammergau. Passionspiel,


[blocks in formation]

Palmer, H:S. Sinai, 1191. Parigot, H. Emile Augier, 1171. Paris. Congrés Spirite et Spir. Internat. Comte rendu, 1171. Erpos. Internat. de Blanc et Noir. Catalogue, 1172.

Salon. 1891. Catal., 1195. Soc. Nat. des Beaux Arts, Catalogue illust., 1204. Parker, G: A. Compound eyes in erustaceans, 1204. Parr, L. Dumps, 1163. Parry, E. A. C: Macklin, 1195. Parsons, A. R. Parsifal, 1164. Parsons, S. Landscape gardening, 1211. Parsons, T.

[blocks in formation]

Paul, C: K. Faith and unfaith, 1199.

Payn, S. Sunny stories, 1204. The word and the will, 1172. Peabody. A. P. King's Chapel sermons, 1187.

Pearl; an Eng. poem, 1211. Pearson, W: H: Canadian hepaticæ, 1175.

Peel, R. Sir Robert Peel, 1199. Pennell, J. and E. R. The stream of pleasure, 1219. Pérau, G. LL: C. L'Hotel Roy. des Invalide. 1195.

Perlbach, M. Die Statuten d. deutsch. Ordens, 1228.

Perry, A.L. Polit.economy, 1199. Perry, B. Broughton House, 1228.

Perry, B: F. Amer. statesmen; Letters, 1175.

Perry, G: G. Pieces from Thornton's mss.. 1180.

Perry, J: Spinning tops, 1228. Perry, N. Lyrics and legends,


Perry, T: S. Greek lit., 1172. Peters, C: New light on dark Africa, 1211.

Petersen, H. Anonymer, pseudonymer, norske lit., 1195. Phelps, A. My note-book, 1172. Phelps, E.. S. Austin Phelps, 1223. Fourteen to one, 1199. A lost hero, 1223.

Philip, G: Plan of London, 1175. Philips, F. C. A maiden fair to see, 1215. Margaret Byng, 1172. Social vicissitudes.1219. Philpotts, E. End of a life, 1219. Picard, L: B. Théâtre, 1223. Pickering, E: C: Obs., meridian photometer, 1164. Pico, G. F. Giovanni Pico del Mirandola, 1183.

Picturesque Mediterranean, 1184 Pindarus. Nemean odes, 1175. Pinto, F. M. Voyages, 1215. Piozzi, H. L. S. T. Mrs. Thrale, 1180.

Pitman, I: Shorthand, 1223. Pitray, O. Le château de la Pétaudière; Les débuts du Philéas; Le fils du maquignon; Petit monstre; Robin des bois, 1215.

Plato. Talks, 1184.
Plainsong and Mediæval Music
Soc. Musical notation, 1228.
Plautus, T. M. Rudens, 1207.
Lives; Philoso-
phy, 1195.

Politikos. Sover., Europe, 1187.
Pollard, A. W. Odes from the
Greek dramatists, 1164.

Pollock, F: Oxford lect., 1175. Pollock, W. H. Old and new,


Pompadour, J A.P. Lettres, 1195.
Pompeia, The, 1195.
Pontsevrez, P. de. Crimin., 1199.
Pool, M. L. Dally, 1223.
Poole, S.IL. Sir R: Church, 1168.
Porter, L. Rhyme-index, 1195.
(Marshall and Porter.)

Portfolio, The, 1180.
Potter, A. C. Beaumont and
Fletcher, 1180.

Potter, B. Co-operative movement in Gr. Brit., 1219.

Pour la Nöel, 1212.
Povey, J. M. Nunnery life, 1184.
Powers, E: War and the weather,

Pozzo di Borgo, C: A. Corresp. diplomatique, 1207.

Prentiss, E. Fred, Maria, and me, 1199.

Pressensé, E. D: de. Marthe, 1204.

Preston, H. W. Docs. illust. Amer. history, 1219.

Price, F. G. H. Handbook of London bankers, 1195.

Price, L. L. F: R. Polit. econ. in Eng., 1192.

Prichard, A. O. Aristotle on the art of poetry, 1228.

Pritchett, R.T. Smokiana, 1212. Prospecto, Acad.patriot.constit. en Méjico, 1180. Pruen, T. Т. The Arab, 1212. Pryce, R: Miss Maxwell's affections, 1223.

Putnam, G: H. Copyright,1207. Putnam, J.P. Architecture, 1172. "Q." Noughts and crosses, 1204. R., F. Contra el papel, El amante de la Constitucion, 1199. R., V. Los borrachos y los ninos, 1180.

Radical cure for Ireland, 1164. Rae,J: Contemp.socialism, 1215. Rae, W: F. Business of travel, 1228.

Raines, F. R. The fellows of the Coll.Ch., Manchester, 1208.

Rambaud, A. Russie, 1172. Ramsay, A.C. Old glaciers, 1195. Ramsay, W: M. Asia Minor,


Rand, E: A. Up north in a whaler, 1164.

Raoul de Hondenc. Méraugis de Portlesquez, 1204. Reclus, E. Primitive folk, 1208. Redgrave, G. R. David Cox, 1208.

Redgrave, R: Memoir, 1224. Redhouse, J.W: Turkish-Eng. lexicon, 1219. Reeves, A. M. good, 1164.

Wineland the

Reid, E. Dramatic peerage, 1187. Reid, T: W. R: Monekton Milnes, 1168.

Reinach, J. La polit. opportuniste, 1192.

Reinach, S. Peintures de vases antiques, 1212.

Reinach, T. Mithridate Eupator, 1204.

Renan, A. Le costume, Fr., 1187. Renan, J. E. Hist. du peuple d'Israel, 1168.

Réno, I. К. case, 1208.

An exceptional

Retzsch, M. Faust, 1224.

Reuss, R. Corresp. polit., 1172. Revue rétrospective, 1228. Revue univ. d. arts, 1195.

Rhys, J: Growth of relig., 1215. Studies in the Arthurian legends, 1195.

Rice, D: H. Protective philos.,


Richardson, B: W. E: Sopwith, 1228.

Richardson, J. and J., Jr. Mit ton's Paradise lost, 1196. Richmond illustrated, 1192. Richter, G. Annalen der deutsch. Geschichte Mittel., 1199.

Riddles of the sphinx, 1228. Rideal, C: F: Stories, 1171. (Moser and Rideal.)

Riis, J. A. How the other half lives, 1168.

Riley, J. W. "The old swimmin-hole," 1224. Rhymes, 1172. Rimini, J. F.G. Memoirs, 1224. Ritchie, D: G: State interference, 1208. Ritter, F: L: Music, 1215. Ritter, W: E. Parietal eye in

lizards, 1187.

Roberts, C: G. D. Canadian guide-book, 1204.

Roberts, M. In low relief, 1192. Roberts, R. D. Univer. exten.,


Robertson, A. Count Campello, 1215.

[blocks in formation]

Society. 1212.

Roland. La chanson de Roland, 1228.

Roosevelt, B. Elizabeth of Roumania, 1215.

Roosevelt, T. New York, 1175. Roper, E: By track and trail, 1224.

Rosmini-Serbati, A. Psychologie, 1220.

Ross, J. D. G. Early days recalled, 1212.

Rossel, V. Hist. lit. de la Suisse romande, 1200. Rossignol, . Excursions photographiques, 1162. (FleuryHermagis and Rossignol.) Rostopchine, L. Belle, Sage, Bonne, 1215.

Rotch, A.L. Obs. at Blue Hill,


Rousse, E. Mirabeau, 1215. Rozière, E. Table, des mém.dans les recueils de l'Acad.d. Inser., 1228.

Russell, W. C. Collingwood, 1200. Master Rockafellar's voy., 1192. My Danish sweet. heart, 1204. My shipmate Louise, 1220.

Ruthven, P. Murder of Rizzio,


Rye, W. Norfolk, 1196.
S., P. Defensa al Amante de la
Constitucion, 1200.

Sabine, E: Experiments to de. termine fig. of the earth, 1204. Sacher-Masoch, L. La sirène, 1200.

Sacred musick, 1204.
St. Clair, G: Buried cities, 1212.
Saint-Georges d'Armstrong, T:
de. Droit internat.public, 1168.
St. Maur, S. Impressions of a
tenderfoot, 1175.

St.-Quentin, A. de. Un amour
au pays des mages, 1224.
Saint-Remy, J. Toussaint
L'Ouverture, 1176.

Saint-Saëns, C: C. Rimes fami.
lières, 1187.
Saintsbury, G: Eng. lit., 1172.
French novelists, 1208.

St. Wulstan Soc., Worcester,
Mass. Origin, 1228.

Salamon, Mém.del'internonce à Paris, 1168. Salmon, A. Chron d'Anjou, 1191. (Marchegay and Salmon.) Sanborn, K. An abandoned farm, 1212.

Sanders, L. C. R: Brinsley Sheridan, 1180.

[blocks in formation]

Schrader, F., etc. Atlas de

géog. moderne, 1192. Schreiber, C. Fans. 1176. Schreiner, O. Dreams, 1172. Schubin, O. Bravo rechts, 1212. Schwab, J: The Sabbath, 1176. Schweinichen, H. v. Denkwürdigkeiten, 1215. Scidmore, E. R. Jinrikisha days, 1228.

Scott, L. Vincigliata, 1208. Scott, W. Marmion, 1192. Scripture, E. W. Psychology, 1228. Verlauf d. Vorstellungen, 1220. Zur Defin. einer Vorstellung, 1228.

Scudder, S: H. Fossil insects, 1187.

Seeley, J: R. Students guide, Univ. of Cambridge, 1196. Selway, G. U. Mid-Lothian village. 1184.

Sénac de Meilhan, G. France avant la Rév., 1228.

Sepet, M. Les préliminaires de la Rév., 1180.

Serao, M. Fantasy, 1200.
S[erre, Α.] Livre utile aux

négocians, 1204. Seward, W: A:

Washington, 1192.

Seward at

Sewell, A. Black beauty, 1192. Shakespeare, W: Certain se. lected plays, 1200. Chefsd'œuvre, 1224. King Richard, 1204. Œuvres complètes, 1224. Othello, 1228. Pictorial ed., 1200. Timon d'Athènes, 1224. True tragedy [of Richard Duke of York), 1204.

Shattuck, G: C. St. Paul's School, 1204.

Shelley, M.. W. G. Tales and stories, 1164.

Shelley, P. B. Address to the Irish people, 1172. Adonais, 1208. Hellas, 1184.

Sherman, P. A tariff primer, 1192.

Shields, G. O. Big game, 1192. Shipley, J. B., and M. A. Eng. rediscovery of Amer., 1220. Shore, M. E. Journal, 1196. Shorthouse.J: H: Blanch, Lady Falaise, 1228.

Sidgwick, H. Elements of politics, 1220.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Spalding. J. A. Biog. of Connecticut, 1224.

Spalding Club. Miscellany, 1192. Specht, E. E. H. Alfrieda, 1208. Spence, H: D. M. Dreamland

in history, 1172. Spencer, H. Justice, 1216. Spiritual record, 1192. Spitzer, F. La collection Spitzer, 1106.

Spuller, E. Hist. de la seconde république, 1192.

Spyri, J. Aus unserem Lande; Ein Blatt auf Vrony's Grab; Gesch.für Jungu. Alt; Gritlis Kinder kommen weiter; Heidi kann brauchen was es gelernt hat; Heimatlos; Im Rhonethal; Kurze Gesch. für Kinder; Ein Landaufenthalt v. Onkel Titus; Sina; Verschollen, nicht vergessen; Was soll den aus ihr werden; Wo Gritlis Kinder hingekommen sind; Zwei Volkschriften, 1212. Stanhope, P. D. Worldly wisdom, 1188.

Starr, F. On the hill, 1164.
Stebbing, T: R. B.

[blocks in formation]

Sterry, J. A. 1188.

Nutshell novels,

Steuart, J: A. Letters, 1172. Stevens, A. Impressions sur la

peinture, 1188.

Stevens, C: Е.

churches, 1220.


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