Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

"The fancies, all air and fire, of Watteau's work cannot survive the double loss of colour and of delicacy of touch which results from the transference to wood and stone. Nevertheless, this is one of the most interesting volumes of the series, partly because Watteau's work is by no means very common in England, and partly because of the wise and lavish reproduction of his drawings and studies, which bear the transfer very well indeed, and which are astonishing examples of draughtsmanship. M. Dargenty has also given the few known details of the master's life; and has altogether done his work well." - Saturday rev., Dec. 12. Dayot, A. Les maîtres de la caricature française au 19e siècle.

Didron, A. N. Manuel des œuvres de bronze et d'orfévrerie du moyen âge. 1859. Eaton, A. W. The Church of England in Nova

Scotia, and the Tory clergy of the Revolution. Ellis, W: S. The antiquities of heraldry; with a catalogue of early armorial seals; to show that heraldry embodies the symbols, devices, etc., of the heathen deities of antiquity; illust. 1869.

Fanti, V. Descr. completa [d]ella galleria di pittura e scultura di G. W., principe de Lichtenstein; [con] compendio delle vite dei pittori. 1767. Fitz-Patrick, T.

Notes of a America.

A transatlantic holiday; or, visit to the eastern states of

"This book is brightly written, and it tells us exactly what we should like to know. His descriptions give us the impression of being wonderfully truthful, whether he paints the overpraised scenery of the Hud son, or the cataracts of Niagara; the business-bustle of money-getting in New York, or the semi-rural aspect of the mansions in the fashionable suburbs of cultured Boston. And he touches lightly but shrewdly on those social questions which concern the great Republic in the first place, and a wider world in the second." Sat. rev., Dec. 12.

Forbes, A. Barracks, bivouacs, and battles.

"Some of the vigorous, spirited pieces which Mr. Forbes has at various times contributed to magazines. His military experiences, and the dash with which he describes them, have long been remarkable.” — Sat. rev., Dec. 26.

France. Commissions des Monuments Historiques. Archives. [1855-72?] 2 v.

Franklin, A. Les anciennes bibliothèques de

Paris; églises, monastères, colléges, etc. 1867-73. 3 v.

Franzos, K: E. Judith Trachtenberg; a novel; tr. by Mrs. L. P. and C. T. Lewis. French, J: M. Lieut. W: French and his descendants; repr. from N. E. hist. and gen. reg., Oct. 1890.

Fuessli, J: R. Allgemeines Künstlerlexicon; oder, Kurze Nachricht von dem Leben und den Werken der Mahler, Bildhauer, etc.; nebst Verzeichnissen [ihrer] Lehrmeister und Schüler. 1779-1821. 2 pts.

Neue Zusätze von H. H: Füssli. Pt. 1. 1824.

Galdós, B. P. Realidad; novela en 5 jornadas. Gaskell, Mrs. E.. C. S. Cranford; with preface by A.. I.. T. Ritchie; and illust. by H. Thomson.

"Mrs. Thackeray Ritchie is the only living writer in whose hands we would willingly place the task of touching this delicate structure. What she has to say about Mrs. Gaskell and that dreamy Knutsford which inspired the book is so prettily said that there is no chasm between the last page of the introduction and the first of Cranford' itself. But the main value of this edition consists in the illustrations. ... Mr. Hugh Thomson's Cranford is the most accemplished and perhaps the most charming work he has done. He has entered with subdued humour and delicate fancy into the conception of the work, its ring of impoverished fine ladies, with limited intelligence, their fugitive perturbations, their infinite sweetness of heart. He has read the book so carefully that only those who know their 'Cranford' as well as he does will quite appreciate how much care he has put into it."- Sat. rev., Dec.12. George, H: The condition of labor; an open letter to Pope Leo XIII.; with the encyclical of Leo XII. on the condition of labor. Gérard, J: I.I.,called Grandville. Un autre monde; transformations, visions, incarnations, etc.; illust. 1844.

Gérard de Nerval, G. L. Sylvie; recollections of Valois; with pref. by L. Halévy, and etchings by E: Rudaux. [1887.] Germain, P: Eléments d'orfévrerie. [1888.] 2 v. Giovio, P. (Lat. Jovius, P., Bp. of Nocera). Warhafftige Beschreibunge allerchronick wurdige Historien und Geschichten, 1494-1507; in lateinischer Sprach beschrieben, und durch G: Forberger und H. Haluer verdolmetscht. 1570.

Grimwood, Mrs. E. S. My three years in Manipur, and escape from the recent mutiny.

"It is fortunate for the future historian that the offi cial record of the Manipur tragedy should have been followed so soon by Mrs. Grimwood's circumstantial narrative, for a blind reliance on the parliamentary Blue-book might have led him to form a picture of very doubtful accuracy. The whole story is a sad tale

at best, though the narrative is lightened by the achievements of Lieut. Grant, whose letters, reprinted from the Times, form a welcome relief and conclusion to an episode over which those charged with the control of Indian native states will do well to ponder." Athenaum, Dec. 5.

Guild, E. C. Greek mythology in English poetry.


Hare, F. A. The last of the bushrangers; an account of the capture of the Kelly gang [in Victoria, Australia].

"It seems scarcely credible that so recently as 1881 a gang of bushrangers, with Ned Kelly at their head, should be at large in the Colony of Victoria, and should for nearly a year defy the efforts of the police to secure their capture. Superintendent Hare, the author of the book, brought them to bay."- Spectator, Dec. 12. Hay, J. Pike county ballads and other poems; [with] the Vision of Don Roderick and the Field of Waterloo, by Sir W. Scott; ed. by H: Morley. (Companion poets.) Heller, J. Lucas Cranach's Leben und Werke. 2. vermehrt. Aufl. 1854.

Histoire du châtelain de Coucy et de la dame de Fayel; pub. et mise en François par G: A. Crapelet.

Hoffmann, E. T. A. W: Contes fantastiques; trad. nouv., préc. d'une notice par H: d'Egmont; vignettes d'après les dessins de C. Rogier. 1840. 4 v.

Fantaisies dans la manière de Callot; contes et nouvelles traduits de l'allemand, par H: de Curzon.

"Le premier livre d'Hoffmann, celui qui le rendit soudain et à jamais célèbre. Comme tous les ouvrages du romancier allemand, il porte un cachet de puissante originalité. Le genre fantastique y est poussé jusqu'à ses extrêmes limites. ... Sous la forme de fantaisies fantastiques et surnaturelles Hoffmann se livre souvent à des discussions esthétiques des plus curieuses, et nombre de pages sur la musique, par exemple, dans les Kreisleriana' (ces fragments d'autobiographie) sont restées et resteront toujours comme des modèles de critique artistiques."

Hurd, J: C. The union-state; a letter to our states-rights friend. 1890. International Chalcographical Society. Publications, 1886-90. 5 v.

[blocks in formation]

"Mr. Jacobs gives his readers clearly to understand where he has found his tales, and how he has dealt with them, modifying or exercising the original translations from Celtic here and there, where he found them over literal. For his avowed object is not to appeal to English folk-lorists and scholars, but to interest and please a more youthful class of readers, and we certainly think that he has been eminently successful. Mr. Batten has also done his part admirably." Athenæum, Jan. 9. Jerusalem. Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Cartulaire de l'église du St. Sépulcre de Jérusalem; pub. d'après les mss. du Vatican par E. de Rozière. 1849.

Johnson, F. H. What is reality? an inquiry as to

the reasonableness of natural religion and the naturalness of revealed religion. 1891. Kennan, G: Siberia and the exile system.

"There is not much in it about Siberia in the ordinary sense of travel, and the work is, in fact, one on the Rus sian transportation system. It is distinctly interesting, and reads as though absolutely true. The writer of the present notice is himself well acquainted with Siberia as it was, has travelled throughout that country, and has not himself seen any of the terrible things which Mr. Kennan describes; but that fact proves nothing. The suspiciousness of the Russian police has undoubtedly increased since the revival of revolutionary activity, and both arbitrary arrest and flogging are certainly far more prevalent in Russia at the present moment than they had been, until lately, since the death of Nicholas." Athenæum, Dec. 26.

Kérigant, G. de. Les Chouans; episodes des guerres de l'Ouest dans les Côtes-du-nord, 1792-1800. 1882.

"M. de Kérigant s'est inspiré des souvenirs de sa famille pour décrire la guerre des Chouans dans les Côtes-du-Nord, de 1792 à 1800, et il a complété ce récit par une notice sur la prise d'armes qui a été tentée par les royalistes pendant les cent jours, en 1815. A défaut de l'impartialité que l'on ne saurait attendre du fils d'un des chefs de la chouannerie, on rencontre dans l'écrit de M. de Kérigant une parfaite sincérité, un vif sentiment de patriotisme, et la description intéressante, élégante parfois, de cette grand lutte." Revue d. D. Mondes,

sept., 1882.

Klüh, J: M. The story of the childhood and passion of the Lord Jesus the Saviour, in the words of the evangelists and traditions; printed [phonetically].

Kondakoff, N. Histoire de l'art byzantin considéré principalement dans les miniatures; tr. de M. Trawinski; préf. de A. Springer.

1866-91. 2 v.

"M. Kondakoff, who is a professor at the University of Odessa, has devoted his investigations almost exclu. sively to a single branch of art, that is to illuminations; but illuminations of the Byzantine school form precisely that class of work of which we know the least, and according to competent judges M. Kondakoff's book shows the history of Byzantine illustrations under a new light, infinitely more brilliant than we were prepared to expect. Those large outlines which should enframe the mass of detail gathered by the diligence of M. Kondakoff are furnished by a suggestive preface by Prof. A. Springer." — Athenæum, Dec. 26.

Laborde, L., comte de. Athènes aux 15e-17e siècles. 1854. 2 v.

Lefroy, A. H. F. The British versus the American system of national government. Marbot, J: B. M., baron de. Mémoires. 2e éd. 3 v.

Miller, H. Landscape geology; a plea for the study of geology by landscape painters. Müntz, E., and Frothingham, A. L., Jr. Il tesoro della basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano dal 13. al 15. secolo, con una scelta d'inventarii inediti. 1883.

Muir, Sir W: The Caliphate; its rise, decline and fall.

"He is the first English scholar that has written the history of the Caliphs from the original Arabian authorities. His book is picturesque and vigorous.

He excels in narrative, though the construction of his sentences is not always happy. In all Eastern history the personal element plays a larger part than in the west. Political institutions are fewer, and the character of the ruler is of far greater importance. Sir Wil liam Muir has wisely given prominence to the charac ters of the Caliphs and their chief officers, and his es timates strike us as sound and carefully formed. Nor is he by any means wanting in the weightiest duties of an historian; he notes the tendency of events, and the causes which hindered or accelerated the progress of change." Saturday rev., Oct. 3.

Paul, C: K? Maria Drummond; a sketch. Pendleton, E. One woman's way; a novel. Plainsong and Medieval Music Society. A col

lection of songs and madrigals by English composers of the 15th century.

Primrose, A. P., Earl of Rosebery. Pitt. (12 Eng. statesmen.)

"Lord Rosebery has used his authorities with the skill that might have been expected from his well-known love of letters, and has produced a volume that is a model of arrangement, a mine of information, and a conspicuous example of the judicious in political biography. The book is a worthy member of an excellent series." - Athenæum, Nov. 28.

Renan, J. E. Leaders of Christian and antiChristian thought; tr. by W: M. Thomson. Riddell, Mrs. C. E.. I.. A mad tour; a journey through Central Europe on foot.

"All its interest depends on the manner of telling, for in the prosaic reality it is the monotonous elaboration of 'much ado about nothing.'"-Sat. rev., Dec. 12. Russell, D. A fatal past. Russell, G: W: E.


The Right Hon. W: E. Glad

Sarrepont, H. de, pseud.? Chants et chansons militaires de la France; avec la musique des principaux airs.

Shakespeare, W: Chefs-d'œuvre; trad. franç.

en regard par A. Jay [et d'autres]; avec des imitations, et des notices crit. et hist. par D. O'Sullivan; préc. d'un nouvel essai par [A. F.] Villemain. 1836-39. 3 v. Siborne, Maj.-Gen. H. T. Waterloo letters; on the operations, June 18, 1815; by officers who served in the campaign.

"The letters are very interesting. Apart from the adventures which some of them record they are worth reading for the tone which prevails in them. All the officers who wrote to Captain Siborne give their recollections of the three great days in a manly, straightforward style, like men who did their duty as a matter of course, and with no wish to pose as heroes." - Sat. rev., Nov. 28.

Simon, J. Nouveaux mémoires des autres.

"Souvent le sujet est mince, mais l'écrivain sait, comme Mme. Scarron, remplacer le rôti par une histoire et l'histoire a toujours son piquant ou sa moralité. Le passé où il fouille semble inépuisable, car il n'a rien oublié et il a tant appris! Il ne se lasse pas de nous raconter, et nous ne nous lassons pas d'évoquer avec lui deux choses d'autrefois; l'une que nous ne connaisons guère, l'autre que nous commençons à oublier, la Bretagne avant 1830 et l'Université du milieu de ce siè cle." Revue bleue, 5 sept.

Smiles, S: Jasmin; barber, poet, philanthropist. "God only made four Frenchmen poets, and their names are Corneille, La Fontaine, Béranger, and Jasmin!' said Jacques Jasmin, talking with one of his admirers. He was no less proud of his abilities as a barber. Whether he overated his power of shaving we cannot now discover; but it is doubtful, much as his genius was admired by Saint Beuve, Janin, Nodier,and Lamartine, and many as were the ovations he received, whether his assertion would have been corroborated by any one else." - Literary world, Jan. 16. Sorbière, S: Sorberiana; ou bons mots, rencontres agréables, pensées judicieuses et observations curieuses. 1694.

Southey, R. Roderick, the last of the Goths; ed., with introd. by H: Morley. (Companion poets.)

Stephen, J. K. Lapsus calami. New [4th] ed. "A clever volume of English university verse." — Nation, Aug. 27.

Sydney, W: C.

England and the English in the 18th century; chapters in the social history of the times. 2 v.

"In the gathering of information and the consultation of authorities he has evidently been at considerable pains.... Moreover he has, in his footnotes, usually given the authorities for his statements.... To dignify the book by the name of a philosophical survey would be to claim for it too much; but, by its wealth of out-ofthe-way quotation from contemporary and other sources, it forms an admirable omnium gatherum' of eigh teenth century 'ana,' which only needs a general index to turn it into a useful book of reference.". Dec. 26.

Sat. rev.,

Thanet, O. (pseud. of Alice French). We all. Thoreau, H: D: Essays; and other writings; ed., with pref. note, by W. H. Dircks. (Camelot ser.)

Traill, H: D. The Marquis of Salisbury.

"A good specimen of the rather unsatisfactory class of literature to which it belongs. Mr. Traill possesses the requisite enthusiasm for his hero, but is not blind to his faults and infirmities. The result is a shrewd, cynical review of political history since 1873, when Lord Robert Cecil first entered Parliament, in so far as he helped to make that history and was influenced by the movements he opposed or favoured." Athenæum, Dec. 5.

Tyler, L. G. Parties and patronage in the U. S. (Questions of the day.)

Van Dyke, H: The poetry of Tennyson. Villari, P. La storia di Girolamo Savonarola, e de' suoi tempi. Nuova ed., aumentata. 188788. 2 v.

Vincent, J: M. State and federal government in Switzerland. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud


Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions, et romans cabalistiques; [éd. par C. G. T. Garnier]. 1787-89. 39 v.

Walford, Mrs. L. B. A pinch of experience.

"Clever enough, but there is not much in it, and it is certainly not agreeable reading." - Spectator, Dec. 19. Wallace, L. Ben-Hur; a tale of the Christ; illust. by W: M. Johnson. 2 v.

Weber, F: Popular history of music.

"The language is plain and straightforward enough, though the links of the chain are unequal in size. Of Hebrew music next to nothing is known, yet by the help of passages from the Bible the author devotes to this subject close on one-sixth of his book; but to the great German composers since Beethoven, including Schubert, Schumann, and Wagner, barely one-fiftieth. ... The few pages devoted to the modern composers are unsatisfactory." J. S. Shedlock in the Academy, Jan. 2. Weismann, A. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems. Vol. 1, ed. by E: B. Poulton, S: Schönland, and A. E. Shipley. 2d ed.

Whitehead, C: E. Camp-fires of the Everglades ; or, Wild sports in the South.

"The sketches of scenery and sport are excellent. Especially good are those of the inanatee in its seldom visited haunts, the alligators, and the water-fowl; while the chapter devoted to the muskrat is really a model of description, and shows that the writer is imbued with the true feeling of the naturalist. As regards his woodcraft we have not detected a single mistake. ... Most of the illustrations are of high merit, the vignettes are quaint, the type is excellent, and altogether this is a fascinating book."- Athenæum, Jan. 2. Willigen, A. van der, the younger. Les artistes de Harlem ; notices historiques, avec un précis sur la gilde de St. Luc. 1870. Winter, J: S. (pseud. of Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard). Lumley the painter.

Zeiller, M. Topographia d. i., Beschreibung der vornembsten Stätte vnd Platz in dem March Brandenburg vnd dem Hertzogthum Pomeren; zusampt einem Anhang von Lifflande, etc. [1652?]

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Topographia der vornembsten Stätte, Schlösser, etc., in denen Hertzogthümer Braunschweig vnd Lüneburg. 1654.

Topographia Germaniæ inferioris; Stätten, Vöstungen und Ohrter in den 17 niederländischen Provintien. [1659.]

Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst; hrsg. v. C. v. LütZOW. B. 1-24, Neue Folge, 1; Register zu B. 1-19. 1866-90. 26 v.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Adams, C: F. History of Braintree, Mass., 170892, the North Precinct of Braintree, 170892, and Quincy, 1792-1889. 1891. Amír' Ali, Maulaur Sayyid. Life and teachings of

Mohammed; or, The spirit of Islâm. 1891. "It presents a view of Islam which is being held by a yearly growing number of Mohammedans, in India at least, and we believe in Egypt. This view is that which is likely to become general among the more advanced type of educated Moslems. It is analogous to that of those Christians, who, while repudiating the authority of the Church and the Councils and the Fathers, and rejecting the Pauline doctrines as foreign to the essence of the faith, endeavour to go back to the original teaching of Jesus Christ himself, as set forth in the gospels. In like manner our rational Mohammedan discards the rulings of the theological lawyers, abjures the Four Doctors, repudiates the glosses and mystifications of the commentators, and the fond things vainly invented by the schoolmen, and on all points reverts steadily to the Koran, which he interprets, and considers he has the right to interpret, by his private judg ment." Athenæum, Nov. 28.

Armellini, M., Cavaliere. Le chiese di Roma dalle loro origini sino al secolo 16. 1887. Autour de la table; album de l'Illustration. [185051.]

Baldwin, Mrs. A. 1891.

Where town and country meet.

"A very pleasant book. May be recommended as an antidote to all the uncomfortable sensations bred of the ills of city life." - Academy, Jan. 9.

Barrett, F. Olga's crime. [1891.]

"Mr. Barrett writes in excellent spirit, and with fine effect. The novel is one which is worthy of his accomplished pen.". Scotsman.

Bishop, Mrs. I.. L. B. Journeys in Persia and

Kurdistan; incl. a summer in the upper Karun region, and a visit to the Nestorian rayahs. 1891. 2 v.

"Of course a great part of this tour is along an already well-beaten track. The section of her jour ney from Kangawar to Kûm has been comparatively unnoticed by travellers, and Mrs. Bishop, in a very few pages describes her experience of it, both as regards scenery and incident, with a skillful hand.

[ocr errors]

The second section of her travels which seems more especially noteworthy is that which relates to the Bakhtiari country, and her residence among the Bakhtiaris.


The reader will find in these volumes much to interest and amuse." - Athenæum, Jan. 16. Blackwood, H. G., Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava. My Canadian journal, 1872-78; extracts from my letters home. "Lady Dufferin's pleasant gossip, though making no claim to anything so dignified- - or so dull, is in its way an admirable history of social life in Canada the best part of twenty years ago." Academy, Jan. 2. Bourke, J: G. On the border with Crook. 1891. "It is too long, the descriptions are too numerous, and though there is plenty of good reading in it, plenty of humour and sagacity, and abundance of adventure, still we cannot praise the work as compact or well ar ranged." Sat. rev., Jan. 9.

Brown, H. Capuana, L:

Brofferio, A. Storia del Parlamento subalpino, iniziatore dell' unità italiana. 1865-69. 6 v. Catoninetales, a domestic epic. 1891. Fumando; novelle. 1889. "Ces nouvelles doivent être, en littérature, ce que sont les liqueurs fines après un repas. Chacune des nouvelles est un morceau de choix: les unes, celles qui composent la première partie du recueil, sont des scènes de la vie sicilienne; les six dernières se passent dans des milieux plus généraux et plus connus. J'avoue

ma préférence pour les premières; elles sont d'une couleur, d'une vérité, d'une sincérité rarement atteintes. M. Capuana passe la plus grande partie de sa vie à Catane; il connaît son pays par le menu; il le décrit à la perfection, avec un humour particulier, très personnel et très communicatif. La nouvelle sicilienne' tend à se faire une place particulière dans la littérature italienne; à côté de M. Capuana, M. Verga, M. de Roberto, d'autres encore, y excellent. Et c'est un genre charmant, qui met en scene des mœurs pittoresques, colorées, originales, et qui repose des descriptions plus ou moins fantaisistes que tant de romanciers nous font de notre propre vie."- Bibl. univ., sept.


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Dahn, F. Odhin's Trost; ein nordischer Roman aus dem 11en Jahrhundert. 7e Aufl. 1890. Daly, A. Woffington; a tribute to the actress and the woman. [1891.]


"A great improvement upon any previously at-
tempted memoir of the famous Irish actress. Mr.
Daly writes sensibly and well, making full use of au-
thorities, indicating the source of the information he
supplies, and winding up with a good index.
fine reproductions of the portraits of Woffington by
Hogarth and other painters give it real and, as events
will doubtless prove, permanent value. A dozen excel-
lent plates of Mrs. Woffington are supplied, and there
are in addition views of spots connected with her his-
tory. No equally valuable tribute to an English actress
of past days has been furnished." Athenæum, Aug.
18, 1888.

Daly, J: B. The dawn of radicalism.
Devas, C: S. Political economy. (Manuals of
Cath. philos.)

[blocks in formation]


"A vague, fanciful, incoherent, but unmistakably delightful story."- Athenæum, Dec. 12.

Elizabeth P. E.. O. L.. Queen of Roumania (pseud. Carmen Sylva). Edleen Vaughan; or, Paths of peril. [1891.]

"The eternal sacrifice of women for their children is so common a spectacle that this woman's follies and sins committed for her son's sake are not improbable nor inconsistent with a gentle, loyal, truth-loving nature." — Nation, Dec. 17.

Ellis, Rev. R. Memoir; selections from his journal and letters; ed. by A. B. Ellis. 1891. Emerson, E. R. Masks, heads, and faces; with considerations respecting the rise and devel1891. opment of art.

"Upon the origins of art in the symbolic figures of antique worship and picture-writing. The book is a store-house of interesting information assiduously gathered." Literary world, Jan. 16.

Pt. 1.

Ferrel, W: Popular treatise on the winds; the general motions of the atmosphere, mon2d ed. 1890. soons, cyclones, etc. Fiorelli, G. Monumenta epigraphica Pompeiana; ad fidem archetyporum expressa. 1854. Fischer, K. History of modern philosophy; Descartes and his school; tr. from the 3d ed. by J. P. Gordy; ed. by N. Porter. 1887. Fitzgerald, P. H. The art of acting in connection with the study of character, etc. Fogazzaro, A. Malombra; romanzo. 5a ed. 1889. Forbes, E. 30 years after; an artist's story of the great war; with etchings and portraits. [1890. 2 v.]

Gallatti, G. La rivoluzione e l'assedio di Messina,

1674-78. 1889.

"Une excellente page d'histoire universelle. L'esprit italien y est analysé avec une rare sagacité et notamment l'esprit sicilien. Avant d'entrer dans le vif de son sujet, l'auteur passe en revue la politique intérieure et extérieure des principales cours de l'Europe; cette partie de son ouvrage n'est pas la moins intéressant."Revue bleue, Feb. 22, 1890.

Gaskell, Mrs. E.. C. S. A dark night's work.


Conduct as a fine art Laws of daily conduct, by N. P. Gilman; Character building, by E: P. Jack

Gilman, N: P., and Jackson, E: P.

[blocks in formation]

Hasson, F. F. The original Liberty Hall; the site of Liberty tree; La Fayette Hotel and the reception in 1824 of the French patriot. [1891.]

Hervey, M. H. Dark days in Chile; the revolution of 1891.

"Sent out to Chile to curse Balmaceda and all his works in the columns of the "Times,' he found nothing but blessings for the great leader. A professedly careful study of the Constitution, supplemented by the perusal of speeches and pamphlets on both sides of the question, and by personal interviews, led Mr. Hervey to the conclusion that the President had, upon the whole, a long way the best of the argument." His style is refreshingly simple for a modern journalist, and wonderful to relate, he utterly eschews word-painting." - Sat. rev., Dec. 26.


The trade policy of imperial federation. Hesekiel, L. Templer und Johanniter; Roman. 1887. 2 v.

"Der Roman schildert, auf Grund eingehender Studien, den Untergang des Templer-Ordens." Hirth, G: Les grands illustrateurs; trois siècles de vie sociale, 1500-1800. [1891.] 6 v. Hulme, F. E: History, principles, and practice of symbolism in Christian art. 1891.

"There is, we think, room for a treatise which might prove at once a popular guide, and a handbook to students desirous of following up Christian symbolism in any of its branches. But when there are already such books as Miss Twining's Symbols and emblems of Christian art,' Miss Stokes's translation of Didron's 'Christian iconography,' Husenbeth's Emblems of the saints,' as well as Mr. Romilly Allen's recent scholarly work on 'Early Christian symbolism in Great Britain and Ireland' no one but an exceptionally qualified ecclesiologist ought to think of treading the same ground. After a careful perusal of the present work, the somewhat severe criticism has reluctantly to be pronounced that the book is unnecessary and not to be recommended." - Athenæum, Nov. 28.

Hulton, S: F. Rixæ Oxonienses.

Hustin, A. Salon de 1891; Société des Artistes Français, et Société Nationale des BeauxArts. [1891.]

König, E. A:

3 v.

Spuren im Sande; Roman. 1886.

Lautner, M. Wer ist Rembrandt? Grundlagen zu einem Neubau der holländischen Kunstgeschichte. 1891.

"Der Autor des Buches ist ein junger, in Breslau lebender Privatgelehrter, welcher in Berlin seine Studien absolvirt hat.' Kunstchronik, 21 Mai 1891.

"Great excitement has been caused in Germany by a book entitled, Who is Rembrandt?' by Max Lautner, who contends that many of the paintings attributed to Rembrandt are the work of one of his scholars, Ferdinand Bol. With a new photographic magnifying process invented by himself he discovered, he says, on a great number of works bearing the name of Rembrandt the clear traces of the name of Ferdinand Rol, scratched in the original fresh paint and under the varnish. Thus, in the case of the celebrated picture, Joseph and Potiphar's wife,' purchased at a high price by the Berlin Museum, the photographic apparatus has discovered a very clear impression of Bol's name to the left of the raised foot of Potiphar's wife, on the pedestal of the seat on which she reposes." Lesseps, F., vicomte de.

Ma mission à Rome, mai 1849; mémoire présenté au Conseil d'Etat. 1849.

Letters to living artists. 1891.

"These letters are at least honest and vigorous. As a rule, there is not much fault to be found with his

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