Slike stranica

Adams, F. A. F. Gesture and pantomimic action; illust. 2d ed. 1891.

"Based upon the system of Delsarte, and presented chiefly in the form of exercises in the use of the muscles, in proper carriage of body in ordinary actions such as walking and sitting, and in the expression of emotion." - Critic, Feb. 20.

Alden, W: L. The cruise of the "Ghost." [1881.] The moral pirates. [1880.]

Allen, G. (in full C: G. Blairfindie). The Duch

ess of Powysland.

"We are transported for three brief volumes to a new earth, where most strange notions prevail. Not that this is intentional; for we believe The Duchess of Powysland' is supposed to move in the everydayness of this 19th century by her distinguished author. Altogether the various theories, social, grammatical, and concerning good breeding, advanced in these volumes comprise some of the most astounding utterances in contemporary fiction." - Sat. rev., Mar. 26. Almanaque festivo ilustrado para 1890. Ancient playing cards; plates.

Apocryphal gospels. Trois versions rimés de l'évangile de Nicodème, par Chrétien, André de Coutances, et un anonyme; pub. par G. Paris et A. Bos. 1885.

Amadas et Ydoine; poëme d'adventures, pub. par C. Hippeau. 1863.

Badger, G: P. English-Arabic lexicon. 1881. Bancroft, H. H. Chronicles of the builders of the commonwealth; historical character study. Vol. 1, 2, 5, 6. 1891-92.4 v.


Bayne, P: The testimony of Christ to Christianity. Birch, T: Sons. Catalogue [of] a collection of Washington's letters, Washington relics, revolutionary doc. and works on American history; also Amer. port., maps, and views; to be sold Dec. 15-16, 1891.

Blanchard, C. Guerre d'Amérique, 1780-83; journal de campagne. 1881.

Boito, C. Il duomo di Milano, e i disegni per la sua facciata. (With an extensive pictorial accompaniment in lithography and photogravure, and a trial bibliography by F. Salveraglio.] 1889.

"Boito argues for the amalgamation of foreign and Italian design in the building, rejecting its deviation from Lombard architecture." - Nation, Aug. 1, 1889.

Boston Athletic Association. Constitution, bylaws, house rules, athletic events, and list of officers and members, June 1890.

Brunetière, F. Etudes critiques sur l'histoire de
la littérature française. 4e sér. 1891.
"Le présent volume a toutes les qualités de ceux qui
l'ont précédé. Particulièrement il contient deux études
qui sont chefs-d'œuvre, quelques objections qu'ils puis-
sent soulever. Je veux parler de Jansénistes et Carté.
siens et de la Philosophie de Molière. C'est dans ce
qu'on peut appeler l'histoire des idées que M. Brune.
tière est un maître incomparable." - Revue bleue, I nov.

Burger, C. Ad Repertorium bibliographicum L.
Hain indices. 1891.
Burton, M. E. Ruling the planets; a novel.

"It is a story of mistaken or rather, substituted identity, very original in plot and execution." - Pub. weekly.

Caen. Société des Antiquaires de la Normandie. Mémoires, 1824-36. 10 v.

Atlas. [1824]-36. 8 ν.
2e série, 1837-[55]. 10 v.
3e série, 1855-70. 10 ν.

Table alphabét. et analyt. des 24 premiers
vols.; par Renault. 1863.

Carlyle, T: Lectures on the history of literature; April - July 1838; ed., with pref., etc., by J. R. Greene.

"Carlyle was not satisfied with the lectures, never re-delivered them, and does not appear even to have kept his notes. At a later period he incorporated the substance of as much of them as he thought worth preserving into his' Heroes and hero-worship.' We could have done without this book." - Sat. rev., Feb. 6.

Casini, T: Manuale di letteratura italiana. 188789. 3 ν.

Castiglione, B., conte. Il cortegiano; con pref. di

G. Salvadori. 1884.

[blocks in formation]

"The articles are excellently written, and supply clear and intelligible accounts of the floating palaces of the present day." - Athenœum, Jan. 30.

Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Manual of the science of religion; tr. from the Germ. by B. S. C.-Fergusson. 1891.

"The vastness of Professor de la Saussaye's subject prevents his work from appealing to a generation which likes knowledge made easy and entertaining. Tiele's Manual is more agreeable reading, perhaps, but Prof. Saussaye's is more full and complete." - Sat. rev. Sept. 26, 1891.

Chevalier au Cygne. La chanson du Chevalier au Cygne et de Godefroid de Bouillon; pub. par C. Hippeau. 1874-77. 2 v.

Colombi, la marchesa (pseud. for M. Torelli-Viollier). La gente per bene. 15a ed. 1889. Corry, S. R: L.-, Earl of Belmore. History of the Corry family of Castlecoole. 1891. "We hear so much nowadays about the wealth and prosperity of the people of Protestant Ulster that an account of the rise and growth of one of the most wealthy and prosperous of its families cannot fail to be interesting." Sat. rev., Feb. 6.


Crane, W. Flora's feast; a masque of flowers. Cruikshank, I., & Sons. The Cruikshankian momus; pictorial broadsides, and designs to popular ballads.

"Adds but little to our appreciation of the Cruik. shanks, generally, and nothing at all to the individual glory of the most illustrious of the family." - Sat. rev., Nov. 28, 1891.

Culin, S. The gambling games of the Chinese in
America; fàn tán, and pák kòp piu. 1891.
Dahn, F. Bissula; historischer Roman aus der
Völkewanderung. 7e Aufl. 1884.
Fredigundis; historischer Roman aus der Völ-
kerwanderung. 6e Aufl. 1886.
Gelimer; historischer Romans aus der Völker-
wanderung. 7e Aufl. 1885.

D[eloney], T: Thomas of Reading; or, The sixe worthie yeomen of the West. 6th time corrected. 1632.

Deschamp, E., dit M. Poésies morales et historiques; avec un précis hist. et litt. sur l'auteur par G. A. Crapelet. 1832.

[blocks in formation]

2 v.

"A story of Alexandria in the 3d century."

Féval, P. H: C. L'hôtel Carnavalet; Père camarade; Fuvas et Boisrosé. Nouv. éd. 1877. Jean Diable. 2e éd. 1863. 2 ν.

Frankfort. Soc. Aper. Font. Rer. Germ. Med. Æv. Monumenta Germaniæ historica. Libelli de lite imperatorvm et pontificum sæcvlis 11 et 12. Tom. 1. 1891.

Gilfillan, G: 1st-3d gallery of literary portraits. Vol. 1, 2, 2d ed. 1851-54. 3 v.

Gordon, Maj.-Gen. C: G: Events in the Taeping rebellion; with monograph, introd., and notes by A. E. Hake. 1891.

"A reproduction of the original journal kept by the late General Gordon during his campaign in China." A. E. Hake in the Athenœum, Jan. 9.

Gray, T: Works; in prose and verse; ed. by E. Gosse. 1884. 4 v.

Hall, Rev. A. C. A. Concerning Christ and the Church; notes for meditation on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. 1888.

The example of the Passion; five meditations. 4th ed. 1889.

The Gospel canticles and the Te Deum; expo-
sition of the hymns of the incarnation.

Meditations on the creed. 1888.
Meditations on the Lord's prayer. 2d ed.


Notes for meditation upon the collects for the
Sundays and holy days. Pt. 1. 2d thous.
1890, 88. 2 v.
Self discipline. 1890.

The words from and to the cross; meditations
for Holy Week and Good Friday. 1891.

Handbook for India and Ceylon. 1891.
Harte, F. B. A first family of Tasajara.

"The precise kind of humour and pathos by which Mr. Bret Harte first won his audience is not largely rep. resented. The story is a very good one, and the descriptions are as excellent as ever." Spectator, Jan. 30.

Henry VIII., of England. Lettres à Anne Boleyn, avec la trad.; préc. d'une notice historique sur Anne Boleyn [par G: A. Crapelet, et d'un Précis du divorce de Henri VIII par T: Hearne. 1826].

Herder, J: G. von. Sämmtliche Werke, hrsg. von B. Suphan. 1891.

Hill, G. B. Writers and readers.

"Easy monologue of a cultivated man who knows literature and loves it. Those readers who look for original and arresting thought will certainly be disappointed, but their disappointment will be unreasonable; the author's intention has been simply to stimulate interest in the treasures of literature, and in such stimuation his book can hardly fail to be effective." - J. А. Noble in the Academy, Jan. 30.

Hooper, N. L. In memoriam; Nina Glover Hooper. [1891.]

Hugo, V: M.., comte. Dessins; gravés par P. Chenay; texte par T. Gautier. 1863.

Ibsen, H: Brand; a dramatic poem; tr. into English prose by W: Wilson. 1891. "Of a far higher order of literature than any of the prose plays except 'The wild duck,' while, however extravagant may be its pitch it is not really more so than the topsyturvyfication of Doll's house,' and 'Rosmersholm.' "- Sat. rev., Dec. 19, 1891.

Jameson, J: F. History of historical writing in America. 1891.

Jephson, H: The platform; its rise and progress.

2 v.

"Begins with the days when an open meeting for discussion of public affairs was condemned as scarcely less than overt treason, traces the slow growth of political speech-making, and analyses the elements in its development. To the student of politics this book should prove of great value and interest." Literary world, Jan. 30.


Jerome, J. K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. Jerrold, D. W: Handbook of swindling; and other papers, ed., with introd., by W: Jerrold. [1891.] (Camelot ser.)

Johnson, C: F: English words; an elementary study of derivations. 1891.

"For accuracy it is far in advance of Trench's 'Study of words,' and may be cordially recommended to every one who is at all interested in tracing the origin and mutation of words." Literary world, Feb. 13.

Julian, J: Dictionary of hymnology.

Gives us a somewhat melancholy feeling of labour more or less disproportioned to its fruits. The 400,000 hymns which have involved this labour are hardly worthy the energy and scholarship spent upon them. Of course, there are many very beautiful hymns amongst them. The great majority even of our better hymn-writers try to pitch their note higher than the human voice will reach when they write hymns of praise. If they do not dwell 'ad nauseum' on pearls and jaspers, and emeralds and sardonyx they indulge in endless interjections." - Spectator, Jan. 9.

La Marche, O. de. Mémoires; avec les annot., etc., de J: L[autte] d(e) G[and]. 2e éd.


Landor, W. S. Gebirus, poema. 1803. Lasteyire, R. de. Cartulaire général de Paris, ou recueil de documents rel. à l'hist. et à la topog. de Paris. 1887.

Lavater, J: C. Physiognomische Fragmente; verkürzt hrsg. von J: M. Armbruster. 17831830. 4 v.

Lavisse, E. General view of the political history of Europe; tr. by C: Gross. 1891. "The power of compressing the essence of long periods of time into sentences which are both comprehensive and expressive has rarely been more strikingly illustrated. One hundred and seventy pages of large type suffice for this stupendous undertaking which would appall most historians even in fancy. But it must be confessed that to a certain extent the author has succeeded admirably. We fear, however, that the very comprehensiveness and generalization which we admire will render the book somewhat misleading for it gives the appearance of simplicity to what is in itself difficult. Few men would have the courage, and fewer the learning to attempt such a task, but as far as any man could do so Professor Lavisse has succeeded." Critic, Jan. 16.

Laurence, S: C. Catalogue of [his] masonic library, masonic medals, Washingtoniana, Anc. and Hon. Artill. sermons, regimental histories, and other literature rel. to the civil war. 1891.

Lebrun, J: B. P: Choix des tableaux les plus capitaux de [sa] collection rec. dans l'Espagne et dans l'Italie, 1807-8. 1810.

Le Clerc, M. E. Mistress Beatrice Cope; passages in the life of a Jacobite's daughter. 1889. Le Duchat, J. Ducatiana; remarques sur divers sujets d'histoire et de littérature, recueillies par M. Formey]. 1738. 2 ν.

Legrand, H. Plans de restitution; Paris en 1380. 1868.

Lil; by the author of Tip-Cat. 1889.
Lilly, W: S: On shibboleths.


"Deals with the most noticeable phases of contem.
rary opinion on social and political topics."
naum, Nov. 14, 1891.

Livius Patavinus, T. Romische Historien, mit et-
lichen newẽ Translation. 1523.
Lindau, P. Mayo; Erzählung. be Aufl. 1884.
Livi, G. Napoleone all' isola d'Elba. 1888.
Lorm, H. (pseud. for H: Landesmann). Die

schöne Wienerin; Roman. 1886.

Louandre, C. L. Les arts somptuaires; histoire du costume et de l'ameublement, et des arts et industries qui s'y rattachent; pub.sous la dir. de Hangard-Maugé. 1857-58. 2 v. text, 2 v. plates.

Lucianus Samosatensis. The Greek Gulliver; stories from Lucian, by A. J. Church. 1891. McCarthy, J. Maurice Tyrone; or, The fair Saxon; a novel. [1883.] Maeterlinck, M. La princess Maleine. 3e éd.


The Pall Mall gazette calls attention at second-hand to a new literary light:

"One day day last autumn it seems the Paris 'Figaro' announced to an astonished world that a new and greater Shakespeare had arisen in Belgium. The name of the Belgian Shakespeare was Maurice Maeterlinck; his Parisian discoverer and panegyrist was Octave Mirbeau; the play in which M. Mirbeau found 'things more beautiful than the most beautiful things in Shakespeare' was entitled 'La Princess Maleine; and Mr. William Archer owns himself far from insensible to the weird and subtle beauties which have so inflamed M. Mir. beau's critical imagination. If instead of 'Shakespeare' M. Mirbeau had written Webster, Mr. Archer would place him on the hither side of A Webster who has read Alfred de extravagance. Musset' is Mr. Archer's own definition of M. Maeterlinck. He tells us to expect something of Poe and Baudelaire, too. But the distinctive method of the Belgian is all his own. His matter is grisly; his style, at the first blush, seems childish."

Maetzner, E: Altenglische Sprachproben. 2. Bd. Wörterbuch, 2. Abth. E-H. 1885.

Manne, E. D. de. Galerie historique des comédiens françois de la troupe de Voltaire. 1877.

Menon, O. C. Induleka; a Malayalam novel; tr. by W. Dumergue. 1890.

Merry, W: W. Selected fragments of Roman poetry from the earliest times of the Republic to the Augustan age. 1891.

"A representative selection from the fragments of Roman epic, dramatic, and satiric poetry. Material for such study has not been wanting, but it has been scattered about in different books, and these have generally been too large or too difficult for the beginner. Dr. Merry's collection is therefore welcome. It contains se. lections from about forty poets, as well as some early formulæ, the Scipio epitaphs, and popular songs. A brief word of introduction might have been said about

each of the poets; at least their dates should have been given. Most valuable, however, are the suggestions about the plots of the lost plays of which we have fragments." Nation, Feb. 11.

Monroe, J. Calendar of the correspondence of Monroe, prepared from the originals in the Dept. of State. [1891.]

Moore, G: Vain fortune.

"If, in certain respects less crudely Zolaesque than some of its predecessors, it is none the less unpleasant and unwholesome. The plot is simple enough; a triangular love affair, which results in gall and bitterness to all concerned in it, the suicide of one of the actors, and a dark and lurid tableau of recrimination and remorse." - Athenaum, Nov. 7.

"Mr. Moore rewrote his novel with such thoroughness that the first half of the narrative has been entirely changed, and the main interest transferred from the hero to the heroine. Mr. Moore considers his new version so much superior to the old one that the next English edition will be reprinted from the American edition." Athenæum, Mar. 19.

Mulhall, M. G. Dictionary of statistics.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition illustrating the technical methods of the reproductive arts from the 15th century to the present time.

Northumberland County, Eng. Three early assize rolls for the county of Northumberland; [ed. by W: Page]. 1891. (Surtees Soc.)

Nyrop,C. Meddelelser om dansk Guldsmedekunst; ved Kjöbenhavns Guldsmedelavs Jubilæum, 7 Nov. 1885.

Odier, P: G. Des privilèges et des immunités des agents diplomatiques en pays de chrétienté.


"C'est moins une œuvre de doctrine qu'il nous présente qu'un exposé des principes admis aujourd'hui dans la pratique." - Bibl. univ., Oct.


Ongar, Parish of. Registers. Parish registers. Palgrave, W: G. A vision of life; Semblance and reality. 1891.

"Scholar, soldier, missionary, diplomatist, William Gifford Palgrave might fitly stand for a type of the Eng. lish race. He sacrificed an Oxford reputation for an Indian cadetship, and abandoned a promising career in the army for the life of a Jesuit missionary relinquishing that in its turn for the service of the Queen in some of the unkindliests outposts of the Empire - his personality like that of Lawrence Oliphant was fascinating but energetic." - Athenæum, Dec. 12, 1891.


"The ambitious scheme of the poem, its seriousness of aim, its magnitude, its metre, and the conditions of its publication are all more or less peculiar. He was prepared for an epical range of flight not less extensive than that of Dante. He proposed to ex. plore the shadowy world of life and death, passing through the intermediate region, where souls undergo purgation by a series of lustrations, and onward through the spirit-land with its seven kingdoms that correspond with the chief pursuits of man. An astonishing and interesting work, notwithstanding the obscurity and formlessness which no editorial supervision could eliminate." Sat. rev., Jan. 9.

Phillips, E. W. Watts Phillips; artist and playwright; with sketches and letters. 1891. "Without being called for, a life of Watts Phillips is welcome. The place taken by him in his lifetime was scarcely proportionate to his merits and without some record such as the present his name might in the course of time have been practically forgotten. From absolute oblivion his plays must have rescued him." - Sat. rev., Dec. 26, 1891.

Pryce, R: The quiet Mrs. Fleming.

"Not too long to be read at a sitting, and too interesting to be laid down by anyone who gets beyond the first page." - Academy, Mar. 28, 1891.

Rauwolff, L. Aigentliche Beschreibung der Raiss so er gegen Auffgang inn die Morgenländer, fürnemlich Syriam, Iudæam, etc., volbracht. 1582.

Rembrandt als Erzieher; von einem Deutschen. 39 Aufl. 1891.

Roberts, C. Adrift in America; or, Work and adventure in the States; with app. by M. Roberts. 1891.

"Tired of the sea, without money or friends or any calling of much use to him on dry land, he roamed through the country from New York to Dakotah, southward to Texas and back again to New York, seldom in funds, often without food, and generally in rags. Farm laborer, cattle drover's cook, dish washer in a restaurant 'a hash-house' is the technical term for it-railway 'section hand,' odd man in a logging camp, firewood chopper, post-hole digger to a railway surveyor, firewood pedler, bar-keeper in a gambling house, 'striker' for a blacksmith, shepherd, sailorman on board a river steamboat, mule driver to a canal-boat, and a tramp in the intervals between the various callings-Mr. Rob. ert's experiences of the Great Republic were on the whole more varied than agreeable. But he tells of his fortunes and misfortunes with such engaging frankness, and in language so redolent of the soil, that it would be difficult to read a more entertaining narrative." - Acad. emy, Jan. 2.

Rod, E: Stendhal.

"Un très bon livre, très sensé, très juste, très mesuré et très pénétrant." - Revue bleue, nov. 21.

Ryder, W. J. D. Chronicles of Charter-House; by a Carthusian. 1847.

St. Petersburg. Musée Imp. de l'Ermitage. Catalogue du musée de sculpture antique [par B. Kohne?]. 1864.

Sedding, J: D. Garden-craft, old and new; with memorial notice by E: F. Russell. 1891. "The author leans to the geometric designs of the renaissance period, and even boldly asserts his liking for the clipped yews and other curiosities of the topia. rian artists." - Athenaum, Jan. 16.

"The book will be found to contain much useful knowledge and wise hints, all of which are given with the grace and style of a really able and cultured mind brought to bear on the subject, and all through the vol. ume the reader will find interspersed charming historical reminiscences, and delightful theories for the production of beautiful and harmonious ideals of the craft of gardening." - Spectator, Dec. 5.

Sienkiewicz, H: The deluge; an historical novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia; a sequel to "With fire and sword;" tr. by J. Curtin. 1891. 2 ν.

"Romance of a nation and of men. The period ex. tends from 1654 to 1658. The superb scope, the unflagging energy, the generous invention of the novels of Henryk Sienkiewicz, mark a giant among romancers." Literary world, Jan. 2.

Smith, J. Short biographical notices of W: Bradford, R. Jansen, A. Bradford, and S: Keimer, early printers in Pennsylvania. 1891.

Smyth, J. P. How we got our Bible; answer to questions suggested by the late revision. New ed. [1890.]

Spurgeon, C: H. The cheque book of the Bank of Faith; precious promises arranged for daily use; with comments.

Staatsarchiv, Das; Sammlung von officiellen Actenstücke zur Geschichte der Gegenwart. 51. Bd. 1891.

Stables, W. G. Leaves from the log of a gentleman gipsy in wayside, camp, and caravan. [1891.]

"Contains an account of his recent wanderings, and shows him everywhere enjoying himself thoroughly, making friends with everybody, and writing to the local papers. He is now planning the formation of a Gentleman-Gipsy Club to tour and camp in the lovliest parts of our own lovely land.' This undoubtedly proves his enthusiasm, but when one contemplates the possibility of arriving at one of these lovely spots and finding it occupied by a train of caravans with their attendant tricycles, one cannot honestly wish success to the scheme." Athenaum, Dec. 12.

Strangevage, W. Historie of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, to her escape from Loch Leven into England; [printed in] 1624. 1891. (Holyrood ser.)

Tacitus, C. C. Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri; ed. with introd. and notes by H: Furneaux. 1884-91. 2 ν. (Clarendon press ser.)

Tasma (pseud. of Mme. Couvreur). The penance of Portia James. [1891.]

"Is marred by the presence on every page of tags of foreign tongues, the use of which is explained by the fact that she is, we believe, though of English race and Tasmanian or Victorian education, the wife of a foreigner of distinction and a permanent resident in a foreign capital. This disfigurement, which unpleasantly reminds the reader of Lady Blessington, and Lady Morgan, will prevent her book from being judged as it deserves. It is a powerful novel, with strong situations and excellent development of character." - Atheneum, Dec. 5.

Thénaud, J: Le voyage d'outre-mer, Egypte, MontSinay, Palestine,en 1511; suivi de la relation de l'ambassade de Domenico Trevisan auprès du Soudan d'Egypte. 1881.

Thoumas, C. A. Les grands cavaliers du Premier Empire; notice biographiques. le sér. 1890.

"On ne peut imaginer de notices plus exactes, plus complètes et plus remplies de détails instructifs, utiles, souvent peu connus." - Revue critique, 9 nov.

Turner, T: A. Argentina and the Argentines,


"Gives a good insight into the social and particularly the political life of Argentina, while the pages devoted to the period of mad financial legislation and insane speculation throw a great amount of light upon a catastrophe of which some competent hand ought to write the entire history." - Nation, Jan. 28.

Verne, J. Mistress Branican. 4e éd. [1891.] 2 v. (Les voyages extraordinaires.) Same. Eng. Tr. by A. Estoclet. [1891.] "So extraordinary a tissue of improbabilities as make up this story could only be invented by the fertile and long-practiced brain of Jules Verne." - Literary world, Jan. 16.

Weatherly, L. A. The supernatural? with chapter on Oriental magic, spiritualism, and theosophy by J. N. Maskelyne. [1891.]

Wilson, A. Glimpses of nature. 1891.

"Recounts in a popular way many more or less familiar facts about microscopic animals, seaside organisms, such as star-fish, cuttle-fish, etc." - Critic, Feb. 20.

Wood, H., Jr. Memoir of H. Wood, 24 years minister-at-large in Lowell. 1891.

[blocks in formation]

some twenty others by persons more or less known as students of the history of Lincolnshire. Several articles are of permanent value." - Athenæum, Aug. 8. 1891.

Old church lore. 1891.

Atchison, C: C. A winter cruise in summer seas; "how I found" health; diary of a voyage from Southampton, through the Brazils to Buenos Aires and back. 1891.

"Shows how much a pleasant writer may make of small opportunities and scanty materials. He only went ashore while the vessel lay in the ports where she touched. But he managed to pick up much useful information, and he hits off amusingly the idiosyncracies and eccentricities of some of his fellow-travellers." Sat. rev., Feb. 27.

Ball, Sir R. S. The cause of an ice age. 1891. (Modern science.)

"The late Dr. James Croll in his classic work'Climate and time,' published in 1875, accounted for the glacial epoch by the joint effect of a change in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, and in the position of its axis. His arguments won many adherents but objections were made which were generally admitted to be formidable, and thought by some to be insuperable. The discussion of this forms the distinctive feature of Sir R. Ball's book. Though the mystery is not com. pletely solved, he has removed a great difficulty and made a long step in that direction. - Sat. rev., Jan. 16.

Bishop, W: H: The yellow snake; a story of

treasure. [1888.]

"A well-told story of Mexican life. The yellow snake is a stream of molten gold, which at stated periods flows from the sides of a mountainous abyss, but which being seen by the natives at a distance only, was deemed to be a living monster whose appearance boded ill." - Critic, Jan. 23.

Bissell, M. T. Physical development and exercise

for women. 1891.

Boston Society. Collections. Vol. 1, no. 2, 3.


Bourdillon, F. W. Ailes d'alouette. 1891.

"There are sixty pairs of verses in the collection. Fifty-nine of them are mostly pleasing, simple, and pretty; but the other one is the kind of lyric that makes a poet's reputation." - Critic, Nov. 29, 1891.

Bowden, E. M. The imitation of Buddha; quotations for each day in the year; with pref. by Sir E. Arnold. 1891.

"Sir Edwin Arnold in his short preface, recommends the book without reserve as tending, he thinks, to make the reader a better man at the year's end than at the beginning. The compiler says that his aim has not been to expound Buddhism but to utilize it in teaching the highest morality." - Critic, Dec. 12, 1891.

Broughton, R., and Bisland, E. A widower indeed. 1891.

"Miss Broughton has scarcely added to her reputation by her novel written in collaboration. There is hardly a trace of the light touch, the humorous descriptive power to which we are accustomed in her stories. The scene is laid in Oxford; but anything more unlike Oxford society, whether of dons, undergraduates, or residents, would be difficult to conceive." Sat. rev., Jan. 23.

Browning, O. Dante; his life and writings. 1891. Goethe; his life and writings.

"Both the Dante and Goethe are reprinted with alterations and additions from the articles in the last edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica."

Burney, Capt. J. History of the Buccaneers of America; repr. from the ed. of 1816. 1891.

Burnham, Mrs. C. L

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Point romance.

"One of the freshest and most interesting little American stories. The description of a cadet's life in the Academy is so good as to impress army officers with the idea that the ms. in such particulars was corrected by one of their number." Critic, Apr. 16. Cambridge, A. (now Mrs. G. F. Cross). Not all in vain.

"Has strength and excitement as well as the glamour of romance." Athenaum, Mar. 12.

Caumont, Nompar, Seigneur de. Voyaige d'oultremer en Jhérusalem, 1418; pub. par [A. E. I..] marquis de la La Grange. 1858.

Charles v1., of France. Ordonnance [dite] Cabochienne, 26-27 mai 1413; pub. par A. Coville. 1891.

Corroyer, E. L'architecture gothique. [1891.]

"M. Corroyer is bitten with that unfortunate mania, too common with French architectural writers, for claiming Gothic,' its origin, its developments, and everything as purely French. Nevertheless, there is much good matter in M. Corroyer." Sat. rev., Mar. 5. Couperus, L: M.. A.. Eline Vere; tr. by J. T. Grein; with introd. by E. Cosse. (Holland fiction ser.)

"In so far as it represents the social life of the country, the book is of some interest; but as there is no plot or story to speak of, and no development of character properly so considered, it can hardly be deemed a novel at all. Frankly, the book is very tedious, and it would require a much stronger story and more and stronger incident to carry such a weight of commonplace words." Sat. rev., Mar. 5.

Cust, R. N. Africa rediviva; or, The occupation of Africa by Christian missionaries. 1891. Cuthbert, St., Life of; in English verse, A. D. 1420;

[ed. by J.T. Fowler). 1891. (Surtees Soc.) Davidson, G: Identification of Sir F. Drake's anchorage on the coast of California, 1579. 1890. (California Hist. Soc.)

Dougall, L. Beggars all. 1891. 2 v.

"The story is no mere sordid narrative of poverty and crime, but a distinctly clever handling of sundry difficult subjects." - Athenœum, Sept. 26, 1891.

Edwards, M. B. A north country comedy.

"The two simple and winning old maids who undertake a long and to them romantic journey to the North in quest of 'something to their advantage' will carry with them the sympathies of any readers." naum, Mar. 19.


Eglises, châteaux, beffrois, et hôtels-de-ville les plus remarquables de la Picardie et de l'Artois. [Vol. 2, pts. 1, 6-14, 16.] 1847-62. Evening post annual, 1882, 83, 85; biographical sketches, with portraits, of state officers,etc., of Connecticut. 1882-85. 3 v.

Ferrero, C. B. Le banastre; roman social. 1889. Flügel, E. Thomas Carlyle's moral and religious development; a study; (tr.] by J. G. Tyler. 1891.

Flürscheim, M. Rent, interest, and wages; or, The real bearings of the land question. [1891.]

Forbes, A. The Afghan wars, 1839-42, 78-80. "Eminently readable and spirited." - Sat. rev., Dec. 12, 1891.

Francis, Mrs. H. E. By land and sea; incidents of travel; with chats about history and legends; illust. 1891.

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