pays frontières, subirent les premières les insultes du vainqueur et payerent trop souvent la rançon du vaincu! Dans notre temps, d'ailleurs, où l'on se préoccupe à juste titre de la conquête de nouvelles colonies, comme d'une nécessité politique et économique, il est utile de rechercher dans notre histoire coloniale quelles furent nos traditions, les causes de nossuccès ou de nos revers, les fautes de nos administrateurs, leurs erreurs et leurs déceptions." Daudet, A. Rose et Ninette; mœurs du jour. "Il n'ajoutera rien à la gloire littéraire de l'auteur. C'est une simple étude, dont la loi Naquet sur le divorce fait les principaux frais." Polybiblion, avr. Davie, G. Nests and eggs of North American birds. 4th ed.; introd. by J. P. Norris. 1889. Demaus, Rev. R. W: Tyndale; a biography; a contribution to the early history of the English Bible. New ed.; rev. by R: Lovett. 1886. Desoer, F. Le Congo belge; sa naissance, son développement, son organisation législative. 1890. Donan, P. Utah; a peep into a mountain-walled treasury of the gods. [1891.] Duruy, V: Histoire des Grecs, jusqu'à la réduction de la Grèce en province romaine. Nouv. ed., augm [et illust]. 1887-89. 3 ν. Dyer, Rev. T: F. T. Church lore gleanings. "Church-building legends,' in which the Evil One frequently figures; the curious stories about 'worms,' and other monsters that somehow fasten themselves on to churches; traditions about the various portions of the building, the porch, tower, belfrey, etc.; the lore of the churchyard, are among the subjects treated of." Spectator, Feb. 27. Engels, F: Condition of the working-class in England in 1844; with pref., 1892; tr. by F. K. Wischnewtzky. "A reprint of a book which appeared first in 1845. It is well that we should be reminded of the sins of our fathers; and certainly they are brought very clearly before us in this book, and here, perhaps, is the justification for its republication. But in theory its author is less fortunate than in statement of fact. All the horrors of overcrowding, of tyranny and immorality, which meet us on every page of the book, have now been partially remedied, or at least mitigated; hence it is obvious that the supposition here advanced that they are due to the capitalist system is unsound, for that system has developed since 1842, and yet the evils due to it have been lessened." Westminster review, June. Development of socialism from Utopia to science; tr. for the People. Faider, C: Coutumes du pays et comté de Hainaut; [avec introd. par J. de Le Court.] 1871-83. 3 v. Falkener, E. Games ancient and Oriental and how to play them; games of the ancient Egyptians, the hiera gramme of the Greeks, the ludus latrunculorum of the Romans, and chess, draughts, backgammon, and magic squares. "A very interesting and curious book." - Sat. rev., Apr. 9. Farrar, F: W: The messages of the books; discourses and notes on the books of the New Testament. 1887. Fenn, G: M. The crystal hunters; a boy's adventures in the higher Alps. "Is the best Alpine book for boys we have seen yet, and one that keeps up Mr. Fenn's reputation as a strong writer." - Spectator, Feb. 20. Flügel, J: G. Universal English-German and German-English dictionary; by F. Flügel. 4th ed. 1891. 2 pts. in 3 v. France. Lettres de la cour de Versailles au baron de Dieskau, au marquis de Montcalm et au chevalier de Lévis; pub.sous la dir. de l'abbé H. R. Cosgrain. 1890. Franklin, A. Ecoles et collèges. "Il comprend deux parties; la première, qui s'étend du 12e au 17e siècle, traite successivement de l'Université, de l'Eglise, des suppots de l'Université, de la vie de collège, de l'organization de l'enseignement au 17e siècle; la seconde est consacrée au 17e et 18e siècle." -Revue critique, 18 avr. Les médecins. "On y trouve nombre de détails piquants, d'anecdotes amusantes, d'historiettes savoureuses, et de documents inédits ou rares." Revue critique, 18 avr. Freeman, E: A: History of Sicily from the earliest times. Vol.3: Athenian and Carthaginian invasions. "Three-fourths of the text are taken up with the Athenian invasion. The story, retold as it is in every sncceeding history of Greece, had of necessity to be told again in a history of Sicily, and indeed, from a Sicilian point of view. By a diligent comparison of the site and record, Mr. Freeman has brought to light facts and views of facts which had not been thought of by previous scholars." - Athenœum, May 7. Gachard, L: P. Ordonnances des Pays-Bas autrichiens. 3e sér. 1700-94. Τ. 1-6. 186087. 6 ν. Gauville, L: H: C:, baron de. Journal, Etats Généraux, le 4 mars 1789-1r juil. 1790. 1864. Gilliodts-Van Severen, L: Coutume de la prévoté de Bruges. 1887.2 v. clavées du quartier de Bruges. 1890-91.3 v. Girard, P. La peinture antique. (Bibl. de l'Enseigne des Beaux-Arts.) "M. Girard, qui n'ignore rien des études incessantes et chaque jour plus minutieuses sur les vases grecs, s'en est servi avec plus de pénétration, une intuition plus vive et plus nette que ses devanciers, pour caractériser les progrès de la peinture grecque dus aux chefs d'école dont les œuvres ont péri. Il se trouve ainsi que ce petit livre, écrit d'une plume alerte pour l'instruction des jeunes artistes, est de beaucoup en avance sur les grands ouvrages qui ont trait à la peinture critique." Revue bleue, avr. Goldoni, C: Comedies; ed. with introd. by H. Zimmern. Grandgagnage, F. C: J. Coutumes de Namur et coutume de Philippeville. 1869-70. 2 ν. Grimshaw, R. Record of scientific progress for 1891; the discoveries and improvements in engineering, architecture, etc. Haggard, H: R. Nada the Lily. "The book is full of battle, murder, and sudden death. It is a ruthless book; there is but little mercy, or kindness, or fidelity, or pity for weakness in it from end to end. It resembles Gibbon's immortal work in one particular, that there are at least a hundred people killed on an average on every page. It is a close and powerful delineation of the Zulu as he was seventy years ago, and no more complete picture of savage life has ever been presented to the world." - Sat. rev., May 28. ! Hale, E: E., and Peabody, L. The new Harry and Lucy; a story of Boston in the summer of 1891. "It is Dr. Hale's own original criticisms on men and things which make the book valuable. With a few fictitious names left out, it might stand as Dr. Hale's journal for 1891."- Literary world, June 18. Harding, J. D. Elementary art; or, The use of the lead pencil advocated and explained. New ed. 1838. Hatch, Col. W: S. A chapter of the history of the war of 1812 in the Northwest; embracing the surrender of the army and fort at Detroit, Aug. 16, 1812; with biog. sketch of the Indian chief Tecumseh. 1872. Hepner, A. Extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction and its effect on American citizens. 1890. Howell, E. J. Mexico; its progress and commercial possibilities. "A little work accompanied by a map and by many tables of statistics. The author's object appears to be to interest the inhabitants of Great Britain in the trade of Mexico, but all who wish to gain information about that country will find useful matter in the volume, which in trade matters is naturally a good deal fuller than the 'Statesman year-book.' "- Athenæum, Apr. 2. Hughes, T: Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. (Great educators.) "A fair critical statement of the educational princi. ples and methods adopted in the order." Literary world, June 4. Italy. Treaties. Trattati e convenzioni in vigore fra il regno d'Italia ed i governi esteri; racс. ed. ord. da L: Palma; prec. da un discorso sul dritto pubblico. 1879-90. 3 v. Ivanovskie, I: Notices sur les divers recueils des traités internationaux. 1890. Johnson, A. B. The modern light-house service. 1889. King, G.. Tales of a time and place. "The feeling that glows in these stories is unspoiled by analysis and undiluted by self-consciousness, while the artistic setting of the tales of the South tempts one to linger over the descriptions, and return more than once to occasional pictures." - Literary world, July 2. Lanin, E. B., pseud. Russian characteristics. repr. from the " Fortnightly review." "Undoubtedly the author has been a very careful student of the Russian press, and has read every. thing that has been written about the country within very recent years. It does not strike us that he has had a prolonged knowledge of Russia, or that he pos. sesses much personal acquaintance with the general condition of the rural majority of its population. By extracting from newspapers all the most disagreeable things that have been said by the Russians against themselves he makes a picture too uniformly black. A very unpleasant book might on the same plan be written about England." - Athenœum, Apr. 16. Kipling, R. Ballads; and Barrack-room ballads. "Contains some of the best work that Mr. Kipling has ever done. In the barrack-room ballads proper he is unapproachable." - Athenœum, May 14. Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in the far East, pt. 1st; Adventures of two youths in Japan and China. [1879.] Laloux, V., and Monceau, P. Restauration d'Olympie; l'histoire, les monuments, le culte, et les fêtes. 1889. Lamb, C: Essais choisis; précédés d'une étude sur l'humour et d'une notice littéraire par L: Dépret. 1880. Lapham, W: B. History of Bethel, formerly Sudbury Canada, Maine; with a brief sketch of Hanover, etc. 1891. Lathrop, G: P. Dreams and days; poems. "Although his technique is not, as a rule, on a level with his conception and feeling, which are exceptionally delicate and true, yet such poems as 'Breakers,' 'Incantation,' etc., are felicitous, both in melody of phrase and in power of suggestion and description." - Catholic world, June. Le Clerq, N. J. Coutumes des pays duché de Luxembourg et comté de Chiny; (avec supplém. par C: Laurent). 1867-87. 3 ν. Ordonnances des Pays-Bas autrichiens. 3e sér. 1700-94. 1891. Leopardi, G. Prose originali. Nuova éd.; corr. a cura di G. Mestica. 1890. "A work of exquisite patience and an improvement even on those editions, the Milanese of 1837, and the Florentine of 1834, to which the author gave his sanction and some aid in revision." - Sat. rev., May 23, 1891. Lévis, F. G., duc de. Journal [de ses] compagnes en Canada, 1758-60. 1889. Lettres concernant la guerre du Canada, 185660. 1889. Limburg-Stirum, T., comte de. Coutumes de la ville d'Audenarde. 1882-86. 2 ν. Coutumes des deux villes et pays d'Alost; Little, Rev. W: J: K. Sketches in sunshine and Lougé, G. P. de. Coutumes de la ville de Malines. 1879. Maspéro, G. C. C: Life in ancient Egypt and As syria; tr. by A. Maton. "The author has given us a series of descriptions, to a certain extent fictitious, but wholly based on what has been found existing or delineated in the monuments that have been explored, and the book will doubtless prove to be an assistance both to scholars and professors in their study of these sections of ancient life." Spectator, Feb. 27. Mézières, A. Vie de Mirabeau. "On a exhumé son père et son grandpère; on a exalté la force et l'antiquité de sa race, et avant d'introduire sur la scène celui qui l'a définitivement illustrée, on lui a ouvert comme une avenue d'ancêtres. M. Mezières est de ceux qui aiment mieux excurser et expliquer le personnage que le juger. La lecture de son livre nous intéresse à tel point à son héros que l'on se sent le désir de revoir ses discours, ses ouvrages, sa correspondance, afin d'éprouver par soi-même le charme de ce grand es. prit, dût-on, en fin de compte, le juger avec plus sévé. rité que son éminent biographe." - Polybiblion, mars. Michel, E. Les Brueghel. (Les artistes célèbres.) "The Brueghels seem to us to be among the painters whom the world might willingly forget. The book is well made and profusely illustrated." - Nation, Apr. 21. Michiels, J. A. X. Histoire de la politique autrichienne depuis [1780]. 2e ed. 1861. Mijatorich, C. Constantine, last emperor of the Greeks; or, The conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, 1453. "M. Mijatovich's monograph is a delightful book, and no one can read his narrative of the siege without emotion. He has perhaps sacrificed something of dramatic effect by describing it from day to day in chronicle fashion; but on the other hand every detail is so stirring and vivid that not very much is lost by this method." - Academy, May 28. Mivart, St. G: Essays and criticisms. 2 v. "Among the acutest critics of Darwinism St. George Mivart, the able and accomplished Roman Catholic sci. entist, holds a high place. He has shown himself in his various works a believer in evolution up to a certain limit. He is undoubtedly much inferior to Dr. Martineau in the strength of his position as a critic of evolution, owing largely it is probable, to his theological standpoint. This, however, in itself adds a certain interest to his writings. The first volume is somewhat miscellaneous; the second relates eutirely to evolution." - Literary world, June 18. Morris, C. Life of Margaret Mercer. 2d ed. 1848. Morris, W: Poems by the way. 1891. "Norse sages and English socialism are the inspiration of most of these poems. It is a wonderful tribute, indeed, to Mr. Morris's poetic alchemy that he has been able to charm his social creed into a beautiful predic. tion of a terrestrial paradise made possible." - Lit. world, May 7. O'Clery, P. K. The making of Italy. "It is to be expected that his history will differ very greatly in tone from most existing narratives in English. Mr. O'Clery judges the unification of Italy a work of darkness, and says so in unmistakable terms. He is indignant at the revolutionary methods used for revolutionary ends, at the destruction of ancient historical institutions, at the Piedmontese conquest of Italy, and most of all, at the persecution of the Church, and the invasion of Rome. His opinions are those which a Roman Catholic and expapal soldier not only may, but should hold." - Sat. rev, Apr. 23. On heather hills. 1891. 2 v. "It is composed of a series of episodes showing al. ternately aspects of life humourous and serious, con. nected by a story which is fresh and interesting. Some of these episodes are sufficiently complete in them. selves to suggest the idea of having perhaps been orig. inally intended for independent publication as short magazine articles or something of the sort. There are one or two slightly laboured passages, and other indications, making us fancy that the author has not yet had much practice as a novelist; but he is unmistaka. bly clever enough to ensure a welcome for the next work from his pen." - Spectator, Aug. 8, 1891. Palustre, L. L'architecture de la Renaissance. "C'est qu'en rendant toute justice à l'art du moyen age et en l'admirant lui-même autant que personne, M. Palustre n'a pas cru qu'il lui fallût pour cela médire de la Renaissance, et encore moins la calomnier. Mais il a montré qu'à son heure, dans la décadence du gothique, l'esprit de la Renaissance avait renouvelé les sources taries de l'invention nationale, et ainsi, comme ouvert au gènie français des voies inexplorées. Nous recom. mandons le livre à tous ceux qu'interésse la difficile question des rapports du Moyen Age et de la Renais. sance." - Rev. d. D. Mondes, mai. Parry, Maj. E. G. The story of Dick. "The story is so devoid of action as scarcely to be accounted a story at all. It tells of the sojourn at a farmhouse of a boy whose life has been wholly spent in barracks. When he arrives at his uncle's farm he is wholly absorbed in military matters. He takes to dril. ling his cousin with such remorseless energy, that mutiny must have ensued if the farmer's boy had anything of a boy's nature in him." - Sat. rev., May 7. Raikem, J. J., and others. Coutumes du pays de Ricordi e studi Liége. 1870-84. 3 v. Ristori, A., marchesa di Grillo. artistici. 2a ed. 1888. Robinson, C: The Kausas conflict. "Whatever Robinson's ability to lead the Free State party and to hold it to the policy of passive obedience to the Federal Government, his ability to write an interesting and instructive book about the things he saw and was a part of is extremely small," - Nation, June 30. Slosson, Mrs. A. T. The heresy of Mehetabel Clark. "Some tourists travelling one summer through the White Mountains are entertained by their driver with this story, told in the quaint dialect of northern New England, and told with a sense of humour that is simply delicious, because so perfectly unconscious. His account of the manner in which Mehetable Clark fell from grace, and the effect it had upon her, given without seeming to grasp the deeper meaning to be found therein, is inimitable." Critic, June 4. Smith, J: C. Questions in mathematics. [1889.] Smith, W: H. The evolution of "Dodd;" a ped agogical story. 1890. Warden, F. (pseud. of Mrs. F. A. P. James). Pretty Miss Smith. 1891. W[arner], C. H. National Bank of Commerce of Boston. White, A. S. Britannic confederation; a series of papers by Sir J: Colomb [and others]. "By far the most practical and useful of the series are the essays of Sir J: Colomb and Mr. M. Hervey. And this is obviously the opinion of Lord Thring in his able summing up of the whole question. Both these writers, as well as Lord Thring, put before us the relative advantages and gains to Great Britain and the individual colonies from union with each other, and both show that if the colonies were set up for themselves they would probably sink in the commonwealth of nations to the level of the South American republics." Academy, Apr. 9. Witt, Mme. H. de, née G. La charitè en France à travers les siècles. "Raconte l'histoire des institutions de bienfaisance, publiques ou privées, depuis le commencement du Moyen Age jusqu'à nos jours, et ce sont des choses dont elle peut parler pertinemment, parce qu'elle les aelle-même beaucoup pratiquées." Bibl. univ., jan. Beauquier, C: La musique et le drame; étude d'esthétique. 2e éd. 1884. Blondel, S. Le tabac; le livre des fumeurs et des priseurs; préf. du baron de Watteville; illust. 1891. "Le livre de M. Spire Blondel est tout à la fois un ouvrage de science, d'érudition et d'art. C'est un bijou qui sort tout à fait de l'ordinaire. Le côté technique est bien écrit, le côté historique et anecdotique est fort amusant. Quant aux dessins, aux aquarelles surtout, on ne saurait trop vanter leur humour, leur finesse, et leur esprit." - Journal des débats. Bowen, C. W. The history of the centennial celebration of the inauguration of G: Washing ton. Bridgman, M. F. Mosses, Under the pine, Seawced, Tales at the Manse; a rev. coll. of [his] poems. [1891.] Carlsen, W: War as it is; tr. and ed. by P. H. "It contains Carlyle's only novel, 'Wotton Reinfred,' another unpublished ms. entitled Excursion to Paris,' a collection of unpublished letters describing the preparation of 'Frederick the Great;' and several letters from Mrs. Carlyle." - Literary world, May 21. Chandler, H. P. The lover's year-book of poetry. 2 v. Charity Organization Society. London. Insurance and saving; a report on the existing opportunities for working-class thrift; with introd. on the poor law as an obstacle to thrift, etc., [by T: Mackay]. Churchill, Lord R. H: S. Men, mines, and animals in South Africa. "Is substantially a reprint of the letters contributed to the Daily graphic.' It is unusually interesting, sincere in tone, and studded with practically suggestive matter touching recently acquired African territory as a field for either agricultural or commercial enterprise." Athenaum, June 11. Clemens, S: L. (pseud. M. Twain). Merry tales. Combes, F. L'abbé Suger; histoire de son minis tère et de sa régence. 1853. Copinger, W. A. Incunabula Biblica; or, The first half century of the Latin Bible; a bibliographical account of the editions, 14501500; with app. cont. a chron. list of the 16th cent. Courant, M. La cour de Péking; notes sur la constitution, la vie, et le fonctionnement de cette cour. [No. 309. Aug. 13, 1892 Davidson, A. Geographical pathology; an inquiry into the geographical distribution of infective and climatic diseases. 2 v. Dearborn, J: J. History of Salisbury, N. Η., from date of settlement; ed. by J. O. Adams and H: P. Rolfe. 1890. Farjeon, B: L. Basil and Annette; a novel. 1891. 2 v. Galerie du vte. du Bus de Gisig- Fétis, E: L: F. nies. 1878. Fisher, G: P. ser.) "The first of a series of four books on American history. Dr. Fisher is an expert in historical compilations of a high order of merit, and this volume with all its condensation is very readable." - Literary world, July 2. Fournereau, L., and Porcher, J. Les ruines d'Angkor; étude artistique et historique sur les monuments khmers du Cambodge sia mois. 1890. Fuller, A. Pratt portraits; sketched in a New England suburb. "They are capitally done, being simple, natural, life. like, and for the most part truthful studies, with flashes of humor and shadows of pathos intermingling." Literary world, June 4. Génard, P. Anvers à travers les âges. "Tous les faits historiques, tous les événements marquants sont appuyés de nombreuses gravures inédites, reproduites d'après des documents authentiques recueillés dans les précieux dépôts des Archives com. munales, du Steen, et du musée Plantin, qui ont été largement mis à contribution. L'ouvrage contient notamment des fac-similés des nombreuses compositions de Rubens, exécutées par le maître à l'occasion de festivités communales." Feuilleton, 2 avr. Gheldolf, A. E. Coutume de la ville de Gand. ler, D. D. 1891. Green, S: F. Life and letters; comp. by E. CutHardenberg, F: L:, Freiherr von (pseud. Novalis). Novalis, his life, thoughts, and works; ed. and tr. by M. J. Hope. 1891. Harrison, B:, 23d President of the U.S. Speeches; a collection of his public addresses, 188892; comp. by C: Hedges. Hauff, W: The banished; a Swabian tale; ed. by J. Morier. 1839. 3 v. Hazlitt, W: C. Manual for the collector and amateur of old English plays; from material formed by Kirkman, Langbaine, etc.; with add. and cor. Heales, A. Architecture of the churches of Denmark. Helen Brent, M. D.; a social study. "Helen Brent is a woman who sees no reason why her profession should be in the way of the happiness and duties of married life. The author argues well for her own sex, and proves that one woman of 'the highest type' could marry and be happy without re-shaping her life on new lines. Nevertheless the fact remains that human nature does not change to accommodate theorizers." -Literary world, June 4. Henley, W: E. The song of the sword; and other verses. "Throughout the book we miss certain accustomed elements of recent verse. Love hardly occupies Mr. Henley's attention; narrative is as completely absent as monodrama. The writer speaks directly to us in every case, and he chiefly deals with his personal reflections and moral peculiarities, his defiance of the fear of man, his calm pulse in the approach of death, his determination to live his own life in his own way." Sat. rev., May 14. Hobbes, J: O. (pseud. for Mrs. Cragie). The sinner's comedy. (Unknown lib.) "Shows in some ways a distinct advance upon 'Some emotions and a moral, but it leaves one with the im. pression that a third and more carefully constructed novel is necessary before one can confidently say that the author is capable of the highest work of fiction." - Athenœum, May 28. Hodder, E. Sir G: Burns, Bart.; his times and friends. 2d ed. 1890. "Its author devotes his whole attention to show that all the commercial crises of this century have been due to the mismanagement of the instruments of production by the capitalist class. In itself this is no dificult task, but it is surely illogical to conclude, as Mr. Hyndman does, that such mismanagement was general. Nor can we bring ourselves to believe in the efficiency of his remedy, which is simply to take away the manage. ment from that class. We are not shown how this should be done, or to whom the management should be entrusted." Westminster, June. Ingram, T. D. England and Rome; a history of the relations between the papacy and the English state and church from the Norman conquest to 1688. "The work of an advocate rather than of a historian, and is likely to attract attention from the support it lends to certain views which are popular and fashionable at the present time rather than historical and likely to be permanent." - Academy, July 2. Johnson, S: Letters; coll. and ed. by G: B. Hill. 2 ν. "This collection includes nearly a hundred hitherto unpublished letters, besides others which had only appeared in magazines or newspapers. Of Johnson's powers as a letter-writer we have always held a high opinion, and we certainly agree with the editor that Johnson will rank higher as a letter-writer now that his letters are collected." Lennox, C. R. The female Quixote; or, The adventures of Arabella. 2d ed. 1752. 2 v. Leopardi, G. Poesie. Nuova ed.; con versi ined. e vita; a cura di G. Mestica. Macdonald, E. J. J. A., duc de Tarente. Souve nirs; avec une introd. par C. Rousset. 5e éd. "The great merit of his autobiography consists in the information which he gives regarding Napoleon's conduct and bearing on some of the most important occasions, and the anecdotes he relates of some of his celebrated companions in arms." - Athenœum, Mar.19. Madrid. Real Academia Española. Diccionario de la lengua castellana. 4a ed. 1803. Maitland, J: A. F. English carols of the 15th century; from a ms. roll in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge; with vocal parts by W. S. Rockstro. "Their special value does not consist in their beauty or excellence, but in that they are the only existing specimens of English music of the period. They are supposed to be the work of one composer, John Dunstable, known as the father of counter-point." - Academy, Feb. 6. Margueritte, P. Le cuirassier blanc. "C'est là un des meilleurs recueils de nouvelles que nous ayous eus depuis quelque temps." 5 mar. Revue bleue, Martel, P. A. D., comte de. Etudes historiques sur Louvois et sur Dubois. 1868. Mathers, H.. B. (Mrs. H: A. Reeves), and others. The fate of Fenella; a novel. "A novel written by twenty-four authors is certainly somewhat of a literary curiosity, whatever it may be as a specimen of literary art. The absence of any preconceived plan must have robbed the writers themselves of any interest that they might otherwise have taken in the characters with which they had to deal, for what interest could they take in a personage when they did not know whether he would live through three volumes and be happy ever afterwards, or whether he would not be killed in the very next chapter? And this absence of interest on the part of the authors is almost as conspicuous as the absence of a dominant idea. The result has been a fairly readable novel, that tells an extremely silly story. The characters waver and change from chapter to chapter, but there are occasionally strong situations, and scraps of fairly good dialogue." -Spectator, May 28. Morier, J. Abel Allnutt. 1837. 3 v. Martin Toutrond; adventures of a Frenchman Moynier, G. Conférence sur la Convention de Noyes, I: P. Meteorology; the weather map, and the "rain-makers." Page, T: N. The old South; essays social and political. "He is delightful in his descriptions of life in a Southern family where the master ruled his plantation in a patriarchal fashion, and the mistress was friend of every member of the household." Literary world, July 2. Palma, L. Trattati e convenzioni in vigore fra il regno d'Italia ed i governi esteri. 1879. Nuova racolta. 1890. Parkman, F. A half century of conflict. 2 v. "The half century embraces conflicts all along the line from Louisburg to Detroit, and consequently the only unity of the work is that it is throughout in one form or another, an illustration of the singularly con. trasted characters and methods of the rival claimants to North America." - Literary world, July 2. Partington, J. E. Album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress, etc., of the natives of the Pacific Islands; from examples in coll. in England. 1890. |