Slike stranica

Andrews, J. B. Contes ligures; traditions de la Rivière; recueillis entre Menton et Gênes; avec notes et index.

"The stories are here printed in French but there is many an indication in the notes to show that they were originally told in the dialect of the Rivièra. Those apparently collected by Mr. Andrews himself at Mentone are more exactly literal; those further to the East contributed by the Poéte Vigo and others have the fault, from a folk-lorist's point of view, of being thrown into a more poetic and literary form. Mr. Andrews has subjoined reference notes to other collections at the end of each tale, and thus this little book possesses a scientific value." - Academy, Apr. 23.

"An extremely good collection of stories from the district between Mentone and Genoa; they have been taken down from the mouths of the people. Many of them bear a remarkably strong resemblance to the stories in Grimm's Kinder und Hausmärchen; indeed, now and then, subject only to the modifications due to their having found a home so long among people of another race and country, they are all but identical. They have often a detail the more or several details the less, and when it is more, these details not unfrequently sup. plement the story as told in Grimm's time-honored collection." Athenaum, Apr. 23.

Aulard, F. A. Le culte de la raison et le culte de l'être suprême, 1793-94.

"Il ne donne son œuvre que comme un essai, mais il a recueilli tant de documents ignorés que son travail sera longtemps consulté. Nous appelons surtout l'attention du lecteur sur l'idée neuve et originale que M. A. développe d'un bout à l'autre du volume; c'est que les vues antichrétiennes de la Convention étaient en même temps patriotiques; c'est que, voyant dans le cuite un obstacle au salut de la France, l'assemblée s'imagina qu'elle pourrait détruire le culte, détruire une religion séculaire et improviser la création d'un nouveau et puissant levain dans les âmes."-Revue critique, 11 juil.

Balestier, W. The average woman; with preface by H: James.

"Designed to give, by means of three different portraits, a sort of composite photograph of womankind as he saw it. The stories are told with a vivacity that chooses well its moment and its subject, and is not critical of its expressions." - Literary world, July 30.

Barrès, M. Un homme libre. 3e éd. 1889.
Le jardin de Bérénice. 4e éd. 1891.
Sous l'œil des barbares. Nouv.éd.; aug. d'un
Examen des trois volumes.

"Psychologists are tiresome people who find causes for everything, and extract general laws out of minute facts but this trilogy is written by one who finds the Imitation,' and the Vita nuova 'intensely satisfying, and who merely chronicles emotions. M. Barrès explains that the obscurity in his books is not owing to style or to the paucity of ideas, but to the omission of psychological explications, and adds that when writing under the impulse of emotion, he can only chronicle, he cannot explain, and repeats that the work is meant for those who appreciate les crises de l'àme.' We do not hesitate to recommend these books to all who care for thought, for well-chosen epithets, for poe. try and poetical metaphor; no very new philosophy, but rather the resurrection of an old-world philosophy given to a Paris whose literary section had discarded belief of any kind." Spectator, Apr. 30.

Bartolomeo, F. Le vite de' pittori, degli scultori et architetti veronese, raccolte da vari autori e manuscritti, etc. 1718.

Beddard, F. E. Animal coloration; the facts and theories relating to the colours and markings of animals.

"As Mr. Poulton and Dr. Wallace have treated the subject recently from the standpoint of natural selec. tion, Mr. Beddard lays stress on other aspects of the

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Blogg, H: B. Life of Francis Duncan.

"On the whole, the record is rather tame. Still one lays down the book with the feeling that Francis Duncan was a fine fellow, inspired with enterprise and and public spirit, whose only fault was an unwise though magnanimous hunger for work and reputation which eventually wore down his strength." - Athenaum, June 4.

Bordier, H. Le chansonnier Huguenot du 16e siècle. 1870.

Bradford, Rev. W: Sketches of the country, character, and costume, in Portugal and Spain in 1808-09; with illust. and descr. 1809.

Carleton, W: City festivals.

"When he is content to be simple, as in 'Under the the wheels,' he is capable of quick touches of true hu. man nature that elicit laughter or tears. But in such ambitious performances as the 'Scenes in the life of Columbus,' can only regret that, while his intention is so excellent, his workmanship is so tasteless," Literary world, Aug. 13.

Chassin, C: L: La préparation de la guerre de Vendée, 1789-93. 3 v. in 8.

"Cet ouvrage documentaire est rempli de pièces inédites, tirées des Archives nationales, départementales,et municipales, des Archives de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Affaires étrangères, ainsi que d'importantes col lections particulières. Il est destiné à détruire quelques légendes, à dissiper beaucoup de préjugés et à procurer aux historiens de l'avenir les moyens de déterminer au vrai, d'apprécier au juste le rôle énorme que la Vendée a joué dans le drame de la Révolution Française."-Adv

Clifford, Mrs. L. L. Aunt Anne; a novel.

"A straight-forward character study depending for its interest on the successful representation of an ap. parently contradictory inconsistent old lady." ary world, Aug. 13.


Colonna, V. Rime pub. dal cav. P: E. Visconti con la vità. 1840.

Costa de Beauregard, C: A., marg. de. Le roman d'un royaliste sous la Révolution; souvenirs du cte. de Virieu.

"L'existence du comte de Virieu fut un véritable roman. Entré dans la vie sous les plus heureux auspices, mais nourri, comme le plus grand nombre de ses compatriotes, des doctrines de Rousseau, l'esprit tenté par le mysticisme qui l'attirait dans les loges maconniques au sortir des églises, il se jette avec ardeur dans le mouvement précurseur de la Révolution." Bibl., mai.


Creighton, C: History of epidemics in Britain,

664-[1666]. 1891.

"A most interesting and striking historical work. Mr. Creighton is the first who has endeavoured to trace epidemics to their source, to give a scientific account of them, and weave the causes, the appearance, and the consequences of the great, and so to speak, historic diseases into a connected story." - Spectator, Apr. 30. Cumming, Rev. J.G: The runic and other monumental remains of the Isle of Man. [1857.] Deutsches Volksbüchlein für Jung u. Alt; hrsg.

von G. Nieritz, Jahrgang 1845-46. 2 ν.

Dodd, and others. Nouveau dictionnaire flamardfrançais et français-flamand. 2e éd. 186265. 2 ν.

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"Is interesting and forms a capital introduction to the combined study of these two sciences." Spectator, July 30.

Gonse, I.. L'art gothique. [1890.]
Goodwin, T: Sketches and impressions, musical,

theatrical, and social, 1799-1885; incl. a
sketch of the Philharmonic society of N. Y.;
[ed.] by R. O. Mason. 1887.

Grandgagnage, C: Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue wallonne; gloss. et introd. par A: Scheler. 1845-80. 2 ν.

Green, A.. K.. Cynthia Wakeham's money.

"A detective novel. There is plenty of lost and con. cealed money, a mysterious woman or two, several ar. dent lovers, some poison, a most successful father's curse, and some strange disappearances, and we finally close the book with a sigh of relief, that its heroes and heroines are cured of the 'fitful fever' through which their novelist has led them." - Literary world, Aug. 13.

Grimm, H. Zur Abwehr gegen Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Springer's Raphael-studien. 1873. Hale, J: P: Trans-Allegheny pioneers, historical sketches of the first white settlements west of the Alleghenies, 1748 and after. 1886. Halévy, L.. Karikari; Un tour de valse, Tom et Bob, La plus belle, Noiraud, Guignol, Deux cyclones. 26e éd.

"M. Halévy entremêle de charmants récits sans façons à des pages d'observation frivole et piquante à la fois prise dans le monde des théâtres comme aussi dans les suprêmes dessus des classes riches. Humour ironique et délicatesse de touche font reconnaître ces dernières productions. Je ne sais nulle satire plus implacable que ces soi-disant frivolités." Revue bibl., mai.

Hausmann, B. A. Dürer's Kupferstiche, Radi. rungen, Holzschnitte, und Zeichnungen. 1861.

Hewett, S.. Peasant speech of Devon; with other matters connected therewith.

"A very good little volume, and conveys a great deal of useful information to those who feel an interest in Devonshire speech." Sat. rev., July 9.

Hommaire de Hell, I. X. M. Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, exécuté par ordre du gouvernement français, 1846-48. T. 1, 2, 4. 1854


Hooper, G: Abraham Fabert, Gov. of Sedan, Marshal of France; his life and times, 15991662.

"Mr. Hooper had all the essential qualifications for a military biographer and his abilities are displayed to the full in the very interesting 'Life." - Spectator, July 30.

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A delight to the antiquary, and a boon to the historian. To the general reader the picturesque account of the growth and decay of the place has continual charm. Such will read with delight of the 13th century splendour, the confirmation of the great charter, the Winchelsea squadron, the visits of Edward to the loyal town. For the reader of Notes and queries' the accounts of the various inhabitants, the trades and em. ployments, the social customs, the position of women, and other similar matters will have even higher value." Notes and queries, July 30.

James, C. Curiosities of Christian history prior to the Reformation.

"An interesting and useful collection of Christian ana gathered from a wide field of histories, annals, chronicles, and biographies." Westminster review,


Johnstone, G.. Leading women of the restoration; with portraits.

"We fear the title bestowed upon this study may cause disappointment. 'Leading women of the Restoration, of course one knows them. All the fascinat. ing sinners of high and low degree. Indeed, it may be questioned whether the term 'leading' is applicable to any of the good women here commemorated. They were of the salt of the earth which happily is to be found in all times, even in the worst; but their influence was exerted rather to check than to lead. At the same time, it is well to be reminded of the existence of an undercurrent of purity and devotion beneath the flowing tide of frivolity and vice." - Sat.rev., Aug. 13. Jullien, J: Le théâtre vivant; essai théorique et pratique; L'échéance, La sérénade, Le maître, La mer, Vieille histoire.

"Preceded by a curious sketch in which the author explains his theories concerning what he calls théâtre vivant." - Athenaum, July 2.

Justh, S. de. Le livre de la pousta; tr. par G.


"A collection of prose-poems and short tales translated into picturesque and nervous French. Those who are looking for new sensations, fresh and vivid, and are capable of getting them out of books may be advised to try this one." Critic, May 21. Kirkpatrick, A. F. Divine library of the Old Testament; its origin, preservation, inspiration, and permanent value; 5 lectures. 1891. Laberinto amoroso, ein altspanisches Liederbuch; Enleitung u. Anmerkungen herausg. von K. Vollmöller. 1891.

Lanson, G. Boileau.

"The rehabilitation of Nicolas was a thing so clear, and so certain to come some day, that we have been expecting it for many years. M. Lanson has done his work with a great deal of tact, and with nothing that can be called a want of frankness, seeing that he is a professed advocate." - Athenæum, June 25.

La Rochefoucauld, L: F. S., vicomte de, duc de Doudeauville. Mémoires. 1861-64. 15 v. Leemans, C. Bôrô-Boedoer, Java; afgebeeld door en onder toezigt van F. C: Wilsen; met tekst naar de verhandelingen van F. C: Wilsen, J. F. G. Brumund, etc.; uitg. op last van den Minister van Kolonien. 1873.

Bôrô-Boudour, Java; dessiné par ou sous la dir. de F. C: Wilsen; avec texte d'après les mémoires de F. C: Wilsen, J. F. G. Brumund, etc.; pub. d'après les ordres [du] Ministre des Colonies; (tr. par M. A. G. van Hamel]. 1874.

McArthur, J. N. Government.

"A somewhat singular production, for, although the writer is evidently a man of brains, and one who has a style, he writes as though no one had previously studied the theory of representation in recentor modern times, and lays down the law for us with regard to his own opinions in most uncompromising fashion. Neither can he be said to know much about the drift of opinion. We doubt whether there exists any one who will learn much from Mr. McArthur's work." - Athenaum, July

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"He denies the assertion that Peru is a country of • unmeaning revolutions and disturbances,' and asserts that the Chilian invasion was unprovoked, and that, like the Spanish conquest, it was an undeserved calamity. Not the least interesting portions are the brief but strongly individualized sketches of some of the remarkable men who have figured in the annals of Peru."

Méon, D.-M. Nouveau recueil de fabliaux et contes inédits des poétes français des 12-15 siècles. 1823. 2 ν.

Middleton, J. H. Remains of ancient Rome. 2 v. "Professor Middleton has entirely recast a work which had passed through two editions under a somewhat different title. The book now appears in two volumes, with more than two hundred additional pages. Its nature, however, is unchanged, the chief stress being laid, as before, upon architectural matters, with partic. ular attention to methods of construction and to building materials. But a great deal is added everywhere in the way of details, the results of recent excavations are set forth, and there are many new illustrations."

Millet, R. Rabelais.

"Il n'allait pas sans difficulté de faire sur Rabelais une étude qui fût vraie et pourtant qui pût être mise dans toutes les mains. M. Réné Millet a gagné cette gageure à force de sincérité et de tact. Il n'a rien dissimulé et a réussi à ne blesser aucune susceptibilité. Son Rabelais a de la vérité et de la vie. Ce livre se recommande, sans parler du savoir, par une chaleur, un mouvement, une allure de 'bride sur le cou' qui convienment admirablement au sujet, et qui font qu'on lit cette étude cri. tique comme on ferait les meilleures pages de Rabelais lui-même." - Revue bleue, 30 juil.

Moorehead, W. K. Primitive man in Ohio.

"Is the record of a first-hand work during five years, in exploring the whole state, during which he opened over one hundred mounds, graves, and cemeteries. Each chapter relates to a special locality, and is illustrated by good photographs of the relicts found." Literary world, Aug. 13.

[blocks in formation]

a great mistake.

"An exceptionally good book even for Mrs. Oli. phant." - Academy, Aug. 27.

Origenes. Apology in reply to Celsus; a chapter in the history of apologetics; by J: Patrick.

"Appears to us to be of interest rather for the full account it gives us of the attack of Celsus on the Christianity of his time than for the defence Origen made in reply to it. The two works, brought side by side by Mr. Patrick, certainly form one of the most interesting chapters in the history of Apologetics, and the wri ter has rendered students of theology, if not the Church, a service in presenting them in so convenient and attractive a form." - Westminster rev., July.

Parry, J. D. Historical and descr. account of the coast of Sussex, Brighton, Eastbourn, etc.


Pasini, A. Guide de la basilique St. Marc à Venise. 1888.

"Life-long researches." - Atheneum, July 23, 1887. Pastor, L. Histoire des papes depuis la fin du Moyen Age; tr. de l'allemand par Furcy Raynaud. 1888-92. 4 ν.

"L'ouvrage, écrit d'après les documente inédite des Archives du Vatican, témoigne d'une profonde érudition et expose d'une façon magistrale le rôle de la pa. pauté dans l'histoire des nations modernes." - Reque bleue, 23 juil.

Pike, W. Barren Ground of northern Canada. "The scientific element is not absent, but it is in the main a tale of perilous adventure told in a simple and unaffected fashion." Spectator, July 23.

Pool, M. L. Mrs. Keats Bradford; a novel.

"The friends of 'Roweny in Boston,' will be glad to welcome Roweny again in just as simple and honest a guise after her marriage and her Salon successes. It is a pleasant and well written novel." Literary world, July 30.

Poole, D. C. Among the Sioux of Dakota; 15 months' experience as an Indian agent. 1881. Powell, B. H: B. Land-systems of British India; manual of land-tenures and land-revenue administration in the several provinces. 3 v. "A laborious and praiseworthy attempt to present students and administrators with a connected view of the Indian land system. We can bear witness to the ability of the writer, to the pains and discrimination with which he has sifted an enormous mass of materi. als, to his curious revelations of village life, and to the force and justice of many of his views." - Sat. rev., Aug. 27.

Rawnsley, H. D. Notes for the Nile; with a metrical rendering of the hymns of ancient Egypt, and of the precepts of Ptah-Hotep. "Is the work of an enthusiastic lover of ancient Egyptian art and literature. The first part contains an account of the methods of construction and decoration of the tombs, together with the burial ceremonials. This is followed by a description of Mr. Flinders Petrie's work at the Medum Pyramid. Among the pictures of the native life of the present day the pleasantest is that of workpeople of Mr. Petrie." Nation, Aug. 11.

Reade, C: The wandering heir; a matter-of-fact romance. 1875.

Renauld de Beaujeu. Le bel inconnu ou Giglain fils de messire Gouvain et de la fée aux blanches mains; poème de la table ronde, pub. avec une introd. et un gloss. par C. Hippeau. 1860.

Revell, W: F. Browning's criticism of life.

"The worth of human life, both as the life of the flesh and a life of the soul; life as a probation; the need of faith, and consequent room for doubt; and the com. plexity of the nature of man, are well known to be themes which are over and over again introduced and dwelt upon by the poet. Mr. Revell has, so to speak, sifted and classified many passages where these doctrines are set forth, and the sort of 'résumé' which he gives us has certainly the power of bringing them more definitely and clearly before us, illustrated as it is with extracts from the poems themselves." July 2.

Robins, G. M. The ides of March. 3 v.


"A real success; there is not one weakly-drawn char. acter throughout the whole story, while some of them are powerfully delineated. Society in a sleepy Cathe. tral city is happily hit off, and there are many wise as well as witty things." - Academy, Jan. 16.

Roe, A. S. Worcester Classical and English High School; a record of 47 years.

Rooses, M. Geschichte der Malerschule Antwerpens von Q. Massijs bis P. P. Rubens; aus dem Vlam. von F. Reber. 2e Aug. 1889.

Rossi, G: G. de. Pitture di Ant. Allegri detto il Correggio esist. in Par nel Monasterio di S. Paolo. 1800.

Round, J: H. Geoffrey deville; a study

of the anarchy.

"Aims at illustrating in deta principles of English feudalism in history during which feudal anarea England. The work is most skilfu The result is a very large addition. the clearing up of many doubtful poi: ing up of further possibilities of invest enaum, July 9.

vorking of the he reign of our lly existed in 1 ably done. knowledge, the open

Rousseau, J: J. Lettres inédites; cocarondance

avec Mme. Boy de La Tour; pu
Rothschild; avec une préface pa:

1." - Ath


H: de Clare


"Ce sont les détails de la vie privée, ses son intérieur domestique, ses manies, ses et ses querelles avec les voisins, ses comméra gérences maladroites dans les affaires d'a achats, ses excentricités; c'est Jean Jacques e chambre et en pantoufles, nous fournissant ava plaisance tous les renseignements les plus intir.. lui eût demandés un reporter de nos jours. C'e correspondance qui ressemble à une 'interview' in taire." - Revue bleue, avr. 30.

Ryle, H. E: The canon of the Old Testame an essay on the growth and formation of Hebrew canon of Scripture.

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"Those who are looking for a popular yet schoları exposition of the modern views as to the history of He brew literature may be recommended to try Mr. Ryle's Canon of the Old Testament." - Sat. rev., June 11.

Sandby, W: Thomas and Paul Sandby, Royal Academicians; their lives and works. "From contemporary literature and other sources, Mr. Sandby has gathered sufficient material to serve as a basis of an excellent sketch of the lives of the Sandbys, and his work enjoys the advantage of being admi. rably illustrated by phototype portraits and designs after both artists."

Sat. rev., July 16.

[Sept. 27, 1892

Sidgwick, A. Distinction and the criticism of beliefs.

"The problem how to deal with ambiguity of language is treated in a somewhat special manner. Common-sense exercises a kind of tact in using distinctions, treating them with considerable lightness, and the main purpose of the book is to supplement common-sense tact' by making it conscious of its reasons. In the course of the inquiry several other topics of philosophi. cal interest are discussed; chief among these are controversy, the nature of language, and the destructive power of scepticism." - Mind, April,

Social horizon, The; by the author of "Life in our villages."

"A powerful essay in favour of the principles of Fabian socialism. We commend this little volume as an original treatise, well written and readable, which may possibly advance the author's views with those who have not any or much previous acquaintance with the matter." - Athenœum, June 25.

Sorel, A. Madame de Staël. 1890.

- Tr. by [F.. H. Gardiner). (Great French writers.)

"With few exceptions the originals of the series have been admirable specimens of literary biography in little, and not more than one or two of them have been better than this. We have seldom seen a worse translation." - Athenaum, Aug. 6.

Sowerby, J. Forest Cantons of Switzerland; Lucerne, Schwyz, Uri, Unterwalden. "Facts are given copiously, but they are set out with little method or vivacity. Regarded, however, in the light of an encyclopaedia article gone astray, the work is one of considerable merit, honest and thorough as far as it goes." - Atheneum, Inly 23.

Steveni, W. B. Through famine-stricken Russia. "Mr. Steveni, by accompanying some of the great landowners and making house-to-house visitations, could understand to the full the ignorance and help. lessness of the Russian peasantry. Accustomed in the days of their serfdom to the village corn-magazines in times of scarcity, now that they are free, and must act on their own initiative, they fail completely to cope with a calamity. Nothing could give a more striking illustration of the vastness and looseness of the Russian Empire than Mr. Steveni's account of a famine in a part of Spectator, July 30.


Stuart, J. A. Ε. Literary shrines of Yorkshire; the literary pilgrim in the dales.

"The book is ill-arranged, ill-written, incomplete, and inaccurate." - Atheneum, July 23.

Swanwick, A.. Poets the interpreters of their age.

"The more carefully this small book is read and studled, the warmer will be the satisfaction felt at the skill which has packed its pages with interesting information and instructive reflection." - Spectator, July 19. Vincent, Mrs. E. G. Newfoundland to Cochin China by the golden wave, New Nippon, and the Forbidden City; with reports on British trade, etc., in Canada, Japan, and China, by Col. H: Vincent.



"It is written in a chatty style, and has the merits that belong to the first impressions of a vigilant observer." Sat. rev., July 9.

ilkins, M.. E. Young Lucrecia; and other sto

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About, E. F. V. Le dix-neuvième siècle; avec

introd. par J. Reinach.

"M. Reinach a mis en tête une introd. de 50 pages, intitulée About journaliste, qui est tout à fait remarquable. C'est bien About, tout à fait lui, avec ses qualités et ses défauts, avec sa fougue et son imprévoyance politque, ses illusions sur les hommes, lesquelles étaient extraordinaires, sa diplomatie fantaisiste et sa carte de l'Europe dix fois remaniée en parfalte étourderie, tourjours d'une façon défavorable à la France, par grandeur d'âme; mais aussi avec sa forte croyance, et intelligente, au progrès, sa lucidité merveilleuse en économie polltique, son aptitude, véritablement curieuse, à voir, à comprendre, et à expliquer les choses matérielles, inventions nouvelles, œuvres industrielles, œuvres agricoles; sa vivacité d'esprit enfin, et, servie par une prodigieuse mémoire,sa déconcertante faculté d'assimilation instantanée." Revue bleue, 24 sept.

Alger, Rev. W: R. Sources of consolation in human life.

"Is full of strength and nobility, and is clear and glowing in language." - Literary world, July 2.

Ars moriendi, that is to say the craft for to deye for the helthe of mannes sowle; photolithograph of the copy printed by W: Caxton, or Wynken de Worde, about 1491. [1891.] (Bodleian facsimile ser.)

"Belongs to a class of popular 'Ars moriendi,' of which we have several examples; short tracts to be used by a friend at the death-bed. As types we may mention Gerson's Ars moriendi,' and Geiter von Kal. serberg's free translation of it. These books were sold for a few pence, and were not meditations on the death of either just man or sinner, but simple manuals for those assisting the dying. To these Caxton's Craft for to dye' is related in so far as it serves a similar purpose, but it is a quite independent work. At present the Latin original has not been unearthed." - Atheneum, July 30.

Augustin, M.. (pseud. Tante Marie). Le Macandal; épisode de l'insurrection des noirs à St. Domingue.

Balfour, A. J. A fragment on progress; inaugural address, on his installation as Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, Nov. 1891. "Proves that he has bestowed deep thought on some of the great problems of sociology. Assuming a coldly academic tone, he proceeds to deal with the various ideas suggested by the word progress, and appears to conclude that the millenulum is a very long way off indeed." - Westminster review, Sept.

Ballestrem, E. Grafin. Maria Stuart Königin von Schottland. 1889.

Barrett, C. R. B. Essex; highways, byways, and waterways; illust.

"Visiting every place he has described, and supply. ing his own illustrations, he has not contented himself with making extracts from a county history, but has found in the printed State Papers a fund of entertaining historical information." - Athenaum, July 23.

Bastable, C. F. Public finance.

"Supplies a long felt want. He travels over the entire field, presenting the results in a systematic form, so as to enable his readers to grasp the leading facts and the present position of this important branch of political science." Westminster rev., Sept.

Baynham, W. The Glasgow stage.
Bellasis, E. Cardinal Newman as a musician.
Besant, W. Verbena Camellia Stephanotis, etc.
"Is full of good summer reading." - Athenaum,
Aug. 13.

Bode, W: Denkmäler der Renaissance Sculptur
Toscanas; hrsg. von F: Bruckmann.

Boldrewood, R. (pseud. of T. A. Browne). Nevermore. 2 v.

"Is decidedly ghastly, and he spares neither his characters nor his readers. The convict life of the innocent Lance is told with much particularity, and will certainly try the nerves of an average reader." - Athenaum, Feb. 20.

Bosanquet, B. History of æsthetic.

"It is the theory and not the application that Mr. Bosanquet is concerned with. His survey, therefore, of his subject very rarely leaves the usual lines of a history of philosophy in general. At the same time, the writer has, of course, drawn many of his illustrations from literature and the fine arts. No one, however, should take up the volume with the expectation that it is light reading." - Lit. world, Sept. 24.

Bouchot, H: Les Clouet et Corneille de Lyon. (Les artistes célèbres.) Broughton, R. Tales for Christmas eve. 1872. Burns, R. Burns in English; select poems tr. from the Scottish dialect by A. Corbett. Caine, T. H. Capt'n Davy's honeymoon; a Manx


"The plot is extremely simple, but the treatment is excellent. Scattered through the book are a number of capital Manx-stories with which Capt. Davy is constantly enlivening his conversation. There are many delicate touches and of that very fine-grained sentiment which is so often hidden under rough speech and a clumsy exterior." - Literary world, Sept. 10.

Casini, T. Manuale di letteratura italiana. Vol. 1, 2. 1886.

Ceci, I.. Appunti glottologici. Censure, La, sous Napoléon III; rapports inédits et in extenso, 1852-66; préf. de ..., et interview de E. de Goncourt. [2e éd.]

Chamberlain, B. H. Classical poetry of the JaChoate, I: B. Wells of English.

panese. 1891.

"The author quotes Principal Shairp to the effect that we should know not only the great poets, but minor writers, and then gives brief accounts of forty, from Thomas of Erceldoune to John Evelyn. Of these the author writes the oft-told story, and he fails to add to our knowledge of the obscurer names. At the same time there can hardly be too many unpretentious vol. umes, such as this, of average information of the subject, and fair taste in appreciation to aid in the steady increase of the use of old literature by the library public."

Nation, Feb. 18.

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