Slike stranica


to nos. 296-316 (books received Jan. - Dec. 1892).

Words in parentheses after the page-numbers show the heading under which the note referred to will be found.

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Archæological review, 1257. Archbold, W. A. J. Somerset religious houses, 1317.

Archer, F. How to write a good play, 1285.

Arena portfolio of eminent personages, 1269.

Arène, P. A: La gueuse parfumée, 1281.

Argenson, R. L: de V. Rapports inédits, 1237. Aristides, M. Apology. 1269. Armellini, M. Le chiese di Roma, 1887, 1249. Armstrong, E: Elizabeth Farnese, 1293.

Arnault, A.V., etc. Biog. nouv.,


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Bacon, L. Discourse, 1313.
Badger, G: P.
lexicon, 1261.

Bagnasco, G: G. Americæ retectio, 1285.

Baildon, W: P. The court baron, 1239. (Maitland and Baildon.)

Baldwin, A. Where town and country meet, 1249.

Bale, J: Syr J: Oldecastell,


Balestier, W. The average woman, 1301. Balestier, W.

The Naulahka,

1315. (Kipling and Balestier.) Balfour, A. J. Progress, 1305. Ball, R. S. Cause of an ice age,


Ball, W. W: R. Mathematical recreations, 1285.

Ballantyne, R. M. Ungava,


Ballestrem, E. 1305.

Ballou, M. м. America, 1273.

Marie Stuart,


Bancroft, G: Erie, 1241. Bancroft, H. H. Chronicles, builders of the commonwealth, 1261. Literary industries, 1237.

Battle of Lake

Banville, T. F. de.

poésie fr., 1237.

Traité de

Barante, A. G. P: B. Souvenirs, 1237, 1281.

Bardoux, A. La Fayette, 1313.
Barr, A. E. H. Rose of a hun-
dred leaves, 1257.
Barrès, M. Un home libre, 1301.
Le jardin de Bérénice, 1301.
Sous l'œil des barbares, 1301.
Barrett, C. R. B. Essex, 1305.
Barrett, F. Olga's crime, 1249.
Barrie, J: M. The little minis-
ter, 1245.

Barrier, G. The horse, 1306.
(Goubaux and Barrier.)
Barrili, A. G. L'undecimo
comandamento, 1289.
Barron, L: Les fleuves de
France, 1257.
Bartolomeo, F. Pittori, 1301.
Bartholomew, J. Black's atlas,
Eng., Wales, 1309.
Bascom, J: The new theology,

Bastable, C. F. Finance, 1305. Bastard, A.. Costumes, cour de Bourgogne, 1241.

Bastard, G. 1245.

Paris qui roule,

Bataille, A.. Causes crim., 1293. Batchelor, J: The Ainu of Japan, 1309.

Bates, A. The poet and his self, 1237. Told in the gate, 1297.

Bates, E: С. Westborough, 1237. (De Forest and Bates.) Baudry de Saunier, L. Hist., de la vélocépedie, 1245. Baumbach, R. Tales from wonderland, 1245.

Bax, E. B. Outlooks, 1237. Bayard, E. La Caisse d'Epargne, 1297.

Baylies, F. Original of local names, 1309.

Bayne, P: Testimony of Christ, 1261.

Baynes, H. Dante and his ideal, 1237.

Baynham, W. Glasgow stage, 1305.

Bazire, E. Manet, 1257. Beauquier, C: La musique, le drame, 1289.

Beauvau, L: de. Le pas d'armes de la bergère, 1253. Beaver, A. Chelsea, 1297. Beddard, F. E. Animal coloration, 1301.

Beesley, E: S. Queen Eliza beth, 1269.

Belgrand, E. La Seine, 1241. Bellasis, E. Card. Newman, 1305.

Belot, A. Folies de jeunesse,


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Number 317. 2d ser.]

Blackwood, H. G. My Cana dian journal, 1249.

Blades, W: The Pentateuch of printing, 1241.

Blake, A. V. Indians, 1297. Blake, F. E. Rutland, 1313. Blanc, T. Constance, 1253. Blanchard, C. Guerre d'Amérique, 1261.

Blémont, E. Esthétique de la tradition, 1273.

Blind, M. Dramas in miniature, 1245.

Blogg, H: B. F. Duncan, 1301. Blomfield, R. The formal garden, 1269.

Blondel, S. Le tabac, 1289. Blüthgen, V. Ein Frieden. störer, 1317.

Blunt, W. S. Love sonnets, 1293. New pilgrimage, 1293. Boardman, H. Map, White Mts., 1317.

Boase, F. Mod. Eng. biog., 1293. Bock, F. Die Musterzeichner des Mittelalters, 1317.

Bode, W: Denkmäler der Renaissance Sculptur Toscanas, 1305. Franz Hals, 1297.

Boileau, E. Livre des métiers,


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Brown, H. Catoninetales, 1249. Brown, P. H. Early travellers in Scotland, 1241.

Browning, C: Н. Americans of royal descent, 1253. Browning, O. Bartolomeo Col. leoni, 1245. Dante, 1265. Flight to Varennes, 1277. Goethe, 1265.

Bruce, H: Life, General Houston, 1253.

Bruce, J; C. The Roman wall,

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Brunetière, F. Etudes, l'hist. de la lit. fr., 1261. Brutails, J: A: Des populations du Roussillon, 1245. Bryne, J. C. B. Gossip of the century, 1309.

Bryson, M.. F. J: K. Macken zie, 1237.

Buchanan, R. The outcast, 1241.

Buisson, F. Sébastien Castellion, 1285.

Burdett, H: C. Hospitals, asylums, 1269.

Burger, C. Ad. Repertorium bibliog., indices, 1261.

Burgon, J: W: J: W: Burgon,


Burnet, J. Greek philosophy, 1317.

Burnett, F. H. Giovanni, 1317. Burney.J. Buccaneers of America, 1265. Burnham, C. L.. Miss Bagg's secretary, 1265.


Burton, M. E. Ruling the plan ets, 1261. Bussière, G:


Butcher, S: H: 1245.

Michel Beaupuy,

Greek genius,

Butler, B. F. Autobiography, 1269.

Buvat, J:


Bynner, F. L. 1313.

Journal, 1715-23,

Byrne, J. C. B. century, 1309. Caen. Soc. des

Zachary Phips,

Gossip of the

Antiq. de la Normandie. Mémoires; Atlas, [1824]-70; Table alphabét., 1261.

Caine, T. H. Capt'n Davy's honeymoon, 1305. Caird, E: Essays, 1293. Calamy, E. Ministers ejected, 1313.

Call, W. M: W. Final causes, 1237.

Calmire, 1313. Cambridge, A. My guardian, 1257. Not all in vain, 1265. Camp, W. Amer. football, 1237. Campbell, A. Santal folk tales, 1297.

Campbell, D. Puritan in Hol land, 1297.

Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S.
Viscount Palmeston, 1257.
Cappeller, C. Sanscrit-Eng.
dictionary, 1237.

Capuana, L: Fumando. 1249.
Carey, R. N. But men must
work, 1309. Our Bessie, 1237.
Carleton, W: City festivals, 1301.
Carlier. A. La république amé-
ricaine, 1317.
Carlsen, W: War as it is, 1289.
Carlyle, T. Conversations, C.
G. Duffy, 1292. Last words.
Lect., hist. of literature, 1289,
1261. Rescued essays, 1317.
Carmelianus, P. Epistolae,


Caro, P. C. Amour de jeune fille, 1273.

Carrington, J.G. Teufel the terrier, 1269. Carter, F. Mark Hopkins, 1269. Casabianca, L. M. Le berceau de Colomb devant l'Inst. de France; Le berceau de Co. lomb et la Согне, 1253. Casanova, J. Escapes of Casanova, etc., 1277.

Case, J. R: Bonnet rouge, 1297. Casgrain, H: R. L'Hôtel Dieu,


Casier, C. Coutumes, Brux., 1285. Coutumes, Louvain, Tirlemont, 1285.

Casini. T. Letteratura ital., 1305. Manuale, letteratura ital., 1261.

Castiglione, B. Il cortegiano, 1261.

Castle, E. "La bella," etc., 1293. Castro, L. de. Le Brésil vivant, 1245.

Catherwood, M.. H. Lady of Fort St. John, 1249.

Catlin, W. W. Sunset Club, 1313.

Caumont, N. Voy., Jhérusa lem, 1265.

Cavazza, E. Don Finimondone,


[Dec. 31, 1892

Caveda, J. Baukunst in Spanien, 1297.

Ceci, L. Appunti glottologici, 1305.

Censure, La, sous Napoléon III, 1305.

Centenario, El. 1317.
Central Pacific R. R. Co. Re-

lations [with] U. S. govern-
ment, 1249

Cervantes Saavedra, M. Sancho Panza's proverbs, 1277. Chadwick, F. E. Ocean steamships, 1261.

Chamberlain, B. H. Classical poetry of the Japanese, 1305. Chambers, G: F: Pictorial astronomy, 1245.

Champeaux, A. de. Dict. des fondeurs en bronze, 1245. Chandler, H. P. The lover's year-book of poetry, 1289. Chantepie de la Saussaye, P.D. Science of religion, 1261. Chantre, A. Du séjour et l'expulsion des étrangers, 1277. Chapman, J: J. Egypt, 1269. (Brimmer and Chapman.) Chapon, L: L. Le jugement dernier de Michel Ange, 1309. Charity Organization Soc. London. Insurance, saving, 1289. Charles 11. King Charles the 2d, 1245.

Charles VI., of France. Ordonnance, 1265.

Chartier, A. mercede, 1257.

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Chester, A. H. Trinity Ch., 1297.

Chevalier au Cygne. Le chanson, 1261.

Chevreau, U. Chevraeana, 1257. Child, T. Beauty, 1318. Spanish-American republic, 1249. Chipiez, C: Art in Persia; Art in Phrygia, Lydia, Syria, and Asia Min r, 1279, Art in Sardinia, Judæa, etc., 1280. (Perrot and Chipiez.)

Choate, I: B. Wells of English, 1305.

Chope, R. P. Dialect of Hartland, 1297.

Christensen, A. M. H. Afro-
Amer. folk lore, 1281.

Christie R. C. Bibliog. of
J. Worthington, 1317.
Church, A. J: Burning of
Rome, 1277. Callias, 1269. Ro-
man life, 1309. Stories from
Greck comedians, 1317.

Church, F. M. The risen dead,

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Cumming, J. G: mains, 1301.

Runic re.

Cunningham, IH: S. Earl Canning, 1253.

Curtis, G. W: From the Easy Chair, 1257. J. R. Lowell, 1294.

Curtius, E. Stadtgeschichte v. Arhen, 1298.

Curzon, G: N. Persia, 1294. Cust, R. N. Africa rediviva, 1265.

Cuthbert, St., Life of, 1265. Cuyper, A. de. Coutumes de Bruxelles, 1298. Cynewulf. Christ, 1309. D'Affry de La Monnoye, A. Je tons de l'échev. parisien, 1246. Dahn, F. Bissula, 1261. Fredigundis, 1261. Gelimer, 1261. Harald u. Theano, 1246. Od hin's Trost, 1249.

Dalin, T. European relations,


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Daniels, G: F. Oxford, 1281. Dante Alighieri. Hell, 1277.

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Davis, R: H. Van Bibber, 1281. The West, 1314.

Davidson, A. Geographical

pathology, 1289.

Davidson, G: Sir F. Drake's anchorage, Cal., 1265. Davidson, J: Great men, 1253. Davidson, T: Aristotle, 1281. Davie, G Nests, N. American birds, 1286.

Davillier, C: Fortuny, 1237. Dawes, A.. L. C: Sumner, 1282. Day, C. R. Catal., musical instr., Roy. mil. exhib., 1237. Dayot, A. Les maîtres de la caricature fr., 1246.

Dear, 1314.
Dearborn, J: J. Salisbury, N.
H., 1289.

Dedications of Amer.churches,

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Dod, S. B. A Highland chronicle, 1318.

Dodd, and others. Dictionnaire flamand-français, etc., 1301. Dods, M. Parables, 1269. Dolbear, A. E. Matter, ether, motion, 1298.

Dole, C: F. American citizen, 1258.

Donaldson, T. L. Examples of doorways in Greece and Italy; in Italy and Sicily, 1241. Donan, P. Utah, 1286. Dougall, L. Beggars all, 1265. Douglas Jerrold's shilling mag, 1258.

Dowling, R. Mystery of Killard, 1305.

Dowsett, C. F. Land, 1298. Doyle, A. C. Captain of the Pole-star, 1269. Doings of Raffles Haw, 1305. Sherlock Holmes, 1314.

Drake, S: A. Gettysburg, 1294. Drayton, M. The muses Elizium, 1309. Poems, lyrick, etc.,


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Dütschke, H. Olympos, 1254. Dumas, J. B. La guerre, com. munications allemandes, 1274. Du Maurier, G: L: P. B. Peter Ibbetson, 1250.

Dunbar, H. K. Life in the col. onies, 1270. (Jenkins and Dunbar.)

Duplessis, G: V. A. G. Les Audran, 1294.

Durham, F: A. Liberia, 1309. Duro, C. F. Armada, 1298. Duruy, V. Hist. d. Grecs, 1286. Hist. of Middle Ages, 1258. Du Tillet, J: De nos jours,


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Devens, C:
Devon, P. The fountain of Earle, A. M. China collecting,

youth, 1241.

DeWindt, H. Siberia, 1277. Dibdin, C: Songs, 1258. Dickens, C: J: H. Letters, Wilkie Collins, 1277. Diderot, D. Le neveu de Rameau, 1254.

Didron. A. N. Manuel, œuvres de bronze, etc., 1246.

Dietz, H.

magne, 1282.

Angleterre, Alle

Dilkie, C: W. Imperial defense,


Distant, W: L. Transvaal, 1294. Dixon, E: T. Reasoning, 1269. Dobell, B. Privately printed books, 1314.

Dobson, H: A. W: Hogarth, 1254.

Doctor Lamar, 1269.

1294. Sabbath, Puritan New England, 1274.

Eastwick, R. W: Master mariner, 1241.

Eaton, A. W. Church of Eng. in Nova Scotia, 1246.

Eaton, D: B. Civil service, Gr. Brit., 1277.

Ebers, G: M. Per aspera, 1262. Thorny path, 1298.

Edda, 1318.

Edwards, M. B. France of today, 1294. North country com. edy, 1265. Two aunts and a nephew, 1309.

Egan, P. Life of an actor, 1277. Eggleston, E: Faith doctor, 1254.

Eglises, châteaux de la Picardie, 1265.

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