Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Eyrbyggia saga. Story of Eredwellers, 1254.

Fabre, F. Sylviane, 1277.

Faguet, E. Etudes littéraires, 1309. La tragédie fr., 1237.

Faider, C: Coutumes, Hainaut, 1286.

Hauptperiode der


Féval, P. H: C. L'hôtel Carna-
valet, 1262. Jean Diable, 1262.
La reine des épées, 1238.
Ffoulkes, E. S. Church of S.
Mary the Virgin, 1306.

Field, D. D.
Fielding, H.
Fiorelli, G.

Haddam, 1269.
Lisbon, 1306.
Monumenta epi-

graph. Pompeiana, 1250.
Fischer, K. Mod. philosophy,


Fisher, G: P.


Colonial era,

Fishwick, H: Bispham, 1318.
St. Michael's on Wyre, 1274.
Fiske, J: Disc. of Amer., 1274.
Fitzgerald, P. H. The art of
acting, 1250. James Boswell,


Fitz-Patrick, T. A transatlan-
tic holiday, 1246.
Fitzpatrick, W:J: Secret ser
vice, 1278.

Flaubert, G. Correspondance,


Fleay, F: G. Eng. drama, 1258.
Fleming, S. Appeal to the Can-
adian Inst., 1298.

Fleury, J:


Monsieur Tringle,

Flower, W: H: The horse, 1269.

Flügel, E. T: Carlyle's devel-
opment, 1265.

Flügel, J: G. Eng. Germ. dic

tionary, 1286.

Flürscheim, M. Rent, interest,
wages, 1265.

Förstemann, E. W. Mayahand-
schrift, 1318.

Förster, E. Kunstgeschichte,


Fogazzaro, A. Malombra, 1250.
Foignet, R. Droit internat.
public, 1314.

Foley, C: Risque-tout, 1254.
Folk-lore Society. County folk
lore, 1306.

Forbes, A. Afghan wars, 1265.
Barracks, bivouacs, etc., 1246.
30 years after, 1250. Drawn
from life, 1318.

Ford, P. L. Constit., U. S., 1302.
Forest, G: W. Warren Hast-
ings, 1298.

Forester, Mrs. Of the world,
worldly, 1306.

Foster, J. Bibliog. catal., Mac-
millan & Co.'s pub., 1254.
Fournereau, D.
d'Angkor, 1289.

Les ruines

Freeman, E: A. Hist. essays.
1269. Hist. of Sicily, 1286.
Fremont, J. B. The will and
the way stories, 1238.

French, A. D. W. Index to
ms. of the surname of French,
etc., 1306.

French, J: M. Lieut. W: French,

Freudenberger, S. Mœurs des
Français, 1274.

Frimmel, T. Kleine Gallerie-
studien. 1306.

Frith, W: P. J: Leech, 1254.
Frizzoni, G. Arte ital. d. Ri-
nascimento, 1306.
Fröbel, F. Autobiography, 1302.
Education, 1306.

Frothingham, A. L. Il tesoro
della basilica di S. Pietro, 1247.
(Müntz and Frothingham.)
Fuessli, J: R. Allgemeines
Froude, J. A. Armada, 1282.
Künstlerlexicon, 1246. Neue
Zusätze, 1246.

Fuller, A. Pratt portraits, 1289.
Fuller, H: B. Chatelaine of La
Trinité, 1314.

Fuller, T: Collected sermons,


Fullerton, W: M. Cairo, 1269.
Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. In.
Furniss, H. Flying visits, 1318.
stitutions politiques, France,
1274. Problèmes d'hist., 1282.
Fyfe, H. H. Annals, 1266.
Gachard, L: P. Ordonnances,

Galbert. Meurtre de Charles le
Bon, 1274.

Galdós, B. P. El audáz, 1258.
La incognita, 1274. La prohi
bido, 1258. Realidad, 1246.

Galerie militaire, 1242.
Gall, J: Science, 1306.

Gallatti, G.

[blocks in formation]

L'habitation hu.

Garnir, G: Les Charneux, 1298.

Falche, -,
Friedensblokaden, 1318.
Falke, J. v. Der Garten, 1302. Garrett, E. Η.
Falkener, E. Games, 1286.
Fanti, V. Desc., pittura e scul-
tura di G. W., principe de
Lichtenstein, 1246.

[blocks in formation]

Farrar, F: W: Messages of the books, 1286.

Farrer, J. A. Books condemned
to be burnt, 1286. Paganism,
Christianity, 1277.

Faucher de St.-Maurice, N. H:
E: La question du jour, 1298.
Fenn, G: M. Crystal hunters,
1286. Mahme Nousie, 1274.
Fergusson, J. Modern archi-
tecture, 1237.
Fernow, B. E.
Forestry, 1269.
Ferrel, W: The winds, 1250.
Ferrero, C. B. Le banastre,

Ferryman, A: F. M. Up the
Niger, 1318.

Fétis, E: L: F. Galerie, vte. du
Bus de Gisignies, 1289.

[blocks in formation]

songs, 1266.


1246. A dark night's work, Gaskell, E.. C. S. Cranford,



Gastine, L. Apôtre, 1274.
Etats Généraux, 1286.
Gauville, L: H: C:
Gazier, A.

çaise, 1314.

Littérature fran

Gegout, E. Prison fin de siècle,


Génard, P. Anvers à travers
les âges, 1289.

George, IH: Condition of labor,


Georgiades, D. La Turquie,


Gerard, D. Queen of curds and
cream, 1294.

Gérard, F. H. A. Kauffmann,


Gérard, J: I. I. Un autre monde,


Gérard de Nerval, G. L. Le
rêve et la vie, 1238. Sylvie,


[blocks in formation]

Gibson, W: H. Sharp eyes, 1296.
Gilder, R: W. New day, 1258.
Gilfillan,G: Lit. portraits, 1262.
Gilliodts-Van Severen, L: Cou-
tume, bourg de Bruges, 1286.
Coutumes d. petites villes Bru-
ges, 1286. Coutume, frane de
Bruges, 1286. Coutume, pré-
voté de Bruges, 1286. Cou-
tume, ville de Bruges, 1286.
Coutumes de Bruger, v. 4,1314.
Gilman, N: P. Conduct, a fine
art, 1250.
Caricatures, 1310.

Gillray, J.
Girard, P. La peinture antique,
Giovio, P. Geschichten, 1246.

[blocks in formation]

Godard, J: G:
Goethe-Jahrbuch, 1266.
Goff, G. L. J. 91st Argyllshire
Highlanders, 1266.
Goldoni, C: Comedies, 1286.
Goldschmidt, L. Handbuch

des Handelsrechts, 1318.
Gomel, C:

Les causes finan

cières de la Rev. Fr., 1294. Gomme, G: L. Etimology in folk-lore, 1302. Gentleman's mag. library, 1318. Gonneville, A. Souvenirs, 1314. Gonse, L. L'art gothique, 1302. Gontaut, J. de M. de N. Mémoires, 1254. Goodman, E: J. Norway, 1298. Goodwin, T: Sketches, 1302. Goodyear, W: H: Grammar of the lotus, 1278. Gordon, A. C.

[blocks in formation]

Befo' de war,
Taeping rebel-

Gordon, H. L.
gins, 1294.
Gordon, J. Marionettes, 1289.
Incarnation of the
Gore, C:

Feast of the Vir.

Son of God, 1254.

Gosse, E. W. Gossip in a li
Goss, E. H: Paul Revere, 1254.
brary, 1258.
Goubaux, A. The horse, 1306.
Graf, A. Attraverso il Cinque-
Gould, S. B. Urith, 1258.
cento, 1266. Il diavolo, 1266.
Nature in

Graham, P. A.
books, 1266.

Grand-Carteret, J: Bismarck,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gray, T: Works, 1262.

Green, A.. K.. Cynthia Wake. ham's money, 1302. The old stone house, 1266.

Green, S: F. Life, letters, 1289. Greenwood, T: Public libra. ries, 1238.

Gregorius Turonensis. Hist. des Francs, 1269.

Gresswell, W: P. Geog. of Africa, 1294.

Grey, R. Story of Chris, 1278. Griffin, L. Ramjit Singh, 1310. Griffis, W: E. Sir W: Johnson, etc, 1254.

Griffith, S: Y. Cheltenham,


Grimke, A. H. W: Lloyd Garrison, 1294.

Grimm, H. Springer's Raphael. studien, 1302.

Grimshaw, R. Record, scientific progress, 1286.

Grimwood, E. S. Three years

in Manipur, 1246.

Grindon, L.H. Lancashire, 1298. Griswold, W. M. British novels, 1238. Novels, Amer. city life; Novels, Amer. conntry life; Novels, life in France, 1298. International novels; Life in Germany; Life in Italy, 1314. Novels and tales on life in Russia, 1318.


l'année, 1238.

Les gaietés de

Grossmith, G: and W. Diary of nobody, 1318.

Growoll, A: A bookseller's li. brary, 1266.

Guaras, A. de. Accession of Queen Mary, 1298.

Guelle, J. Précis des lois de la guerre, 1269.

Guerre d'Igor, La, 1258. Guettée, R. F. V. L'Eglise de Fr., 1238.

Guild, E. C. Gr. mythology in Eng. poetry, 1246.

Guiney, L.. I. "Monsieur Henri," 1282.

Gummere, F.B. Germanic ori. gins, 1269.

Guthrie, F. A. Talking horse,


Guyon, J.. M.. B. de la M. Dis. cours; Justifications de [sa] doctrine; Opuscules spirituels; La vie de Mme. Guyon, 1310.

Gyp, pseud. Ces bons docteurs, 1282. Mariage civil, 1306. Monsieur Fred, 1250.

Hager, L. C. Boxborough, 1250. Haggard, H: R. Nada the Lily, 1256.

Hale, E. E. East and West, 1314. Harry and Lucy, 1287. Story of Massachusetts, 1250. Sybil Knox, 1282.

Hale, J: P: Trans-Allegheny pioneers, 1302.

Halévy, L. Karikari, 1302. Récits de guerre, 1250.

Hall, A. C. A. Christ and the Church, 1262.* Collects for Sundays, etc., 1262. The creed; Gospel canticles; The Lord's prayer; The Passion; Self discipline; Words from and to the cross, 1262.

Hall, G. Far from today, 1298.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hefner, O. T. v., and others. Stammbuch des Adels in Deutschland, 1242.

Heiden, M. Motive, 1318. Heilborn, P. Das völkereschtliche Protektorat, 1318.

Heilprin, L: book, 1310.

Hist. reference

Heimburg, W. Lumpenmüllers
Lieschen, 1318.

Heine, H: Germany, 1310.
Helen Brent, M. D., 1289.
Heller, J. Das Leben Albrecht
Dürer's, 1299. Lucas Cranach's
Leben u. Werke, 1246.
Henley, W: E. Lyra heroica,
1238. Song of the sword, 1290.
Three plays, 1318.

Henry VIII.

Lettres à Anne

Boleyn, 1262. Henry, W: W. Patrick Henry, 1258.

Henty, G: A. Dash for Khartoum; Held fast for Eng., 1238. A hidden foe, 1254. In Greek waters, 1314. Redskin and cowboy, 1238. Those other animals, 1254.

Hepner, A. Extraterritorial crim. jurisdiction, 1287.

Herbé, J: Crimée, 1314. Herder, J: G. v. Sammtliche Werke, 1262.

Hering, C.


Recent progress,

Hérisson, . Paris, 1310. Hermann, A. Nouv. syst. de correspondance secrète, 1282. Herndon, R: Boston, 1306. Herodas. Facsimile of papyrus 135, Brit. Museum, 1278. Herpin, Mile. Le fin du 18e siècle, 1238. Un petit-neveu de Mazarin, 1266.

Herrick, R.

Hesperides, 1306. Hertzlet, E: Map of Europe,


[blocks in formation]

Hervey, M. H. Chile; Trade policy, 1250. Hesekiel, L.

haniter, 1250.

Templer u. Jo

Hewett, S.. Peasant speech of
Devon, 1302.

Heyse, PP. Merlin, 1306.
Hibbard, G: A.


[blocks in formation]

The Governor,

English gilds,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Howe, J. W. S: G. Howe, 1299. Howell, E. J. Mexico, 1287. Howell, J. Epistolæ, 1310. Howells, W. D. Albany De. pot, 1258. Letter of introduetion, 1307. Quality of mercy, 1270. Swiss sojourn, 1314. Hudson, W. H. Naturalist in La Plata, 1278.

Hughes, M. W. Voice figures,


Hughes, T: Loyola, 1287.

Hughes, W: R. Week's tramp in Dickensland, 1238. Hugo, V: M.. Dessins, 1262. Hulme, F. E: Hist. of heraldry, 1278. Symbolism in Chr. art,


Hulton, S: F. Rixæ Oxonienses,


Hume, F. Year of miracle, 1239. Hume, F. W. Bohemia, 1307. Hungerford, M. H. Her last throw, 1282.

Hunt, G. Rev. hist., 1299. Hunter, H. Robert Coates, 1244. (Robinson and Hunter.) Hunter, J. Shakespeare, 1258. Hunter, W: W. Bombay, 1295. Hurd, J. C. The union-state,


Huret, J. Enquête, l'évolution littéraire, 1290.

Hurst, J. F. Indika, 1258. Hustin, A. Salon, 1891, 1250. Hutchinson, H. N. Story of the hills, 1307.

Hutton, A.W. Card. Manning,


Hutton, C. Reminiscences of a gentlewoman, 1255.

Hutton, L. From [my] books, 1302.

Huxley, 'T: H: Essays, 1299. Hyndman, H: M. Commercial crises, 1290. "i," pseud. Letters, 1270. Iansen, A. Bazzi v. Vercelli, 1299.

Ibsen, H: Brand, 1262. Ideville, H. A. Le L. Gustave Courbet, 1258.

Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Les femmes, des derniers Valois, 1274. Marie Amélie au Palais Royal, 1282. Maria Amélie et la cour de Palerme, 1270. Marie Antoinette, and the downfall of royalty, 1274. Marie Antoinette and the old régime, 1239. Portraits, grandes dames, 1274.

Imperial, The, 1319.

In tent and bungalow, 1278. Inama-Sternegg, K. T. v. Deutsche Wirschaftsgeschichte, 1319.

Inderwick, F: A. King Edward, 1302.

Inglis, J. Siege of Lucknow,

[blocks in formation]

James, C. Christ. hist., 1302. James, C: T. C. Holy wedlock, 1307.

James, G: P. R. The brigand, 1278.

James, H: Aspern papers, 1258. Lesson of the master, etc., 1270.

Jameson, J: F. Historical writing in Amer., 1262.

Janet, P. A. R. Fénelon, 1299. Jannet, C. Le capital, 19e siècle, 1319.

Janvier, T: A. The uncle of an angel, 1239.

Jeaffreson, J: C. Olive Blake's good work, 1258.

Jeanroy, A. Chroniqueurs fr., 1271. (Paris and Jeanroy.) Jenkin, C: "Once and again,"

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Jullien, J: L. A. Wagner, 1295. Junker, W: Africa, 1258.

Jusserand, J. J. Fr. ambassador, court of Charles II., 1299. Justh, S. de. Le livre de la pousta, 1302. Kämmerer, G: v. Arsénal de Tsarskoé Sélo, 1259.

Kalm, P. Visit to Eng., 1748, 1283.

Keary, C: F. Norway, 1299.
Keene, H. G: Madhava Rao
Sindhia, 1278.
Kennan, G: Siberia, exile sys-

tem, 1247. Kent, J:

G: Cavendish Ben

tinck, 1315.

Kerigant, Les Chouans,


King, A.. Dr. Liddon's tour, 1266.

King, G.. Tales of a time and place, 1287.

King, R: A., pseud. Basil. Love's legacy, 1278.

Kingman, B. Epitaphs, Burial Hill, 1319.

Kipling, J: L. Beast and man, 1270.

Kipling, R. Ballads, 1287. The Naulahka, 1315.

Kirby, T: F: Winchester Coll., 1310.

Kirk, T: Scotland, 1299.
Kirkpatrick, A. F. O. Testa-
ment, 1302.
Klein, J. L.

Dramas, 1319.

Klüh, J. M.

Geschichte des

M. Story of the Sa

viour, 1247. Knight, F. A.

dominie, 1242.

Rambles of a

Knight, W: Philosophy of the beautiful, 1242.

Knortz, K:


schen Literatur, 1278.

Knox, T. W.


Kobell, L. v.

Boy travellers, Laveleye, E. L: V: de. Conversations

of Dr. Döllinger, 1319. König, E. A: Spuren im Sande, 1250.

Kolb, H. Glassmalereien d. Mittelalters, 1299.

Kolokotronês, T. 60 years of peril, 1259.

Kondakoff, N. Hist., l'art byzantin, 1247.

Krauske, O: Diplomatie, 1307. Krehbiel, H: E: Studies, Wagnerian drama, 1239. Kretschmer,



Volkstrachten, 1299. Kronbiegel, C: F: Ueber d. Sitten, Kleidertracht, u.8.20., 1299.

Kunstgewerbeblatt, 1242. Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas, 1242.

Laberinto amoroso, 1302. Laborde, L. Athènes, 15e-17e siècles, 1247.

La Brète, J. de. Le roman de croyante, 1278.

La Caron, H. Twenty-five years, secret service, 1319.

Lacroix, P. Costumes hist. de la France, 1242. Pièces orig. sur le costume en Fr., 1259. La vie privée des Français, 1259.

Ladd, H. O. Story of New Mexico, 1259.

Laing, S. Human origins, 1310. A mod. Zoriastrian, 1239. Laisnel de la Salle, G. Croyances du Centre de la France,

[blocks in formation]

Lamb, C: Essais choisis, 1287. Lambert, J. M. Two thousand years of gild life, 1270.

Lamborn, R.H. Mexican painting, 1255.

Lancaster. St. Mary. Materials for the hist., 1319.

Landor, W. S. Gebirus, 1262. Laneham, R. The queen's majesty at Killingworth castle, 1299.

Lang, A. Angling sketches, 1242. Etudes traditionnistes, 1274.

Lanin, E: B., pseud. Russian characteristics, 1287.

Lano, P: La cour de Napoléon I, 1267.

Lanson, G. Boileau, 1302. Lapham, W: B. Bethel, Me.,

[blocks in formation]

Le gouvernement dans la démocratie, 1274. Monnaie et bimétallisme, 1278.

Lavisse, E. Gen.view, Europe,


Law, E. Hampton Court Palace, 1239.

Lawless, E. Grania, 1274. Lawrence, S: C. Catal., [his] library, etc., 1262.

Layard, G: S. C: S: Keene, 1295.

Leaf, W. Companion to the Iliad, 1310.

Lebrun, J: B. P: Choix des tableaux de [sa] coll., 1263. Le Clerc, M. E. Mistress Beatrice Cope, 1263.

Le Clerq, N. J. Coutumes, Luxembourg, 1287. Ordon. nances, Pays-Bas autrichiens,


Lecomte, F. Les Suisses, service Napoléon I., 1315.

Le Duchat, J. Ducatiana, 1263.
Lee, K.. Love or money, 1255.
Lee, V. Vanitas, 1307.
Lee, W: Letters, 1283.

Leemans, C. Bôrô Boedoer, 1302-03.

Lefanu, J. S. Tenants of Malory, 1259. Uncle Silas, 1259. Wylder's hand, 1283.

Leffingwell, A. Illegitimacy, 1283.

Lefroy, A. H. F. Brit. versus Amer. nat. government, 1247. Legouis, E. Michel Beaupuy, 1309. (Bussière and Legouis.) Legouvé, G. J: B. E. W. Fleurs d'hiver, 1311.

Legrand, H. Plans de restitut.,


Lehmann, R: C. Billsbury election, 1307. In Cambridge courts, 1242.

Lemaitre, J. Les contemp. 5e sér., 1267.

Lemercier de Neuville, L: Hist., marionnettes mod., 1267.

Lennox, C. R. The female Quixote, 1290.

Leopardi, G. Poesie, 1290. Prose originali, 1287.

Le Rouillé, G. L'antique préexcellence de Gavle, 1267. LeRoux de Lincy, A. J: V. Paris et ses historiens, 1242. Leroy, C: Atlas universel, 1309. (Drioux and Leroy.)

Leroy Beaulieu, P: P. Modern state in rel. to society, 1270. Lescure, M. F. A. de. Chateaubriand, 1299.

Lesseps, F. Ma mission à Rome,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

rin, 1263.

Lothrop, S: K. Reminiscences, 1259.

Loti, P: Fantôme d'Orient, 1283. Louandre, C. L. Les arts somptuaires, 1263.

Lougé, G. P. de. Coutumes d'Anvers; Coutumes, de Malines, 1287.

Lounsbury, T: R. Chaucer, 1259.

Lovett, R. James Gilmour, 1319. Lowell, E: J. French Rev., 1311. Lowell, J. R. Amer. ideas, 1295. Essays, addresses; Odes, lyrics, etc., 1251. Lowry, R. The Mississippi, 1239.

Lucianus Samosatensis. The Greek Gulliver, 1263. Selections, 1287.

Lucy, H: W. Faces and places, 1283.

Lübke, W: Deutschen Kunst, 1299.

[blocks in formation]

Mabie, H. W. Studies, 1255. McArthur, J.N. Government, 1303.

McCardle, W: H. Mississippi, 1239. (Lowry and McCardle.) McCarthy, J. Linley Rochford, 1307. Maurice Tyrone, 1263.

McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln, 1315.

MacCosh, J. Tests of truth, 1255. McCracken, W. D. Swiss republic, 1319.

Macdonald, E. J. J. A. Sou

venirs, 1290. MacDonald, G:

shadow, 1255.

and others.

cord, 1255.

Flight of the


MacDougall, J. Folk and hero tales, 1239.

Mackay, E. Love letters of a

violinist, 1279. McKee, T: H.

practice, 1279.


M'Lennan, M. Muckle Jock,


Macpherson, J. P. Life of J. A. Macdonald, 1319. Macquoid, K. Miriam's marriage, 1259. Prince's whim, 1259. Rookstone, 1259. Madden, R: R. Memoirs, 1242. Madrid. Real Acad. Espaň. Diccionario, 1290.

Maeterlinck, M. Les aveugles, 1287. Pélléas, 1303. La princesse Maleine, 1263. chaudes, 1303.

cesses, 1311.

Serres Sept prin

Maetzner, E: Altenglische
Sprachproben, 1263.
Magee, W: C. Sermons, 1300.

Maginnis, A.J. 1300.

Mahaffy, J. P. papyri, 1279.

history, 1279. Mahan, A. T. gut, 1319.

Atlantic ferry,

Flinders Petrie Problems, Gr.

Admiral Farra

Maillard, O. Passion de JésusChrist, 1243.

Maine, H: J.S. Le droit inter.

nat., 1267.

Mairet, J.. Artiste, 1255. Maitland, F: W: Court baron,


[blocks in formation]

Mallarmé, S. L'après-midi d'un faune; Les dieux antiques; Petite philologie, 1311.

Mallock, W: H. Human document, 1279.

Malot, H. H: No relations, 1300.

Malus, E. L. L'agenda, 1275.
Mandat-Grancy, G. F. E. Af-
rique, 1295.
Mandeville, J.
Mann, N.
Manne, E. D. de.
Voltaire, 1263.
Mannering, G: E:
land Alps, 1255.
Marbot, J: B. M. Mém., 1247.
Eng. Memoirs, 1319.

Travels, 1287.

Gabriel Max, 1319.
Troupe de

New Zea.

[blocks in formation]

Matthews, B. Americanisms, Briticisms, 1315. In the vesti. bule limited, 1270. A tale of twenty-five hours, 1307. With my friends, 1243.

Maudslay, A. Nature's weather warnings, 1267.

Maupas, C. E. de. Second Empire, 1251.

Maurice, F: D. Sermons, Lincoln's Inn Chapel, 1319.

Maxwell, J. R. Negro question, 1267.

Maxwell, M. E. B. The Venenetians, 1307.

Maya lang. and lit., 1279.
Maynard, C: J.



Maynard, N. C. Was Lincoln a spiritualist, 1239. Meinhold, J: W: Sidonia, 1259. Meleager. Poems, 1243. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Letters, 1283. Mennell, P. Dictionary, Australian biog., 1319. Menon, O. C. Induleka, 1263. Mensaert, G. P. Le peintre amateur, 1251.

Méon, D.-M. Fabliaux, 1303. Mercy-Argenteau, F. C. Correspond. avec Joseph II, 1267. Merrill, G: B. J. R. Lowell,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Miller, F. F. In ladies' com. pany, 1295.

Miller, H. Geology, 1247. Miller, H. M. Little brothers of the air, 1283. Miller, J. New York, 1319. Millet, F. D. Capillary crime, 1283. Danube, 1311. Millet, R. Rabelais, 1303. Millican, A. Travels and adventures, 1319.

Mills, H. V. Lake country romances, 1311.

Millspaugh, C: F. Medicinal plants, 1295.

Mirkhond. Rauzat-us-Safa, 1255.
Missing friends, 1320.
Mitchell, E. M. Greek philos-
ophy, 1307.
Mitchell, J: T.

[blocks in formation]

Montesquieu, C: de S. Persian letters, 1243.

Moore, G: Vain fortune, 1263. Moorehead, W. K. Primitive man, 1303.

Morelli, G. Disegni, 1307. Ital.
painters, 1311.
Morgan, A. T. Yazoo, 1300,
Morgan, C. L. Animal sketches,


Morier, J. Abel Allnutt, 1290, Martin Toutrond, 1290.

Morison, A. S. N. H. Morison, 1270.

Morley, M. M. Song of life,


Morney, C: A: L:J. Une ambassade en Russie, 1283.

Morris, C. Margaret Mercer, 1288.

Morris, M. Montrose, 1259. Morris, M: C: F: Yorkshire folk-talk, 1283.

Morris, W: Poems, 1288. Story of the Glittering Plain, 1239. Mouat, J. Rise of the Australian wool kings, 1279.

Moule, H.C.G. C: Simeon, 1279. Moynier, G. Les bureaux internat., 1320. Conférence, Convention de Genève, 1290.

Muirhead, J. H. Ethics, 1279. Moussac, -. Popo et Lili, 1239. Mueller, F. M. Anthropologi. cal religion, 1270.

Müntz, E. Raphael; Les peintres d'Avignon; Rome, 1303. Il tesoro della basilica di S. Pietro, 1247.

Muir, W: The Caliphate, 1247. Mulhall, M. G. Statistics, 1263. Mumford, T. Groton Heights, 1308. (Rogers and Mumford.) Murfree, M.. N. In the stran ger people's country, 1251.

Murray, Lieut. Col. Sketches, Scotland, 1320.

Murray, A. Alma Murray, 1300. Murray, A. S. Greek archæology, 1279.

Murray, D: С. Bob Martin's little girl, 1320.

Murray, R. W. So. Africa, 1243. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Hermes of Praxiteles, 1307.

Print Dept. Reproductive arts from 15th cent., 1263. Mystère de Saint Laurent, 1255. Nasmith, D: Makers of mod. thought, 1295. Naudæana et Patiniana, 1259. Needell, J. H. Stephen Ellicott's daughter, 1251. Story of Philip Methuen, 1283. Neera, -. L'indomani, 1290. Teresa, 1267.

Neesima, J. H: Life, 1239. Nelson, A. and F.. S. C. Polk, 1307.

Nemec, B.P. The grandmother,


Neri, A. De minimis, 1251.
Nevins, W. S. Witchcraft, 1295.
New Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc.
Rolls of membership, 1295.
New world, 1270.
Newhall, C: S. Leaf-collector's
handbook, 1239.

Nicaragua Canal Construction
Co., 1270.

Nicholas, J. W. House of mystery, 1243.

Nicholson, J. S. Effects of machinery on wages, 1307.

Nisbet, H. Where art begins, 1320.

Nitobe, I. Intercourse between U. S., Japan, 1255.

Niven, R: Brit. angler's lexicon, 1307.

Noguères, Discours, 1315. Nordenskiöld, A. N. E. Atlas, hist. of cartography, 1239. Norman, H: Japan, 1259. Norman, J: H. Metal monetary systems, 1307.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Perrot, G. Art in Persia. Art in Phygia, Lydia, etc., 1279. Art in Sardinia, Judæa, 1280. Petrarca, F. Lettres, 1275. Petrie, W. M. F. Medum, 1311. Ten years, Egypt, 1320. Phelps, H: P. Hamlet, 1291. Philip IV. Cérémonies des ga. ges de bataille, 1256. Philips, F. C. Constance, 1308. Dean and his daughter, 1271. Extenuating circumstances, 1251. More social vicissitudes, 1256. Strange adventures of Lucy Smith, 1271.

Phillips, E. W. Watts Phillips,


Phillips, H: 1295.

Phipson, C. B. labor, 1275. Philpotts, E. 1308,

German lyrics,

Redemption of

A tiger's cub,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Pinkerton A. Lincoln from Harrisburgh to Washington, 1315.

Piozzi, H. L. S. T. Italian society, 1251.

Pitcairn, W. D. Two years among savages, 1240. Pitrouy, O. L'usine et la châ teau, 1240.

Pizzamiglio, L: Distributing co-operative societies, 1240. Plainsong and Mediæval Mu

sic Soc. Songs, 1247. Platt, J. Excelsior, 1315. Pococke, R: Ireland, 1243. Polain, M. L. Ordonnances, duché de Bouillon. Ordonnances, Liege. Or. donnances, prin. de Stavelot,


[blocks in formation]

1787, 1315. Poor Nellie, 1308. Porcher, J. (Fournereau and Porcher.) Portal, G. H. Abyssinia, 1256. Powell, B.H: B. Land systems,


Powell, J. C. The Amer. Siberia, 1284.

Praed, C. December roses, 1300.
Praeger, F. Wagner as I knew
him, 1271.
Pratt, A. E. Tibet, 1295.
Prescott, A. M. Hawaii, 1300.
Prevost, C. L'escrime, 1240.
Price, J. M. Artic Ocean to
Yellow Sea, 1295.
Priestly, J. Scientific corre-
spondence, 1308.
Primrose, A. P. Pitt, 1247.
Prisse d'Avennes, E. La déco-
ration arabe, 1308.

Proctor, T. P. Street railways,


[blocks in formation]

Pulci, L. Morgant der Riese, 1320.

Pyle, H. Men of iron, 1251. A mod. Aladdin, 1267.

Q. Blue pavilions, 1243. I saw three ships, 1284. Warwickshire Avon, 1243.

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