Number/219. 2d ser.] Quatremère de Quincy, A. C. De l'architect. égyptienne, 1243. Quintilianus, M. F. Institutionis oratoriæ lib. x., 1251. R., H. L. and M. L. Graphology, 1296. Rabbe, F. Shelley, 1256. Rabusson, H. Moderne, 1308. Raczynski, A. N. Les arts en Portugal, 1267. Radulphus Glaber. Les cinq livres de ses hist., 1275. Rae, G. M. Syrian Ch., 1291. Raffaello Santi. The hours in outline, 1260. Rafn, C. C. Antiquités russes, 1311. Reichardt, J. F. Un Prussien Temps de Marie Antoinette, 1244. Rembrandt als Erzeiher, 1264. Remusat, P. L: E. de. Theirs, 1308. Renaissance, La, 1300. Renan, J. E. A l'usage des ly. cées, 1256. Feuilles détachées, 1275. Leaders of Christian thought, 1247. Renauld de Beaujeu. Le bel inconnu, 1304. Repplier, A. Points of view, 1240. Rétif de la Bretonne, N: E. La vie de mon père, 1265. Revell, W: F. Browning's criticism of life, 1304. Revon, M. L'arbitrage internat., 1311. Reynolds, J. Discourses, 1260. Ricard, A. Correspondance, 1284. 1329 guese painting, 1244. Trees, 1275. Robinson, J: Rockhill, W: W. Land of the lamas, 1240. Rod, E: Les idées morales du Roger-Milès, L. Cité de misère, 1276. Rogers, J.E.T. Industrial hist. of Eng., 1260. Rogers, Z. Groton Heights, 1308. Rohault de Fleury, G: Le Latran au Moyen Age, 1252. Rollins, A. W. From palm to glacier, 1284. Romanes, G. J. Darwin, 1300. Rome. K. Preuss. Hist. Inst. u. K. Preuss. Archiv. Verwal. tung. Nuntiatur Berichte aus Deutschland, 1312. Rooses, M. Malerschule Antwerpens, 1304. Roscoe, W: C. Poems, 1240. Ross, J: D. Burnsiana, 1291. [Dec. 31, 1892 Schopenhauer, A. Essays, 1268. The wisdom of life, 1240. Schreiber, W. L. Manuel, gravure sur bois, 1320. Asbeïn; Boris Schubin, O. Schultz, J. Jean de Kerdren, 1296. Schurz, C: Lincoln, 1240. Schuyler, M. Amer. archit., 1276. Scottish clans, 1308. Scottish notes, queries, 1276. Séailles, G. Léonard de Vinci, 1312. Sedding, J: D. Garden-craft. 1264. Seeley, C: S. The Spanish gal leon, 1260. Seelye, E.. E. Columbus, 1315. Seidlitz, M. v. Ongeluckige Jerusalemsche reyse, 1271. Sellar, W: Y. Roman poets, 1268. Serás, M. All'erta, sentinella, 1252. Sessions, F. C. Europe, 1252. Ryle, H. E: Canon of the O. Severen, L. G.v. Bruges, 1280, Sachs, J. Plants, 1291. Sail, C. R. Farthest east, 1280. de l'Ermitage. 1264. Catalogue, Seyffert, O. Antiq., 1271. Shackford, C: C. Social, lit. papers, 1296, Shakespeare, E: O. Cholera, Europe and Asia, 1268. Cholera, Europe and India, 1308. Shakespeare, W: Chefs-d'œuvre, 1248. Hamlet, A. Dumas, 1260. Hamlet, tr. par T. Reinach, 1312. Leopold Shakespeare, 1244. Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in Amer., 1240. Sharp, W: J. Severn, 1280. Sharpe, S: Alexandrian chronology; Egyptian hieroglyphics, 1316. Shedd, J. A.C. Sculptors, 1260. Sheppard, E.. S. Charles Auchester, 1260. Siborne, H. T. Waterloo letters, 1248. Sidgwick, A. Criticism of beliefs, 1304. Siemans, E. W. v. papers, 1316. Scientific Sienkiewicz, H: Deluge, 1264. Sigaux, J. La mandoline, 1244. Simkin, R: Our armies, 1260. Simon, J. Nouv.mém.des autres, 1248. Simonde de Sismondi, J: C: L. La constitution fr., 1252. Sinclair, G: Satan's invisible world, 1260. Sinker, R. Library, Trinity College, 1268. Sinnett, A. P. Karma, 1260. Mesmerism, 1280. Skeat, W. W: Old Eng. mss., 1206. Sladen, D. The Japs at home, 1320. Slater, J: H. Book collecting, 1316. Slosson, A. T. Heresy of Mehetabel Clark, 1288. Seven dreamers, 1256. Smart, W: Theory of value, Southey, R. Roderick, 1248. Sowerby, J. Switzerland, 1304. Spanish brothers, 1256. Speed, J. F. Lincoln, 1291. Spencer, H. Morality, 1308. Spender, J: A. State and pensions, 1280. Spitzer, F. Collection, 1244. Spuller, E. Lamennais, 1312. Spurgeon, C: H. Cheque book of the Bank of Faith, 1264. Spyri, J. Heidis Lehr- u. Wanderjahre, 1252. Staatsarchiv, Das. Sammlung von officiellen Actenstücke, 1264. Stables, W. G. Leaves, 1264. Stanhope, P. D. Letters, 1312. Stanton, E. Dreams of the dead, 1271. Strutt, J. Dress, Eng., 1256. Antiquities of Eng., 1268. Stuart, J.A.E. Literary shrines, 1304. Stuart, J: Sculptured stones of Scotland, 1244. Stuart, V. Equatorial forests, 1271. Sturgis, H. Tim, 1268. Stutfield, H. E. M. Brethren of Mount Atlas, 1260. Styx. Hermetic philos., 1272. Sudermann, H. Iolanthes Hochzeit, 1308. Suger, l'abbé. Louis le Gros, 1276. Sumner, W: G. Financier of the Amer. Rev., 1260. Sutton, K.. P. Leaves of heal ing, 1292. Swanwick, A.. Poets, 1304. Swinburne, A. C: The sisters, 1296. Sydney, W: C. England, 1248. Sylvester II. Lettres, 1276. Symes, J. E. Fr. Revolution, 1272. Symonds, J: A. and M. Swiss Tacitus. Annalium lib., 1264. State papers, Tayler, R: W. C. Factory system, 1240. Tebbutt, C: G. Skating, 1258. neure, 1316. Thanet, O. We all, 1248. Thayer, H: O. ony, 1272. Thayer, W: M. Thénaud, J: mer, 1264. Thierry, G. A. La bien-aimée, 1316. Thomas, F. I. Formal garden, 1269. (Blomfieldand Thomas.) Thomas, G. M. Diplomat. Veneto-Levantinum, 1268. Thomas, M. Spain, 1296. Thomson, J. A. Animal life, 1316. Thoreau, H: D: Essays, 1248. Thoresby, R. Scotland, 1299. (Kirk and Thoresby.) Thornton, W. P. Heads, 1268. Thorpe, W.G. Still life, Middle Temple, 1320. Thoumas, C: A. Causeries mil., 1276. Cavaliers, 1264. Lannes, 1280. Through the land of the Aztecs, 1320. Thurston, R. H. Fulton, 1268. Tibullus, A. Elégies, 1272. Tierney, R: S., etc. Gonzaga, 1240. Tiersot, J. Rouget de Lisle, 1316. Tylor, C: Huguenots, 1308. U.S. Signal Office. Charts, Sagadahoe Col- Upton, G: P. Woman in music, West, 1292. Le voy. d'outre Theuriet, A. J. Bastien-Lepage, 1280. Thévenin, M. Epoques méro. ving. et caroling., 1276. Thibaud, de Marly. Vers sur la mort, 1256. 1260. Usher, J. Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, 1308. Vacaresco, H. Bard of the Dimbovitza, 1252. Vaihinger, II. Kants Kritik d. reinen Vernunft, 1300. Valabrègue, A. Bosse, 1276. Van Dyke, H. Tennyson, 1248. Vartema, L: di. Reyse, 1276. Vinet, A. R. Vinet, 1284. Vinogradoff, P Villainage in Eng., 1272. Viollet le Duc, E. E. Carcassonne; La fortification passagère; Guerre de montagnes; Intervention de l'état; Allemagne; Réponse à M. Vitet; Sicile; Temple grec, dorien. periptère; Thermes de Caracalla, 1292. Visitor's guide, Salem, 1316. Vogüé, C: J: M. Malplaquet, 1308. Voyages imaginaires, 1248. 1272. Walford, L. B. guest, 1206. The one good Pinch of expe Hooker, 1252. Burbeen, 1296. Playhouse im Walker, G: L. Walker, J. B. J. Walkley, A. B. pressions, 1272. Wall, J. C: Tombs of the kings of Eng., 1244. Wallace, L. Ben-Hur, 1248. Walsh, J: Results of reform act, 1832, 1316. Walters, A. Palms, pearls, 1280. Waltmann, A. H.Grimm über Raphael, 1300. Waraker, T: Naval warfare, 1260. Ward, H. M. The oak, 1280. Ward, M..A. A. David Grieve, 1260. Warden, F. Pretty Miss Smith, 1288. Sea Mew Abbey, 1284. Witch of the hills, 1272. Warden, R.B. S. P. Chase, 1316. W[arner], C. H. Nat. Bank of Commerce, 1288. Warnke, K: Pseudo-Shake. spearian plays, 1260. Warren, C. Miss Wilton, 1272. Washington, G: Journey over the mountains, 1260. Watson, W: Adventures of a blockade runner, 1312. Watson, W: Poems, 1280. Watts, H: E: Cervantes, 1244. Waugh, A. Alfred, Lord Ten. nyson, 1316. Waylen, J. Cromwell, 1276. Weatherly, L. A. Supernatural, 1264. Weber, F: Music, 1248. Weiss, J: J. Hist. de la lit. fr., 1284. Welton, J. Logic, 1268. Wells, J. M. Chisholm massacre, 1276. Wendell, B. Cotton Mather, 1252. Wentworth, T: Letters, 1260. Werner, E. Adlerflug; Am Altar; Die Blume des Glückes; Frühlingsboten; Gebanntund erlöst; Ein Gottesurteil; Gesprengte Fesseln; Um hohen Preis; Vineta, 1320. Wetzer, J. Electric motor, 1239. (Martin and Wetzer.) Weyman, S. J. New rector, 1276. Story of Francis Cludde, Willeby, C: Willems, A. Williams, C: Chopin, 1320. Les Elzevier, 1276. H: E. Wood, 1308. Williams, I: Autobiography, 1280. Willigen, A. v. der. Les artistes de Harlem, 1248. Geschiedenis der vaderlandsche schilderkunst, 1241. (Eijnden and Willigen.) Wilson, A. Nature, 1264. Wilson, F. M.. Browning, 1272. Wilson, J. G. Winchester, B. lic, 1268. New York, 1272. Winchester, Mass. 250 anniv., 1308. Wineberger, J.A. Mount Vernon, 1272. Lumley, 1248. Wingate, F.R. Mahdiism, 1244. 1300. Ada Rehan, 1268. Wither, G: Poems, 1240. Witt, H. de. La charité en Adams, C: F. The centennial milestone; address in commem. of 100th anniversary of the incorporation of Quincy, Mass., deliv. July 4, 1892. Armstrong, E: The French wars of religion; their political aspects; and expansion of 3 lectures before the Oxford Univ. Extension, summer meeting, Aug. "Gives no narrative of events, and indeed could not do so if he was to find room for his general consideration and his criticism. But if the audience was not well grounded in the books, what effect could such lectures as these produce on it." Sat. rev., Sept. 10. Baker, W: S. Itinerary of George Washington, from June 15, 1775 to Dec. 23, 1783. "One of the most readable of narratives of the Revolutionary War possible under the diary form." erary world, Dec. 31. Lit Baldom, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi; a series of sketches. 1891. Bardi, G. Della cose notabili di Venetia; usanze antiche, habiti, e vestiti, etc.; nuou. riformati con l'agg. della dichiaratione delle istorie che sono state dipinte ne i quadri delle sale dello Scrutinio, e del Gran Consiglio del Palagio. 1587. Bax, E. B. The problem of reality; suggestions for a philosophical reconstruction. Bembo, P., Card. Della historia vinitiana. 1552. Bent, J. T. The ruined cities of Mashonaland; excavation and exploration in 1891; with the orientation and mensuration of the temples by R. M. W. Swan. "Among known ruins we can remember none more interesting than those which Mr. Bent in this book has so vividly described." Spectator, Nov. 26. Bonsal, S. Morocco as it is, with account of Sir Charles Euan Smith's mission to Fez. "Provided that we do notask from Mr. Bonsal more than can fairly be expected from a 'Special correspondent of the Central News, this reprint of his letters to the papers, and his articles in magazine may be skimmed with some pleasure. If he did not see much of Morocco, he reports the little he could observe briskly, and not without sagacity." -Sat. rev., Nov. 12. Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art; lectures, etc., before the Assoc. 1891. Broughton, R. Mrs. Bligh; a novel. "It has no story to tell, and its hero and heroine are unattractive as well as vulgar, but it is extremely amusing." Sat. rev., Nov. 12. "Distinctly the best book she has given us." -Acad. emy, Dec. 31. Buonanni, F. Numismata pontificum Romanorum, [1417]-1699; explicata et illust. 2 v. Butler, J. E. Recollections of G: Butler. "Though there are portions of the book which many will agree, I think, in wishing had been left out, and which had little or no connection with the late Canon of Winchester, still there is so much that is excellent that the biography may fairly claim to be one of the most readable volumes of the present season."- Critic, Nov. 19. Cathrein, Rev. V: Socialism exposed and refuted; from [his] Moral philosophy; [tr.] by Rev. J. Conway. Cattermole, Rev. R. The book of the cartoons; illust. 1837. Ceccoperius, F. Bibliotessera; sive, Stella canonicorum, præcedentiam, in choro officium, ministerium in missæ sacrificio, et potestatem maxime in capitulo illuminans. 1717. C[ockayne], G. E. Complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Gr. Britain, and the United Kingdom; extant, extinct, or dormant. Vol, 3,4. 1890-92. 2 ν. "A great and most valuable collection of historical statistics, written in a readable and interesting style. There is nothing in print that covers the same ground. Really a reference book." Crawford, F. M. Don Orsino. "A story with many strong points, and it is told with all the spirit we have been wont to expect from its author." - Athenœum, Nov. 19. Cox, H. Land naturalization. (Social questions of to-day.) Crommelin, M. Mr. and Mrs. Herries; a novel in one volume. "Admitting the incidents as probable, there is no lack of vivid and entertaining description; and though the author never rises to any great heights either of humour or pathos, her narrative is always lively." -Acad. emy, Oct. 1. Cunningham, W: The growth of English industry and commerce in modern times. "It opens with the reign of Elizabeth and comes down to the close of the free-trade struggle at the middle of the present century. It is not, like so many other economic histories, a mere catalogue of facts, but a philosophical work in which the causes of the facts and the bearings of national policy are carefully and rationally dealt with. We heartily commend it not only to economists and practical statesmen, but also to all who are interested in the industrial progress of the world." - Critic, Dec. 24. Dall, Mrs. C. W. H. Barbara Fritchie; a study. "Mrs. Dall has had printed, as a sort of corollary to the study, with the 'assertions that are mistaken' italicized, the ballad which more than a score of years ago made the name of Barbara Fritchie a household word in Northern homes. Of the thirty rhymed couplets of which it consists, no less than six are wholly in italics, while in five others the accusatory lettering is conspicuous." Nation, Nov. 24. Davis, Mrs. R. H. Kent Hampden. "As young readers are ready to enjoy the final triumph of virtue, however brought about, this book may suit them well enough, being full of incident, and written in a lively style." - Nation, Dec. 1. Dodge, T.A. Great captains; Cæsar; history of the art of war among the Romans to the end of the Roman empire, with acct. of the campaigns of Caius Julius Cæsar. "This volume pretends to be only a military history of Cæsar, and of the art of war among the Romans down to the end of the Roman Empire, but it will be of interest to the historical as well as the military student, for the reason that some of the best of the histo. ries of Rome are full of military errors." Dec. 17. Critic, Dryden, J: Aureng-Zebe; a tragedy; and book II of The chace, a poem, by W: Somerville; ed. with biog. memoirs and notes by K. Deighton. Ealand, Rev. F. Sermons from Browning. Ellis, E. J. Fate in Arcadia; and other poems. "His poetry is a criticism upon life, often tantalizing by the fantastic subtlety of its thought, but just as often fascinating by the beauty of its poetic form. Here is, indeed, enough of the stuff of thought in this vol |