Renard, J. Coquecigrues. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des marques et monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales, etc., conc. les aquafortistes, architectes, armuriers, etc. 2 v. Ryley, G: B. Scotland's Free Church; a historical retrospect [to 1843], and memorial of the disruption; with a summary of progress and finance, 1849-93; by J: M. McCandlish. Savage, Col. R:H: The masked Venus; a story of many lands. 2 v. Schaff, P., and Jackson, S. M. Encyclopedia of a living divines and Christian workers; Schouler, J. Thomas Jefferson. (Makers of Scott, W: A. The repudiation of state debts; a study in the financial history of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia. Shakespeare, W: Works; ed. by W: A. Wright. 1891-93. 9 v. Note. 3d ed. of the Cambridge Shakespeare; orig. ed. by W: G. Clark, etc. Shee, W: A. My contemporaries, 1830-70. Sinclair, A., and Henry, W: Swimming. (Badminton library.) Smith, Sir W:, and Fuller, J: M. Dictionary of the Bible; its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history. 2d ed. Vol. 1, pt. 1, 2. life. 1891. * Spalding, J: L., Bp. Education and the higher Spencer, H. Negative beneficence and positive beneficence; pts. 5, 6 of the Principles of ethics. Spielmann, M. H. Henriette Ronner, painter of cat life and character. New ed. 1892. Spitzer, F: Catalogue des objets d'art antiques, du Moyen Age, et de la Renaissance, composant l'importante collection Spitzer. La collection Spitzer; antiquité, Moyen Age, Statham, H. H. Form and design in music; outline of the æsthetic conditions of the art. Steel, Mrs. F. A. From the five rivers. Contents. Gunesh Chund. The blue monkey. Shah Sujah's mouse. - Suttee. At a girl's school. — In a citron garden. Mir Jehan. Shurfee the zaildar. Songs of the people. Stephens, J. B. Convict once; and other poems. New ed. 1888. Stiles, H: R. History and genealogies of ancient Stories from Scribner; Stories of the South. Contents. Page, T. N. No Haid Pawn. - Robertson, H. How the Derby was won. Harris, J. C. Aunt Fountain's prisoner. Davis, R. H. Tirar y Soult. Sturgis, J. R. Count Julian; a Spanish tragedy. Symonds, J: A. Walt Whitman; a study. Tennyson, A., 1st Baron, and C. Poems by two brothers. Note. A repr. of the ed. of 1827, with "additional poems," from the ms. of 1827. Theuriet, A. La chanoinesse; 1789-93. * Thorne, W: H: Modern idols; studies in biography and criticism. 1887. Contents. Matthew Arnold. Robert Browning. Ole Bull. Robert Burns. T: Carlyle. - George Eliot. George Sand. * Tocqueville, A. C: H: C. de. Souvenirs, [184849]; pub. par le comte de Tocqueville. Tollemache, M. French Jansenists. Contents. Cornelius Jansen. J: Du Vergier de Hauranne, abbé de Saint Cyran. Jacqueline M.. Angélique Arnauld, Abbess of Port Royal. -Antoine Arnauid. L: I: Le Maître de Saci. - P: Nicole. Blaise Pascal. L: Sebastien Le Nain de Tillemont. quier Quesnel. Pas Andrews, W: Bygone Warwickshire. Maine de Biran. -A. Schopenhauer. - A: Comte. Annual summaries; repr. from the Times. Vol. 1, Chaptal, J: A., comte de Chanteloup. Mes souvenirs sur Napoléon; pub. par le Vte. A. Chaptal. Charity Organization Society. The feebleminded, child and adult; report on the physical and mental condition of 50,000 school children; with suggestions for [their] better education and care; with tables, etc. Chaucer, G. Autotypes of manuscripts. Pt. 1-3. 1876-80. (Chaucer Soc.) The hous of fame, in three books; ed. by W. Chetham Society. General index to the Remains, historical and literary, vol. 31-114. Une page d'histoire, 1603; [Marguerite Ravelet]. 1886. Claflin, Mrs. M.. B. Personal recollections of J: G. Whittier. Clark, G: T: Medieval military architecture in England. 1884. 2 v. Une vieille maîtresse. [1879.] 2 ν. Barrili, A. G. Terra vergine; romanzo colombiano. 1892. Note. Originally published under title "Cosmo e Damiano." Beale, S. S. The churches of Paris from Clovis to Charles x.; illust. The author keeps" to the historical and archæolog. ical rather than the architectural side of the churches." Bernays, J. Zwei Abhandlungen über die aristotelische Theorie des Drama. 1880. Bernstein, E: Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer; tr. by E. M. Aveling. Besant, W. The rebel queen; a novel. Bible. O. T. Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. Enoch. The Book of Enoch; tr. from Prof. Dillmann's Ethiopic text; emended and rev.; with the Gizeh and other Greek and Latin fragments; ed. with introd., notes, etc., by R. H: Charles. Biddle, N: History of the expedition under Lewis and Clark to the Missouri River, etc., 180406. New ed., with biog and bibliog. introd., maps, etc., by E. Coues. 4 v. Boulger, D. C: Short history of China; an account of an ancient empire and people. Bradley, A. G., and others. History of Marlborough College during fifty years from its foundation. Bridges, R. Milton's prosody; an examination of the rules of the blank verse in [his] later poems; with the versification of Samson Agonistes, and notes. Brown, C. History of Nottinghamshire. 1891. (Popular county hist.) Buffen, F: F. Musical celebrities. 2d ser. Burdett-Coutts, A. G., Baroness. Woman's mission; Congress papers on the philanthropic work of women; by eminent writers. Cosnac, G. J., cte. de. Mazarin et Colbert. 1892.2 v. Costigan, A. W: Sketches of society and man ners in Portugal; letters to his brother. Vol. 1. [1787.] With bookplate of George Washington. Cruttwell, C: T: Literary history of early Christianity; incl. the fathers and the heretical writers of the Ante-Nicene period. 2 v. * Curel, F. de. Les fossiles pièce. 1892. * L'invitée; comédie. Dante Alighieri. La divina commedia; riveduta nel testo e commentata da G. A. Scartazzini. Ed. minore. Dicey, A. V. A leap in the dark; or, Our new constitution. "An examination into the leading principles of the [Home Rule] Bill with a view of establishing two conclusions; (1) that the Bill contains a New Constitution for the whole United Kingdom; (2) that this must work injury both to England and to Ireland." Doyle, A. C. The refugees; a tale of two continents. 2 v. * Drake, S: A. Around the Hub; a boy's book about Boston. 1892. tographs. 1890-93. 2 ν. † Dreer, F. J. Catalogue of [his] collection of auDroysen, J: G. Outline of the principles of history, Grundriss der Historik; with biog. sketch; tr. by E. B. Andrews. Earwaker, J: P. Lancashire and Cheshire wills and inventories, 1572-1696, at Chester; with app. of wills, etc., proved at York or Richmond, 1542-1649. (Chetham Soc.) Ebner-Eschenbach, M.. von, Freiherrin. The two countesses; tr. by Mrs. Waugh. (Unknown library.) * Purchased by request. † Received by gift. Elliot, F. Diary of an idle woman in Constantinople. Emerson, P: H: On English lagoons; voyage of two wherrymen on Norfolk and Suffolk rivers and broads, with app., the log of the wherry " Maid of the mist." • Ermitage, L'; revue artistique et littéraire. 4e année, no. 1. Freeman, E: A: History of federal government in Greece and Italy; ed. by J. B. Bury. 2d ed. Galton, F. Supplementary chapter to "Finger prints"; decipherment of blurred finger prints; illust. Gladstone, W. E. Mr. Gladstone; a life misspent; letters to and on the above. 1892. Glynne, Sir S. R: Notes on the churches of Lancashire; ed. by J. A. Atkinson. (Chetham Soc.) Godefroy de Bouillon. History of Godefrey of Boloyne and of the conquest of Jherusalem; [tr. by W: Caxton]. Kelmscott Press. Gosse, E. W: Questions at issue. Contents. The tyranny of the novel. - The influence of democracy on literature. Has America produced a great poet? - What is a poet? -Making a name in literature. The limits of realism in fiction. Is verse in danger?-Tennyson, and after. Shelley in 1892. Symbolism and S. Mallarmé. - Two pastels: R. L: Stevenson as a poet; R: Kipling's short stories. An election at the English Academy. - App. Gould, S. B-. Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven. * Grand, Mme. S. The heavenly twins. Grant, R. The opinions of a philosopher. Gregorovius, F. Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter, von der Zeit Justinian's bis zur türkischen Eroberung. 1889. 2 v. Grey, H: M. Lloyd's yesterday and to-day. + Gruel, L. Catalogue des reliures de style et objets artistiques en cuir ciselé. Haferkorn, H: E. Handy list of books on fine arts and architecture; painting, sculpture, etc. † Hague, A. Geology of the Eureka District, Nevada. 1892. Hales, J: W. Folia litteraria; essays and notes on English literature. Harleian Society. Publications. 1869-93. 35 v. Vol. 1-35. Registers. Vol. 1-17. 1877-91. 17 v. Haweis, H. R. Sir Morell Mackenzie, physician and operator; memoir compiled from private papers and personal reminiscences. Hazard, S: General index to the Colonial records, 16 v., and to the Pennsylvania archives, 12 v. 1860. Hazlitt, W. Liber amoris; or, The new Pygmalion; with introd. by R: Le Gallienne. Helbig, W. Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassicher Alterthümer in Rom. 1891. 2 v. Henrique, L. Les colonies françaises; notices illustrées. [1890.] 6v. Contents. Vol. 1. Colonies et protectorats de l'Océan Indien. 2. Colonies d'Amérique. 3. Colonies et protectorats d'Indo Chine. 4. Colonies et protectorats de l'Océan Pacifique. 5,6. Colonies d'Afrique. Herpin, L. (pseud. Lucien Perey). Le président Hénault et Mme. Du Deffand; la cour du régent, la cour de Louis xv et de Marie Leczinska. 4e éd. Hobhouse, L. T. The labour movement; with pref. by R. B. Haldane. Hornung, E. W: Tiny Luttrell. Howe, M. (now Mrs.J: Elliott). Art and handi- Hugo, V: M.., comte. Alpes et Pyrénées. 1890. James, H: Essays in London and elsewhere. Contents. London.-J. R. Lowell. F. A. Kemble. -G. Flaubert. - P: Loti. - The Journal of the brothers De Goncourt. - Browning in Westminster Abbey. H: Ibsen. Mrs. Humphrey Ward. - Criticism. An animated conversation. The private life; Lord Beaupré; The visits. Jay, J: Correspondence and public papers, 17631826; ed. by H: P. Johnston. [1890-93.] 4 v. Jefferson, T: Writings; collected and ed. by P. L. Ford. Vol. 1, 2. 1892-93. 2 ν. Jomini, A. H., baron de. Guerre d'Espagne; extrait [de ses] souvenirs inéd., 1808-14, par F. Lecomte. 1892. Journal des demoiselles, 1841-58, 60-62. 1841-62. 21 v. * Kessler, K. Mani; Forschungen über die manichäische Religion; Beitrag zur vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte des Orients. Vol. 1. 1889. Kohte, J. Die Kirche San Lorenzo in Mailand. 1890; illust. Lafargue-Decazes, G. L'hermine. [2e éd.] * Lanckoroński, K:, Graf. Städte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens; unter Mitwirkung von G: Niemann und E. Petersen. 1890-92. 2 ν. Contents. Vol. 1. Pamphylien. 2. Pisidien. Langsdorff, G: H: von. Voyages and travels in various parts of the world, 1803-07. 1817. Laurent, P. M. Histoire de l'empereur Napoléon; illust. par H. Vernet. 1839. Leadman, A. D. H. Prælia Eboracensia; battles fought in Yorkshire, treated historically and topographically. 1891. Le Fèvre, R. Recuyell of the historyes of Troye; tr. by W: Caxton. Kelmscott Press, [1892]. Linn, T: The health resorts of Europe: a medical guide to the mineral springs, climatic, mountain and seaside health resorts, milk, whey, grape, earth, mud, sand, and air cures; with introd. by T. M. Coan. Lowell, J. R. Conversations on some of the old poets; with introd. by R. E. Thompson. 3d ed. enl. * Mackail, J: W:, and others. Love's looking glass; a volume of poem. 1891. M'Crindle, J. W. The invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodorus, Plutarch, and Justin; trans. of portions of (their) works; with introd.cont. a life of Alexander. Madison, J. Journal of the Federal Convention; repr. from ed. of 1840, ed. by E. H. Scott. Mariette, A: E: Dendérah; descr. gén. du grand temple de cette ville. 1875, and Planches, 1870-73. 4 v. Karnak; étude topograph. et archéolog.; avec un app. comprenant les textes hiéroglyphiques. 1875. 1888. Masi, E. Le due mogli di Napoleone 1.; studio. Matthews, B. The decision of the court; a comedy. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B. All along the river; a novel. 2 v. Meyer, H. J. Konversations-Lexikon; ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens. бе Aufl. Vol. 1. Michaelis, H. New dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages; based on ams. of J. Cornet. 2 ν. Contents. Vol. 1. lish-Portuguese. Portuguese-English. 2. Eng Minto, W: Logic, inductive and deductive. Moloney, J. A. With Captain Stairs to Katanga. Moore, F. F. "I forbid the bans;" the story of a comedy which was played seriously. 2 v. Moore, H. E. Back to the land. (Social questions of today.) The writer is not only practically concerned in farming large areas, but has given much attention during the past few years to colonization and to the small holdings question. He therefore publishes the results of his experience, with certain suggestions and criticisms. Morelli, G. (pseud. I. Lermolieff). Die Galerie zu Berlin; nebst einem Lebensbilde G. Morelli's; hrsg. von G. Frizzoni. Morris, W: News from nowhere; or, An epoch of rest; chapters from a Utopian romance. Kelmscott Press, [1892]. New Jersey. Documents relating to the colonial history of New Jersey; ed. by W: A. Whitehead, etc. Vol. 1-10, 13-17. 1631-1776. 1880-92. 15 v. * Nordau, M. Gefühls-Komödie; roman. 1892. Normandie monumentale et pittoresque, La; édifices publics, églises, châteaux, etc.; héliogravures d'après les photographies de E. Letellier; texte par J. Adeline, etc.; avec une introd. par A. Dayot. [Vol. 1.] Contents. Vol. 1. Seine-Inférieure. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. The sorceress; a novel. 2 ν. Ompteda, C. F: W:, Freiherr von. A HanoverianEnglish officer a hundred years ago; memoirs; tr. by J: Hill. 1892. O'Neill, J: The night of the gods; an inquiry into cosmic and cosmogonic mythology. Vol. 1. * Paalzow, H. Godwie-Castle; aus den Papieren * Jakob van der Nees. [189-.] * Thomas Thyrnau. 7e Aufl. [1888.] Page, J: L. W. The rivers of Devon from source to sea; with the towns and villages on their banks; illust. Pepys, S: Diary; transcribed from ms. in the Pepysian Libr., Magdalene Coll., Camb., by M. Bright, with Lord Braybrooke's notes; ed. with add. by H: B: Wheatley. Vol. 1, 2. 1891-92.3 v. † Perkins, C: C. History of the Handel and Haydn Society. 1833-93. Philippson, M. Histoire du règne de Marie Stuart. Philips, M. The making of a newspaper; experiences of representative American jonrnalists related by themselves. Phillimore, W: P. W. Index to wills proved and administrations granted in the Court of the Archdeacon of Berks, 1508-1652. (Oxford Hist. Soc.) Photographic fac-similes of European architecture; pub. monthly. Pt. 1-8. Prévost, M. L'automne d'une femme. Prideaux, S. T. An historical sketch of bookbinding; with chapter on early stamped bindings by E. G. Duff. Prisse d'Avennes, E. Monuments égyptiens; bas-reliefs, peintures, inscriptions, etc.; pour faire suite aux Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie de Champollion le jeune. 1847. Pryde, D: Pleasant memories of a busy life. Raunié, E. Epitaphier du vieux Paris; recueil gén. des inscriptions funéraires depuis le Moyen Age jusqu'à la fin du 18e siècle. Vol. 1. 1890. Renard the fox. History of Reynard the foxe; [tr.] by W: Caxton. Kelmscott Press, [1892]. Purchased by request. * † Received by gift. Schelling, F. E. Life and writings of G: Gascoigne; with three poems heretofore not repr. Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth. 1891. Scollard, C. Songs of sunrise lands. 1892. Smetham, J. Literary works; ed. by W: Davies. Contents. Essays; Sir Joshua Reynolds. - William Blake. Alexander Smith. - Gerhard Dow. - Poems. Smith, G: B. The lite and enterprises of Ferdinand de Lesseps. Smith, R. A. H. B. Greece under King George. Snell, F: J: Primer of Italian literature. (Clar enden press ser.) Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Classified digest of the records, 1701-1892. † Southwick, S.. H. Reminiscences of early antislavery days, * Sparks, J. Life and writings; selections from his journals and correspondence; by H. B. Adams. 2 v. Spitzer, D. Das Herrenrecht; eine Novelle in Briefen. 12e Aufl. 1883. *Stephen, J. K. Quo musa tendis? 1891. Stevenson, R. L: David Balfour; memoirs of his adventures at home and abroad; written by himself. 2d pt. Note. Continuation of "Kidnapped." Stübel, A., and Uhle, M. Die Ruinenstaette von Tiahuanaco, Peru; eine Kulturgeschichtliche Studie. 1892. * Thoumas, Gen. C: A. Paris, Tours, Bordeaux; souvenirs de la guerre de 1870-71. Thoyts, E. E. The key to the family chest; how to decipher and study old documents; a guide to the reading of ancient mss.; with introd. by C. T. Martin. * Trask, K. Under King Constantine. Tsurayuki, K: Log of a Japanese journey from Tosa to [Tokio, circa 935; the "Tosa nikki;" tr. by F. B. Harris]. 1891. Tuckwell, W: The ancient ways; Winchester fifty years ago; illust. Tupper, C: L. Our Indian protectorate; an introd. to the study of the relations between the British Government and its Indian feudatories. Turner, C. J. R. Shakespeare's land; desc. of Note. Lief. 3, 4 entitled Baudenkmaeler in Grossbritannien. * Vaihinger, H. Commentar zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Ir, 2r Bd. 1881-92.2 v. Verga, G. Cavalleria rusticana; scene popolari. Cavalleria rusticana; ed altre novelle. 5a ed. (Vita dei campi.) Contents. Cavalleria rusticana.- La Lupa. - Fantas. ticherie. - Jeli il pastore. Rosso Malpelo. - L'amante di Gramigna. Guerra di santi. Pentolaccio. - Il come, il quando, ed il perché. Vielé-Griffin, F. La chevauchée d'Yeldis; et autres poèmes. Virginia magazine of history and biography; pub. quarterly by the Virginia Hist. Soc. Vol. 1, no. 1, July 1893. Vogüé, E. M., vicomte de. Heures d'histoire. 2e éd. Voragine, J. de The golden legend; [repr. of orig. ed. by W: Caxton, 1484; ed. by F: S. Ellis. Kelmscott Press, 1892.] 3 ν. * Waliszewski, K. Le roman d'une impératrice, Catherine 11 de Russie. 5e éd. Walker, G:, Gov. of Derry. The siege of Londonderry in 1689; with notes; ed. by P. Duryer. Contents. A true account of the siege. A vindication of the True account. - A letter on the treachery Other official letters. of Lundy. Sermons, prayers, and speeches during the siege. Wallace, G: R. Princeton sketches; the story of Nassau Hall, with introd. by A. F. West. Wallace, L. The Prince of India; or, Why Con stantinople fell. 2 v. *Wallack, L. Memories of fifty years; with introd. by L: Hutton. 1889. Ward, B. History of St. Edmund's College, Old Hall; illust. Warner, C: D. The work of Washington Irving. Warren, J: B. L., 3d Baron de Tabley. Poems, dra matic and lyrical; illust. † Whitfield, R. P. Gasteropoda and cephalopoda of the Raritan clays and Greensand marls of New Jersey. 1891. Wiele, M. van de. Les frères Van Ostade. (Les artistes célèbres.) Wilde, J.. F. S., Lady. Social studies. Contents. The bondage of woman. Genius and marriage. Social graces. Venus Victrix. Spiritual affinity. Suitability of dress. American women. The world's new phases. The destiny of humanity. Australia. The vision of the Vatican. - Irish leaders and martyrs. The poet as teacher. The two artists."Tertia mors est." Willink, A. The world of the unseen; an essay on the relation of higher space to things eternal. Wolff, H: W. People's banks; a record of social and economic success. Yonge, C.. M.. Grisly Grisell; or, The laidly lady of Whitburn; a tale of the wars of the roses. * Purchased by request. † Received by gift. |