INDEX to nos. 320-329 (books received Jan. - Dec. 1893). Words in parentheses after the page-numbers show the heading under which the note referred to will be found. Adler, F. Moral instruction of Lord Lawrence, Alcott, L. M. Comicftrag.,1369. 1349. Alexandre, R. Le musee de la Allan, W: Army of North Va., Allen, G. Blood royal, 1361. 1341. Bygone Leicestershire, 1365. politics, 1357. Flush times of S. Itinerary, G: 1345. Ball, R. S. Essays, 1357. Things Chinese, In starry realms, Balzac, H. de. Albert Savarus; Bandelier, A. F. The gilded man, 1365. sis, 1341. Bardi, G. Della cosa notabili, Barker, E: H. Wanderings by 1341. Barrès, M. L'ennemie des lois, Barrett, C. R. B. Trinity Ho.. Barry, A. Lights of science, Corsica, 1349. Barton, W: G. 1361. Bates, A. Songs, saunter- Poetical works, In the bundle of time, 1345. rine, 1349. Batiffol, R: American ma- Hist. du bréviaire romain, 1349. Bax, E. B. Reality, 1333. Free Church of Boston. Second Soc. of Univ. Scotland, 1361. Beale, S.S. Churches of Paris, Behro, C.A. Leo Tolstoy, 1349. Bell, M. E: Burne-Jones, 1349. Bent, J. T. Mashonaland,1333. Theorie des Drama, 1365. Bernstein, E: Lassalle, 1365. 1361. The rebel queen, 1365. Bible. O.T. Apoc. Enoch. The N. T. Galatians; introd. 75 anniv., 1357. Bouchor, M. Trois mystères, 1369. Boulger, D.C: History of China, corda, 1361. home, 1353. Woman, 1361. Bridgman, M. F. Brockhaus' Konversations-lexi- 1357. Venice, 1353. Brooks, E. S. New York, 1357. Stray sport,1369. Browne, M. H. A spray of lilac, 1361. Brownell, W. C. French art, 1337. Brunetière, F. Conferences de de l'Odéon, 1369. Brunn, H. Griechische Kunstgeschichte, 1369. Bryan, C. W. Carriage driving, 1349. Bryan, E. A. The mark in Europe and Amer., 1369. Bryden, H. A. Gun and camera, So. Africa, 1361. Buck, W. J. Wild Spain, 1361. (Chapman and Buck.) Buffen, F: F. Musical celebrities, 1365. Bunner, H: C. Rowen, 1345. Buonanni, F. Numismata pontif. Romanorum, 1333. Burdett-Coutts, A.G. Woman's mission, 1365. Burnaby, E. H: V. Land's End to Jolin O'Groats, 1357. Burnand, F. C. Robinson Cru soe, 1357. Burnett, F. H. The one I knew the best, 1369. Cambridge companion to the Bible, 1369. Cameron, H: L. Weak woman, 1345. Camp, W. College sports,1369. Campbell, G: Memoirs, 1357. Campbell, G: D. Irish nationalism, 1357. Unseen foundations of society, 1345. Campbell, R. E. Amer. landmarks, 1369. (Cleaveland and Campbell.) Canaan, E. Theories of pro duction, 1365. Canning, A. S.G: Existing re. ligions, 1357. Capers, II: D. C. G. Memminger, 1361. Caraguel, J. Les Barthozouls, 1361. Cardella, G. A king's daughter, 1341. Carey, K. N. Sir Godfrey's grand-daughters, 1337. Carnot, L. N: M. Correspondance, 1341. Carpenter, E: From Adam's Peak, 1341. Carter, T: War medals, 1357. Cartwright, J. Sacharissa,1337. Carus, P. Truth in fiction, 1394. Castle, E. Eng. book-plates, Chamier, D. Roman law, 1361. Charity Organization Society. Bibliog. des ou vrages arabes, 1357. Cheney, E.D. C.D. Rauch, 1346. Chennells, E. Recollections of an Egyptian princess, 1353. Cherbuliez, V. Le secret du précepteur, 1361. Chester, E. Girls and women, 1357. The unmarried woman, 1341. Chetham Society. Index to the Remains, 1365. Cheyne, T: K. Founders, O.T. criticism, 1361. Chittenden, L. E. Personal reminiscences, 1353. Chuquet, A. Rousseau, 1342. Church, J. R. University football, 1369. Church of Eng. mon prayer, 1357. Claflin, M.. B. J: G. Whittier, 1365. Book of com Clark, G: T: Mediæval military archit., 1365. Clarke, H: B. Span. lit., 1357. Claude,J: Persecutions of Protestants in France, 1361. Cleaveland, G: A. Amer. landmarks, 1369. Clemens, S. L. £1,000,000 bank. note, 1357. Clerk, J: Memoirs, 1353. Clifford, L.L. Last touches,1337. A wild proxy, 1353. Clowes, A. A. C: Knight, 1337. Cobbleigh, T. Gentleman Up. cott's daughter, 1346. C[ockayne], G. E. Peerage, 1333. Coleridge, C.R. Hanbury Milis, 1342. Coleridge, S: T. Poet. works, 1361. Collignon, M. Hist., sculp Jno. Swift, 1361. Round the black man's garden, 1361. Comba, E. Storia de Valdesi, 1361. Compayré, G. Abelard, 1362. Compton, H. European milit. adven. of Hindustan, 1346. Connelly, E.M. Kentucky, 1357. Conway, K. E. A dream of lilies, 1362. Cook, J. Journal, 1362. tives, 1369. Cooke, W.W. Bird migr.,1362. Copeland, A. M. Hist. of Murrayfield, 1350. Copleston, R.S. Buddhism,1353. Coppée, F. E: J. Longues et brèves, 1362. Corbin, C. F. Woman's philos. of love, 1350. Corelli, M. Thelma, 1346. Corey, A. D. Memorial, 1342. Cornell Univ. Inaug., J. G. Schurman, 1350. Corroyer, E: Gothic archit..1346. Cosnac, G. J. Mazarin et Col. bert, 1365. Costigan, A. W: Portugal, 1365. Cox, II. Coursing, 1342. Land naturalization, 1333. Cox, M. R. Cinderella, 1353. Craik, H: Eng. prose selections, 1353. Crawford, F. M. Children of the King,1350. Marion Darche, 1369. Don Orsino, 1333. The novel, 1357. Pietro Ghisleri, 1362. Creevey, C. A. Botany, 1362. Crepaz, A. Emancipation of women, 1353. Crépieux-Jamin, J. Handwriting, 1342. Crockett, S. R. The stickit minister, 1357. Crommelin, M. Mr. and Mrs. Herries, 1333. Cross, J: W. ism, 1346. Crosse, C. A. H. Red-letter days, 1337. Crowe, E. With Thackeray in America, 1369. Cruttwell, C: T: History of early Christianity, 1365. Cumming, C. F. G. The blind in China, 1342. Cunliffe, J: W. Seneca, 1354. Cunningham, W: Eng. industry and commerce, 1333. Curel, F. de. Les fossiles; L'invitée, 1365. Curtis, G: W: Dante, bimetall Other essays from the Easy Chair, 1362. Cushing, M. Our Post-office, 1350. Daft, R: Kings of cricket, 1362. Dall, C. W. H. Barbara Fritchie, 1333. Dana, W: S. Wild flowers, 1354. lessons, 1357. Davis, A. M. Lady Mowlson scholarship, 1357. Davis, G. G. In Arctic seas, 1339. (Keeley and Davis.) Davis, R. H. Kent Hampden, 1333. Dedham, Mass. Early records. 1342. Deland, M. Mr. Tonimy Dove, 1357. Story of a child, 1867. Delille, E: Some French wri ters, 1362. Denison, F. A chaplain's experience, 1369. Dewar,J.C. Voy.of the Nyanza, 1346. Dicey, A. V. Aleap in the dark, 1365. Dickens, M.A. Cross currents, 1338. A mere cypher, 1350, Dickinson, G. L. Revolution, modern France, 1354. Didier, C: 500 lieues sur le Nil, 1369. Diehl, C: Greece, 1362. Dieulafoy, M. A: L'Acropole de Suse, 1357. Divinity of Jesus Christ, 1358. Dixon, C: Migration of birds, 1338. Do the dead return, 1354. Dobson, A. Beau Brocade,1346 18th cent. vignettes, 1338. Her ace Walpole, 1369. Dodd, A.. B. Three Norman ly inns, 1346. Dodge, T. A. Great capt's,1333. Dougall, L. What necessity knows, 1369. Doughty, H: M. Our wherry in Wendish lands, 1346, Douglas, J. Bombay, Western India, 1350. Douglass, R. K. Chinese steries, 1342. Dowie, M. M. Women adven turers, 1262. Dowling, R. A baffling quest 1342. East India Co. Register of letters, 1358. Ebers, G: M. Story of my life, 1362. Ebner-Eschenbach, M..v. The two countesses, 1365. Edwards, M. B. A dream of millions, 1346. Edwords, C. E. Camp-fires of & naturalist, 1362. Eggleston, E: Duffels, 1369. Eliot, A. White birches, 1362. Eliot, I. M. Poetry for home, 1333. (Brackett and Eliot.) Elkins, M. v. German allied troops, 1338. Elliot, F. An idle woman in Constantinople, 1350. Ellis, A. B. Gold Coast, West Africa, 1370. Ellis, E. J. Fate in Arcadia, 1333. l'étoile, 1362. France, A. La rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque, 1362. Franklin, A. Le café, etc.; Les chirurgiens, 1358. Fraser, W: Hic et ubique, 1362. A Frye, J. A. ters, 1346. Fuller, A.. Literary courtship, 1358. Fuller. H: B. ers, 1370. Fuller, J: M. The cliff-dwell Dict. of the Bi. ble, 1364. (Smith and Fuller.) Fuller, M. W. Address, 1362. Fullerton, W:. M. Patriotism, science, 1358. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. Questions historiques, 1350. Gabillot, C. Les Hület, 1346. Gallaudet, E. M. Education, deaf children, 1338. Galt, J: Ayreshire legatees, 1334. Galton, F. Finger prints, 1342. Suppl. chap. to Finger prints." 1266. Gaye, S. The great world's farm, 1338. Gazier, A. Philippe, J: Baptiste de Champaigne, 1358. Geikie, J. Fragments of earth lore, 1370. Geoffroy de Grandmaison, C: A. L'ambassade fr. en Espagne, 1350. Gerardi, F. Intorno alla statua di Bolivar, 1342. Gerspach, E: Répertoire, tapisseries des Gobelins, 1358. Gibbons, B. ing day, 1338. Gibbons.) Shorter work. (Hadfield and Gilbert, J: T: Documents rel. to Ireland, 1350. Gilder, R: W. The great remembrance, 1370. Gilman, W: P. Socialism, 1358. Glazebrook, R: T. Laws of Gould, S.B-. In the roar of the sea, 1358. Mrs. Curgenven, 1366. Strange survivals; Tragedy of the Cæsars, 1346. Gourmont, R. de. Le fantôme, 1362. Sixtine, 1358. Gower, R. Joan of Arc, 1358. Gozzi, N: V.di. Del. republiche, sec. la mente di Aristotele, 1334. Gracian, B. Worldly wisdom, 1346. Grand, S. Heavenly twins,1366. people, 1354, Greene, F. V. 1362. Gregorovius, F. sec General Greene, Athen im Mit telalter, 1366. Greswell, W: P. British colonisation, 1362. Grey, H: M. Lloyd's yesterday and today, 1366. Grinnell, G: B. Amer. biggame hunting, 1371. (Roose. velt and Grinnell.) Gruel, L. Cat. des reliures en cuir ciselé, 1366. Guilhermey, J: F. C. Notre Dame, 1334. Guiney, L.. I. A roadside harp, Haferkorn, H: E. Handy list of books on fine arts, 1366. Hague, A. Geology, Eureka District, Nevada, 1366. Hake, T: G. Memoirs, 1338. Hale, E: E. For fifty years, 1370. New England boyhood, 1358. Hales, J: W. Folia litteraria, 1366. Ham, J: R. Bibliog., Dover, 1350. French book Hardy, A. Théâtre, 1370. Hardy, W. J. Book-plates,1358. Hare, J. C: Mission of the Comforter, 1334. Harland, M. Mary Washington, 1342. Harleian Society. Pub.; Reg. ister, 1366. Harper, C: G. Brighton Road, 1334. Hayes, M. H. Points of the horse, 1370. Hazard, C. 1370. Hazard, S: Index, Colonial records, 1366. Hazen, H. A. Climate of Chicago, 1370. Hazlitt, W. Liber amoris, 1366. Hazlitt, W: C. Coinage, 1370. Healy, J: Anc. Irish Church, 1363. Heath, R: 1358. Hector, A. F. Found wanting, 1358. Thomas Hazard, The Eng. peasant, Heilprin, A. The Arctic prob lem, 1363. Heitman, F. B. Officers of Con. 1363. Henderson, T. F. Scotland, 1370. Henley, W. Husbandry, 1338. Henrique, L. Les colonies fr., 1366. Henry, W: Swimming, 1364. (Sinclair and Henry.) Herpin, L. Le président He. nault, Mme. du Deffand, 1366. Herring, G. Through Connemara, 1338. Hewes, F. W. What are the facts, 1334. Higgens, E. Hebrew idolatry, Eng. hist. for Amer, readers, 1370. Hilgenfele, A. Das Evangelium Johannis, 1334. 1363. Higginson, T: W. Jeaffreson, J: C. Victoria, 1351. Legendary lore, holy wells of Eng., 1363. Hopkins, W: J. Telephone lines, 1358. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Horatian echoes, 1354. Hornung, E. W: Tiny Luttrell, Hunt, G. Seal of the U.S.,1347. Hutton, A. Old sword-play, Hutton, L. Edwin Booth,1363. Ibsen, H. The master-builder, Imbert de St. Amand, A. L. 1351. Index, period. literature, 1370. Irving, H: The drama, 1351. Irving, W. Washington and his country, 1370. Isaacs, A. S. Stories from the rabbis, 1358. Jackson, S. M. Encycl., living divines, 1364. (Schaff and Jackson.) Jacobs, J. Jews of Angevin Eng; More Eng. fairy tales, 1370. Tennyson, 1342. James, H: Essays in London, etc., 1366; Pictures and text, 1358. The private life, 1366. The real thing, 1354. The wheel of time, 1370. Jefferies, J: R: Toilers of the Jewett, S.. O. A native of Win- Jewsbury, G. E. Letters, 1334. Ben Office, 1370. Juglar, C. Panics, 1358. ence, 1351. Kauffmann, M. C: Kingsley, Landor, W. S. Poems, etc., 1351. Lane, W: C. Special coll. in Inveresk and Musselburgh, 1359. E. Lee, E. Some noble sisters, 1347. Le Fèvre, R. Recuyell of the 1359. Legge, A. O. Sunny Manitoba, 1359. tration, 1370. Lubbock, J: ture, 1334. Lucy, H: W. Salisbury parlia ment, 1347. Lummis, C: F: Land of poco Beauties of na tiempo,1371. Strange corners of our country, 1334. Lyall, A. Brit. dominion in India, 1351. Lyall, E., pseud. To right the M., E. Days in clover, 1339. l'Orient; Manuel d'hist. anc. de l'Orient; Musée des antiq. egyptiennes, 1366. Lepsius, K: R: Briefe aus Ae- McGill, W. M. The western gypten, 1367. Leroy Beaulieu, P: P. Le col. Mac Gregor,J: Toil and travel, lectivisme, 1363. Empire of 1335. the Tzars, 1367. Mackail, J: W:, etc. Love's Lespinasse, R. de. Les metiers looking glass, 1367. et corporations, Paris, 1367. M'Kendrick, J: G. Physiology Lesquereux, L. Flora of the of the senses, 1363. Dakota group, 1367. Mackenzie, M. Essays, 1359. Letchworth, W: P. Insane in McKinley, W: What are the foreign countries, 1363. facts, 1334. (Hewes and McLethbridge, R. Golden book Kinley.) of India, 1354. Letters, South Africa, 1367. Levasseur, E. La population fr., 1334. Levy, A. Napoléon intime, 1370. was found, 1363. Lexis, W:, etc. Die deutschen 1347. Lincoln, Mass. Dedication,new Malleson, G: B. German empire, 1339. Lord Clive, 1371. Linn, T: Health resorts of Eu Mallet, C: E: The French Rev. rope, 1367. Linton, W: J. European re. Kohte, J. Die Kirche San Lo- Lippincott's gazetteer, 1359. phyliens und Pisidiens, 1366. Littledale, H. Tennyson's olution, 1359. Margaret, Queen of Navarre. |