Slike stranica

Crosland, Mrs. N. Landmarks of a literary life, 1820-92.

† Dall, Mrs. C. W. H. The story of an old house; [the home of the Otis family].

Dante Alighieri. The divine comedy; tr. into English verse by T: W. Parsons; with a pref. by C: E. Norton, and memorial sketch by L.. I. Guiney.

Note. The Purgatory is incomplete, and of the Paradise only fragments are given.

Davis, J: C. B. Mr. Fish and the Alabama claims;

a chapter in diplomatic history.

Davis, T: The patriot Parliament of 1689, with its statutes, votes, and proceedings; ed., with introd., by Sir C: G. Duffy. (New Irish library.)

Davis, W. J. History of political conventions in California, 1849-92.

"Biographical sketches of governors and register of officers of the state of California, 1849-92,"pp. 595


Deland, Mrs. M. The old garden, and other verses; decorated by Walter Crane.

Dennie, J. Rome of to-day and yesterday; the pagan centuries.

Detlef, K:, pseud. Musste es sein? Roman. 2e Aufl. 1875. 2 v.

* Dewey, J: Outlines of a critical theory of eth

ics. 1891.

Discourse of the common weal of this realm of England; first pr., 1581; ed. by E.. Lamond.

Note. Attributed to W: Stafford, and to J: Hales. D'Orsey, A. J.D. Portuguese discoveries, dependencies, and missions in Asia and Africa. Drake, S. A. Making of Virginia and the middle

colonies, 1578-1701.

Duchesne, l'abbé L.: Origines du culte chrétien; études sur la liturgie latine avant Charlemagne. 1889.

Du Fresne de Beaucourt, G. L: E., marquis de Beaucourt. Captivité et derniers moments de Louis XVI. 1892. 2 v.

Contents. Vol.1. Récits originaux. 2. Documents officiels.

Dumas, A. D. Olympe de Clèves; romance of the court of Louis xv. 2 v.

* The page of the Duke of Savoy. 1891. 2 v. * The regent's daughter. 1891.

Ebers, G: M. The Hellenic portraits from the Fayum, at present in the collection of Herr Graf; with remarks on other works of this class.

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For the fourth time of asking; by the author of "Miss Toosey's mission," etc.

Franqueville, C:, comte de. Le système judiciaire

de la Grande Bretagne. 2 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. Organisation judiciaire. 2. La procédure civile et criminelle.

Frederic, H. The copperhead. Fuller, E: The complaining millions of men; a novel.

Geographical journal; including the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. Vol. 1. Gibbins, H: de B. British commerce and colonies, from Elizabeth to Victoria. (Univ.extension ser.)

Gothi, E. Les deux chefs-d'œuvre du théâtre russe: Revisor, par N: Gogol; Trop d'esprit nuit, par A. S. Griboïedof. [2e éd.]

* Grabowski, S., Graf. Aus dem Officier leben; humoristische Bilder. 1863. Contents. Der Adjutant ohne Pferd.-Bocksstreiche. Portrait und Brief. Auf Freiersfüssen.



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Catalogue of the Graf collection of ancient Greek portraits at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago; [by F. H. Richter and F. von Ostini].

tions; with biog. notices.

Gréard, V. C. O. Nos adieux à la veille Sorbonne. Illust. Greene, G. A. Italian lyrists of today; translaGreenwood, J. Adventures surprenantes de trois vieux marins; histoire de ce qui n'est jamais arrivé; tr. par P. Simon. [1890.] Illust. Contents. Aventures surprenantes de trois vieux marins. Périlleux voyages de Brass frères. - La sorcière noire.

Gundry, R. S. China and her neighbours: France in Indo-China; Russia and China; India and Thibet.

Haggard, H: R. Montezuma's daughter.

* Hardy, T:, and others. Stories in black and


Contents. Norris, W: E: Romance of Madame de Chanteloup. - Russell, W: C. A memorable swim. Hardy, T: To please his wife. - Linton, Mrs. E. L. The ghost of the past. Payn, J. Rebecca's remorse. Barrie, J. M. Is it a man? - Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. The golden rule.-Allen, G. General Passavant's will.

Harland, H: Mademoiselle Miss.; added, The funeral march of a marionette; The prodigal father; A sleeveless errand; Alight sovereign.

Hatch, E., and others. Concordance to the Septuagint and other Greek versions of the Old Testament; including the Apocryphal books. Pt. 1, 2. 1892-93. 2 pts.

Hatton, J. In jest and earnest; a book of gossip. Heyse, P. J: L: Aus den Vorbergen; Novellen.

Contents. Vroni. Marienkind. - Xaverl. Dorfromantik.

Higginson, T: W., and Mrs. M.. T. Such as they are; poems. Purchased by request.


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Hill, F: S. Twenty years at sea; or, Leaves from my old log-books.

Hingham, Mass. History of Hingham. 3 v. Illust.

Contents. Vol. 1. Historical. 2, 3. Genealogical. Hirth, G:, and Muther, R: Meister Holzschnitte aus vier Jahrhunderten; [charakteristische Beispiele].

Holmes, O. W. The autocrat of the breakfasttable; illust. by H. Pyle. 2 v. Hope, A. A change of air.

• Hoppin, E. H. From out of the past; the story

of a meeting in Touraine.

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Contents. A mad prank.
A terrible mistake.
Miss Saville of Thorby Hall. - "A lucky ghost hunt."

† International American Conference. Reports of committees and discussions thereon, etc. 1890. 4 v.

Contents. Vol. 1, 2. Reports and discussions. 3. Narrative of the tour through the U.S. 4. The Congress of 1826 at Panama, and [other American con. gresses].

Jarchow, H. N. Forest planting; a treatise on the care of timber lands and the restoration of denuded wood-lands. Illust.

Jeaffreson, J: C. A book of recollections. 2 v. Jewett, S.. O. Deephaven. Illust.

Lee, Mrs. S. P. Memoirs of W: Nelson Pendleton,

D. D.

Lees, G. R. Jerusalem illustrated; with preface by Bishop Blyth, and app. illust. the models of Von Shick, tr. by J. E. Hanauer.

Le Fanu, W. R. Seventy years of Irish life; being anecdotes and reminiscences.

Leland, C: G. Memoirs. 2 v.
Lightfoot, J. B., Bp. of Durham.

Essays on the

work entitled Supernatural religion. Note. Reprinted from the Contemporary review. McDermott, P. S. British East Africa or Ibea; a history of the formation and work of the Imperial British East Africa Company; comp. from official documents. Illust.

Mallarmé, S. Vers et prose; morceaux choisis. 2e éd. Mansfield, R. B. School-life at Winchester College; or, The reminiscences of a Winchester junior, 1835-40. 3d ed. Illust.

† Margueritte, P. La mouche.

Contents. La mouche. - Pendant le bain. - Patagouya. M. Blanc-Blanc. -Sonnette d'alarme.-Nouvelle-lune. Femme impure. Pluie d'orage. L'envie. L'omnibus. La chaise persée. Minet. L'attente. Le petit remède. - Premiers bourgeons. Le cigare. Un crise. - Une mauvaise nuit. - Le petit Poucet. L'ânon mort. Finde Bohème. - Bonne mart. Le jardin enchanté.

Millett, F. D., and others. Some artists at the Fair.

Contents. Millet, F. O. Decoration of the Exposition. Mitchell, J. A. Types and people at the Fair. Low, W. H. Art of the White City. Gibson, W: H. Foreground and vista at the Fair. - Smith, F. H.

[Jan. 8, 1894

Mitchell, S. W. Francis Drake; a tragedy of the


The mother; and other poems.

Mitford, M.. R. Our village; with introd. by A. T. Ritchie, and illust. by H. Thomson. Minerva; Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt; hrsg. von R. Kukula u. K. Trübner. 2er Jahrg., 1892


• Molloy, J. F. The life and adventures of Peg Woffington. 2 v. Morelli, G. (pseud. I. Lermolieff). The galleries of Munich and Dresden; tr. by C. J. Ffoulkes.

Morris, W:, and Bax, E. B. and outcome.

Socialism, its growth Moureau, A. Les Moreau. Illust. (Les artistes célèbres.) Nansen, F. Eskimo life; tr. by W: Archer; illust.

Nicholson, J. S. Principles of political economy. Vol. 1.

Noble, J: Illustrated official handbook of the Cape and South Africa; history, population, productions, and resources of the several colonies, states, and territories. Illust.

Normand, C: Nouvel itinéraire-guide artistique et archéologique de Paris. Ed. des fondateurs-souscripteurs. ler vol. [1892.]

Ortoli, F: Evening tales; done into English from the French by J. C. Harris. Parsons, T: W: Poems.

Pascolato, A. Fra Paolo Sarpi; studio; con app. contenente alcuni scritti inediti. Pasolini, P. D. Caterina Sforza. 3 v. Pasquier, E. D., duc. Histoire de mon temps; mémoires; publiés par M. le duc d'AudiffretPasquier. Pt. 1, v. 1.

Contents. Pt. 1. Révolution, Consulat, Empire. Vol. 1. 1789-1810.

Payn, J. A trying patient, etc.

Contents. A trying patient. The changed home.A novelist's dilemma. The prince. The Earl of Herm. Bellamy. - Uncle Lock's legacy. Her first smile. A successful experiment. On the bench. Miss Wainright. The scholar of Silverscar. - The fair Persian.

Peary, Mrs. J. D. My Arctic journal; a year among ice-fields and Eskimos; with account of the great white journey across Greenland by Robert E. Peary.

Pease, A. E: Biskra and the oases and desert of the Zibans. Illust.

Perry, J. T. Chronology of mediæval and Renaissance architecture, [306-1626]. Philips, F. C. Pollard, A. W: Early illustrated books; history of the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th, 16th centuries.

"One never knows." 2 v.

Pomona; by the author of "Miss Toosey's mission," etc. Popowski, J. The rival powers in Central Asia; or, The struggle between England and Russia in the East; tr. by A. B. Brabant; ed. by C: E. D. Black.


Purchased by request.

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• Richebourg, E. Le million du père Raclot. Riddle, A. G. Ansel's cave; a story of early life in the Western Reserve.

Robinson, P. Some country sights and sounds. Rocheblave, S: Les Cochin. (Les artistes célèbres.)

Roe, A., pseud. Pingot et moi; journal d'un officier d'artillerie. 2e éd.

Romanes, G: J: An examination of Weismannism.

Ruskin, J: Letters to William Ward; ed. by T: J. Wise. 2 v.

[blocks in formation]

Seeley, J: R. Goethe reviewed after sixty years.

Note. Reprinted from Contemporary review of 1884. Seymour or St. Maur, E: A., 12th Duke of Somerset. Letters, remains, and memoirs; [with] extracts from his works on Christianity and democracy; ed. by W. H. Mallock and Lady G. Ramsden.

Sherard, R. H. Emile Zola; a biog. and critical study.

Sienkiewicz, H: Pan Michael; an historical novel of Poland, the Ukraine, and Turkey; a sequel to "With fire and sword," and "The deluge;" tr. by J. Curtin.

Snow, F. Cases and opinions on international law; with notes and a syllabus.


Snowden, J. K. Tales of the Yorkshire wolds. Contents. Idyl of Wharfedale. Squire's lady. A tomboy as "Dea ex Machina." - Lige Murgatroyd's trouble. What the parson brought. Doase. tale of shame.- Ghost slayer. Angel barmaid. Heap of quartz. Dick Denholme. Ike Slowit's quarrel. The hero as poet. Sophocles. Tragedies; tr. into English prose from the text of Jebb by E: P. Coleridge.

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Steel, Mrs. F. A. Miss Stuart's legacy. Stevenson, R. L: Catriona; a sequel to "Kidnapped;" memoirs of the further adventures of David Balfour at home and abroad.

Note. Also published under title of "David Balfour."

Stone, H. S. First editions of American authors; manual for book lovers; with introd. by E. Field.

Sullivan, T: R. Tom Sylvester; a novel. † Sunset Club, Chicago. [Year book), 1891-92. Target, P. L. Un avocat du 18e siècle [Gui J:

Baptiste Target].

Contents. Discours de M. P. Boulloche sur Target.Journal de Target, 1787; - Notes inédites sur l'état de la France, 1789-97. - Fac-similes d'autographes. Thompson, M. The ethics of literary art; the Carew lectures for 1893, Hartford Theological Seminary.

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Thwing, C: F. Within college walls.

Traill, H: D. Social England; a record of the progress of the people from the earliest times to the present day. Vol. 1.

Traubel, H. L., and others. In re Walt Whitman. Twining, T: Travels in America 100 years ago, [1795-96]; being notes and reminiscences. (Harper's Black and white ser.)

Van Brunt, H: Greek lines; and other architectural essays. Illust.

Van Dyke, H: J. The Christ-child in art; a study

of interpretation. Illust.

Vizetelly, H: Glances back through seventy years; autobiographical and other reminiscences.

2 v.

Wagner, L. More about names.

Walker, T: A. The science of international law. Walker, W. Creeds and platforms of congregationalism.

Walrond, F. F: Philipp Jacob Spener.
Walters, A. Lotos eater in Capri, Illust.
Webb, W: W. Currencies of the Hindu states of

Rájputána. Illust.

Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France. (Heroes of the nations.) Welschinger, H: Le maréchal Ney, 1815. 2e éd. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. White memories; [poems on Phillips Brooks, J: G. Whittier, Lucy Larcomj.

Wiggin, Mrs. K. D.

story for girls. Wilde, O. F. O. W.

Polly Oliver's problem; a

Lady Windermere's fan; a

play about a good woman. Wilder, D. W. Life of Shakespeare; copied from the best sources without comment.

† Worcester, Mass. A tribute to the Columbian year; exhibit of a city of diversified indus


Wright, Dr. W: The Brontës in Ireland; or,
Facts stranger than fiction.
Wylie, W: H., and Briscoe, J: P. Popular history
of Nottingham. Illust.

* Purchased by request. ↑ Received by gift.

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Adams, F. The new Egypt; a social sketch. 1893. Allen, C. L. Bulbs and tuberous-rooted plants, their history, description, methods of propagation and directions for their successful culture in the garden, etc. 1893. Illust.

Ami des monuments, L'; revue illustrée; organe du Comité des Monuments Français; étude et protection des monuments d'art de la France dir. par C: Normand. Vol. 1-6. 1887-[92]. 1888-92. 6 v.

Ansted, A. The Riviera; etchings and vignettes; with notes. Anstey, F. (pseud. of F. A. Guthrie).

The man from Blankley's and other sketches; repr. from "Punch". 1893. Illust.

Appuleius, I., Madaurensis. The golden ass; tr. by W: Adlington, 15663; with introduction by C: Whibley. (The Tudor trans.)

Armstrong, G: Names and places in the Old and New Testament and Apocrypha; with their modern identifications; rev. by Col. S: C. W. Wilson and Major Conder. 1889. (Palestine Exploration Fund.)

Armstrong, I. J. Two roving Englishwomen in Greece. 1893. Illust.

Around the world; [an illustrated magazine of travels and explorations]; ed. by A. Heilprin. Vol. 1, no. 1. 1893.

Aulard, F. A. Etudes et leçons sur la Révolution Française.

* Les orateurs de la Législative et de la Convention. 1885-86. 2 v.

Balestier, W. Benefits forgot.

Ball, Sir R. S: The story of the sun. 1893. Illust. Bellasis, E: Memorials of Mr. Sergeant Bellasis, 1800-73; [on Oxford movement]. 1893. Balzac, H. de. Œuvres complètes. 1891-92. 50 v. Memoirs of two young married women; tr. by K.. P. Wormeley. (Comedy of human life.) * Barham, R: H. D. Life and letters of R: Η. Barham. New ed. 1880.

Barrili, A. G. Amori alla macchia; novella. 3a ed. 1885.

Cuor di ferro e cuor d'oro; romanzo. 8a ed. 1891. 2 v.

La Donna di picche; romanzo.

4a ed. 1893.

* Barrows, J: H: World's Parliament of Religions; popular story of the world's first parliament of religions, held in connection with the Columbian Exposition, 1893. 2 v. Illust.

Bazin, H. Nimes gallo-romain; guide du touriste archéologue. 1892.

Vienne et Lyon gallo-romains. 1891. Beard, W: H. Action in art. (1893.) Illust. Bédier, J. Les fabliaux; études de littérature populaire et d'histoire littéraire du Moyen Age. 1893.

*Beeching, H: C:, and others. Love in idleness; poems. 1883.

Bell, C: H: The bench and bar of New Hampshire; including notices of deceased judges of the highest court, and lawyers of the province and state, and a list of names of

[No. 332. Mar. 31, 1894

Bell, E. Handbook of athletic sports. Vol. 7. 1893.

Contents. Vol. 7. Hayward, J: D. Canoeing. Macdonell, A. A. Camping out.

Beniovsky, M. A., Graf. Memoirs and travels in Siberia, Kamchatka, Japan, etc.; tr. by W: Nicholson; ed. by P. Oliver. 1893. (Adventure ser.)

Benson, A. C. Poems. 1893.

Benson, E. F. Dodo; a detail of the day. 4th ed. 1893. 2 ν.

Bent. J. T. Early voyages and travels in the Levant; The diary of T: Dallam, 1599-1600; Extracts from the diaries of Dr. J: Covel, 1670-79. 1893. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub.)

The sacred city of the Ethiopians; a record of travel and research in Abyssinia in 1893; with a chapter by H. D. Müller on the inscriptions from Yeha and Aksum, and app. on the morphological character of the Abyssinians by J. G. Garson. 1893. Illust.

Bertram, J. G. Some memories of books, authors, and events. 1893. Besant, Mrs. A. W. Autobiography. 1893. Besant, W. History of London. 1893. Bible. N. T. Greek and Eng. Interlinear literal translation of the Greek N. T.; with the authorized version in the margins, and the readings of the editions of Elzevir, etc. 1893. Bierce, A. Can such things be? [stories. 1893.] Bigarré, A. J. Mémoires, 1775-1813. [1893.] Birrell, A. Essays about men, women, and books. Björnson, B. Pastor Sang; being the Norwegian drama Over aevne; tr. into English for the author by W: Wilson. 1893. Illust.

Black, R. Horse-racing in England; a synoptical review. 1893. Blaney, H: R. 17 etchings of buildings of old

Boston. 1893.

* Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. From the caves and jungles of Hindostan; tr.from the Russian.


Blennerhassett, R., and Sleeman, L. Adventures in Mashonaland; by two hospital nurses. 1893.

Blew, W: C: A. Brighton and its coaches; a history of the London and Brighton road Illust.

Blunt, W. S. The love lyrics and songs of Proteus; with The love-sonnets of Proteus now reprinted in full. Kelmscott Press, 1892.

Boaden, J. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons; interspersed with anecdotes of authors and actors. 1893. Bolton, C: K. Saskia, the wife of Rembrandt.


* Bompas, W: C., Bp. Northern lights on the Bible; drawn from a Bishop's experience during 25 years in the great North-West. [1893.]

Bourgoin, J. Précis de l'art arabe et matériaux pour servir à l'histoire, à la théorie, et à la technique des arts de l'orient musulman. 1892. Illust.


Purchased by request.

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*"No gentleman." 1893.

Burrell, W. S., and Cuthell, E. E. Indian memories; [recollections of life in India]. 1893. Bury, J. B. History of the Roman Empire from foundation to death of Marcus Aurelius. 1893. (Student's Roman Empire.)

Cambridge (Eng.) University. Fitzwilliam Museum. Catalogue of the Egyptian collection, by E. A. W. Budge. 1893.

Cameron, H: H. H. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, and his friends; a series of portraits in photogravure from the negatives of Mrs. J. M. Cameron and H: H. H. Cameron; Reminiscences by A. T. Ritchie. 1893.

Campbell, J. D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge; anarrative of the events of his life.

Carlsruhe. Badischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein. Alte und neue Fächer aus der Wettbewerbung und Ausstellung zu Karlsruhe, 1891; Vorwort von H. Götz, Text von M.. Rosen

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Contents. Sous-préfectures. - Réforme administrative. -Libertés civiles. Colonisation. - Cléricalisme, etc.

Castonnet-Desfosses, H. La perte d'une colonie;

la révolution de Saint-Domingue. 1893. Catullus, Q. (or C.) V. Catullus; with the Pervigilium Veneris; ed. by S. G. Owen. 1893. Illus.

Cave, H: W. Picturesque Ceylon; Colombo and the Kelani valley. 1893. Charterhouse, London. Registers and monumental inscriptions of Charterhouse Chapel; ed. by F. Collins. 1892. (Harleian Soc.)

Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Illustrations from the art gallery; ed. by C: M. Kurtz. [1893.]

Church, A. J. Pictures from Greek life and story. [1893] Church, A. H., and others.

Some minor arts as

practised in England. Illust. Contents. Read, C. H. English work in impressed horn. Fletcher, W. Y. English book-bindings. Church, A. H. Old English pottery; Old English fruit trenchers. Hartshorne, A. English effigies in wood. Gardner, J. S. English enamels.

+ Clark, H: P. Record of the life and writings of Henry Grafton Clark.

Clouston, W: A. Hieroglyphic Bible; Old Testament stories. 1893.

Hieroglyphic Bible; New Testament stories. 1893.

* Coffin, C: C. Abraham Lincoln. 1893. Illust. Collinot, E., and Beaumont, A. de. Ornements de la Chine; recueil de dessins pour l'art et l'industrie. 1883.

Ornements du Japon; recueil de dessins pour l'art et l'industrie. 1883.

Ornements turcs; recueil de dessins pour l'art et l'industrie. 1883.

Ornements vénitiens, hindous, russes, etc.; recueil de dessins pour l'art et l'industrie.

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* Purchased by request.

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