Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Abbey, E. A. The quest of the Holy Grail; a series
of paintings for the decoration of the deliv-
ery room in the Public Library of Boston.
Ajam, M. La parole en public; physio-psycholo-
gie de la parole, rapporte du langage intér.
avec la parole, étude des procédés oratoires
depuis l'antiquité, esquisse d'une méthode
scientifique d'art oratoire, enquêtes psycholo-
giques sur la parole en public.

Albert, M. Les médecins grecs à Rome. 1894.
(Les Grecs à Rome.)

Allies, M. H. History of the church in England.
[Pt. 2.]

Contents. Pt. [2]. From the accession of Henry VIII.
to the death of Queen Elizabeth, 1509-1603.

Anderson, F., and others. Addresses before the
Virginia State Convention, Feb. 1861; [with
condensed extracts from the journal of the
Convention]. 1861.

Au quartier latin. 3e année, numéro exceptionnel,
mi-carème 1895. Illust.
Aubrey, W. H. S. The rise and growth of the
English nation; with special reference to
epochs and crises; a history of and for the
people. Vol. 1.

Contents. Vol. 1. To A. D. 1399.

Avenel, G., vicomte d'. La fortune privée à tra-
vers sept siècles.

+ Balch, T. The French in America during the
war of independence of the U.S., 1777-83;
tr. by T: W. Balch. 1891-95. 2 v.
Note. Vol. 2. tr. by E. S. and E. W. Balch.

Baker, F. G. The model republic; a history of
the rise and progress of the Swiss people.
Barthélemy Saint Hilaire, J. M. Victor Cousin;
sa vie et sa correspondance. 3 v.

Bartoli, A. Storia della letteratura italiana. 1878-
89.7 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. Introduzione; caratteri fonda.
mentali della letteratura medievale. 2. La poesia nel
periodo delle origini. 3. La prosa nel periodo delle
origini. 4. La nuova lirica toscana. 5. Della vita di
Dante. 6. Delle opere di Dante. 7. Petrarca.

Benson, M. Subject to vanity; (sketches of pet
cats, dog, birds, etc.]. Illust.

* Bernays, M. Zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte.
(In his Schriften zur Kritik und Litteratur-
geschichte, v. 1.)

Contents. Bemerkungen zu einigen jüngst bekannt
gemachten Briefe an Goethe [von Varnhagen]. - Der
französische und der deutsche Mahomet. Der Brief-
wechsel zwischen Schiller und Goethe, Ausgabe von
1881. Die Urschriften der Briefe Schillers an Dalberg.

Besant, W. In deacon's orders; and other stories.
Contents. In deacon's orders. Peer and heiress. -
The equal woman. The shrinking shoe. - Quarantine
Island. In three weeks. One and two. A night
with Tantalus. - The Solid Gold Reef Co., limited.
To the third and fourth generation. King David's

Bible. O. T. Job. Hebrew. Book of Job; crit.
ed. of Hebrew text; with notes by C. Sieg-
fried; Eng. tr. of the notes, by R. E. Brün-
now. 1893. (Sacred books of O. T.)

Bigg, C. Neoplatonism. (Chief ancient philoso-

[No. 350. Aug. 17, 1895

Bismarck-Schoenhausen, O. E. L., Fürst von.
Neue Tischgespräche und Interviews;
[Germ. and Fr.); hrsg. von H. von Poschin-
ger. 2e Aufl.

† Blagden, S. Some sweet poems and loving can-
ticles to the praise and glory of the King of
Love, even "Jesus," our Redeemer, Saviour,
and God. [1893.]

Bliss, W. D. P. A handbook of socialism; a
statement of socialism in its various aspects,
and a history of socialism in all countries;
with statistics, biog. notes on prominent so-
cialists, bibliog., calendar, chronolog. table
and chart. (Social science series.)

Boivin-Champeaux, L. Notices pour servir à
l'histoire de la Révolution dans le départe-
ment de l'Eure. 1864.

Bouchot, H. La lithographie. Illust.
Bourdeau, J. La Rochefoucauld. (Les grands

écrivains français.)

Bournon, F. La Bastille; histoire et description
des bâtiments, administration, régime de la
prison, événements historiques. 1893. Illust.
Brette, A. Recueil de documents relatifs à la con-
vocation des Etats Généraux de 1789. Vol.
1. 1894.

Bromley, G. W., and Walter, S. Atlas of Boston;
Boston proper and Roxbury.
Buchheim, C. A., ed. Deutsche Lyrik; with notes

and a literary introduction. 1892.

Burgis, E. Perils to British trade; how to avert

them. (Social science ser.)

Callan, H. From the Clyde to the Jordan; nar-
bicycle journey [through rough south-

rative of


eastern Europe and Asia Minor]. Illust.
Note. Repr. from the Glasgow herald.

Cambridge (Eng.) University. Fitzwilliam Mu-
seum. A descriptive catalogue of the man-
uscripts in the Museum; with introd. and
indices; by M. R. James.

Chabeuf, H. Dijon; monuments et souvenirs.
1894. Illust.
* Clark, G. H. Oliver Cromwell; with an intro-
duction by C. D. Warner. [1893-95.]
Coignet, Mme. C. G. La réforme française; Dé-
but des guerres civiles; Catherine de Médi-
cis et François de Guise.

+ Congress of Archæological Societies in Union
with the Society of Antiquaries. Index
of archæological papers published in 1891.

Report on the transcription and publication of
parish registers, etc. 1892.

Corsi, A. Arbitrati internazionali; note di critica,
dottrinale, e storica (with "appendici e do-
cumenti"]. 1893.

Couthon, G. Correspondance, 1791-94; suivie de
L'aristocrate converti. 1872.

Craig, J. The gospel on the continent; incidents
in the life of J. Craig; ed. by [J. P. Craig).
+ Cust, R. N. The Matabéle-scandal and its con-
sequences; by one who remembers the pun-
ishment which fell upon Cain. 1894.

Darwin, F. Elements of botany. Illust. (Cambridge natural science manuals. Bibliog. series.)

Davis, V. A. J. The veiled doctor; a novel. Debrett, J. Peerage and titles of courtesy; incl. information respecting the collateral branches of baronets, 1895. Illust.

Desjardins, P. Le devoir présent. 5e éd. 1894. (Questions du temps présent.) Dislère, P., and Moüy, R. de. Droits et devoirs des Français dans les pays d'Orient et d'Extrême-Orient. 1893.

Dixon, C. The migration of British birds; including their post-glacial emigrations as traced by the application of a new law of dispersal. Dodge, M. A., of Hamilton. Biography of James G. Blaine; by Gail Hamilton, [pseud.]. Illust.

Dorman, M. R. P. From matter to mind; [an outline of some of the principles of physiology, psychology, and general philosophy].

Dowden, E. New studies in literature.

Contents. Mr. Meredith in his poems. - The poetry of Robert Bridges. The poetry of J. Donne. Amours de voyage; [P. F. N. Fabre d'Eglantin]. Goethe. Coleridge as a poet. - Edmond Scherer. Literary criticism in France. The teaching of English literature.

Dukes, C. Work and overwork in relation to health in schools; address, Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, 5th general conference, Oxford, 17th-20th Apr. 1893. 1893.

Durrie, D. S. Index to American genealogies and to genealogical material in town histories, etc. 4th ed., enl.

Eimer, G. H.T. Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of acquired characters according to the law of organic growth; J. T. Cunningham. 1890.

Elkington, W. M. Five years in Canada; [the ranch life of an emigrant].

Elton, O. An introduction to Michael Drayton. Escott, T. H. S. Randolph Spencer-Churchill as a product of his age; a personal and a political monograph.

Field, H. M. Our western archipelago, [a journey across Canada to Alaska, returning by Montana, the Yellowstone Park, etc.]. Illust.

+ Fitz Gerald, D. A short description of the Boston water-works. Illust.

Fitzgerald, P. H. The world's own book; or, The treasury of à Kempis; an account of the chief editions of "The imitation of Christ," with analysis of its methods.

* Forrest, R. E. The touchstone of peril; a novel of Anglo-Indian life; with scenes during the mutiny. [1886.]

Fowler, M. Some notable Archbishops of Canter

[blocks in formation]

Galton, F. Fingerprint directories.
Gaussen, W. F. A. Memorials of a short life; a bio-
graphical sketch [of him by his sister]; with
essays on Russian life and literature; ed. by
G. F. Browne, Bishop of Stepney. Illust.

George, H. B. Battles of English history.
Georgeakis, G., and Pineau, L. Le folk-lore de
Lesbos. 1894. (Littératures populaires.)
Gissing, G. In the year of jubilee; (a novel].
Graham, R. C. The carved stones of Islay.
Gr. Brit. Commis. to Survey the Chantries, Guilds,
Hospitals, etc., in the Co. of York. Certifi-
cates. 1894-95. (Surtees Soc. Pub.)

1894. 3 ν.

Note. Paged continuously.

Haidar, Mirza. Tarikh-i-Rashidi; a history of the Moghuls of Central Asia; Eng. version, ed. by N. Elias, tr. by E. Denison Ross.

• Harris, W. T. The spiritual sense of Dante's "Divina commedia." 1889.

Harrisse, H. Americus Vespuccius, a crit. and documentary review of [his "Letters, tr., etc., by C. R. Markham," and "The voyage from Lisbon to India, ed. by C. H. Coote"; asserting that Balthasar Sprenger wrote the latter; with bibliog. anal. of docs. rel, to the part of the merchants of Augsburg and Nuremberg in the Portuguese expeditions to India].

Hassall, A. Louis XIV. and the zenith of the French monarchy. Illust. (Heroes of the nations.)

Hastings, E. An experiment in altruism. Haussonville, G. P. O. de C.,comte d'. Lacordaire. (Les grands écrivains français.)

Hervieu, P. L'armature.
Hichens, R. S. An imaginative man.
Hodges, E. Some ancient English homes [in
Gloucestershire and Warwickshire), and
their associations, personal, archæological,
and historic. Illust.

Contents. Wotton-under-Edge and Bradley Court.
Beverston Castle. Rodway Manor. - Yate Court.
Caludon Castle. - Kingsbury and Hurley Hall. -
Little Sodbury Manor. Horton Court.


[blocks in formation]

femmes de Tuileries; Les exils, [Marie-Amélie, the Duchess of Orleans, and the princes and princesses of their family. 4e éd.]

Jones, H. A. The renascence of the English drama; essays, lectures, and fragments rel. to the modern English stage written and delivered. 1883-94.

Juta, J. C. Map of South Africa from the Cape to the Zambesi. New and rev. ed.

† Kent, C. W. Literature and life; lecture, inauguration of the Linden-Kent Memorial School of Eng. Literature, Univ. of Va.; [with Historical note on the study of English at the University of Va. by W. M. T.]. 1894.

[blocks in formation]

King, Capt. C., ed. Captain Dreams; and other stories.

Contents. King, Capt. C. Captain Dreams. - Sy. denham, A. H. The ebb-tide. Hamilton, A. K. White lilies. - Hamilton, W. H. A strange wound. Sydenham, A. H. The story of Alcatraz. - Dene, R. M. The other fellow. Leefe, J. G. Buttons.

Klein, A. Among the gods; scenes of India; with

legends by the way. Illust.

• Kobell, L. von. Unter den vier ersten Königen Bayerns; nach Briefen und eigenen Erinnerungen. 1894. 2 ν. Illust.

La Movinerie, L., baron de. Les origines du caoutchouc; François Fresneau, ingénieur du roi, 1703-70. 1893.

Leland, C. G. Legends of Florence collected from the people and retold. 1st series.

Lévy, H. Etude historique des actions données au pupille contre son tuteur en droit romain; la traite des noirs et les puissances en droit français. 1894.

Lightfoot, J. B., Bp. of Durham. Notes on Epistles of St. Paul; from unpublished commentaries.

Logan, M. Guide to the Italian pictures at Hampton Court; with short studies of the artists. 1894. (The Kyrle pamphlets.)

López-Valdemoro, J., conde de Las Navas. Chavala; historia disfrazada de novela. 1893. Loubat, -. Code de la législation contre les anarchistes; cont. le commentaire de la loi du 28 juil., 1894., etc.

Luffmann, C. B. A vagabond in Spain; [journal of a walk through Spain].

Lyly, J. Endymion, the man in the moon; ed., with notes, bibliog., and a biog. introd., by G. P. Baker. 1894.

Lysons, Sir D. The Crimean war from first to last.
Maartens, M., pseud. My lady nobody; a novel.

Maclaren, I., pseud. Beside the bonnie brier bush. Martin, A. Papiers inédits trouvés chez Robespierre, Saint-Just, Payan, etc., supprimés ou omis par Courtois; préc. [de son] rapport à la Convention Nationale. 1828. 3 v.

Mau, A. Führer durch Pompeji. 1893. Illust. Melliss, C. J. Lion-hunting in Somali-Land; also an account of "pigsticking" the African wart-hog. Illust.

Merlo, J. J. Kölnische Künstler in alter und neuer Zeit; neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken kölnischer Künstler; hrsg. von E. Firmenich-Richarts [und] H. Keussen. Lief. 1-17. [1893-94.] 17 pts.

Morice, C. La littérature de tout à l'heure. 1889. Morris, J. Advance Japan; a nation thoroughly

in earnest. Illust.

Mummery, A. F. My climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. Illust.

Newman, J. H., Card. Selections from [his] prose writings; ed., with notes and introd., by L. E. Gates.

[Aug. 17. 1895

Nicholas, M. Jean-Bon Saint-André; sa vie et ses écrits. 1848. Niemeyer, T. Das in Deutschland geltende internationale Privatrecht. (In his Positives internationales Privatrecht.)

Zur Methodik des internationalen Privatrechtes. 1894.

† Nörrenberg, C. Congress und Conferenz der Bibliothekare in Chicago, 1893]; Separatabdruck aus dem Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen; hrsg. von O. Hartwig. [1894.]

Norris, W. E. Billy Bellew; a novel. Illust.
A victim of good luck; a novel.

Paris, G. B. P. La poésie du Moyen Age; leçons

et lectures. (le sér. 3e éd.) 2 v.

Paris. Soc. Royale des Antiquaires de France. Table alphabétique des publications de l'Académie Celtique et de la Société des Antiquaires de France, 1807-89; réd. sous la direction de R. de Lasteyrie par M. Prou. 1894.

Parker, G. When Valmond came to Pontiac; the story of a lost Napoleon.

Patiens, pseud. L'Alsace-Lorraine devant l'Europe; essai de politique positive. 1894.

2e éd.

Pember, A. Ivan the Terrible; his life and times. Pennell, R. F. Ancient Greece, from the earliest

times to 146 в. с. Rev. ed.

Ancient Rome, from the earliest times to 476 A.
D. Rev. ed. 1894.

Philips, F. C. A question of colour; and other



Contents. A question of colour. - "It's a very wise child that knows." - Similia similibus curantur. dangerous experiment. A woman of no reputation. The minx. An undeserving woman. - A woman with a heart. It's funny how people forget. "For one night only."

Plutarchus. Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans; [tr.] by Sir T. North, 1579; with introd. by G. Wyndham. Vol. 1, 2. 2 v. (Tudor translations.)

Pole, W. The evolution of whist; a study of progressive changes from its origin to the present time.

Politis, N. E. Les emprunts d'état en droit international. 1894. Prestwich, J. On certain phenomena belonging to the close of the last geological period and on their bearing upon the tradition of the flood.

Procopius Cæsariensis. La guerra gotica; testo greco emendato sui mss. con tr. italiana; a cura di D. Comparetti. Vol. 1.

Prowse, D. W. A history of Newfoundland; from the English, colonial, and foreign records; with prefatory note by E. Gosse. Illust.

Rabusson-Lamothe, A. Lettres sur l'Assemblée Législative, 1791-92; précédées d'une notice biog. sur l'auteur par F. Mège. 1870.

Remington, F. Pony tracks. Illust.

Contents. Chasing a major-general. - Lieut. Casey's last scout. The Sioux outbreak in South Dakota. An outpost of civilization. A rodes at Los Ojos.

[blocks in formation]

Renan, E. Ma sœur Henriette. Illust.

† Renard, A. Jeanne d'Arc, etait-elle française? deuxième réponse à M. Henri Lepage. 1855. Reuss, R., ed. L'Alsace pendant la Révolution

Française. 1880-94. 2 ν.

Contents. Vol. 1. Corresp. des députés de Strasbourg, 1789. 2. Corresp. de F. E. Schwenot; et pièces inédites rel. à l'hist. de Strasbourg, 1790-93.

† Richards, Mrs. P. D. Wild flowers and ferns; paper read before the Mass. Horticultural Soc., Feb. 18, 1893. 1893.

Note. Repr. from Trans. of the Mass. Horticultural Society.

Roberts, W. R. The ancient Bœotians; their character and culture, and their reputation. Robinson, R. E. Danvis folks; (sketches of Vermont rural life]. 1894.

Note. Repr. from Forest and stream, except the 1st chapter.

Roscoe, Sir H. E. John Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry. (Century science ser.)

• Rossetti, C. G. Poems. New and enl. ed. Rousseau, J. J. The social contract; or, Principles of political right; tr., with hist. and crit. introd. and notes, by H. J. Tozer; preface by B. Bosanquet. (Social science ser.)

Sanford, E. T. Blount College and the University of Tennessee; and historical address del. before the Alumni Assoc. and members of the Univ., June 12th, 1894. Illust.

Savage, R. H. A daughter of Judas; a tale of New York city fin-de-siècle life.

Schreibar, T. Atlas of classical antiquities; ed. for Eng. use by W. C. F. Anderson; with preface by P. Gardner.

Slaughter, P. Christianity the key of the character and career of Washington; discourse before the Mt. Vernon Assoc. of the Union; Pohick church, Va., 30th May, 1886. [2d ed. 188-?]

Sonnenschein, W. S. A reader's guide to contemporary literature; being the first supplement to The best books with dates of first and last editions, price, size, etc.; with authors and subjects index.

Soubies, A. La Comédie-Française depuis l'époque romantique, 1825-94.

• Soury, J. Morbid psychology; studies on Jesus and the Gospels; tr. from the French; [with The religion of Israel; tr. by A. Besant]. 1881. (Internat. library of science and freethought.)

Sowerby, W., ed. Thorough cultivation; a manual of deep land culture as described by H. Stephens, Sir A. Cotton, and others.

Spelman, Sir J. Elfredi Magni Anglorum Regis invictissimi vita, tribus libris comprehensa; Latine reddita et annotationibus illustrata. 1678. Illust.

Spencer, A. G., and Birtwell, C. W., eds. The care of dependent, neglected and wayward children. 1894. (Internat. Cong. of Charities, Correction and Philosophy.)

Stieglitz, A. De l'équilibre politique, du légitimisme, et du principe des nationalités. 189394. 2 ν.

Stoughton, J. Lights and shadows of church life; [a' review of primitive Christendom to the end of the 6th century].

Strong, T. B. Platonism. (Chief ancient philos-
Sudermann, H. Heimat; Schauspiel. 6e Aufl.

Im Zwielicht; zwanglose Geschichten. 15e
Aufl. [189-.]

Sodoms Ende; Drama. [12e Aufl.? 1891.] † Taft, G. S. Compilation of Senate election cases from 1789-1885; continued to March 3, 1893, by G. P. Furber. 1893.

Tarbell, I. A. A short life of Napoleon Bonaparte; with 250 illust. from G.G. Hubbard's coll., etc.

Tarner, G. E. A future Roman empire; a possible result and solution of some modern political and economic problems.

Thorp, M. and C. London church staves, [the beadles' staves, etc.]; with notes on their surroundings; with preface by E. Freshfield, Jr. Illust.

Tisdall, W. St. C. The religion of the crescent; or, Islâm; its strength, its weakness, its origin, its influence; being the James Long lectures on Muhammadanism, 1891-92. (Non-Christian religious systems.)

+ U. S. Bureau of Labor. The slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia; prepared by C. D. Wright. 1894. (7th special report.)

[ocr errors]

Geological Survey. Geologic atlas of the U.S. Library ed. Folio 16,8-12. 1894. 11 pts. Supreme Court. [Income tax cases; a collection of pamphlets. 1894-95.] 2 v. Valera, J. La buena fama. Illust. (Coleccón

[ocr errors]


Vatel, C. Dossiers du procès criminel de Charlotte de Corday devant le tribunal révolutionnaire; extr. des Archives impériales. 1861.

Ward, Mrs. M.A.A. The story of Bessie Costrell. Warner, A. G., ed. Sociology in institutions of learning. 1894. (Internat. Cong. of Charities, Correction and Philosophy.)

Warr, G. C. W. The Greek epic. (The dawn of
European literature.)
Contents. Pre-historic Greece. - The Homeric poetry.
[Summaries of] The "Iliad;"
The "Odyssey;"
Hesiod, "Works and days;" - The Hesiodic "The


Wauwermans, P. Le droit des auteurs en Belgique; commentaire hist. et doctrinal de la loi du 22 mars 1886; précédé d'une lettre de M. Aclide Darras à l'auteur. 1894.

Yeats, S. L. The honour of Savelli; a romance.

[blocks in formation]

Allen, J. L. A Kentucky cardinal, a story. Angot, A. Les aurores polaires. Illust. Baedeker, K. The eastern Alps; including the Bavarian highlands, Tyrol, Saltzburg, upper and lower Anstria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola; handbook for travellers. 8th ed., rev. and augm.

- Norway, Sweden and Denmark; handbook for travellers. 6th ed.

Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol; handbook for travellers. 16th ed.

* Bain, R. N., ed. Cossack fairy tales and folk-
tales. 1894. Illust.
Ballagh, J. C. White servitude in the colony of
Virginia; a study of the system of inden-
tured labour in the American colonies.
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Balzac, H. de. A start in life, trans. by K. P.
Wormeley. (Comedy of human life.)
Contents. A start in life. - Vendetta.
woman. The message.

Study of a

+ Bible. Whole. Latin. Biblia Sacra vulgatæ editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recognita et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita. 1881.

Biré, E. Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris pendant la Terreur. Nouv.éd. 3 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. La Convention; 21 sept. 1792-21 jan. 1793. 2. 1793, 21 jan. -2 juin. 3. La Gironde et la Montagne, 2 juin-31 oct., 1793.

• Blouët, P., pseud. Max O'Rell. Jacques Bonhomme; [sketches of French life]; John Bull on the continent; From my letter-box. 1889. (Arrowsmith's Bristol library.)

• Blunt, S. E. Firing regulations for small arms for the U. S. army; prepared by command. 7th ed. 1894.

Bonarra, E. Studies in the evolution of animals.
Bosanquet, B. The essentials of logic; ten lec-
tures on judgment and inference.

Botteon, V., and Aliprandi, A. Ricerche intorno alla vita e alle opere di Giambattista Cima. 1893.

Bowes, J. L. Notes on shippo; a sequel to Japan-
ese enamels.
B[oyle], Mrs. E. V. G. A garden of pleasure.
Bradley, A. G. Wolfe. (English men of action.)
Breckenridge, R. M. The Canadian banking sys-

tem, 1817-90. (American Economic Assoc.) Brown, A. Meadow-grass, tales of New England


[blocks in formation]

[No. 351. Oct. 28, 1895

Busolt, G. Griechische Geschichte bis zur Schlacht bei Chaeroneia. 2e Aufl. Vol. 2. Contents. Vol. 2. Die ältere attische Geschichte und die Perserkriege.

Buzzati, G. C. L'autorità delle leggi straniere relative alla forma degli atti civili (locus regit actum). 1894.

Caillaud, F. Des garanties accordées aux pupilles contre la gestion des tuteurs, [droit romain]; Des mesures de protection des mineurs et des interdits en droit international, étude sur les conflits de lois, [droit français]; thèse pour le doctorat. 1894.

Carus, P. Homilies of science. 1892.
Note. Repr. from The open Court.

Casgrain, l'abbé H. R. Une seconde Acadie, (l'ile Saint Jean, île du Prince-Edouard sous le régime français.) 1894.

Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. Generalregister zum 1.-10. Jahrgange, 1884-93; bearb. von C. Haeberlin.

Chiala, L. Politica segreta di Napoleone III e di Cavour in Italia e in Ungheria, 1858-1861. Constant, C. De l'exécution des jugements étrangers dans les divers pays; législation, jurisprudence, procédure, traités diplomatiques. 2e éd. 1890.

Conway, Sir W. M. The Alps from end to end. Illust. Cooper, T. Men and women of our time; a dictionary of contemporaries. 14th ed.; rev. and brought down to the present time by V. G. Plarr.

Cornish, C. J. Wild England of to-day; and the wild life in it. Illust.

Dana, R. H. Double taxation in Massachusetts; a full exposition of the injustice and inexpediency of parts of the taxation system in Mass.; pub. under auspices of Mass. AntiDouble-Taxation League.

Darmesteter, J. Selected essays; tr. by H. B. Jastrow; ed. with introd. memoir, by Morris Jastrow, Jr.

Contents. The religions of the future. - The prophets of Israel. - Afghan life in Afghan songs. Race and tradition. - Ernest Renan. An essay on the history of the Jews. The supreme God in the Indo-European mythology.

Davies, A. C. F. Armorial families; a complete peerage, baronetage and knightage, and directory of gentlemen of coat-armour; attempt to show which arms in use are borne by legal authority.

Doumic, R. La vie et les mœurs au jour le jour; [essays]. Doyle, A. C. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes [detective stories]. 1894.

Contents. Silver Blaze. Card board box. The yellow face. The stock-broker's clerk. - The "Gloria Scott." The Musgrave ritual. The Reigate puzzle. -The crooked man. The resident patient. The Greek interpreter. The naval treaty. The final problem.

Note. Conclusion of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes."

The Stark Munro letters.

« PrethodnaNastavi »