Slike stranica

Durrieu, P. Un grand enlumineur parisien au 15e siècle; Jacques de Besançon et son œuvre. 1892.

Dwight, T. F.. ed. Critical sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate commanders. (Military Hist. Soc. of Mass.)

Earle, A. M. Margaret Winthrop. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.)

* Eeden, F. van. Der kleine Johannes; Ubers. von A. Fles; mit einem Vorwort von P. Raché. [1892.]

* Edgeworth, M. Early lessons. [1894?]

Contents. Rosamond. Little dog Trusty. The
Orange man. Cherry orchard.
Frank. Harry
and Lucy.

Fabrizi, A. I congressi diplomatici dal 1648 al 1878. 1894.

+ Faxon, W. The stalk-eyed crustacea. (Museum

of Comp. Zool. Mem.)

Note. Reports on [dredging operations] by steamer "Albatross," 15.

Froude, J. A. English seamen in the 16th century; lectures, Oxford, Easter terms, 1893-4. New


Gow, J. Companion to school classics. 3d ed., revised. 1893. * Gow, J. M. Cape Breton illustrated; historic, picturesque, and descriptive. 1893. Grand-Carteret, J. Napoléon en images; estampes anglaises, portraits et caricatures. Illust.

* Hartmann, E. The sexes compared, and other essays; tr. by A. Kenner. (Philos. at home series.)

Contents. The sexes compared. - The vital question of the family. The comforts of pessimisın. Our relation to animals. - The need of books. The modern lust for fame. - My relation to Schopenhauer.

Hayes, M. H. Riding, on the flat and across country; a guide to practical horsemanship. 3d ed., rev. by O. Brown, Sturgess, and S. Berkeley. 1891. Illust.

* Hazen, A. The filtration of public water-supplies. 1st ed. Headley, F. W. The structure and life of birds.


Hobson, J. A. Co-operative labour upon the land, and other papers; report of a conference upon "land, co-operation and the unemployed," Holborn, Oct. 1894. (Soc.sci.ser.) Hoffman, W. J. The beginnings of writing, with an introd. by F: Starr. (Anthropological series.)

Hood, Sir S., Lord. Letters, 1781-83, [on the actions of the British squadrons in the West Indies and North America, 1781-82]; illust. by extracts from logs and public records; ed. by D. Hannay. (Navy Records Soc.)

+ Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Odes and epodes; ed., with introd. and notes, by C. L. Smith. (College series of Latin authors.)

† Hull, M. Encyclopedia of Biblical Spiritualism; or, Concordance to the principal passages of the Old and New Testament scriptures which prove or imply Spiritualism.

Hulme, F. E. Natural history lore and legend;
examples of by-gone beliefs gathered from
divers authorities, ancient and mediæval.
Hungerford, Mrs. M. H. The three graces; a
Hunt, R. D. The genesis of California's first con-
stitution, 1846-49. (Johns Hopkins Univ.

Huysmans, J. K. En route. 12e éd.
Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L., baron.


revolution of 1848; tr. by. E. G. Martin. Jackson, F. G. The great frozen land, Bolshaia Zemelskija Tundra; narrative of a winter journey across the tundras and a sojourn among the Samoyads; ed. by A. Montefiore. Illust.

Jacobs, J. Inquiry into the sources of the history of the Jews in Spain. 1894. James, J. A. English institutions and the American Indian. 1894. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Jenks, E. The history of the Australian colonies, from their foundation to 1893. (Cambridge hist. series.)

Jewish Historical Society of Eng. Transactions,
Lamson, D. F. History of Manchester, Essex Co.,
Mass., 1645-1895.

Lang, A., ed. The red true story book. Illnst. Larroumet, G. Etudes de littérature et d'art. 3e série.

Contents. Au théâtre antique d'Orange. Bernard Palissy. Le monument et l'exposition de Watteau. Chez Victor Hugo; impressions de Guernesey. A. Dumas, fils. Le théâtre de F. Coppée. - P. Bour. get. Anatole France. - M. Prévost. - Trois poètes; P. Déroulède, A. Dorchain, P. de Nolhac. - Conféren. ces et conférenciers. Puvis de Chavannes. - A la recherche d'un style décoratif.-La jeunesse et la science, [Les morticoles par Léon Daudet].

Latané, J. H. The early relations between Maryland and Virginia; [and] Is history past politics? by [H. B. Adams). (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

• Latchford, H. Wit and wisdom of Parliament; [speeches, anecdotes, incidents, etc. 1881.] Laycock, F. U. Economics and socialism; a demonstration of the cause and cure of trade depressions and national poverty.

Lehrs, M. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, [the Master of 1480; complete work. 1894]. (International Chaleographical Soc. [Pub.])

* Lemaître, J. Flipote; comédie. 1893. Libby, O. G. Geographical distribution of the vote of the 13 states on the Federal Constitution, 1787-88. 1894. (Univ. of Wisconsin. Bul.)

† Ludwig, H. The holothurioidea; [Germ.]. 1894. (Museum of Comp. Zool. Mem.)

Note. Reports on [dredging operations] by steamer "Albatross," 12.

Maartens, M., pseud. My lady nobody; a novel.

2 v.

MacDonald, G. Lilith; a romance. Marryat, F. The beautiful soul.

[blocks in formation]

Marshal, W., 1st Earl of Pembroke and Striguil. L'histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal, comte de Striguil et de Pembroke, régent d'Angleterre, 1216-19; poème français publié par Paul Meyer. Vol, 1, 2. 1891-94. 2 ν.

Marshall, E. Kensington Palace in the days of Queen Mary II.; a story.

Masner, K. Die Costüm-Ausstellung im K. K. Oesterreichischen Museum, 1891. 1894.

Maude, F. C. Five years in Madagascar; with notes on the military situation.

Mazzini, G. Lettres intimes de Joseph Mazzini, pub. avec une introd. et des notes par D. Melegari.

• Meilhac, H. Gotte; comédie. 1894.


and Halévy, LL. La petite marquise; comédie. Nouv.éd. 1890.

La réveillon; comédie. Nouv. éd. 1880.

Merrick, L. The man who was good; a novel. Miall, L. C. The natural history of aquatic in

sects. Illust.

Milan. Società Italiana degli Autori. Le convenzioni internazionali sulla proprietà letteraria; con la legislazione interna dei diversi stati. 1888-94. 4 ν.

Note. Vol. 4. entitled "Le convenzioni internaz. d'Italia; racc. per cura dell' avv. E. Rosmini.

Milly's story; (The new moon. The pioneer ser.). Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters and kings,

Queen Anne and the Georges. Montgomery, F. Colonel Norton. 2 v.

• Montrésor, F. F. In the highways and hedges;

[a novel]. 5th ed.

Moran, T. F. The rise and development of the bicameral system in America. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Morrison, G. E. An Australian in China; narrative of a journey across China to British Burma. Illust.

† Morse, E. S. On the importance of good manners; [contrasting those of the Japanese with ourown]; an address delivered on Founder's day, Vassar College, 1894.

Mourey, G. Passé le Détroit; la vie et l'art à Londres. Moxom, P.S. From Jerusalem to Nicæa; the church in the first three centuries. (Lowell lectures.)

Nelson, H. L. The money we need, a short primer on money and currency. Contents. The money we need.


Bimetallism in

fN. Y. Central and Hudson River R. R. Co.

Passenger Dept. Health and pleasure on America's greatest railroad; descriptive of summer resorts and excursion routes. Illust. (Four-track series.)

Ongania, F. L'arte della stampa nel Rinascimento italiano; [text by C. Castellani; a coll. of fac-simile reprod., sometimes reduced in size, of pages, woodcuts, printer's marks, etc. Vol. 1, 2]. 1894. 2 ν. Contents. [Vol. 1, 2.] Venezia.

[Oct. 28, 1895

Paepe, P. de. Etudes sur la compétence civile à l'égard des états étrangers et de leurs agents politiques, diplomatiques ou consulaires.


Paston, G. A study in prejudices.
Pease, H. Borderland studies. 1893.
Pemberton, M. The impregnable city; a romance.
Pereda, J. M. de. Peñas arriba.

Phillimore, W. P. W., ed. An index to bills of

privy signet, commonly called signet bills, 1584-96 and 1603-24; with calendar of writs of privy seal, 1601-03. 1890. (Index lib.)

Pike, Z. M. Expeditions to headwaters of the Mississippi River, through Louisiana territory and in New Spain, 1805-7. New ed.; repr. from the orig. of 1810; with memoir, etc., by E. Coues. 3 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. Memoir of the author. Mississippi voyage. 2. Arkansaw journey. Mexican tour. 3. Index. Maps.

Pinero, A. W. The Amazons, a farcical romance. Postgate, J. P., ed. Corpus poetarum Latinorum a se aliisque denuo recognitorum et brevi lectionum varietate instructorum. Vol. 1. 1894.

Putnam, R. William the silent, prince of Orange, the moderate man of the 16th century; his life as told from letters. 2 v. Illust.

Raimond, C. E. The new moon.


(The pioneer

Ramsay, W. M. The cities and bishoprics of Phrygia; an essay of the local history of Phrygia from the earliest times to the Turkish conquest. Vol. 1.

Contents. Vol. 1. The Lycos Valley and southwestern Phrygia.

Ransome, C. An advanced history of England from the earliest times to the present day. Reeves, J. S. The international beginnings of the Congo Free State. 1894. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

of Queen Victoria.)

Reid, S. J. Lord John Russell. (Prime ministers Rhode Island historical tracts. Additions and corrections to the 1st series; with an index to the same.

* Ridlon, G. T. Saco valley settlements and families; historical, biographical, genealogical, traditional and legendary. Illust.

Robinson, J.R. "Old Q"; a memoir of William Douglas, 4th Duke of Queensberry, one of "the fathers of the turf;" with his matches and wagers, etc. Illust.

† Roe, A. S. The old Representatives' Hall, 17981895; an address delivered before the Mass. House of Representatives, Jan. 2, 1895. Illust.

Romanes, G.S. Mind and motion; and monism. Rossi, V. de. La esecuzione delle sentenze e degli atti esteri in Italia, 2a ed.; colla scorta della piú recente giurisprudenza, e coll' aggiunta delle convenzioni internaz. in vigore fra l'Italia ed altri stati. 1890.

Round, J. H. Feudal England; historical studies on the 11th and 12th centuries.

Sandeman, F. Angling travels in Norway. Illust.

Schlitter, H. Pius VI. und Josef II. von der Rückkehr des Papstes nach Rom bis zum Abschlusse des Concordats; Beitrag zur Geschichte der Beziehungen Josefs II. zur römischen Curie, 1782-84. 1894.

Schopfer, S. Le principe juridique de la neutralité et son évolution dans l'histoire du droit de la guerre. 1894.

Seebohm, F. Tribal system in Wales; part of an inquiry into the structure and methods of tribal society.

Shand, A. I. Life of Gen. Sir Edward Bruce Hamley. 2 v.

Sharpe, R. B. A chapter of birds; rare British visitors. Simpson, W. S., ed. Visitations of churches belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral in 1297 and 1458; from original mss.; [Latin]. (Camden Soc. [Pub.].)

Sittl, K. Archäologie der Kunst, nebst einem Anhang über die antike Numismatik. (Handb. der klass. Altertumswiss.)

• Smalley, G. W. Studies of men.

Contents. Cardinal Newman. Lord Granville. Balfour. Parnell.- 7th Duke of Devonshire.- Spurgeon. Tennyson. The German Emperor. - The birthplace of the Bismarcks. A visit to Prince Bismarck. A master of Balliol, [Jowett]. Professor Tyndall. Sir Edward Burne-Jones. - Lord Rosebery. - Sir William Harcourt. - Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Lord Bowen. William Walter Phelps. President Carnot. The prime minister, [Lord Rosebery]. Froude. [R. C.] Winthrop. - Oliver Wendell Holmes. - John Walter. - Francis Magnard. - Lord Randolph Churchill. George William Curtis.

Smith, J. Supplement to A descriptive catalogue of Friends' books, from their first rise to the present time; with biographical notices; incl. [their] writings before joining and after leaving the Soc. 1893.

Solerti, A. Vita di Torquato Tasso. 3 v. Illust. Contents. Vol. 1. La vita. 2. Lettere ined. e dis. perse di Tasso. - App.: Lettere di vari eruditi intorno a Tasso e alle sue opere. 3. Documenti. - Appendici. Bibliografia. Indici.

Somaize, A. B. de. Les véritables prétieuses; comédie. 1660. Speed, T. The Political Club, Danville, Kentucky, 1786-90; from the original papers recently found. 1894. (Filson Club. Pub.)

Statham, H. H. Architecture for general readers; a treatise on the principles and motives of architectural design; with a historical sketch. Illust.

Stephen, L.. Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, a judge of the High Court of Justice. Switzerland. Sammlung enthaltend die Bundesverfassung und die in Kraft bestehenden Kantonsverfassungen; (Germ., French, and Ital.]; mit den bis 15. Aug. 1891 vorgekommenen Abänderungen; im Auftrage des Schweiz. Bundesrathes von der Bundeskanzlei hrsg. 1891.

Tarver, J. C. Gustave Flaubert as seen in his works and correspondence.

Thirion, H. La vie privée des financiers au 18e siècle.

Thornton, J. H. Memoirs of seven campaigns; 35 years' service in the Indian medical dept. in India, China, Egypt, and the Sudan; with introd. by A. E. Hake. Illust.

Thornton, T. H. Col. Sir Robert Sandeman; his life and work on our Indian frontier; a memoir; with selections from his correspondence and official writings. Illust.

* Times atlas, The.

Traill, Mrs. C. P. Pearls and pebbles; or, Notes of an old naturalist; with biog. sketch by M. A. Fitzgibbon.

Turgot, A. R. J., baron d'Aulne. Life and writings; ed. for English readers by W. W. Stephens. Tutt, J. W. Rambles in Alpine valleys. Illust. Tylor, J. J. Wall drawings and monuments of El Kab; the tomb of Paheri, with introd. by F. I. Griffith. Illust.

Underhill, E. B. The tragedy of Morant Bay; a narrative of the disturbances in the Island of Jamaica in 1865.

U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Decisions in cases relating to pension claims; and the laws of the U. S. granting and governing pensions. Vol. 1-5. 1887-92. 5 v.

Note. Vol. 2-5, ed. by G. Baber.

Vandam, A. D. French men and French manners; odd chapters and sketches; with introd., Paris and its inhabitants.

[blocks in formation]

The king's stratagem and other stories. Contents. The king's strategem. The body-birds of court. In Cupid's toils. The drift of fate. - A Blore Manor episode. The fatal letter.

Willard, A. R. A sketch of the life and work of the painter, Domenico Morelli. Illust. Wishart, A. The Behring Sea question; the arbitration treaty and the award. [1894.] Wood, F. A. History of taxation in Vermont. 1894. (Columbia College. Studies.)

Wood, Sir H. E. The Crimea in 1854 and 1894.


Note. Repr., with add., from the Fortnightly review. Woolson, C. F. The front yard and other Italian stories. Illust.

Contents. The front yard. - Neptune's shore. - A pink villa. The street of the Hyacinth. - A Christmas party. - In Venice.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Antwerp. Commis. Offic. instituée pour la Pub. des
Docs. rel. à la Vie et aux Œuvres de Rubens.
Bulletin-Rubens; annales. 1882-95. Vol.
1-3. Illust.

Antwerp. Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts.
Catalogue des peintures et des sculptures du
Musée Royal d'Anvers. 6e éd.; abr. [1894.]
Arnold, Sir E. The tenth muse; and other poems.
Austin, A. In Veronica's garden. Illust.
† Bahia, M. R. Curso de electrotécnica de la Es-
cuela Profesional Superior. 1894. Illust.
Baird, H. M. The Huguenots and the revocation

of the edict of Nantes. 2 v.

Balzac, H. de. Béatrix; tr. by K. P. Wormeley.

(The comedy of human life.)

The marriage contract; tr. by K. P. Wormeley.
(The comedy of human life.)
Contents. The marriage contract.
The peace of a home.

A doubtful life.

[blocks in formation]

Boldrewood, R. (pseud. of T. A. Browne). The crooked stick; or, Pollie's probation. Bonneau, A. Curiosa; essais critiques de littérature ancienne ignorée ou mal connue. 1887. Bredius, A. Catalogue des peintures du Musée de l'Etat à Amsterdam. 1891.

Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phœbe Gay. Illust. Burlington Fine Arts Club, London. Exhibition of pictures, drawings, and photographs of works of the school of Ferrara-Bologna, 1440-1540; also of medals of members of the houses of Este and Bentivoglio. 1894. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Two little pilgrims' progress; a story of the City Beautiful. Illust. Burnham, Mrs. C. L. The wise woman; a novel. Caldwell, J. W. Studies in the constitutional

history of Tennessee.

Calvert, A. F. The exploration of Australia. Campbell, J. G. Clan traditions and popular tales of the western Highlands and islands, collected from oral sources; ed. by J. Wallace and D. MacIsaac, with introd. by A. Nutt. (Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. Argyllshire series.)

[No. 352. Dec. 3, 1895

Carr, J. C. King Arthur; a drama in a prologue and four acts.

Carroll, E. Principles and practice of finance; a practical guide; with a summary of the national and state banking law, legal rates of interest, tables of foreign coins, and glossary of commercial and financial terms.

Catholic Church. Prayer books, etc The prymer; or, Lay folks' prayer book; ed. by Henry Littlehales from the ms. Dd. 11, 82, ab. 1420-30, Library of the Univ. of Cambridge. Pt. 1: Text. (Early Eng. Text Soc. [Pub.])

Chase, F. H. The Syro-Latin text of the Gospels. Church, E. M. Chapters in an adventurous life;

Sir Richard Church in Italy and Greece. Claflin, Mrs. M. B. Under the Old Elms, [the home of Ex-Gov. W: Claflin; and reminiscences of some of his guests). Illust.

Coldstream, J. P. The institutions of Austria. Cole, T., and Van Dyke, J. C. Old Dutch and Flemish masters; engraved by T. Cole; with critical notes by J. C. Van Dyke, and comments by the engraver. [1893-95.]

Commanville, C. Souvenirs sur Gustave Flaubert. Illust.

Conti, A. Catalogo delle Regie gallerie di Venezia. Crawford, F. M. Casa Braccio. 2 v. Illust.

Constantinople; illust. by S. L. Weeks. Crockett, S. R. The men of the moss-hags; being a history of adventure taken from the papers of W. Gordon of Earlstoun in Galloway.

Croker, Mrs. B. M. Village tales and jungle trag


Contents. A free-will offering. - "The missus;" a dog tragedy. The betrayal of Shere Bahadur. "Proven or not proven?" the true story of Naim Sing, Rajpoot. An outcast of the people. An appeal to the gods. -Two little travellers.

Darbishire, H. D. Relliquiae philologicae; or,
Essays in comparative philology; ed. by R.
S. Conway; with a biog. notice by J. E. San-

Davis, R. H. About Paris. Illust.
Dawson, W. J. London idylls.

Contents. Jim and his soul; a street idyll. - The chilled heart. The music of the gods. The third man. The shadow between them. The transformation of J. Loxley. The madness of 'Liza. - An his. toric incident. The foot-fall. - Sister Lydia.

De Crespigny, R. C., and Hutchinson, H.G. The New forest; its traditions, inhabitants and customs. Illust.

Derouet, C. Guide contentieux des voyageurs,
baigneurs, et hivernants en France.
Dole, N.H. The hawthorn tree; and other poems.
Don; by the author of "Miss Toosey's mission."
Donaldson, H. H. The growth of the brain; a

study of the nervous system in relation to
education. Illust. (Contemporary science

Dougall, L.. A question of faith.
Douglas, R. K. Li Hungchang. (Public men of


Droz. V. Etudes et portraits politiques.

Contents. Préface. La democratie et son avenir. Du rôle international de la Suisse. - La revision fédérale. Le landamman Heer. G. F. Hertenstein. Les origines de la Confédération suisse. - Le mode d'élection du Conseil Fédéral. Louis Ruchonnet. La réorganisation du Conseil Fédéral. - Les patriotes neuchâtelois en 1793. - La démocratie et le droit d'initiative. - La Suisse jugée par un Américain, [W. D. MeCrackan].

Dwight, T. F., ed. Campaigns in Virginia, 186162. (Military Historical Soc. of Mass. Papers.)

Note. A second and enlarged ed. of the "Peninsular campaign of Gen. McClellan in 1862"; pub. by the Military Hist. Soc. of Mass.

Edwards, C. L. Bahama songs and stories; a contribution to folk-lore. Illust. (Amer. Folk-lore Soc. Memoirs.)

Florence. Duomo. Museo. Catalogo del Museo di Santa Maria del Fiore. 1891.

Forbes, A. Memories and studies of war and peace.

Ford, P. L. The Honorable Peter Stirling and what people thought of him.

Furnivall, F. J., ed. Child-marriages, divorces, and ratifications, etc., in the Diocese of Chester, 1561-6; depositions in trials in the bishop's court, Chester, also entries from the Mayor's books, Chester, 1558-1600; ed. from the ms., etc. [1894.) (Early Eng. Text Soc. [Pub.j)

Galdós, B. P. Torquemada y San Pedro. (In his Novelas españolas contemp.)

Gätke, H. Heligoland as an ornithological observatory; the result of 50 years' experience; tr. by R. Rosenstock.

Giberne, A. A lady of England; the life and letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker.

+ Gibson, W. H. Our edible toadstools and mushrooms, and how to distinguish them. Illust. Gilbert, G. Constitutional antiquities of Sparta and Athens; tr. by E. J. Brooks [and] T. Nicklin; with introd. note by J. E. Sandys.

• Gilder, J. L. and J. B., eds. Authors at home; personal and biographical sketches of wellknown American writers. [1889.]

Giles, A. E. Moral pathology. (Social science


Giraldus Cambrensis, properly Giraldus de Barri. The Eng. conquest of Ireland, 1166-85; mainly from the "Expugnatio hibernica;" a parallel text from ms. Trinity College, Dublin, E. 2, 31, about 1425; ms. Rawlinson, B. 490, Bodleian Lib., about 1440; ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Pt. 1. [1894.] (Early English Text Soc. [Pub.])

Girling, H. Light from plant life; truths derived from and illustrated by the life history of plants.

Gneist, R. von. Die preussische Kreis-Ordnung in ihrer Bedeutung für den inneren Ausbau des deutschen Verfassungs-Staates.


Godkin, E. L. Reflections and comments, 186595.

Note. Reprinted from the Nation.

Gordon, J. (pseud. of Mrs. J. Van R. Cruger). A wedding; and other stories.

Contents. A wedding. - The first flight. - Morning mists. Conquered. - Raking straus. - The moujik. * Goyan, G., and others. Le Vatican; les papes et la civilisation, le gouvernement central de l'église; introd. par le card. Bourret, épilogue par le vicomte E. M. de Vogüé. Illust.

Grant, R. The art of living.

The bachelor's Christmas; and other stories.

[blocks in formation]

H[ackman, J.], and R[eay, M.]. Love letters of Mr. H. and Miss R., 1772-1779; edited by Gilbert Burgess.

Haggard, H. R. Joan Haste. Illust. Hague, The. Koninklyk Kabinet von Schilderyen. Catalogue raisonné des tableaux et des sculptures.

Handbook for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire. 3d ed. 1892. Handbook for travellers in Denmark; with Schleswig and Holstein, and Iceland. 6th ed. 1893.

Handbook for travellers in Durham and Northumberland. New ed. 1890. Handbook for travellers in India, Ceylon and Burma; including the provinces of Bengal, Bombay and Madras, etc., the native states Assam and Cashmere. 2d ed. 1894.

Handbook for travellers in Northern Italy. 16th ed. 1891. Handbook for travellers in South Germany and

Austria. 15th ed. 1890. 2 pts.

Handbook for travellers in South Wales and its borders, including the river Wye. 4th ed. 1890.

Handbook for travellers in Southern Italy and Sicily. 9th ed. 1892. 2 pts.

* Hardy, T. Jude the obscure. Illust.

Note. First published as a serial in Harper's maga. zine under the title of Hearts insurgent.

Harte, F. Bret. Clarence.

Hewitt, J. F. The ruling races of prehistoric times in India, southwestern Asia and southern Europe. 1894-95. 2 v.

Holden, E. S. The Mogul emperors of Hindustan, 1398-1707. Illust. Horsburgh, E. L. S. Waterloo; a narrative and a criticism.

Howells, W. D. Stops of various quills; [verses);

illustrated by Howard Pyle.

« PrethodnaNastavi »