Slike stranica


1894, Aug 10-Feb-20, 1896

gift of
The Athenarum

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Additions. 2d ser.]


[No. 331. Jan. 8, 1894

Adams, C: F. Massachusetts, its historians and

its history; an object lesson.

* Adams, M. Creation of the Bible. Aldrich, T: B. Mercedes; a drama, as performed

at Palmer's theatre.

An old town by the sea; [Portsmouth, N. H.]. Ancona, A. d', and Bacci, O. Manuale della letteratura italiana. Vol. 1-3. 1892-93. 3 ν.

Annunzio, G. d'. I'Innocente. 2a ed. 1892. Archer, T: The Highway of Letters; (Fleet St., London), and its echoes of famous footsteps. Illust.

Aristoteles, pseud. Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of old philisoffres; a version of "Secreta secretorum;" ed. from Sloane ms. 2464, with introd., notes, etc., by R. Steele. (Early Eng. Text Soc. Pub.)

Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Arts and crafts essays; with a preface by W: Morris. Ashley, W: J. Introduction to English economic

history and theory. Vol. 1. 1892-93. Baissac, J. Les grands jours de la sorcellerie.

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Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. A. L'ensorcelée; [et Ricochets de conversation]. 1859. Bardoux, A. Etudes d'un autre temps. 1889.

Contents. Correspondance de Thomas et de Ducis, Correspondance de Mirabeau et de Chamfort. -Rivarol et la société française. - Andrieux.-M. de Fos, un survivant du 18e siècle. - Edgar Quinet. - M. and Mme. de Lamartine. - Portraits contemporains: M. le duc d'Aumale. Causerie sur les livres; [on the twenty best books]. - Les amis morts: M. Thiers, Edouard Laboulaye, Ernest Picard, Charles de Rémusat, Dufaure, Allou. - A propos du centenaire de 1789. -Notes d'un bourgeois sur des questions à l'ordre du jour.

Barr, Mrs. A. E. H. A singer from the sea. Batchelder, S. F. Christ Church, Cambridge; some account of its history and present condition; especially prepared for visitors. Bates, K.. L. The English religious drama. Baxter, J. P. Christopher Levett, of York, pioneer colonist in Casco Boy. (Gorges Soc. Pub.)

• Bell, L. Love affairs of an old maid. Berger, S: Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les pre

miers siècles du Moyen Age.

Bertin, G: Joseph Bonaparte en Amérique, 1815


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A sane lunatic. [1882.]

Byron, G: G. N., 6th Baron. Lara, a tale; Jacqueline, a tale, [by S: Rogers]. 1814. Cartwright, J. (now Mrs. H: Ady). Madame; a life of Henrietta, daughter of Charles 1., and Duchess of Orleans.

Casgrain, l'abbé H: R. Guerre du Canada, 175660; Montcalm et Lévis. 1891. 2 v. Cavvadias, P. Fouilles d'Epidaure. Vol. 1. 1891.

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graving. Illust.

Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Official views, issued by the Department of Photography.

Chittenden, L. E. An unknown heroine, [Mrs. Van Metre]; hist. episode of the war between the States.

Cholmondeley, M.. Diana Tempest; a novel. Clement, Mrs. C. E. The queen of the Adriatic;

or, Venice, mediæval and modern.

† Colombo, C. Letter on the discovery of America; fac-simile of the pictorial ed.; with tr. and a reprint of the oldest 4 eds. in Latin; printed by the Lenox Library. 1892.

† Letter on the discovery of America; fac-simile reprint of pictorial ed. of 1493; with literal tr. and introd.; printed by the Lenox Library. 2d ed.

Colombo, F. or H. Aelteste spanische Weltkarte von 1527; das Original befindet sich auf der Grossh. Sächs. Bibliothek zu Weimar.

Coppée, H: General Thomas. (Great command

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