THE HE EDITORS are happy to prefent the Public with the Second and last Volume of the STATUTE LAWS OF THIS STATE, which, together with the Volume already published, they flatter themselves will be found to contain all the Acts of the Legiflature of this State in force at the commencement of their Seffion in January last, and which can materially affect the interefts of the Community.-The Acts in this Volume they have arranged under different Heads or Titles, in order to exhibit in diftinct views the regulations on the different fubjects to which they relate.This method they apprehend will tend to convenience and perfpicuity, confidering the fcattered and irregular order in which those Acts would otherwife appear. It could not have been adopted with the fame advantage in the former Volume, nor was it there at all material, fince every Act in that Volume contained within itself all the provifions on the subject with which it was connected. By the Act authorising the Publication of this Edition of the Laws, the Editors were required to Publifh the TITLES of all obfolete and private Acts and of all Acts of Incorporation and of a partial or local nature which should not be comprehended in the fame Volume with the General and Public Acts, but this direction has been fuperfeded by a fubfequent Act of the laft Seffion of the Legislature, and the Editors have therefore omitted all fuch Titles, except in cafes where they have published other Acts in force on the fame fubject-In those inftances they have also inferted the Titles of the Acts relating to that fubject in the order in which they paffed, and they conceive that those are the only cafes in which the Publication of the Titles of Acts can in any degree be useful. ALBANY, April 20, 1802. |