Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Councils, ecclesiastical-contd.

A.D. 815, Constantinople (after Easter),

69 sq., 117

A.D. 825, Paris, 118

A.D. 827, Mantua, 330

A.D. 843, Constantinople, 147 sq.;
date, 145; picture of, 431

A.D. 852, Mainz, 393

A.D. 854, Rome, 185

A.D. 859, Constantinople, 191, 196
A.D. 861, Constantinople, 195 sq.,
205 ("First and Second ")
A. D. 863 (April), Rome, 199
A.D. 863 (October), Rome, 200
A.D. 864, Rome, 199

A.D. 867 (in Lent), Constantinople, 200
A.D. 867, Constantinople, 201 sqq., 432
A.D. 869-70, Eighth Ecumenical, Con-
stantinople, 202, 204, 432

Count of Foederati, 12 (cp. Turmarch
of Federates)

Count of Schools, 124

Count of Stable (TOû σraúλov), 122,
211, 290

Count of Tent (κόμης τῆς κόρτης), 12
Count of Walls, 156, 224, 228
Counts, captains of banda, 226
Counts, Bulgarian, 335

Crete, expedition to (A.D. 866), 170;
Saracen conquest of, 287 sqq.;
Imperial attempts to recover, 289
sqq.; government of, 224; Emirs
of, 186, 293, 439

expeditions to (A.D. 902 and 949),
227, 231

Croatia, 363 sq., 373

Curator, Great, 211

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Drungaries, officers in thematic armies,


Drungary of the Fleet (TOû πλotμov),
230; Ooryphas, 144

Drungary of the Watch (Tŷs Biyλas), 227
sq.; Petronas, 122; Ooryphas (?),
143; Constantine the Armenian
(q.v.), 147; Constantine Babutzikos,
Dukum, 359
Dyrrhachium, 189

Earthquakes, 198, 363, 445
Ebissa, 81

Eclipses, solar, 274 sq., 442
Education, 434 sqq.

Egypt, naval expedition to, 230, 292 sq.;
revolt against Mamun, 251, 263,

Eidikon, master of, (ò èπì TOû eidɩkoû),

210 sq., 212

Eikasia, see Kasia
Ekusoos, 343

Eleud, 425

Elpidios, 295

[blocks in formation]

Forgeries, documentary, 202

Formosus, bishop of Porto, 389, 392
Fortunatus, Patriarch of Grado, 117,

323, 330

Fustat, 244

Gaeta, 310, 314
Gallerianon, 316
Gallipoli, 309

Ganos, Mt., 356

Garigliano, river, 316
Garmi, Al-, 223, 233

Gauderic, bishop, 401, 485 sqq.
Gazarenos, 108

Gaziura (Turkhal), 11, 264, 281 sq.
Gebeon, 189

Gebobasileutos, 189
Gela, 299
Gelam, 261

Genesios, Joseph, relations of his work
to Cont. Theoph. illustrated, 10, 11,
147, 172, 357; sources of, 25, 59,
157, 197, 289, 352, Appendix IV.
Geometry, 437 sq., 439

George, monk, Chronicle, 136, Appendix
II.; Continuation of, 454, 457

George, St., of Amastris, 417
George, bishop of Mytilene, 75

George, brother of Simeon Stylites, 148
Gerace, 305

Germanicia, 244, 248, 263, 273
Geron, 258

Getae (Goths?), 89

Gipsies, 40, 276, 362

Glagolitic script, 397 sqq.

Glavinitsa, two places of this name,

[blocks in formation]

Hadath (Adata) 244, 263
Hadrian II., Pope, 202, 400
Hadrianople, Stauracius at, 16, 165;
Nicephorus I. at, 340, 348; attacked

by Bulgarians, 353, 356; parents
of Basil I. at, 356
Hafaja ibn Sufyan, 308

Hair, fashion of wearing, 124
Hakam, Al-, Emir of Cordova, 287
Halmyros, river, 101
Hanazit, 260

Harold Hardrada, 422

Harun al-Rashid, character, 233; revenue
under, 236; residence, 241; 244,
245; wars with the Empire, 249

Haruniyah, 245

Hearth-tax, see Kapnikon

Hebdomon, see under Constantinople
Helena, St., Gastria legend of, 142
Helena, wife of Manuel, 145
Hêliaka, 132

Heraclea (on Propontis), 103, 107, 356
Heraclea (Kybistra), 246, 250, 473
Heracliana, 321, 344

Heron (mathematician), 438
Hesiod, 441

Hetaereia and Hetaeriarch, 12, 159;

[blocks in formation]

of Michael II., 112 sqq.; of Theo-
philus, 135 sqq.; end of, 144 sqq.,
182, 193

Icons, 141, 150; iconography, 433
Idrisid dynasty, 295

Ignatius, deacon: lampoon on Thomas,

109; biographical works, 183;
Vita Nicephori Patr., 57; Canon
(hymn) on Amorian martyrs, 271,


Ignatius, Patriarch: birth, 14; Domestic
of Hikanatoi, 227; tonsured, 29;
his monasteries, 30; refuses to
tonsure Theodora, 160, 188; 163;
monastic work, 183 sq.; Patriarch,
184; quarrel with Gregory, 184 sqq.;
offends Bardas and Michael, 188;
arrested and exiled, 189; deposed,
191; sufferings, ib., 198; petition
to Pope, 198 sq.; restored by Basil,
203; caricatured, 432; date of de-
position, 470

Image - worship, abuses of, 117; final
restoration, 144 sqq. (see Iconoclasm)
Indians (negroes), 89

Inheritances, taxation of, 216

Byzantine, on land walls of Con-
stantinople, 96

on sea-walls of Constantinople, 134

in Chrysotriklinos, 150
on bricks, 166

on walls of Ancyra, 266

on tower in Peloponnesus, 378
Bulgarian (Aboba), 365, 366
(Chatalar), 334, 368 sq.
(Eski-juma), 360
(Kady-keui), 343

(Philippi), 481 sq.

(Shumla), 373, Appendix X.
(Suleiman-keui), 360

(Tyrnovo), 367

various, 334 sq., 370

Latin (San Clemente, Rome), 401
Insects, 195

Inthronistic letters, 192, 193

Ionian Islands, 224

Irenaeus, magister, 300

Irene, Empress career, policy, and fall,
1 sqq.; death, 7; iconoclastic view
of her ecclesiastical acts, 69; tribute
to Harun, 249; embassy of Arichis
to, 311; negotiations with Charles
the Great, 317, 320

Irene, Empress, wife of Constantine V.,

Irene, sister of Theodora, 156
Irene, mother of Photius, 156
Irene, Cappadocian, 156
Irenopolis, 347

Iron Gate, pass in Balkans, 339

[blocks in formation]

John Doxopatres (Sikeliotes), 456
John of Eukairia, 73

John Gorgonites, 197

John, bishop of Gotthia, 409

John the Grammarian (Patriarch):

family, 60; learning, ib., 435; pre-
pares case for iconoclasm in A.D.
814-815, 60 sqq., 67; abbot of Saints
Sergius and Bacchus, 73; assists
in persecution, ib., 74, 75; brings
plan of palace from Baghdad, 133;
Synkellos, 256; Patriarch, 135;
assists in persecution, 135 sqq.;
deposition, 147 sq.; retirement,
151 sq.; embassy to the Caliphate,
256 sqq., 475 sq.; caricatured, 431;
magic practices, 443 sq.

John Hexabulios, advice to Michael I.,

27; Logothete of Course, 49; advice
to Leo V., ib.; advice to Michael II.,
106; present at meeting of Leo V.
with Krum, 354

John Kolobos, 150

John, bishop of Monembasia, 73

[blocks in formation]

Jundar, 408
Jurjan, 414

Justice, administration of, Court of
Magnaura, 10, 123; Prefect of

City, 10; Quaestor, 10, 122 (see
also under Theophilus, Emperor)
Justin I., Emperor, compared with
Michael II., 79

Justinian Parteciacus, Duke of Venice,
80, 301, 327

Kaballa, 107

Kabars, 89, 426

Kabyle, 362
Kadykei, 367
Kairawan, 297

Kalancha, 424

Kalat al-Kurrat, 299
Kalavrye, 101

Kallistos Melissenos, Count of Schools,
124; Duke of Koloneia, 223; death
of, 271, 277

Kalonymos, island, 74

Kamarina, 307

Kamateros, see Petronas Kamateros

Kamchiia, Great, river, 367

Kanas uvêgê, 334

Kanikleion, Chartulary of, Theoktistos,

159; Bardas, ib.

Kanisah as-Sawda, 245

Kapnikon, 212, 213 sq., 218

Kapnogenes, see Constantine Kapnogenes

Karbeas, Paulician, 277, 279
Kardam, 340, 350

Karkh, 241

Karlmann, son of Lewis the German, 383
Karnobad, see Marcellae

Kasia, 81 sq.

Kasin, 259, 472, 474

Kassiteras, see Theodotos Kassiteras

Kassymatas, see Antonius Kassymatas
Kastor, see Leo Kastor

Katakylas, Count of Opsikion, 87, 99,

Katathema, 182
Katepano, 222, 416
Kaukhan, 335, 370

Kêduktos, battle of, 101; Michael I. at,
350; date of, 463

Keltzene, 176, 261
Kende, 425

Kentarchs, 227

Kephallenia (Kephalonia), Theme in

A.D. 810, 224

Kephaloedion, 305, 307, 308

Kêpoi, 171

Keration, 214
Khazars, in Roman service, 228;
western extension of their Empire,
337; mission of Constantine the
Philosopher to, 394 sq.; descrip-
tion of their empire and institutions,

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