Illustrated Catalogue of Books, Standard and Holiday

A.C. McClurg and Company, 1898

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Stranica 74 - A SERIES of biographical studies of the lives and work of a number of representative historical characters about whom have gathered the great traditions of the Nations to which they belonged, and who have been accepted, in many instances, as types of the several National ideals.
Stranica 266 - Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language, being the authentic edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, comprising the issues of 1847, 1864, and 1880, now thoroughly revised and enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter, DD, LL.D., of Yale University, with Valuable Literary Appendices.
Stranica 218 - A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. Four Vols. demy Svo, cloth extra, 12s. each. — Also a POPULAR EDITION, in Four Vols. crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. each. A Short History of Our Own Times.
Stranica 311 - ... plan, the myths, with which the history of all lands begins, will not be overlooked, though these will be carefully distinguished from the actual history, so far as the labors of the accepted historical authorities have resulted in definite conclusions. The subjects of the different volumes have been planned to...
Stranica 208 - The Reconstruction Of Europe : a Sketch of the Diplomatic and Military History of Continental Europe, from the Rise to the Fall of the Second French Empire.
Stranica 65 - By John Austin Stevens. JAMES MADISON. By Sydney Howard Gay. JOHN ADAMS. By John T. Morse, Jr. JOHN MARSHALL. By Allan B. Magruder. SAMUEL ADAMS. By James K. Hosmer. THOMAS H. BENTON. By Theodore Roosevelt. HENRY CLAY. By Carl Schurz.
Stranica 260 - Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words that have a Tale to Tell.
Stranica 216 - CHILD'S HISTORY OF IRELAND, from the Earliest Times to the Death of O'Connell. With specially constructed Map and 160 Illustrations, including Facsimile in full colours of an illuminated page of the Gospel Book of MacDurnan, AD 850.
Stranica 67 - OLIVER CROMWELL: A HISTORY. Comprising a Narrative of his Life, with Extracts from his Letters and Speeches, and an Account of the Political, Religious, and Military Affairs of England during his Time. By SAMUEL HARDEN CHURCH.
Stranica 262 - HAYDN'S DICTIONARY OF DATES, relating to all Ages and Nations. For Universal Reference. Edited by BENJAMIN VINCENT, Assistant Secretary and Keeper of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain ; and Revised for the Use of American Readers.

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