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length of the city east and weft, that is, from the Delaware to the Schuylkill, upon the original plan of Mr. Penn, is 10,300 feet, and the breadth, north and fouth, is 4837 feet. Not two-fifths of the plot covered by the city charter is yet built. The inhabitants, however, have not confined themfelves within the original limits of the city, but have built north and fouth along the Delaware, two miles in length. The longest ftreet is Second-ftreet, about 700 feet from Delaware river, and parallel to it. The circumference of that part of the city which is built, if we include Kenfington on the north, and Southwark on the fouth, may be about five miles.

Market-ftreet is 100 feet wide, and runs the whole length of the city from river to river. Near the middle, it is interfected at right angles by Broad-street, 113 feet wide, running nearly north and south, quite across the city.

Between Delaware river and Broad-street are 14 ftreets, nearly equidiftant, running parallel with Broad-ftreet, across the city; and between Broad-street and the Schuylkill, there are nine ftreets, equidiftant from each other. Parallel to Market-ftreet are eight other ftreets, running eaft and weft from river to river, and interfect the cross ftreets at right angles; all these streets are 50 feet wide, except Arch-street, which is 65 feet wide. All the streets which run north and fouth, except Broadstreet mentioned above, are 50 feet wide. There were four squares of eight acres each, one at each corner of the city, originally referved for public and common ufes. And in the center of the city, where Broadtreet and Market-ftreet interfect each other, is a fquare of ten acres, referved in like manner, to be planted with rows of trees for public walks. The first street between Delaware river and the bank, is called Waterftreet. The next, on the top of the bank, is called Front-ftreet; and we of this the streets are numbered, fecond, third, fourth, &c.

On the river Delaware, there are 16 public landings, at the distance of 4 or 500 feet from each other; and private wharfs fufficient for 200 fail of fea veffels to unload at a time; and room to build any neceffary number. There are 10 public landings on the Schuylkill, which, as the town does not yet extend fo far, are at prefent of no use.

Philadelphia was founded in 1682, by the celebrated William Penn, who, in October 1701, granted a charter, incorporating the town with the privilege of choofing a mayor, recorder, eight aldermen, twelve common-council men, a fheriff and clerk.

The city charter was vacated by the revolution, and has not been renewed under the new government. A bill for this purpose is now

(Nov. 1788) depending before the legislature.

In 1749, the dwelling houfes in the feveral wards in Philadelphia, were as follows.


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At this time the number of inhabitants in the city were estimated at

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The following will give the reader an idea of the proportional num bers of the several religious denominations in Philadelphia.

An account of births and burials in the united churches of ChriftChurch and St. Peter's in Philadelphia, from December 25, 1781,

to December 25, 1782,

[ Males Christened, Females


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Philadelphia now contains about 5000 houses; in general handsomely built of brick; and 40,000 inhabitants, composed of almost all nations and religions. Their places for religious worship are as follows.

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The other public buildings in the city, befides the university, acade

mies, &c. already mentioned, are the following, viz,

A ftate-house and offices,

A city court-house,

A county court-house,

A carpenters hall,

A philofophical fociety's hall,

A difpenfary,

A hofpital and offices,

An alms-house,

A houfe of correction,

A public factory of linen, cotton and woolen,

A public obfervatory,

Three brick market-houses,

A fish-market,

A public gaol,

The ftate-house is in Chefnut-street, between Fifth and Sixth ftreets and was erected in 1735, The building is rather magnificent than elegant. The state-houfe yard is a neat, elegant, and fpacious public walk, ornamented with rows of trees; but a high brick wall, which encloses it, limits the profpect.

In 1787, an elegant court-houfe was erected on the left of the statehoufe; and on the right a philosophical hall. These add much to the beauty of the fquare.

South of the state-houfe is the public gaol, built of ftone. It has a ground half ftory, and two ftories above it. Every apartment is arched with ftone against fire and force. It is a hollow fquare, 100 feet in front, and is the most elegant and fecure building of the kind in America. To the gaol is annexed a work-house, with yards to each to feparate the fexes, and criminals from debtors.

The hofpital and poor-houfe, in which are upwards of 300 poor people, whether we confider the buildings, or the defigns for which they were erected, are unrivalled in America,

The German church, lately erected, is one of the most elegant churches in America. Mr. D. Taneberger, one of the united brethren's fociety at Litiz, a great mechanical genius, is erecting a large organ, of more than thirty ftops, for this church.

In Market-itreet, between Front and Fourth-ftreets, is the principal market, built of brick, and is 1500 feet in length. This market, in refpect to the quantity, the variety and neatness of the provifions, is not equalled in America, and perhaps not exceeded in the world.

The Philadelphians are not fo focial, nor perhaps fo hofpitable as the people in Boston, Charleston and New-York. Various caufes have con

One of thefe houfes is for thofe Quakers who took up arms in defence of their country, in the late war, contrary to the established principles of the Friends. They call themselves Free Quakers.

+ This is the oldest church in or near the city, and has lately been annexed to the Epifcopal order.


tributed to this difference, among which the moft operative has been the prevalence of party fpirit, which has been, and is carried to greater lengths in this city than in any other in America: Yet no city can boast of fo many ufeful improvements in manufactures, in the mechanical arts, in the art of healing, and particularly in the fcience of humanity. The tradefmen and manufacturers have become fo numerous, that they are be ginning to affeciate for mutual improvement, and to promote regularity and uniformity in their feveral occupations. The carpenters, the cordwainers, the taylors, the watch-makers, the joiners and hair-dreffers, have already affociated, and others are forming into companies upon the fame plan.

The Philadelphians have exerted their endeavours, with happy and` growing fuccefs, to prevent the intemperate ufe of fpirituous liquors. In accomplishing this benevolent purpofe, on which fo much of the prof-perity and glory of our empire depend, every good citizen in the union will cheerfully lend his aid and influence. As one important step towards effecting their defign, they are discountenancing diltilleries, which are of courfe declining, and encouraging breweries, which are faft increafing. The increale of the confumption of beer, in the courfe of a few years paft, in every part of America, and particularly in Pennfylvania, has been aftonishing. It has become a fashionable drink, and it is not improbable but that in a few years it will come into univerfal trfe among all claffes of people. In proportion as the ufe of beer increases, in the fame proportion will the ufe of fpirituous liquors decrease. This will be a happy exchange.

In fhort, whether we confider the convenient local fituation, the fize, the beauty, the variety and utility of the improvements in mechanics," in agriculture and manufactures, or the induftry, the enterprize, the bu manity and the abilities of the inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, it merits to be viewed as the capital of the flourishing EMPIRE OF UNITED AMERICA.

LANCASTER is the largest inland town in America. It is the feat of juftice in Lancafter county, and flands on Conestogo creek, 66 miles, a little to the north of the weft from Philadelphia. Its trade is already large; and muft increafe in proportion as the furrounding country populates. It contains about gco houfes, befides a moft elegant courthoufe, a number of handfome churches and other public buildings, and about 4,500 fouls.

CARLISLE is the feat of juftice in Cumberland county, and is 120 miles westward of Philadelphia. It contains upwards of 1500 inhabitants, who live in near 300 tone houfes, and worship in three churches. They have alfo a court-houfe and a college. Thirty-four years ago, this fpot was a wilderness, and inhabited by Indians and wild beafts. A like inftance of the rapid progrefs of the arts of civilized life is fcarcely to be found in hiftory.

PITTSBURGH, on the western fide of the Allegany mountains, is 320 miles weftward of Philadelphia, is beautifully fituated on a point of land between the Allegany and Monongahela rivers, and about a quarter of a mile above their confluence, in lat. 40° 26′ north. It contained in 787, 140 houfes, and 700 inhabitants, who are Prefbyterians and Epif


copalians. The furrounding country is very hilly, but fertile, and well ftored with excellent coal. The rivers abound with fine fish, fuch as pike, perch, and cat-fish, which are all much larger than the fame species on the caftern fide of the mountains.

This town is laid out on Penn's plan, and is a thoroughfare for the incredible number of travellers from the eastern and middle ftates, to the fettlements on the Ohio, and increafes with aftonishing rapidity.

Trade, manufactures and agriculture.] On the fubject of exports nothing can be furnished more accurate and complete, than what is given in the American Museum for September, 1788, which follows.

Experts from Philadelphia in the years 1765, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1784,

Bufhels of wheat,
Barrels of flour,
Barrels of bread,
M.ftaves and heading,
M. fhingles,
Bufhels of Indian corn
Tons of iron,
`Boxes of foap,


1765 1771 1772 1773 1784 1787 36,522 51,699 92,012 182,391 24,490 32,957 148,887 252,744 284,872 265,967 201,365 193,720 34,736 38,320 50,504 48,183 28,525 26,953 4,270 6,188 5,867 5,141 4,083 4,333 2,114 1,937 1,765 5,254

60,206 259,4÷1 159,625 179,217 73,527 193,943 1,695 2,358 2,205 1,564 1,144





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M. hoops,

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Hhds. of tobacco,



M.boards& fcantling,

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Barrels of beer,


1,236 1,798



Kegs of ftarch,


Bufhels of flax-feed,

Packagesof fur&fkins,
Pounds of do.

238 349 1,033 700

87,681 110,412 85,794 68,681 71,592 98,012

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Barrels of bees wax,


Hogsheads of ditto,

Pounds of ditto,

29,261 50,140 64,546 46,585

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399 734 732 5071

Barrels of beef & pork, 7,254 5,059 3,849 8,587 2,354 4,160

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Gallons of rum,

5.544 10,584 4,536




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