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SAMUEL COX'S LAST WORK. The HEBREW TWINS: a London: T. FISH 5. cloth, 168. 'indication of God's Ways with Jacob MUEL COX, D.D., Author of 'Expositions,' &c. With Portrait. Crown 8vo. cloth, 68. UNWIN, Paternoster-square, E.C. LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1894. "Depone," 7. CONTENT 8.-N° 106. NOTES:-Old London Street Tablets, 1-Sacheverell Controversy, 3-Primate McGauran, 4-Goth: Gothic-Castle Baynard Ward School Vanity Fair'-Vinegar Bible, 6 QUERIES:-Wragg Family-Sir Joseph Yates, 7-White Jet-Henry Hussey-Food Laws-Sheriff of Forres-Baker -Vicar of Newcastle-"Good intentions"-Author Wanted -"Yuppefied"-Hardman, 8-Bangor-Guelph Genea logy-Daughters of John of Gaunt-M.P., Long ParliaREPLIES:-Member of Parliament, 9-Pike of Meldreth, 10-Earliest Weekly Journal of Science-Olney-Curse of panying notes will, it is hoped, be found useful. A list of inscriptions relating especially to houses will follow that of the street tablets. On some future occasion a few others might be added,-for instance descriptions of property, dates, and inscriptions in the Inns of Court and Chancery, and records of charitable bequests. Perhaps I should say, in conclusion, that several of the tablets to which I shall here refer have been already figured or described in my little book on London signs and inscriptions, but they form an insignificant proportion of the whole. Sculptured signs are excluded, as I have endeavoured to treat them exhaustively in that Scotland-Jackson-Juvenile Authors, 11-Bonner work. Thamasp-Leap-frog Bible-" New Church," Westminster, On a modern public-house, called the "Gold12-English Translation-Date of First Steel Engraving-smiths' Arms," No. 13, Bartholomew Close, there Wren's Epitaph -"Chimney-stack" Dick England is a stone inscribed "Albion Buildings, 1776." It County Magistrates-Title of Book-Strachey, 13-Charge was rebuilt in 1887. of Cuirassiers-Waterloo in 1893-Prince Charles Edward "Beaks," 14-Trophy Tax-Holt-Hill-1 - University ment-Bertha-Authors Wanted, 9. At the corner of Archer Street and Great WindGraces-"Kitchel" Cake - Commander-in-Chief, 15-mill Street is a tablet with the inscription Verses-William H. Oxberry-'The Golden Asse'-Duke "Archer Street, 1764." The street, however, is of Normandy-Apostolical Succession - Potiphar, 16 much older than this, for in Walpole's 'Anec"Nonefinch"-Kean's Residence, 17-Vache-Lamb's Residence-Maids of Honour to Queen Henrietta Maria-dotes' we are told that "King Charles I. invited Sandgate Castle: Hervey: Devereux-Kissing, 18-Old field-Mrs. Markham's 'History'-Dr. Gabell, 19. NOTES ON BOOKS:- Green's 'The Story of Egil Skalla- Notes. OLD LONDON STREET TABLETS. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when a London street was newly formed, its name and the date were frequently recorded on a tablet built into the wall of a corner house. The houses themselves were also sometimes distinguished by initials, names, or dates, either placed like the street tablets, or on a rainpipe, or inside the building. Now and then our ancestors preserved by an inscription the memory of some quaint fact which might otherwise have been forgotten. Some of these relics still survive, but there is constant danger of their destruction, for every year many old houses are levelled with the ground, and streets, once important, cease to exist, are merged in other streets, or lose their importance by being renamed. I have therefore thought it a useful thing to note them down whenever an opportunity occurred, and the following list of street tablets is the result. It includes a few which have been already referred to in the pages of 'N. & Q.' by your valued correspondents COL. PRIDEAUX, ESSINGTON, and others, and one or two which disappeared before my time; but I hardly like to leave them out, as the value of such a list for reference is largely increased by its being made as complete as possible. No doubt other observers will add to it materially, for many examples must have escaped me. The accom Poelemberg to London, where he lived in Archer Street, next door to Geldorp, and generally painted the figures in Steenwyck's perspectives." I The large new offices, No. 21, Austin Friars, built on the site of what were once the house and garden of Herman Olmius, also caused the destruction of Nos. 15 to 18 (called within my memory Winckworth Buildings). They had on their rainpipes the initials TW, and the date 1726. include this inscription, though not on a tablet, as it refers to a street name which has now disappeared. In No. 18, James Smith, one of the authors of 'Rejected Addresses,' resided for some years. In the Museum at the Guildhall is a stone taken from Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn Circus, which has on it "Bartlet Buildings 1685." Peter Cunningham says, "The place is mentioned in the burial register of St. Andrew's, Holborn, the parish in which it lies, as early as November, 1615, and is there called Bartlett's-court." Most of the houses built after the Great Fire, about the time the tablet was erected, still remain. A stone tablet on the wall of a house at the corner of Barton Street and Great College Street, Westminster, has on it the inscription "Barton Street 1722." This street was named after Barton Booth, the actor, who was the original Cato in Addison's play. A monument to his memory was erected in Westminster Abbey forty-five years after his death, by his widow (Hester Šantlow, the dancer), who before marriage had been, it was said the mistress of the great Duke of Marlborough and subsequently of Secretary Craggs. Over the entrance to Bedford Court, on the west side of New North Street, Theobald's Road, is the inscription "Bedford Court, 1717." |