PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE: BEING FOURTEEN SERMON S, PREACHED IN THE PARISH-CHURCH OF St. MARY MAGDALEN IN OXFORD. TO WHICH IS ADDED, THE COMMUNICANT'S SPIRITUAL COMPANION, OR, AN EVANGELICAL PREPARATION FOR THE LORD'S SUPPER. IN WHICH 1. The Nature of the Ordinance is shewn. II. The Dispositions requisite for a profitable Participation thereof. WITH MEDITATIONS AND HELPS FOR PRAYER, SUITABLE TO THE SUBJECT. BY THE REVEREND THOMAS HAWEIS, NEWBURYPORT: PRINTED BY EDMUND M. BLUNT, NO. 8, STATE-STREET. ........ TH PREFACE. HE following Discourses are sent into the world, to obviate the manifold misconceptions and misrepresentations which the author of them has lain under. As they contain all the grand points of christianity, and are a faithful epitome of all the author's preaching, they will best serve to declare what those doctrines are, which, as a minister of the gospel, he has thought it his duty to inculcate. Being thankful that he was educated in the communion of the church of England, he is much more so, that in the same he hath been called to the honour of ministering in holy things. Her only authentic standard of doctrine, exhibited in her articles and homilies, which he was required solemnly to subscribe, he professes himself to be conscientiously attached, to, from a real persuasion that they contain the solid truths of God's word. How carefully he hath followed that form of sound words, a comparison of the ensuing discourses with those articles and homilies will best determine. As by the Royal declaration prefixed to the articles he is forbidden, so he presumes not to take. them in any sense but that which a literal and grammatical construction of them imports; and he knows no authority by which any minister of the church of England can indulge himself in a greater latitude of interpretation. As the author cannot but regard subscriptions as bringing the soul under the deepest obligations to sincerity before the great Searcher of hearts, who requireth truth in the inward parts, he cannot think of those who in any degree allow themselves to trifle or prevaricate therewith, but |