If for my consolation Monseigneur would grant me, for the sake of God and the Most Blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife; were it only her name on a card, to show that she is alive! It were the greatest consolation I could receive; and... The French revolution, sketches - Stranica 52napisao/la French revolution, 1789 - 1799 - Broj stranica: 80Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | 1845 - Broj stranica: 818
...If, for my consolation, Monseignenr would grant me, for the sake of God and the most blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife ! were it only her name on a card to show that she is yet alive ! It were the sweetest consolation I could receive ; and I should for ever bless the greatness... | |
 | Thomas Carlyle - 1837 - Broj stranica: 424
...for my consolation Monseigneur would grant ' me, for the sake of God and the Most Blessed Trinity, ' that I could have news of my dear wife ; were it only ' her name on a card, to shew that she is alive ! It were ' the greatest consolation I could receive ; and I should .' for ever... | |
 | Thomas Carlyle - 1838 - Broj stranica: 446
...for my consolation Monseigneur ' would grant me, for the sake of God and the Most Blessed ' Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife ; were it only ' her name on a card, to shew that she is alive ! It were the ' greatest consolation I could receive ; and I should for ever... | |
 | 1845 - Broj stranica: 816
...If, for my consolation, Monseigneur would grant me, for the sake of God and the most blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife ! were it only her name on a card to show that she is yet alive ! It were the sweetest consolation I could receive ; and I should for ever bless the greatness... | |
 | 1845 - Broj stranica: 840
...If, for my consolation, Monseigneur would grant me, for the sake of God and the most blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife ! were it only her name on a card to show that she is yet alive ! It were the sweetest consolation I could receive ; and I should for ever bless the greatness... | |
 | Thomas Carlyle - 1846 - Broj stranica: 496
...for my consolation Monseig1 neur would grant me, for the sake of God and the Most Blessed ' Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife ; were it only ' her name on a card, to show that she is alive ! It were the ' greatest consolation I could receive ; and I should forever bless ' the greatness... | |
 | January Searle - 1850 - Broj stranica: 196
...for my consolation, Monseigneur would grant me, for the sake of God, and the most Blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife ; were it only her name on a card, to show that she is alive ! It were the greatest consolation I could receive ; and I should for ever bless the greatness... | |
 | George Searle Phillips - 1852 - Broj stranica: 328
...for my consolation, Monseigneur would grant me, for the sake of God, and the most Blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife, were it only her name on a card, to show that she is alive ! it were the greatest consolation I could receive, and I should for ever bless the greatness... | |
 | Laurence Louis Félix Bungener - 1854 - Broj stranica: 476
...favour of receiving some communication from my wife, were it but her name on a card, just to let me see that she is still alive, it would be the greatest consolation I could have, and I should for ever bless my lord." To have, after all, between the living and oneself, only... | |
 | Sallie Bridges - 1864 - Broj stranica: 282
..."If, for my consolation, Monseigneur would grant me, for the sake of God and the Most Blessed Trinity, that I could have news of my dear wife, were it only her name on a card, to show that she is alive, it were the greatest consolation I could receive, and I would forever bless the greatness of... | |
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