Colorell, 12950, O. Politics for American Christians. With an appendix on the politics of the New Testament, and some notice of a review, by a layman, of "New themes for the Protestant clergy." (By Stephen Colwell.) Philadelphia, 1852. Cooke, 11004, O. 9. A reply to a letter in the Christian Examiner, addressed to the Rev. Parsons Cooke. Boston, 1829. Coquerel, 10923, O. 4. Lettre a M. Guizot sur son article de la revue Française, intitulé, de Catholicisme, du Protestantisme, et de la philosophie en France. Par A. Coquerel. Paris, 1838. -8666, D. Christianity; its perfect adaptation to the nature of man. By Athanase Coquerel. London, 1847. Coton, 2373, Q. Institutio Catholica in qua exponitur fidei veritas et comprobatur adversus Hæreses et superstitiones huic ævi, auctore R. P. Petro Cotono. Moguntiæ, 1618. Bequeathed by Dr. Joseph Parrish. Core, 8056, D. Considerations respecting the recognition of friends in another world; on the affirmed descent of Jesus Christ into hell; on phrenology in connection with the soul, and on the existence of a soul in brutes. By John Redman Coxe, M. D. Philadelphia, 1845. Croly, 10615, O. An index to the tracts for the times, with a dissertation. By the Rev. David Croly. Oxford, 1842. Crowell, 9051, D. Republics established and thrones overturned by the Bible. By John Crowell. Philadelphia, 1849. Curtis, 10045, D. Communion; a review of Rev. Robert Hall and Rev. Baptist W. Noel in favor of mixed communion. By T. F. Curtis. Philadelphia, 1850. Gift of Baptist Publication Society. D'Aubigné, 7520, D. Geneva and Oxford. A discourse by J. H. Merle D'Aubigné. With an introduction by the Rev. E. Bickersteth. 3d edit. London, 1843. 7662, D. The voice of the church one, under all successive forms of Christianity. By J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, D. D. New York, 1844. 7663, D. A voice from antiquity to the men of the nineteenth century; or Read the Book. By J. H. M. D'Aubigné. New York, 1844. 7439, D. Puseyism examined. By J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, D.D., author of the history of the reformation, &c. With an introductory notice of the author, by Robert Baird. New York, 1843. Davidson, 13196, O. 8. Presbyterianism: its true place and value in history. A discourse before the Presbyterian Historical Society. By Robert Davidson, D.D. Philadelphia, 1854. Davis, 13166, O. 8. An epistle congratulatory to the Right Reverend the Bishops of the Episcopal Court at Camden. From Ulric Von Hütten. [H. Winter Davis, counsel for the presenting bishops.] Philadelphia, 1853. Decanver, 2557, Q. & 12317, O. 6. Catalogue of works in refutation of De Lamartine, 9647, D. 9. Atheism among the people. By Alphonse De De Vericourt, 9690, D. Historical analysis of Christian civilization. By Pro fessor De Vericourt. London, 1850. Dewey, 9569, 0.10. On the Unitarian unbelief. By the Rev. Orville Dewey. New York, 1835. Digby, 10407, O. Mores Catholici: or ages of faith. By Daniel H. Digby, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1840. Presented by Rev. F. X. Gartland. Digby, 12363, O. Two treatises on the immortality of reasonable souls. By Sir Kenelme Digby. London, 1645. Dreyer, 6849, D. Union Fragen über auserlesne Bibelabschnitte, aus dem Neuen Testament übersetzt, von J. H. Dreyer. Philadelphia, 1832. Duncan, 10216, D. God in disease, or the manifestations of design in morbid phenomena. By James F. Duncan, M. D. Philadelphia, 1852. 6481, 6482, & 6483, D. Sacred philosophy of the seasons. By the Rev. Henry Duncan, D. D. Spring, summer, autumn. Edinburgh, 1837. London, 1837. Dupanloup, 11397, O. 3. Des associations religieuses; veritable état de la question. (Par M. l'Abbé Dupanloup.) Paris, 1845. 11417, O. De la pacification religieuse; quelle est l'origine des querelles actuelles? quelle en peut être l'issue? Par M. l'Abbé Dupanloup. Paris, 1845. Dymond, 11847, O. An inquiry into the accordance of war with the principles of Christianity. By Jonathan Dymond, Philadelphia. Edwards, 9161, D. The salvation of all men strictly examined, and the endless punishment of those who die impenitent defended against the Rev. Doctor Chauncey. By Jonathan Edwards, D. D. Boston, 1824. 9167, D. A narrative of many surprising conversions in Northampton, and some thoughts on the revival in New England. By Jonathan Edwards. Worcester, 1832. Erasmus, 9453, D. Pilgrimages to Saint Mary of Walsingham, and Saint Thomas of Canterbury. By Desiderius Erasmus. New translation. By J. G. Nicholas. Westminster, 1849. Evans, 13129, O. The Friends' library; containing journals, doctrinal treatises, and other writings of members of the religious society of Friends. Edited by William Evans and Thomas Evans. 14 vols. Philadelphia, 1837 to 1850. Gift of the Monthly Meeting of Friends. Evelyn, 9755, D. The history of religion: a rational account of the true religion. By John Evelyn. Now first published. Edited by Rev. R. M. Evanson. 2 vols. London, 1850. Faber, 10602, D. 1. The revival of the French emperorship anticipated from the necessity of prophecy. By G. S. Faber, B. D. Third edition. London, 1853. 10602, D. 2. The predicted downfall of the Turkish power the preparation for the return of the ten tribes. By G. S. Faber, B. D. London, 1853. Félice, 7409, D. Appel d'un Chrétien aux gens de lettres. Par G. de Félice. Paris, 1841. Fellowes, 6259, D. The religion of the universe; with consolatory views of a future state, &c. By Robert Fellowes. London, 1836. Fisher, 7919, D. The history of the institution of the Sabbath day, its uses and abuses, with notices of the Puritans, Quakers, &c. By William Logan Fisher. Philadelphia, 1845. Presented by the author. 10308, D. Observations on mental phenomena, as connected with the philosophy of Divine Revelation. By William Logan Fisher. Philadelphia, 1851. Gift of the author. Foster, 7761, D. Miscellaneous essays on Christian morals; experimental and practical. By John Foster. New York, 1844. -9647, D. 10, & 12316, O. 9. A letter of the celebrated John Foster on the duration of future punishment, with an introduction and an appeal to the American Tract Society. Third edition. Boston, 1849. Fowler, 1364, O. The design of Christianity is to endue men with inward real righteousness. By Edward Fowler, D. D. (In vol. 6 of Watson's tracts.) Cambridge, 1785. Fox, 12416, O. 2. The religious ideas. By William J. Fox, M. P. London, 1849. Foxton, 9089, D. 2. Popular Christianity in its transition state, and probable development. By F. J. Foxton. London, 1849. Froude, 9089, D. 1. The Nemesis of faith. By J. A. Froude. London, 1849. Fuller, 9159, D. The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared as to their moral tendency. By Andrew Fuller. Philadelphia, 1796. Fullwood, 9294, D. Some necessary and seasonable cases of conscience about things indifferent in matters of religion resolved. By Francis Fullwood, D. D. London, 1662. D. Fry, 8497, D. The great commandment. By the author of "The Listener," &c. (Caroline Fry.) New York, 1847. Fysh, 10579, O. History of the French revolution, with special reference to the fulfilment of prophecy. By the Rev. Frederick Fysh, M. A. London, 1842. Garnett, 9533, D. The Ammi (My people) sought and identified with the Chinese. By D. J. Garnett. New York, 1850. Gift of the author. Gardiner, 12144, O. A journal of the external evidences of the Lord's gracious dealings with Dr. William Gardiner, written by himself. Philadelphia, 1819. Gil, 10047, D. Infant baptism a part and pillar of popery. By John Gill, D. D. Revised by George B. Ide, D. D. Philadelphia, 1851. Gift of Baptist Publication Society. Goode, 12493, O. 2. A letter to the Bishop of Exeter, containing an examination of his letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, from William Goode. London, 1850. Gorham, 9615, D. Gorham vs. the Bishop of Exeter. A full report. Third edition. London, 1850. - 12493, О. 8. A few remarks on the Gorham case. By a layman. Philadelphia, 1850. Gift of Lloyd P. Smith. Greer, 9839, D. Quakerism; or the story of my life. By a lady who for forty years was a member of the society of Friends. (Sarah Greer.) Dublin and Philadelphia, 1851. (See Morris, infra.) -10348. The society of Friends; a domestic narrative, illustrating the peculiar doctrines held by the disciples of George Fox. By Mrs. J. R. Greer. New York, 1853. Greg, 12849. The creed of Christendom; its foundations and its superstructure. By William R. Greg. London, 1851. Guillon, 10689, O. Examen critique des doctrines de Gibbon, du Dr. Strauss et de M. Salvador, sur Jesus Christ et son Eglise. Par Marie Nicholas Sylvestie Guillon. 2 tom. 2 ed. Paris, 1841. Gurney, 12550, O. 2. A declaration by the late Joseph John Gurney of his faith respecting several points of Christian doctrine. Also, a testimony of Norwich monthly meeting concerning Joseph John Gurney, deceased; presented to and read in London yearly meeting of Friends, 1847. Philadelphia, 1847. Harbaugh, 9624, D. Heaven; or, an earnest and scriptural inquiry into the abode of the sainted dead. By Rev. H. Harbaugh. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1851. Hahn-Hahn, 10078, D. From Jerusalem. By Countess Hahn-Hahn. London, 1852. 10102, D. Babylon and Jerusalem; a letter addressed to Ida, Countess Hahn-Hahn. With a preface by the translator. London, Hampden, 12004, O. 1. H. Christmas. 12004, Ο. 2. A concise history of the Hampden controversy. By A letter to Lord John Russell. By the Rev. R. D. Hampden. London, 1847. 12004, Ο. 3. The circumstances of the condemnation of Dr. Hamp den. By Rev. F. Laurence. Oxford, 1848. 12004, Ο. 4. A letter on the appointment of Dr. Hampden to the See of Hereford. By Julius C. Hare. London, 1848. 12004, О. 5. Plain remarks on Hare's letter. By Rev. W. J. Trower. London, 1848. 12004, Ο. 6. A letter to Lord J. Russell on his recent conduct in ecclesiastical affairs. By a Clergyman. London, 1848. 12004, Ο. 7. A reply to Lord John Russell's letter to the remonstrance of the bishops against Hampden. By the Bishop of Exeter. London, 1847. - 12004, О. 8. A letter to the Bishop of Exeter on the Hampden case. By a Clergyman. London, 1847. 12004, Ο. 9. A Churchman's notes to Lord John Russell's reply to the Bishops. London, 1847. 12004, O. 10. Remarks on the cases of Dr. Hampden and Rev. J. P. Lee. By J. E. N. Molesworth. London, 1848. 12004, O. 11. Statements and reflections respecting the church and the universities. By Richard Whately. Dublin, 1847. 12004, Ο. 12. Defence of Dr. Hampden. By the Rev. Caleb White ford. London, 1847. 12004, Ο. 13. A letter to a Clergyman on the character of Dr. Hamp den's Bampton lectures. By W. H. Mill. London, 1848. 12004, Ο. 14. 12004, Ο. 17. A few words on the Hampden controversy. By Rev. 12004, O. 18. Letter by the Rev. F. D. Maurice, on the nomination of Dr. Hampden. edition, first series. London, 1838. Hare, 12493, O. 5. Letter on the Gorham case. By Julius Charles Hare. London, 1850. - 6949, D. Guesses at truth, by two brothers (A. and J. Hare). Second -6949, D. Guesses at truth, by two brothers (Hare). Fourth edition. 2 vols. London, 1851. Harris, 10518, D. The Pre-Adamite earth; contributions to theological science. By John Harris, D. D. Fourth thousand. Boston, 1851. -10640, D. Man primeval; or, the constitution and primitive condition of the human being. A contribution to theological science. By John Harris, D. D. Third thousand. Boston, 1852. Haslett, 9157, D. The advices and meditations of the late William Haslett, Esq. Philadelphia, 1825. Hill, 6304, D. Mature reflections and devotions of the Rev. Rowland Hill, in his old age. By the Rev. E. Sidney. London, 1836. - 10609, О. Lectures in divinity. By the late George Hill, D. D. Edited by his son, the Rev. Alexander Hill. Philadelphia, 1842. Hinton, 10044, D. A history of baptism. By Isaac Taylor Hinton. Philadelphia, 1849. Gift of the Baptist Publication Society. Hoby, 6286, D. The Baptists in America; a narrative of the deputation from the Baptists' union in England to the United States and Canada. By the Rev. F. A. Cox, and the Rev. J. Hoby. London, 1836. Hook, 12493, O. 4. Letter to Sir Walter Farquhar, Bart., on the present crisis in the church. By Walter Farquhar Hook, D. D. London, 1850. - 12494, О. 3. The nonentity of Romish saints, and the inanity of Romish ordinances. By Walter Farquhar Hook, D. D. London, 1850. Hopkins, 9519, D. The history of the confessional. By John Henry Hopkins, D. D. New York, 1850. Hopper, 6436, D. 6. A letter to the members of the society of Friends in Dublin. By Isaac T. Hopper. Dublin, 1831. Howell, 10049, D. The deaconship. By R. B. C. Howell, D. D. Philadelphia, 1851. Gift of the American Baptist Publication Society. -10623, D. The terms of communion at the Lord's table. By Robert Boyte C. Howell, D. D. 6th thousand. Philadelphia, 1846. Gift of the American Baptist Publication Society. Howitt, 8356, D. A popular history of priestcraft in all ages and nations. By William Howitt. Seventh edition, with additions London, 1844. Hughes, 4529, O. 4. An essay on the Christian Sabbath. By Joseph Hughes. London, 1804. Huidekoper, 13196, O. 2. The belief of the first three centuries concerning Christ's mission to the under world. By Frederic Huidekoper. 1854. Gift of the author. Hutter, 7103, D. D. Leonhardi Hutteri compendium locorum theologicorum ex script. S. et libr. concordiæ. Lipsiæ, 1736. Bequest of Dr. Joseph Parrish. Ingram, 6540, D. The true character of the church of England, as exhibited in her antiquity, orders, and liturgy. By Rev. G. Ingram. London, 1838. Innes, 9221, D. Advice to church members. By William Innes. Boston, 1833. Jackson, 6698, D. The centenary of Wesleyan Methodism. By Thomas Jack- Jameson, 12121, O. Sacred and legendary art. By Mrs. Jameson. 2 vols. Jardine, 9870, D. 1. A treatise of equivocation; wherein is largely discussed the question whether a Catholicke or any other person before a magistrate being demanded upon his oath whether a prieste were in such a place, may (notwithstanding his perfect knowledge to the contrary) without perjury and securely in conscience answere, No, with this secreat meaning reserved in his mynde, That he was not there so that any man is bounde to detect it. Edited by Daniel Jardine, Esq. London, 1851. Jarratt, 9218, D. 8. The nature of love to Christ. By the Rev. D. Jarratt. Philadelphia, 1792. -9218, D. 9. A solemn call to sleeping sinners. By Rev. D. Jarratt. Philadelphia, 1792. Jennings, 11006, O. 6. Episcopal pretensions, examined in a review of a sermon by the Right Rev. G. W. Doane, D. D., at the consecration of the parish church at Leeds, England. By Jas. Jennings. New York, 1842. |