Slike stranica

12715, 0.8 Sixth annual report of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1834.

9571, 0. 9. Seventh annual report of the House of Refuge. Philadelphia, 1835.

12506, 0. 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7. The 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th annual reports of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1838 to 1845.

12085, 0. 13. The 20th annual report of the House of Refuge. Philadelphia, 1848.

12698, O. 7. The 23d annual report of the House of Refuge. Philadelphia, 1851.

13031, O. 6. The 25th annual report of the House of Refuge. Philadelphia, 1853.

13159, O. 2. The 26th Annual report of the House of Refuge. Philadelphia, 1854.


Amos, 11805, O. The great Oyer of poisoning. The trial of the Earl of Somerset for poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, in the Tower of London. By A. Amos. London, 1846.

Blount, 12953, O. 2. Proceedings on the impeachment of Willam Blount, a Senator from Tennessee, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Philadelphia, 1799.

Burke, 12411, O. Celebrated trials connected with the aristocracy in the relations of private life. By Peter Burke, Esq. London, 1849. Burton, 10169, D. Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. By John

Hill Burton. 2 vols. London, 1852.

Chandler, 7526, D. American criminal trials. By Peleg W. Chandler. 2 vols. Boston.

D' Houtrille, 10306, O, and 11725, O. Report of the D'Hautville case. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the suggestion of Paul Daniel Gonsalve Grand D'Hautville vs. David Sears, Miriam C. Sears, and Ellen Sears Grand D'Hautville. Habeas corpus for the custody of an infant child. 1840.


Guisquet, 10736, O. 5. Procés de M. Guisquet contre le Messager. Paris,


Gurney, 12953, O. 4. The proceedings on the trial of Thomas Walker, Samuel Jackson, James Cheetham, Oliver Pearsal, Benjamin Booth, and Joseph Collier, for conspiracy to overthrow the constitution and government, and to aid and assist the French in case they should invade this kingdom. Tried 1794. Taken in shorthand by Joseph Gurney. Philadelphia, 1794.

Hanway, 13113, O. Report of the trial of Castner Hanway for treason, in the resistance of the fugitive slave law of September, 1850: before Judges Grier and Kane, in the Circuit Court of the United States, in Philadelphia, November, 1851. To which is added an appendix containing the laws of the United States, on the subject of fugitives from labor; the charges of Judge Kane to the Grand Juries, and a statement of the points of law decided by the Court during the trial. By James J. Robbins, from the notes of Arthur Cannon and Samuel B. Dalrymple. Philadelphia, 1852.

Holmes, 11002, O. 11. Trial of Alexander Wm. Holmes, one of the crew of


the ship Wm. Brown, for manslaughter on the high seas. Philadelphia, 1842. Gift of John Jay Smith.

O Connell, 1271, F. 3. State trial, Ireland. Affidavits and pleadings in the case of the Queen vs. D. O'Connell et al. London.

Prigg, 10562, O. Report of the case of Edward Prigg against the State of Pennsylvania (fugitive slave case). By Richard Peters. Philadelphia, 1842.

Seward, 12697, O. 11. Argument of Wm. H. Seward, in defence of Wm. Freeman, on his trial for murder. Auburn, New York, 1846. Townsend, 12476, O. Modern State trials. Revised and illustrated with essays and notes. By Wm. C. Townsend. 2 vols. London, 1850. Von Feuerbach, 11707, O. & 8255, D. Narratives of remarkable criminal trials. Translated from the German of Anselm Von Feuerbach. By Lady Duff Gordon. London and New York, 1846.

Ward, 13196, O. 6. Report of the trial of Mathew F. Ward for the murder

of N. H. Butler. New York, 1854.

Webster, 12509, O. 13. Report of the trial of Professor John W. Webster,
indicted for the murder of Dr. George Parkman. Boston, 1850.
12509, Ο. 14. The same reported for the N. Y. Daily Globe, with
plates. New York, 1850. Gift of Lloyd P. Smith.
12509, Ο. 15. Professor Webster's defence. Boston, 1850.

Wharton, 12231, O. State trials of the United States during the administra-
tion of Washington and Adams, with references, historical and pro-
fessional, and preliminary notes on the politics of the times. By
Francis Wharton. Philadelphia, 1849.

8420, D. The trial of William Wemms, James Hartegan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Matthew Kilroy, William Warren, John Carroll, and Hugh Montgomery, soldiers in his majesty's 29th foot, for the murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, 1770. Boston, 1770.

12562, O. Order of reference of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of the State of Pennsylvania, complainant, against the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company and others, defendants; with the proofs taken before R. Hyde Walworth, Commissioner; together with his report and the report of the engineer. Saratoga Springs, 1851. Gift of Edwin M. Stanton, Esq.

9920, D. 5. Procés Affnær. Cour d'assises de la Seine 8 et 9 Avril, 1845. Réquisitoire et Plaidoiries. Paris, 1845.


Aspden, 13002, O. Paper book in the case of Aspden vs. Aspden, tried in the
Supreme Court of the United States. Philadelphia, 1852. Gift of
W. Linn Brown, Esq.

Baldwin, 12715, O. 2. Opinion of the Circuit Court of New Jersey, on
rights of fishing in the Delaware. Delivered by Justice Baldwin.
Philadelphia, 1831.

Burke, 12624, O. Celebrated trials with the upper classes of society in the
relations of private life. By Peter Burke, Esq. London, 1851.
10275, D. The romance of the Forum; or narratives, scenes and
anecdotes from courts of justice. By Peter Burke, Esq. 2 vols.
London, 1852.

Burrell, 12912, O. Report of the trial in the cause of J. E. Carew against
Sir C. M. Burrell and Col. George Wyndham, executors of the late

Earl of Egremont, and report of proceedings in the Insolvent Court in the matter of J. E. Carew, an insolvent. London, 1840 and 1842. Cooper, 12133, O. Reports of some cases adjudged in the Courts of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and Vice-Chancellor in the years 1837, 1838. By Charles Purten Cooper. Vol. 1. London, 1838, 1841.

Dunn, 2603, Q. 14. Paper Book. Isaac C. Jones, Richard Oakford, and Samuel T. Jones, who survived Samuel Archer, to the use of I. C. Jones, Oakford & Co. vs. Nathan Dunn. Supreme Court, July Term, 1835. No. 52. Correspondence. Philadelphia, 1835.

Eaton, 13131, O. Arguments of William W. Hubbell, Esq., of Philadelphia, on behalf of the defendants, before Hon. Samuel Nelson, in the case of Ross Winans vs. Orasmus Eaton et al., in the Circuit Court of U. S., against a motion for an injunction to restrain the defendants from constructing and vending the "eight-wheel railroad car," alleged to infringe Winans' patent of October, 1834. Albany, 1853. Gift of 0. Eaton.

Girard, 11220, 11221, & 11222, Ο. Arguments of the defendants' counsel and judgment of the Supreme Court, United States, in the case of Vidal and another vs. the mayor, &c. of Philadelphia, the executors of S. Girard and others, defendants and appellees. January term, 1844. To which is added the will of Stephen Girard. Philadelphia. Gift of John Sergeant and Thomas P. Cope, Esqrs.

Hinchman, 12351, O. 4. The Hinchman conspiracy case, in letters to the N. Y. Home Journal, with an abstract of the evidence for the defence. Philadelphia, 1849.

12351, O. 3. Paper Book. Samuel S. Ritchie et al., plaintiffs in error, versus Morgan Hinchman, sur certificate from the Nisi Prius. Philadelphia, 1850.

- 12351, О. 1. Speeches of defendants' counsel, and the charge of Judge Burnside, in the case of Hinchman vs. Ritchie et al. Reported by Dyer and Murphy. Philadelphia, 1849.

- 12351, О. 2. Speech of David Paul Brown, in the case of Hinchman vs. Ritchie et al. Philadelphia, 1849.

Hood, 13161, O. 7. Paper Book. Estate of Wm. Hood, deceased. Phila

delphia, 1853.

Ingham, 9566, O. 4. The Library Company of Philadelphia, in trust for the use of the Loganian Library, versus Samuel D. Ingham. Writ of error, &c. Philadelphia, 1836.

Kneass, 12822, O. Paper Book. In the matter of the contested election of District Attorney: Reed vs. Kneass. Philadelphia, 1851. Gift of the Hon. Wm. B. Reed.

Macon, 12154, O. The opinion of Chief Justice Marshall, in the case of Garnet vs. Macon. Richmond, 1825.

Sedgwick, 12695, 03. Refutation of the reasons assigned by the arbitrators for their award in the case of the two Greek frigates. By H. D. Sedgwick. New York, 1826.

Ward, 13170, O. 5. Dickerson vs. Ward. History of the case, by Townsend Ward. Philadelphia, 1853. Gift of the author.


12028, O. Report of the solicitor of the treasury in the case of the Pea Patch Island. 1848.


Frederic, 2603, Q. 10. De divortio meditationes, quam scripsit Georgius Friederici. Lipsiæ, 1842.

Grégoire, 10027, O. Histoire du mariage des prêtres en France depuis 1789.

Par M. Grégoire. Paris, 1826.

12693, Ο. 12. The doctrine of incest stated, or whether a man may marry his deceased wife's sister, in a letter to a clergyman of the Presbyterian Church. By Domesticus. 2d edition. New York, 1827.

12693, O. 13. Remarks on the letter of Domesticus, on marrying a deceased wife's sister. By Veritas. New York, 1827.


Burke, 7608, D. A treatise on the law of copyright. By Peter Burke, Esq. London, 1842.

Carey, 13159, O. 7. Letters on international copyright. By H. C. Carey.

Philadelphia, 1853.

Carpmael, 11801, O. Law reports of patent cases collected. By William

Carpmael, Esq. London, 1843.

Curtis, 12392, O. A treatise on the law of patents for useful inventions in the U. S. By George Ticknor Curtis. Boston, 1849.

— 13120, О. A treatise on the law of copyright in England and the United States. With some notices of the history of literary property. By G. T. Curtis. Boston, 1847.

Ellsworth, 12251, O. A digest of patents, issued by the United States from 1790 to January, 1839: published by act of Congress under the superintendence of the commissioner of patents, Henry L. Ellsworth. To which is added the present law relating to patents. Washington, 1840.

13157, O. 4. Patent laws. Washington, 1851.

13157, O. 5. Information to persons having business to transact at the patent office. Washington, 1852.


Hetzel, 11739, O. Military Laws of the United States, including those relating to the army, marine corps, volunteers, militia, and to bounty lands and pensions; to which is prefixed the rules and articles of war, and the Constitution of the United States. 3d edition. By Capt. A. R. Hetzel, U. S. A. Washington, 1846.

O'Brien, 11571, O. A treatise on American military laws, and the practice of courts-martial, with suggestions for their improvement. By John O'Brien, Lieutenant U. S. A. Philadelphia, 1846.


Bolton, 11002, O. 9. The trial of Capt. William C. Bolton, for an alleged violation of the orders of Commodore Hull, in returning from the Mediterranean to the United States, in May, 1841. Philadelphia,


Adelon, 10068, O. Annales de hygiène publique et de la médecine légale. Par M. Adelon, &c. Tom. 7 and 8. Paris, 1832.

Beck, 10417, O. Elements of medical jurisprudence. By T. R. Beck, M.

D. 6th edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1838.

Dean, 12770, O. Principles of medical jurisprudence. By Amós Dean. Albany, 1850.

Orfila, 10737, O. 4. Rapport sur la presence d'arsenic dans les empoisonnements par le toxique. Par M. Orfila. Paris, 1841.

-10101, Ó. Leçons de médecine légale. Par M. Orfila. 3 tomes.

Paris, 1828.

Prichard, 7606, D. On the different forms of insanity in relation to jurispru

dence. By James C. Prichard, M. D. London, 1842.

Ray, 13178, O. A treatise on the medical jurisprudence of insanity. By I. Ray. Boston, 1853.

Sampson, 10951, O. Criminal jurisprudence considered in relation to cerebral organization. By M. B. Sampson. London, 1843.

Wharton, 13290, O. A treatise on medical jurisprudence. By Francis Wharton, Esq., and Morton Stille, M. D. Philadelphia, 1855. Gift of F. Wharton, Esq.

Winslow, 12701, O. 9, & 7605, D. The plea of insanity in criminal cases. By Forbes Winslow, Esq. Philadelphia and London, 1843


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