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Cooke, 9221, O. A practical view of the science of physiognomy, from the papers of T. Cooke, of Manchester, with a memoir. London, 1819. Flourens, 8181, D. Phrenology examined. By P. Flourens. Translated by Charles de Lucena Meigs, M. D. Philadelphia, 1846.

Gall, 6105, D. Manual of phrenology; being an analytical summary of the system of Doctor Gall. Philadelphia, 1835.

Grimes, 7867, D. Etherology, or the philosophy of mesmerism and phrenology. By J. Stanley Grimes. New York, 1845.

Macnish, 6472, D. An introduction to phrenology. By Robert Macnish, LL. D. 2d edition. Glasgow, 1837.

Redfield, 12889, O. Comparative physiognomy; or resemblances between men and animals. By James W. Redfield, M. D. With woodcuts. New York, 1852.

Scott, 6326, D. The harmony of phrenology with Scripture; shown in a refutation of the philosophic errors contained in Mr. Combe's Constitution of Man. By Wm. Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1836.

Slade, 6477, D. Colloquies. Imaginary conversations between a phrenologist and the shade of Dugald Stewart. By J. Slade, M. D. London, 1838.

Walker, 6116, D. Physiognomy founded upon physiology, and applied to various countries, professions and individuals. By Alexander Walker, London, 1835.

Warwick, 8867, D. Nasology, or hints towards a classification of noses. By Eden Warwick. London, 1848.

Woolnoth, 12967, O. Facts and Faces; or the mutual connection between lineal and mental portraiture morally considered, and pictorially illustrated by a series of twenty-four graphic heads of all the dispositions of the mind; with a dissertation on personal beauty, and an essay on complexion of character. By Thomas Woolnoth. London, 1852. 7166. D. A challenge to Phrenologists; or phrenology tested by reason and facts. By A. M. of the Middle Temple. London, 1839.

7171, D. Thoughts on phrenology; or phrenology tested by reason and revelation. By a barrister of the Middle Temple. London, 1841.

11013, D. The hand phrenologically considered: being a glimpse at the relation of the mind with the organization of the body. Plates. London, 1848.


Beecher, 13035, O. A review of the "Spiritual Manifestations." By Charles Beecher. New York, 1853.

Begbie, 9855, D. Supernatural illusions. By Major P. J. Begbie. Lon

don, 1851.

Blakeman, 9382, D. A philosophical essay on credulity and superstition; and also on Animal fascination or charming. By Rufus Blakeman, M. D. New York, 1849.

Boismont, 13051, O. Hallucinations; or the rational history of apparitions, visions, dreams, ecstasy, magnetism and somnambulism. By A. Brierre de Boismont. First American, from 2d improved Paris edition. (Translated by Mrs. Gent.) Philadelphia, 1853. Boismont, 11416, O. Des hallucinations, ou histoire raisonnée des apparitions, des visions, des songes, de l'extase, du magnétisme, et du sonnambulisme. Par A. Brierre de Boismont. Paris, 1845.

Braid, 10584, D. Magic, witchcraft, animal magnetism, and electro-biology; being a digest of the latest views of the author on these subjects. By James Braid, M. R. C. S. 3d edition, greatly enlarged, embracing observations on J. C. Colquhoun's "History of Magic," &c. London, 1852.

Bush, 8407, D. Mesmer and Swedenborg, or a relation of the developments of mesmerism to the doctrines and disclosures of Swedenborg. By George Bush. New York, 1847.

Calmet, 9539, & 9600, D. The Phantom World; or the philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c. By Augustine Calmet. Edited by Rev. Henry Christmas. 2 vols. Philadelphia and London, 1850.

Child, 11037, D. 12. The vision of Isaac Child: with explanatory notes,

and a sketch of his life. Philadelphia, 1840.

Colquhoun, 9973, D. An history of magic, witchcraft and animal magnetism, By J. C. Colquhoun, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1851.

Davis, 12693, O. 2. The philosophy of spiritual intercourse; being an explanation of modern mysteries. By Andrew Jackson Davis. New York, 1851.

9507, D. The Great Harmonia, being a philosophical revelation of the natural, spiritual, and celestial universe. By Andrew Jackson Davis. 3 vols. Boston, 1850, &c.

Dendy, 8556, D. & 10837, O. The philosophy of mystery. By W. C. Dendy. New York, 1845.

Dexter and Edmonds, 13109, O. Spiritualism. By (Judge) John W. Edmonds and George T. Dexter, M. D. With an appendix. By Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, late U. S. Senator. Vol. 1. New York, 1853.

Elliott, 10146, D. Mysteries; or glimpses of the supernatural; containing accounts of the Salem witchcraft, the Cock-lane ghost, the Rochester Rappings, the Stratford mysteries, oracles, astrology, dreams, demons, ghosts, spectres, &c. By Charles W. Elliott. New York, 1852. Ennemoser, 10806, D. The history of magic. By Joseph Ennemoser. Translated from the German, by William Howitt. To which is added an appendix of the most remarkable and best authenticated stories of apparitions, dreams, second sight, somnambulism, predictions, table turning, &c. Selected by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. London, 1854. Esdaile, 8481, D. Mesmerism in India, and its application in surgery and medicine. By James Esdaile. London, 1846. Forbes, 8905, D. 1. Illustrations of modern mesmerism, from personal investigation. By John Forbes, M. D. London, 1845. Gift of J. Jay


Grimes, 7867, D. Etherology, or the philosophy of mesmerism and phrenology. By J. Stanley Grimes. New York, 1845. Howitt, 10806, D. The history of magic, by Joseph Ennemoser. Translated by William Howitt. To which is added an appendix of the most remarkable and best authenticated stories of apparitions, dreams, table-turning, &c. Selected by Mary Howitt. 2 vols. London, 1854.

Jung-Stilling, 9714, D. Theory of pneumatology; in reply to the question what ought to be believed or disbelieved concerning presentiments, visions and apparitions. By Dr. Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling. Translated with notes. By Samuel Jackson. Edited by Rev. George Bush. New York, 1851.

Lemnius, 9288, D. De Miraculis occultis naturæ libri quatuor, auctore Levino

Lemnio. Francofurti, 1611, D.

Longshore, 9920, D. 2. A history of recent developments in spiritual manifestations (rappings), in Philadelphia. By a member of the first circle (Dr. Longshore). Philadelphia, 1851, Gift of the author. Mackay, 9486, D. Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions. By Charles Mackay. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1850.

Martineau, 7954, D. 1. Letters on mesmerism. By Harriet Martineau. London, 1845.

7940, D. 2. Medical report of the case of Miss Harriet Martineau. By T. M. Greenhow. London, 1845.

Mayo, 9096, D. 2. Letters on the truths contained in popular superstitions. By Herbert Mayo. London, 1849.

Page, 10670, D. 2. Psychomancy, Spirit-rappings and table-tippings exposed. By Prof. Charles G. Page, M. D. New York, 1853. Pasley, 12116, O. 2. The philosophy which shows the physiology of mesmerism, and explains the phenomenon of clairvoyance. By F. H. Pasley. London, 1848.

Potts, 2628, Q. Potts' discovery of witches. 1613. Reprinted, Manchester, 1845.

Ripley, 9190, D. Sir George Ripley's works revived; containing the secrets

of the ancient philosophers. London, 1678.

Rogers, 10470, D. Philosophy of mysterious agents, human and mundane: or the dynamic laws and relations of man, embracing the natural philosophy of phenomena, styled "Spiritual manifestations." By E. C. Rogers. Boston, 1853.

Salverte, 11430, O. Des sciences occultes, ou essai sur la magic, les prodiges et les miracles. Par Eusèbe Salverte. Paris, 1843.

11777, Ο. & 8446, D. The philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles. From the French of Eusebe Salverte With notes, by A. T. Thompson. 2 vols. London, 1846, New York, 1847.

Sandby, 7856, D. Mesmerism and its opponents, with a narrative of cases.

By George Sandby, Jr. London, 1844.

Stilling, 9714, D. Theory of Pneumatology. By J. H. Jung Stilling. New York, 1851.

Townshend, 6963, & 7123, D. Facts in Mesmerism, with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it. By the Rev. Chauncey Hare Townshend. London, 1840, New York, 1841.

Wright, 9730, D. 1. Narratives of sorcery and magic, from the most authentic sources. By Thomas Wright, Esqr. 2 vols. London, 1851. 10147, D. Spiritual instructions received at the meetings of one of the circles, formed in Philadelphia for the purpose of investigating the philosophy of spiritual intercourse. Philadelphia, 1852. Gift of the publishers.

7954, D. 2. Mesmerism, or the new school of arts, with cases in point. London, 1844.

8528, D. Supernaturalism in New England. By the author of "The Stranger in Lowell." New York, 1841.

For other works on Mesmerism, see Index-Animal Magnetism.


Bailey, 12643, O. The theory of reasoning. By Samuel Bailey. London,

Devey, 10857, D. Logic; or the science of inference. A systematic view of

the principles of evidence, and the methods of inference in the various
departments of human knowledge. By Joseph Devey. London,
1854. (Bohn's Philological Library.)

Haughton, 9892, O. Prodromus, or an inquiry into the first principles of
reasoning. By Sir G. C. Haughton. London, 1839.
Keckerman, 9246, D. Systema Logicæ á Bartholomeo Keckermanno. Aure-

liopoli, 1625.

Mill, 11581, & 10973, O. A system of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific invention. By John Stuart Mill. New York, 1846. London, 1843.

Moberly, 9029, D. 2. Lectures on Logic. By C. C. Moberly. Oxford, 1848.

Smee, 12643, O. 2. The process of thought applied to words and language.
Together with a description of the relational and differential machines.
By Alfred Smee, F. R. S.
Thompson, 9123, D. An outline of
on pure and applied Logic.
Whewell, 9517, O. History of the
Whewell, M. A. 3 vols.

London, 1851.
the necessary laws of thought; a treatise
By Wm. Thompson. London, 1849.
inductive sciences. By the Rev. William
London, 1837.

10426, O. The philosophy of the inductive sciences, founded upon their history. By the Rev. William Whewell. 2 vols. London, 1840.

9867, D. Logic for the million; a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning. By a Fellow of the Royal Society. London, 1851.

12146, O. A treatise on Logic in six bookes. (About) 1600.


Alison, 10309, O. The principles of population, and their connection with human happiness. By Archibald Alison. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1840. Alletz, 7546, D. Génie du dix-neuvième siècle, ou esquisse des progrès de l'esprit humain, depuis 1800, jusqu'à nos jours. Par E. Alletz. Paris, 1843.

Amari, 10377, D. Solwan; or waters of comfort. By Ibn Zafer, a Sicilian Arab of the 12th century. From the original MSS., by Michele Amari. 2 vols. London, 1852.

Anderson, 10106, D. The three paths; or truth, vanity, and profession. By the Hon. Mrs. Anderson. 2 vols. in 1. London, 1852. Aristotle, 11894, O. The Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle. A new transla

tion by Rev. D. P. Chase. Oxford, 1847.

Asäad, 9894, O. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people. Being a translation of the Akhlak-i-Jalalay, the most esteemed ethic work of Middle Asia, from the Persian of Takir Jany Muhammad Asäad: (with references and notes.) By W. F. Thompson, Esq. London, 1839.

Bailey, 11891, O. Essays on the pursuit of truth and the progress of knowledge. By Samuel Bailey. 2d edition. London, 1844. Bautain, 10696, O. Philosophie morale. Par L. E. Bautain. 2 tom. Paris,


Beecher, 9814, D. The true remedy for the wrongs of women, with a history of an enterprise having that for its object. By Catharine E. Beecher. Boston, 1851.

Biddle, 9571, 0. 19. Communicaciones entre el Señor Carlos Biddle coronel de los E. Unidas del Norte i la Sociedad amigos del Pais. Panama, 1836.

Bosanquet, 7571, D. Principia: a series of essays on the principles of evil manifesting themselves in these last times of religion, philosophy, and politics. By S. R. Bosanquet, Esq. London, 1843.

Boucher de Perthes, 10364, D. Hommes et Choses; alphabet des passions et des sensations. Esquisses de mœurs faisant suite au petit glossaire. Par M. Boucher de Perthes. 4 tomes. Paris, 1851. Gift of the author.

Brown, 8471, D. Lectures on ethics. By Thomas Brown, M. D. With a preface by Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Edinburgh, 1846.

Bucke, 6365, D. The book of human character. By Charles Bucke, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1837.

Buckingham, 12422, O. National evils and practical remedies, with a plan of a model town. By James S. Buckingham. London, 1849.

Burnap, 8681, D. The sphere and duties of women. A course of lectures. By George W. Burnap. 2d edition. Baltimore, 1848.

Cabanis, 10242, O. Rapports du phisique et du moral de l'homme. Par. P. J. G. Cabanis. 2 vols. A Paris, 1815.

Caldwell, 11093, O. Results of reading. By J. Stamford Caldwell. London, 1843.

Celnart, 6894, D. Manuel complet de la bonne compagnie, ou guide de la politesse, et de bienseance. Par Mme. Celnart. Paris, 1832. -6895, D. Manuel des demoiselles, ou arts et métiers que leur conviennent, et dont elles peuvent s'occuper avec agrément, par Mme. Celnart. Paris, 1830.

Cicero, 11637, O. Cato, or an essay on old age. By M. T. Cicero. With remarks. London, 1773.

Clark, 12697, O. 6. Lectures on city life and character; increase of crime; with a review of D. C. Eddy's Lectures. By Uriah Clark. Lowell, 1849.

Combe, 9387, D. Moral Philosophy; or the duties of man. By George Combe. New York, 1850.

Cace, 7408, D. Claims of the country on American females. By Miss Coxe.

2 vols. Columbus, O. 1842.

Cousin, 10654, O. Cours d'histoire de la philosophie morale, au dix-huitième siècle, pendant l'année 1820. Par V. Cousin. 1o tom. Paris, 1842. Darie, 10718, D. Woman's influence (by Mary S. Davie); and woman's mis

sion. Philadelphia, 1854.

Davis, 12096, O. The principles of Nature, her Divine revelations, and a voice to mankind. By and through Andrew Jackson Davis. New York, 1847.

Degerando, 10017, O. Le visiteur du pauvre, par M. Degerando. A Paris,


-10076, O. Du perfectionnement moral, ou de l'education de soi même. Par M. Degerando. Paris, 1826.

De Quincy, 10742, D. Letters to a young man and other papers. By Thomas De Quincy. Boston, 1854.

De Wette, 6664, D. vols. 12 and 13. Human Life; or practical ethics. Translated from the German of De Wette. By Samuel Osgood. 2 vols. Boston, 1842.

Dick, 6163, & 6191, D. On the mental illumination and moral improvement of mankind. By Thomas Dick, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1836. Glasgow, 1835.

-6318, D. An essay on the sin and evils of covetousness. By Thomas Dick. Philadelphia, 1837.

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