13755, O. Handley cross: or Mr. Jorrocks' hunt. By the author of "Mr. Sponge's sporting tour." With illustrations by John Leech. London, 1854. 13756, O. 8. First annual announcement of the Wagner Free Institute. Philadelphia, 1855. 13756, O. 17. The millennial harbinger for October 1855. Bethany, Va. 1855. 13794, O. Mémoires de la société royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 1848 -1849. Copenhague, 1852. Gift of the Society. CLASS V. History. Banks, 2622, O. History of the ancient noble family of Marmyun; their singular office of king's champion, by the tenure of the baronial manor of Scrivelsby: also, other dignitorial tenures, and the services of London, Oxford, &c., on coronation day. By T. C. Banks, Esq. Plates. London, 1817. Gift of T. P. Engles. Esq. Bartlett, 13716, O. Jerusalem revisited. By W. H. Bartlett. Steel engravings. London, 1855. Bisselius, 11524, D. Joannis Bisselii è societate Jesu, Argonauticon Americanorum, sive historiæ periculorum Petri de Victoria libri XIV. Monachii, 1647. Bridgman, 11495, D. Daughters of China; or sketches of domestic life in the celestial Empire. By Eliza J. Gillett Bridgman. Glasgow, 1855. Bunbury, 11248, D. Life in Sweden; with excursions in Norway and Den mark. By Selina Bunbury. 2 vols. London, 1853. Bunsen, 13609, O. Outlines of the philosophy of universal history, applied to language and religion. By Christian Charles Josias Bunsen. 2 vols. London, 1854. Butler, 13738, O. Travels and adventures in the province of Assam, during a residence of 14 years. By Major John Butler. Illustrations. London, 1855. Catharine II., 11529, D. Memoirs of the court and reign of Catharine II., Empress of Russia: with a brief survey of the Romanoff dynasty. By Samuel M. Smucker. New York, 1855. Gift of the author. Charles I., 13781 O. 1. Procès de Charles I. Paris, 1823. 13781, O. 2. Eikôn Basilikè; apologie attribuée à Charles I. (et écrite par Bp. Gauden). Paris, 1823. Gift of Thos. Balch, Esq. Charles II., 13781, O. 3. Mémoires de Charles II., sur sa fuite après la bataille de Worcester. Paris, 1823. Gift of Thomas Balch, Esq. Colenso, 11500, D. Ten weeks in Natal; a journal of a first tour of visitation among the colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal. By John W. Colenso, Lord Bishop of the diocese. Cambridge, 1855. Cunningham, 11501, D. London in 1854. By Peter Cunningham. London. Darby, 13759, O. The emigrants' guide to the western and southwestern states and territories. By William Darby. Map. New York, 1818. Davies, 1455, F. History of Barbadoes and the rest of the Caribby Islands. Englished by J. Davies. London, 1666. Davis, 11453, D. Evenings in my tent; or wanderings in Balad Ejjareed. Illustrating the condition of the Arab tribes of the African Sahara. By Rev. N. Davis. Illustrations. London, 1854. De Bry, 1453, F. 1. (Americæ pars quinta?) Novæ novi orbis historiæ, liber tertius. Expeditio in Peruanas regiones. A Theodoro De Bry. (1595.) De Bry, 1453, F. 2. Americæ pars sexta: sive historiæ ab Hieronymo Bezono scriptæ (pertinentes ad Peruanum regnum). Additus est brevis de Fortunatus insulis commentariolus, &c. Elegantibus figuris in æs incisis a Theodoro De Bry. 1596. 1453, F. 3. Americæ pars octava. Descriptio primæ expeditionis a Doran, 11513, D. Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover. Drew, 11528, D. The refugee: or the narratives of fugitive slaves in Canada. With an account of the history and condition of the colored population of Upper Canada. By Benjamin Drew. Boston, 1856. Everest, 13743, O. A journey through the United States and part of Canada. By Rev. Robert Everest. London, 1855. Franklin, 13750, O. 1. The melancholy fate of Sir John Franklin and his party, as disclosed in Dr. Rae's report; together with the dispatches and letters of Captain McClure, &c. London, 1854. Gadsby, 11460, D. My wanderings. Being travels in the east. By John Gadsby. Map and woodcuts. London, 1855. Gibbon, 11512, D. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon. With variorum notes, including those of Guizot, Wenck, Schreiter and Hugo. Edited by an English churchman. 6 vols. London, 1853. (Bohn's British classics.) Gibson, 13774, O. An essay on the life, character and writings of John B. Gibson, late chief justice of Pennsylvania. By William A. Porter. Philadelphia, 1855. Gift of the author. Greene, 11545, D. The Kansas region. By Max Greene. Maps. New York, 1856. Gregorovius, 11478, D. Wanderings in Corsica; its history and its heroes. Translated from the German of Ferdinand Gregorovius, by Alexander Muir. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1855. Guizot, 13775 to 13783, O. Collection des mémoires relatifs à la révolution d'Angleterre, accompagnée de notices et d'eclaircissemens historiques, et précédée d'une introduction sur l'histoire de la revolution. Par M. Guizot. 13 tomes. Paris, 1823. Gift of Thos. Balch, Esq. Harmon, 13769, O. Journal of voyages and travels extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean. By Daniel W. Harmon. map. Andover, 1820. Robert Harrison. London, 1855. Portrait and Harrison, 11462, D. 1. Notes of a nine years' residence in Russia. By Holbrook, 11549, D. Ten years among the mail-bags: or, notes from the diary of a special agent of the Post-Office Department. By J. Holbrook. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1855. Jones, 13789, O. The Cymri of '76; or Welshmen and their descendants of the American Revolution. By Alexander Jones, M. D. With s letter on eminent Welshmen, by Samuel Jenkins, and a sketch of the St. David's Benevolent Society. New York, 1855. Lewis, 13722, O. An inquiry into the credibility of the early Roman history. By the Rt. Hon. Sir George Cornewall Lewis. 2 vols. London, 1855. Markham, 13717, O. Shooting in the Himalayas; a journal of sporting adventures and travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cashmere, &c. By Col. Fred. Markham. With illustrations. London, 1854. Marryat, 18747, O. Mountains ha molehils, illustracollections of a burut journal. By Frank Marryat. Illustrations. London, 1855. Mayne, 11483, D. 3. Voyages and discoveries in the Arctic regions. Edited by F. Mayne. London, 1855. May, 13776, O. Histoire du Long Parliament. Par Thomas May, Sécrétaire du Parliament. 2 tomes. Paris, 1823. Gift of Thomas Balch, Esq. Murray, 11479, D. Handbook for Northern Italy. 5th edition revised. John Murray. London, 1854. 11480, D. Handbook for travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. John Murray. London, 1854. 11468, D. Lands of the slave and the free; or Cuba, the United States and Canada. By Hon. Henry A. Murray. 2 vols. London, 1855. Musgrave, 11450, D. A ramble through Normandy. By George M. Musgrave, M. A. Illustrations. London, 1855. Napoleon, 13750, 0.4. On the conduct of the war in the East. (Attributed to Prince Napoleon.) London, 1855. Nell, 11548, D. The colored patriots of the American Revolution, with sketches of several distinguished colored persons: to which is added a survey of the condition of colored Americans. By Wm. C. Nell. With an introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Boston, 1855. Newman, 11459, D. 2. The crimes of the House of Hapsburg against its own liege subjects. By F. W. Newman. London, 1853. Noble, 2691, Q. A history of the College of Arms, and the lives of all the kings, heralds and pursuivants. With a preliminary dissertation relative to the different orders in England, &c. By the Rev. Mark Noble. London, 1805. Gift of Thomas Balch, Esq. Oliver, 11472, D. The revelations of a square; being a graphic display of the sayings of eminent Masons from 1717 to 1813. By Rev. G. Oliver. Engraving. London, 1855. Parsons, 11540, D. Inside view of slavery: or a tour among the planters. By C. G. Parsons, M. D. Boston, 1855. Prescott, 13795, O. History of the reign of Philip II., King of Spain. By Reed, 11538, D. Lectures on English history and tragic poetry, as illustrated by Shakspeare. By Henry Reed. Philadelphia, 1855. Robertson, 11457, D. A few months in America: containing remarks on some of its industrial and commercial interests. By James Robertson. London, 1855. Wm. H. Prescott. 2 vols. Boston, 1856. Russell, 2690, Q. The history of America, from its discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late war. With an appendix containing an account of the present unhappy contest between Great Britain and her colonies. By William Russell. 2 vols. London, 1778. Simon, 13567, O. Reports relating to the sanitary condition of the city of London. By John Simon, F. R. S. London, 1854. Sims, 11274, D. Handbook to the library of the British Museum: with some account of the principal libraries in London. By Richard Sims, of the department of MSS. London, 1854. Smith, 11427, D. The Araucanians; or notes of a tour among the Indian tribes of Southern Chili. By Edmond Reuel Smith. New York, 1855. Spalding, 11438, D. The Japan expedition. An account of three visits to the Japanese Empire, with sketches of Madeira, Cape of Good Hope, China, &c. By J. W. Spalding. Illustrations. New York, 1855. Stern, 13587, O. Dawnings of light in the East; a mission to the Jews in Persia, Coordistan and Mesopotamia. By Rev. Henry A. Stern. London, 1854. St. John, 11470, D. Travels of an Arab merchant in Soudan (the black kingdoms of Central Africa). Abridged from the French. By Bayle St. John. London, 1854. Taylor, 11426, D. A visit to India, China and Japan, in the year 1853. By Bayard Taylor. New York, 1855. Tegoborski, 13741, O. Commentaries on the productive forces of Russia. By M. L. de Tegoborski. 2 vols. London, 1855. Timbs, 11494, D. Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis. With nearly 50 years' personal recollections. By John Timbs. London, 1855. Town, 13770, Ο. Detail of some particular services performed in America during 1776, 1777, 1778 and 1779, from the journal kept on board the Rainbow, commanded by Sir George Collier. Printed for Ithiel Town. New York, 1835. Whitelock, 13727, O. A journal of the Swedish embassy in 1653, by Ambassador Bulstrode Whitelock. A new edition, revised by Henry Reeve. 2 vols. London, 1855. Wilson, 11532, D. Mexico and its religion, with incidents of travel, &c. By R. A. Wilson. Woodcuts. New York, 1855. Young, 11455, D. Our camp in Turkey, and the way to it. By Mrs. Young. London, 1854. Yvan, 11486, D. Six months among the Malays, and a year in China. By Dr. Yvan. Woodcuts. London, 1855. 13771, O. News from New England, being a true and last account of the present bloody wars carried on between the Infidels, natives, and the English Christians. London, 1676. Boston, reprinted, 1850. 13788, O. Historical sketches of the Philadelphia Hose Company. Philadelphia, 1854. Gift of Miss Rachel Wetherill. 2689, Q. A narrative of the cruise of the Yacht Maria among the Feroe Islands. Illustrations. London, 1855. 10920, D. The net in the bay; or journal of a visit to Moose and Albany, By the Bishop of Rupert's Land. London, 1854. 13791, O. The American pioneer, a monthly periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society; or to collecting and publishing sketches relative to the early settlement, &c. of the country. 2 vols. Cincin nati, 1844. 11492, D. 2. The Crimea; its towns, inhabitants and social customs. By a lady. London, 1855. 11492, D. 1. Odessa and its inhabitants. By an English prisoner in Rus sia. London, 1855. 13184, O. Commercial regulations of the foreign countries with which the United States have commercial intercourse. Washington, 1819. Gift of Hon. J. R. Chandler. 13152, O. The seventh census. Report of the superintendent of the census for Dec. 1, 1852: to which is appended the report for Dec. 1, 1851. Washington, 1853. Gift of Hon. J. R. Chandler. 13281, O. (Publications of the Camden Society): Vol. 52. Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles II. and James II. Edited by John Yonge Akerman. London, 1851. 53. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. Edited by John 54. Promptorium parvulorum. (See vol. 25, p. 1473.) Tomus alter Gough Nichols. 1852. 1853. |