Treatises on History-Historic History of France, 1491 1351 History of Spain and Portugal, 1499 Geography, Atlases, Gazeteers, 1352 History of the Ottoman Empire, 1501 Bibliography. Abrahams, 2432, Q. Description des manuscrits Français du moyen âge de la bibliothèque royale de Copenhague, précédée d'une notice sur cette bibliothèque. Par N. C. L. Abrahams. Copenhague, 1844. Presented by the author. Appleton, 11971, O. Appleton's Library Manual, containing a catalogue raisonné, of upwards of twelve thousand of the most important works in every department of knowledge in all modern languages. New York, 1847. Astor, 12551, O. 1. Alphabetical index to the Astor library; or catalogue, with short titles, of the books now collected, and of the proposed accessions, as submitted to the trustees of the library for their approval January, 1851. New York, 1851. Bent, 9357, O. London catalogue of books; with their sizes, prices, and publishers. Containing the books published in London since 1814 to Dec. 1834. R. Bent. London, 1835. -2299, Q. Bent's monthly literary advertiser, July to December, 1836 and 1837. London. 2379, Q. Bent's literary advertiser for 1840. London. Bohn, 10404, O. A catalogue of books (for sale by) Henry G. Bohn. Lon don, 1841. -11923, O. H. G. Bohn's catalogue of books. Vol. 1. London, 1847. Bossange, 11379, O. Catalogue de livres Français, Anglais, Allemands, &c., de Hector Bossange, maison de commission. Paris, 1845. Boutourlin, 9756, O. Catalogue de la bibliothèque de son Exc. M. le Comte D. Boutourlin. Florence, 1831. Gift of H. Binney, Esq. Brunet, 13062, O. Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres, contenant : 1o. Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique; 2°. Une table en forme de catalogue raisonné. Par Jaques Charles Brunet. Quatrième édition originale. 5 tomes. Paris, 1842. Clarke, 2566, Q. A historical and descriptive catalogue of the European and Asiatic MSS. in the library of the late Dr. Adam Clarke. London, 1835. Gift of S. Austin Allibone, Esq. Conrad, 10415, O. Bibliotheca Uffenbachiana, seu catalogus librorum, quos collegit Zachar. Conradus ab Uffenbach. Francofurti ad Mænum, 1735. Bequest of Dr. Joseph Parrish. Cooper, 12134. O. Specimen of a catalogue of the books on foreign law lately presented by Charles Purton Cooper to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. London, 1847. Curtis, 13120, O. A treatise on the law of copyright in books, dramatic and musical compositions, letters and other manuscripts, engravings and sculpture, as enacted and administered in England and America; with some notices of the history of literary property. By George Ticknor Curtis. Boston, 1847. Darling, 9228, O. Sale catalogue of theological and miscellaneous books. By James Darling. London, 1835. |