Slike stranica

Decanver, 2557, Q. & 12317, O. 6. Catalogue of works in refutation of Methodism, from its origin in 1729. Compiled by H. C. Decanver. Philadelphia, 1846.

De Nouvion, 11323, O. Extraits des auteurs et voyageurs qui ont écrit sur la Guyane, suivis du catalogue bibliographique de la Guyane. Par Victor de Nouvion. Paris, 1844.

Dibdin, 9634, O. A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in the
northern counties of England and in Scotland. By the Rev. Thomas
Frognall Dibdin, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1838.

Drake, 12317, O. 1. Catalogue of S. Drake's library of books on America.
Boston, 1845.
Géraud, 11410, O. Essai sur les livres dans l'antiquité, particulièrement chez

les Romains. Par H. Géraud. Paris, 1840.

Halliwell, 9919, D. 9. A catalogue of chap-books, garlands, and popular histories in the possession of James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. London, 1849. Gift of J. O. Halliwell.

Heber, 12497, O. Catalogue of the library of the late Richard Heber, Esq. Heinsius, 2383, Q. Allgemeines Bücher-Lexikon, oder volstandiges alphabetisches verzeichniss aller von 1700 vis zu ende 1810 erschienenen Bücher welche in Deutschland und in den durch sprache und literatur damit verwand ten Lündern gedruckt worden sind. Nelst Angabe der Druckorte, der verleger und der Preise. Von Wilhelm Heinsius. 8 bande.. Leipzig, 1812.

Part 6. London, 1835. Gift of S. Austin Allibone.

Jewett, 12700, O. 6. Smithsonian reports. Notices of public libraries in the
United States. By Charles C. Jewett. Washington, 1851.
- 13196, O. 4. Smithsonian catalogue system. By Prof. C. C. Jewett.

Washington, 1853.

Comte de Laborde. Paris, 1845.

Kent, 10310, D. A course of English reading. By Chancellor Kent. New
York, 1853.
König, 1327, F. Bibliotheca vetus et nova in quâ per universam terrarum
orbem scriptorum, &c.; patria, ætas, nomina, libri, &c.; recensentur
et exhibentur a Georgio Matthia Königio. Altdorf, 1678.
Laborde, 12202, O. De l'organisation des bibliothèques dans Paris. Par le
Leber, 11419, O. De l'état réel de la presse et des pamphlets depuis Français I.
jusqu'à Louis XIV. Par M. C. Leber. Paris, 1834.
Little, Brown & Co., 13218, O. A catalogue of books for sale by Little,
Livermore, 12443, O. Remarks on public libraries (by Geo. Livermore), from
North American Review, July, 1850. Cambridge, 1850. Gift of

Brown & Co. Boston, 1854.

the author.

Ludewig, 12317, O. 3. Zur bibliothekonomie. Von Hermann Ludewig.
Dresden, 1840.

- 11795, O. The literature of American local history; a bibliographi-
cal essay. By Hermann E. Ludewig. New York, 1846. Gift of

the author.

Macray, 11301, O. Manual of British historians to 1800. By W. D. Ma-
cray. London, 1845.
Marvin, 12090, O. Legal bibliography; or a thesaurus of American, English,
Irish, and Seotch law books, together with some continental treatises.
Interspersed with critical observations, and a copious list of abbrevia-
tions. By J. O. Marvin. Philadelphia, 1847. Gift of the author.
Norton, 1373, F. Norton's literary advertiser. Vols. 1 and 2. New York,
1851, &c. Gift of the publisher, Charles B. Norton.
-10130, D. 3. Norton's literary almanac for 1852; containing import-

[ocr errors]

ant literary information, accounts of American libraries, &c. &c. &c. New York, 1852.

Norton, 10670, D. 1. Norton's literary register for 1854; including the proceedings of the first Librarians' Convention. New York, 1854. Gift of Lloyd P. Smith.

Poole, 13125, O. An index to periodical literature. By Wm. Fred. Poole, A. M., Librarian of the Boston Mercantile Library Association. New York, 1853.

Quérard, 10704, O. La France littéraire, ou dictionnaire bibliographique. Par J. M. Quérard. 10 tomes. Paris, 1839.

Quincy, 13034, O. 10. Appeal in behalf of the Boston Athenæum. By Josiah Quincy. Boston, 1853.

Renouard, 10092, O. Catalogue de la bibliothèque d'un amateur (A. A. Renouard), avec notes bibliographiques, critiques, et littéraires. 4 tom. A Paris, 1819.

10247, O. 8. Librairie de Jules Renouard. Paris, 1832.

Roorbach, 12186, O. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American publications, including reprints and original works, from 1820 to 1848 inclusive. By O. A. Roorbach. New York, 1849.

Salvá, 10288, O. A catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese books, with occasional remarks. By Vincent Salvá. 2 vols. London, 1826-1829. Shakespeare, 7623, D. Shakespeariana. Catalogue of all the books, pamphlets,

&c. relating to Shakespeare. London, 1827.

Straker, 9233, O. Sale catalogues of British and foreign theology, ecclesiastical history, &c. By William Straker. London, 1835.

Sylvestre de Sacy, 10916, O. Bibliothèque de M. le Baron Sylvestre de Sacy.

Tome prémière. Paris, 1842.

Turner, 12776, O. Descriptive index of the contents of five manuscript volumes, illustrative of the history of Great Britain, in the library of Dawson Turner, Esq. Great Yarmouth, 1852.

Ventouillac, 9290, O. The French librarian, or literary guide. By L. T. Ventouillac. London, 1829.

Wachler, 9930, O. Handbuch der Geschichte der Alten litteratur. Von Dr.

Ludwig Wachler. 4 band. Leipzig, 1822-1824.

10881, D. A general catalogue of law books, including all the reports. Boston, 1853. Gift of Messrs. Little, Brown & Co.

12835, O. Catalogue of antimasonic books. Boston, 1852.

12022, O. An alphabetical index to subjects treated in the reviews and other periodicals, to which no indexes have been published. Prepared for the library of the brothers in Unity, Yale College. New York, 1848.

11185, O. Catalogue, charter, and laws of the Providence, R. I., Athenæum. Providence, 1836. Gift of the Athenæum.

13158, O. 6. Eighteenth annual report of the Providence Athenæum. Providence, 1853.

11119, O. Catalogue of the library of Brown University, in Providence, R. I. Providence, 1843. Gift of the corporation.

13137, O. 2. Preface to the catalogue of the library of Brown University, with the laws of the library. Providence, 1843.

10408, O. A catalogue of the library of the Middlesex Mechanical Association, at Lowell, Mass. Lowell, 1840. Gift of the association.

11015, O. Catalogue of the library of the Nantucket Athenæum, with the by-laws of the institution. Nantucket, 1841. Gift of T. I. Wharton. 11223, O. Catalogue of the library and reading-room of the Young Men's Institute, Hartford, Conn. Hartford, 1844. Gift of the Institute.

13118, O. Catalogue of the books in the library of the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Mass. Worcester, 1837. Gift of the Society. 12828, O. 12. Catalogue of the first parish library, Groton. Lowell, 1844. 13187, O. A classed catalogue of the library of the Cambridge High School; with an alphabetical index. To which is added a list of the philosophical and other apparatus belonging to the school. Cambridge, 1853. Gift of the city of Cambridge. 12951, O. 1.

12951, O. 2.

Boston, 1852.

13158, Ο. 12. ciation. Boston,

12828, О. 1.

Lowell, 1850.

12951, O. 4.

Catalogue of the library of the General Court. Boston, 1846.
Annual report of the librarian of the (Mass.) State Library.

Thirty-third annual report of the Mercantile Library Asso-

Catalogue of the library of Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass.
Catalogue of the library of the Massachusetts Historical So-
First annual report of the New Bedford City Library. New
Report of the trustees of the Free Public Library. New

ciety. Boston, 1811.

13158, O. 9.

Bedford, 1853. 13114, O. 17. Bedford, 1854. 13138, O. Catalogue of the library of the Providence Athenæum; to which are prefixed the charter, constitution and by-laws, and an historical sketch of the institution. Providence, 1853. Gift of the Athenæum. 11009, О. 3. Catalogue of books, manuscripts, and maps, &c., added to the New York Historical Society since January, 1839. New York, 1840. Gift of the Society.

10738, O. Systematic catalogue of books in the collection of the Mercantile Association of the city of New York. New York, 1837-1840. Association.

11539, O. Catalogue of the Mercantile Library of New York.

1844. Gift of the Society.

12548, O. Catalogue of the Mercantile Library of New York.

1850. Gift of the Company.

Gift of the

New York,

New York,

13158, O. 1. Thirty-third annual report of the Mercantile Library Association. New York, 1854.

12551, Ο. 4 & 5. Twenty-ninth and thirtieth annual reports of the Mercantile Library. New York, 1850, 1851.

13034, O. 1. Annual report of the Mercantile Library Association. New York, 1853.

12524, O. (Vol. for first part of 1849.) Catalogue of manuscripts received from the Secretary of State and deposited in the New York State Library Dec. 15, 1847. Albany, 1849. Gift of the State of New York.

12521, O. Catalogue of the New York State Library, January 1, 1850. Albany, 1850. 12085, Ο. 4.


13034, O. 3.


Gift of the State of New York.

Annual report of the trustees of the State Library. Albany,

Annual report of the New York State Library. Albany,

12521, O. Annual reports of the trustees of the New York State Library for the years 1851 to 1854 inclusive. Albany, 1851, &c. to the present time. Gift of the State of New York.

13196, O. 1. Report of the State Library. Albany, 1854. 12719, O. Alphabetical and analytical catalogue of the New York Society Library, with the charter, by-laws, &c. of the institution. New York, 1850. Gift of the Library Company.

12897, O. Alphabetical and analytical catalogue of the American Institute library; with the rules and regulations, &c. New York, 1852. Gift of the Institute.

13139, O. Catalogue of the library of the Young Men's Association, Albany. Albany, 1853. Gift of the Association.

13175, O. Catalogue of the books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia; to which is prefixed a short account of the institution, with the charter, laws, and regulations. 2 vols. in 1. Philadelphia, 1835.

6435, D. The charter, laws, and catalogue of books of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. Philadelphia, 1764.

11496, O. The charter, laws, and catalogue of books of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1770. Gift of Lloyd P. Smith. 9836, O. The charter, laws, and catalogue of books of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1770. Gift of Dr. J. K. Mitchell. 13266, O. Catalogue of the books belonging to the Loganian Library, to which is prefixed a short account of the institution, with the law for annexing the said library to that belonging to the "Library Company of Philadelphia," and the rules regulating the manner of conducting the same. Philadelphia, 1837.

9155, D. Catalogue of the books belonging to the library of the three monthly meetings of Friends in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1813.

10637, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1853. Gift of the monthly meeting. 13158, O. 7. Annual reports of the Library Association of Friends for 1851 and 1853. Philadelphia, 1851, &c.

6436, D. 1. Catalogue of books belonging to the Apprentices' Library Company of Philadelphia. 1830. Gift of the Company.

13158, O. 2. Annual report of the Apprentices' Library Company. Philadelphia, 1853.

12828, O. 5. Annual report of the managers of the Apprentices' Library Company. Philadelphia, 1851.

9468, O. Catalogue of the library of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1837. Gift of the Society.

9472, O. Catalogue and supplements of the Medical Library of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1829 to 1837. Gift of the Managers.

12702, O. 8. Catalogue of the library of the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, 1851.

12720, O. Catalogue of the library of the German Society contributing for the relief of distressed Germans in Pennsylvania; with the rules of the library. Philadelphia, 1839. Also, an additional catalogue. Philadelphia, 1850. Gift of the Society.

12317, O. 5. Catalogue of the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1849.

12551, O. 7. Catalogue of the library of the Law Association. Philadelphia, 1849.

12551, 0. 3. Catalogue of the library of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Philadelphia, 1850.

13158, O. 3. An historical sketch of the Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia; with the charter, by-laws, and regulations. Philadelphia, 1850. 12430, O. A catalogue of the Mercantile Library of Philadelphia. Phila

delphia, 1850. Gift of the Managers of Library Company.

13158, O. 4 & 5. Annual reports of the Mercantile Library Company for 1851 and 1853. Philadelphia.

11084, O. Catalogue of the Library of Congress, in the Capitol of the United States of America, December, 1839. Washington, 1840.

13195, O. 19. Catalogue of the Haverford Loganian Library. Philadelphia, 1854.

12551, O. 2. A catalogue of the library of the State of Virginia, and the rules. Richmond, 1849.

12828, O. 9. Seventeenth annual report of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association. Cincinnati, 1852.

12903, O. Catalogue of books belonging to the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association, January, 1850. St. Louis, 1850. Gift of the Association.

12828, O. 4. Catalogue of the Public School Library of Municipality No. 2. New Orleans, 1848.

12317, O. 4. Catalogus bibliothecæ Collegii Alleghaniensis. Meadville, 1823.

1429, O. don, 1786.

8215, O.

London catalogue of books published from 1700 to 1786. Lon

The same, for 1799.
The same, from 1800 to 1827.

6268, O. 11890, O. their sizes, prices, and publishers' names, from 1814 to 1846. London.

The London catalogue of books published in Great Britain, with

12123, O. Bibliotheca Londinensis; a classified index to the literature of Great Britain during thirty years. Arranged and serving as a key to the London catalogue of works, 1814-46, which contains the title, size, price, and publisher's name of each work. London, 1848.

2541, Q. The publishers' circular and general record of British literature; containing a complete alphabetical list of all new works. London, 1837 to 1852. London, 1837 to the present time.

9296, O. A catalogue of the library of the London Institution, systematically classed. 2 vols. 1835. Gift of the Institution.

9696, O. Catalogue of the London Institution. 2 vols. London, 1835. Gift of S. Woods, Esq.

12951, O. 5. A bibliographical account and collation of La Description de L'Egypte, presented to the library of the London Institution by Sir T. Baring, with a list of other donations. London, 1838.

9929, O. Sale catalogues of Portuguese, German, French, and Spanish books. 1831-1833.

9554, O. Index librorum prohibitorum sanctissimi Domini nostri Gregorii XVI. Pontificis maximi jussu editus. Romæ, 1835. Gift of Horace Binney, Esquire.

6353, D. Piscatorial reminiscences and gleanings. By an old angler and bibliopolist; with a catalogue of books on angling. London, 1835. 6312, D. Anecdotes of books and authors. London, 1836.

13034, O. 8. Catalogus incunabulorum typographicorum bibliothecæ civitatis Trevirensis. Treviris, 1852.

9219, D. De Boekzaal van Europe, 1696 to 1701. 6 vols. Rotterdam, 1701.

2330, Q. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la bibliothèque du roi, publiés par l'Institut Royal de France. Paris, 1831.

2603, Q. 1. Mémoire sur le bibliothèque royale, où l'on indique les mésures à prendre pour la transférer dans un vatiment circulaire, elle serait incombustible, &c. Avec deux planches. Paris, 1835.

2603, Q. 2. Second mémoire sur la bibliothèque royale, sur l'emplacement où elle pourrait être construite, et sur la meillure disposition à donner aux grandes bibliothèques publiques. Avec une planche. Paris, 1838.

13034, O. 6. Relevé des ouvrages nouveaux reçus à la bibliothèque de Strasbourg, depuis 1838. Strasbourg, 1844.

10515, O. Revue de bibliographie analytique, ou compte rendu des ouvrages scientifiques et de haute littérature, publiés en France et à l'étranger. Année, 1840. 3 tom. Paris, 1840, &c.

13122, O. Katalog des Münzkabinetes der Stadtbibliothek zu Leipzig welche am 15 August, 1853, öffentlich versteigert werden sollen. Leipzig, 1853. Gift of T. O. Weigel.

13034, O. 7. Report of the overseers of Harvard College appointed to visit the library. Boston, 1851.

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