Slike stranica

newest type of modern steel-armoured battle-ship and ocean-liner. The author, although an expert in naval construction, has written for the general reader, and has faithfully kept his aim in view, eschewing all dry and technical details of naval architecture. The cuts are, on the whole, very spirited and clear both in outline and detail. There is both an index and an analytical table of contents.

Pearson's General Tide Tables and Nautical Almanac. Hartlepool: G. Pearson. Pp. 206. Price 18.

This publication contains a large amount of useful matter, well arranged and printed, and, so far as we have been able to test the various tables, etc., quite accurate. There are monthly astronomical tables of considerable value, and the tide tables are sufficiently detailed to make their use easy. The lists of buoys and lighthouses, also, are full and accurate, and the quantity of miscellaneous matter likely to prove of utility to shipmasters is considerable. The maps are small but clear and tastefully coloured. The volume, although only in paper covers, is fitted into a serviceable leather case, and is, altogether, an exceedingly useful, reliable guide to all the varied needs and necessities of those concerned in shipping, of which it professes to treat.

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London: W. J. Adams and Sons, Bradshaw's Guide Office. MOLVENO SEE'S, Tiefenkarte des - —. Von Josef Damian. Massstab, 1 : 25,000. Nebenkarte: Die Umgegend des Molveno See's. Massstab, 1: 150,000.


Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 1890, Tafel 19.
Gotha: Justus Perthes.

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Mit Zugrundelegung

ROMSDALSFJORD, Strandlinien und Terrassen im
norwegischer Seekarten, hauptsächlich "Havbankerne fra Stat til Smolen und der
Kart over Romsdals Amt" nach eigenen Untersuchungen gezeichnet von Dr.
Christian Sandler. Massstab, 1 : 200,000.

Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 1890, Tafel 16.
Gotha: Justus Perthes.
Massstab, 1: 200,000.

RUEGEN, Die Insel

Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie und Statistik, Jahrgang XII., Heft 12.
Wien: A. Hartleben's Verlag.

WESTERN EUROPE, Excelsior Test Map of

By G. W. Bacon.

London: G. W. Bacon and Co.


ASIEN zum Vergleich in flächentreuer unecht konischer Projektion mit längentreuen Parallelkreisen (Merkator Bonne) und in flächentreuer Azimutprojektion (Lambert) auf den Horizont eines Punktes von 40° N.Br. Massstab, 1 : 40,000,000. Entworfen von Dr. Alois Bludau.

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1890, Tafel 4.

Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.

ASIA MINOR, District of Olba, Part of Celicia Tracheia

J. Theodore Bent. Scale, 1:348,480.

Explored by Mr.

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, August 1890. ASIA MINOR, Griechisches Sprachgebiet im Pontischen Küstengebirge zusammengestelt von H. Kiepert, nach einheimischen statistischen Nachrichten auf Grund handschriftlicher Routenaufnahmen (vorzüglich des Dir. Krause). Massstab, 1: 660,000.

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Frdkunde zu Berlin 1890, Tafel 5.
Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.

CYPERN, Dr. E. Oberhummer's Routen auf

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Massstab, 1: 800,000.

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1890, Tafel 3. INDIA, Atlas of - Quarter sheets: No. 16, NW., SW.; No. 22, NW.; No. 28, SE., SW. (with additions down to 1888); No. 47, SE. Full sheet: No. 54 (with additions down to 1889), 1 inch to 4 miles. 4 miles. 1253,440.

INDIA, Railway Map of or 32 miles to 1 inch.

BURMA, Map of

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to 1 inch. 2 sheets.

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Corrected up to January 1890. Scale 1:2,027,520, Published under the direction of Colonel Thuillier, R.E., Surveyor-General of India.

and adjacent Countries. Scale, 1: 2,027,520, or 32 miles Published under the direction of Col. H. R. Thuillier, R.E., Surveyor-General of India.

LAOS, Carte de la Mission d'Exploration et d'Etudes de J. Taupin au 1887-88. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie Commerciale de Paris. Tome X11., 1889-90, No. 4.

CENTRAL PERSIA, Lieut. Vaughan's Route through

Scale, 1: 3,041,280. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, October 1890. SOUTH-WESTERN PERSIA, Across Luristan to Ispahan. To illustrate the paper by Henry Blosse Lynch. Scale, 1:506,880.

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, September 1890. SOUTH-WESTERN PERSIA, The Karun River and Branches. Compiled from the Charts of Colonel Chesney, Lieut. Selby, and Captain Clements, by permission of the E. and T. S. N. Co. Scale, 1: 506,880.

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, September 1890. UMATRA, Karte der unabhängigen Battak Lande, auf Grundlage der holländisch-indischen Karte nach Skizzen und Peilungen der Herrn Meissner, von Mechel und Freiherrn von Brenner. Massstab, 1: 200,000.

Mitteilungen der K. K. Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Wien,
Jahrgang 1890, Tafel 18.

USSURI REGION, Map of the South Traced from the Map compiled in 1883 by the Cartographical Establishment of the Military Topographical Department of the Russian General Staff. Scale, 1:630,000. By J. B. Nadarov. Translated by Lieut.-Col. J. C. Dalton.

From the Proceedings of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society,

AFRICA, Political Map of - -.

[blocks in formation]

John Bartholomew and Co., The Edinburgh Geographical Institute,
Park Road, Edinburgh.

AFRICA, A Map of

showing the Boundaries settled by International

Treaties and Agreements. Scale, 1:20,000,000.

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, November 1890.

AFRICA, Die Interessensphären in Südwest- und Ost-Africa nach den Verhandlungen zwischen der deutschen und englischen Regierungen im Juni 1890. Massstab, 1:10,000,000. Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 1890,

ALGERIENS, Das Atlasgebirge

Massstab, 1: 5,000,000.

Tafel 14. Gotha: Justus Perthes.

Gezeichnet von Dr. A. Rothpletz.

Petermann's Geographische Mitteil., Jahrgang 1890,

Tafel 15. Gotha: Justus Perthes.

CAMEROONS, Vorläufige Uebersicht von Dr. Zintgraffs Reise von Kamerun nach dem Benuë. Massstab, 1: 3,500,000.

Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1890, Band xvii. No. 485. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.

CAMEROONS, Wege Skizze der von Pr. Lieut. Morgen ausgeführten Reise im Hinterlande von Kamerun. Vom 5 Nov. 1889-13 Januar 1890. Massstab, 1:770,000. Mitteil. von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Jahr. 1890, Tafel 6. Berlin; A. Ascher and Co.

CAMEROONS, Der Weg von der Jaunde Station bis Ngila (Hinterland von Kamerun). Aufgenommen von Lieut. Tappenbeck. Mai 1889. Massstab, 1:150,000. Mitteilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Jahr. 1890, Tafel 5. Berlin: A. Ascher and Co.

CONGO, Karte des Mittleren

Auf Grundlage der Original Skizzen der Oesterr. Kongo Expedition, aufgennomen von Dr. Oscar Baumann, mit Benutzung der vorhandenen Quellen, entworfen und gezeichnet von Paul Langhans. Massstab, 1: 400,000. 3 Blatt.

Mitt. der K. K. Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Wien—Jahrgang 1890, Tafel 19. DEUTSCH SUD-WEST AFRICA, Reise von Dr. C. G. Büttner in 1:4,000,000.


Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1890,
Band xvII, No. 7. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.

EAST AFRICA, Bergprofil Sammlung während Graf S. Telekis Afrika Expedition 1887-88. Aufgenommen von Linienschiffsleutnant L. Ritter von Höhnel. Als Manuscript gedrückt im K. K. Milit. Geogr. Institut in Wien. Mit Indexkarte, 1: 1,370,000.

This splendid collection of panoramas is a reproduction of drawings made during the expedition of Count Teleki through the country east of the Victoria Nyanza. The travellers had here to deal with a great variety of orographical material, and the system they have adopted to keep the vertical relief of this interesting country in memory will greatly increase the value of their topographical survey. It is worthy of special praise, and should be adopted by all future travellers. The sketch map which accompanies the book is very neatly drawn on the scale 1:1,370,000, and serves as an index-sheet. Each section has a number which corresponds with the number in the book. The absence of native names is apparent, but the travellers have only noted those names which are undoubtedly correct. The panoramas are of great value to the cartographer and especially to the traveller.

HAUT NIGER ET GOLFE DE GUINÉE, Carte du -, par les pays de Kong et le Mossi levée et dressée de 1887 à 1889. Par L. G. Binger, Capt. d'Infrie, de Marine. Par ordre de M. Étienne, Sous-Secrétaire d'État des Colonies. Echelle de 1: 1,000,000. 15.7 miles to 1 inch. Service Géographique des Colonies.

The preliminary map of Captain Binger's journey in the Western Súdan was published in the Bulletin of the Paris Geographical Society on the scale 1:2,500,000. The present enlarged edition was ordered by the Colonial Department, and the

great importance which that department attributed to Captain Binger's travels is justified by the large amount of geographical and topographical information given on the map. The political divisions are distinguished by different colours. A dark pink shows the area under the French protectorate, and a lighter pink indicates the states tributary to those countries already under French protection or situated within the French sphere of influence. Two insets on a larger scale are given. One contains the lagoons of Gr. Bassam and Assinie, while the other is a survey of the lower course of the Comoé or Akbas river by Captain Binger. The map is well executed, and is a good specimen of cartography. MATABELE-LAND, Environs of Gubuluwayo, showing Kraals and Reefs. Scale, 1:482,536. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, November 1890.

NJASSA UND TANGANIKA SEE, Karte des Deutsch-Englischen Grenzgebietes zwischen --. Nach officiellen englischen Quellen und mit Benutzung der Karte: Stevenson Road Country von Dr. Kerr Cross. Massstab, 1: 1,000,000. Mitteilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Jahrgang 1890, Tafel 12. Berlin: A. Ascher and Co.


THE ROYAL ATLAS AND GAZETTEER OF AUSTRALASIA. By J. G. BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S. Edinburgh and London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1890. Price 12s. Both in conception and execution this is an admirable and most serviceable Atlas and Gazetteer. The twenty-eight plates illustrate the leading features of the physical, commercial, and political geography of Australasia. The statistical and general information and the descriptive Gazetteer add greatly to their value as a medium of reference, and appear to have been carefully compiled.

PHYSICAL AND POLITICAL SCHOOL ATLAS. A Series of Eighty Maps, with General Index. By J. G. BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S. London: Macmillan and Co., 1891. Price 78. 6d.

For its size and scope, this Atlas should meet the requirements of schools. The selection of maps is a good one, due regard having been given to British interests. The maps are clearly printed, and are not overcrowded with names. It is satisfactory to notice that, in the General Index, latitudes and longitudes are given in every case. We can confidently recommend this Atlas for use in schools, its treatment of physical and political data in conjunction being greatly in its favour.

SCHWEIZ, Topographischer Atlas der, im Massstab der Original-Aufnahmen nach dem Bundesgesetze vom 18 Dezember 1868 durch das eidg. topogr. Bureau gemäss den Derektionen von Oberst Siegfried.

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(Read at Meeting of Society, Edinburgh, December 12, 1890.)


Bombay Staff Corps.

(With a Map.)

It is not necessary here to enlarge upon the difficulty of obtaining permission to visit Russian Central Asia. All the latest visitors to, and writers on, that country dwell upon it. Not a few Englishmen have been turned back. When I came from India to Europe in June, the last thing I expected to do was to go to Tashkent. However, at the end of July last, I saw in the columns of the Morning Post and the Indépendance Belge that an excursion to Tashkent was to be organised at Paris by the Wagons-Lits Company. Even then I looked upon my being allowed to go as very problematical. However, I consulted Colonel Mark Bell, V.C. (whom every one knows as the foremost of military travellers in Asia at the present time), and Colonel the Honourable Reginald Talbot, Military Attaché at Paris, who went as far as Samarkand in 1888. Acting on their advice, I communicated with the Wagons-Lits Company, and, after a month of writing and telegraphing, I at last, at Odessa on 6th September, received from St. Petersburg, by telegram, the required permission to enter Transcaspia. Political reasons, with which every one is well acquainted, have for the present effaced the memories of 1812 and 1854-56, and united France and Russia; so the French now rather monopolise the privilege of touring in Russian Central Asia. Almost all of them come back and write books. With them no praise is too high, no admiration too great, for Russia's mission as an Asiatic civiliser. As an antidote to this, it is advisable to read the book written in 1876 by Eugène Schuyler, the Secretary to the United States Legation in St. Petersburg. Mr. George Curzon, too, has some appropriate remarks in his recent work on Central Asia (pp. 7-8), on the characteristics



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